Rufibarba Calatea Home Care


Calathea rufibarba is a perennial evergreen plant from the family of Moraine, whose homeland is distant South America. This flower does not have a stalk as such; lanceolate leaves with ribbed edges grow on large petioles. On the outside they are smooth, delicate emerald color, the inner surface is burgundy or dark cherry. When the calathea begins to bloom, the inflorescences are small, white-yellow in color.

Home Care

Calathea rufibarba is a demanding and whimsical plant that requires the most careful attitude, so it is not recommended to breed it to inexperienced gardeners.

Home care does not take much time, but this capricious flower constantly needs to maintain the right temperature, humidity and lighting.

Temperature and lighting

The plant feels good at standard room temperature - + 19-24 degrees. In the hot season, it will suffer a higher temperature - up to +30 degrees. The main thing is to provide the flower with regular watering and humidity.

Optimal lighting for rutibarb calathea is penumbra. For her, it is detrimental both to direct sunlight and to staying in a shaded place.

Watering and humidity

The root system of the plant is superficial, so you need to carefully monitor that the topsoil is constantly moistened. Both deficiency and excess moisture are equally harmful to this flower. He prefers high humidity conditions: approximately 85-90%, therefore, requires regular spraying. The plant should be irrigated twice a day.

Soil and fertilizer

A flower needs loose earth, which allows water to pass through well and consists of humus, peat and sand. By chemical composition, it should be slightly acidic. You can buy in the store a special primer for Saintpaulia or plants of the Moraine family. Before landing, put a layer of drainage on the bottom of the tank.

Fertilizers should be applied regularly. Neither zeal, nor forget about it. Calathea rufibarba does not tolerate either excessive feeding or its absence. Fertilizers must be applied once every two weeks, breeding them in water for irrigation. The concentration of top dressing should not be high, you need to dilute half of the dose indicated in the instructions.

The flower pot should be selected taking into account the fact that its root system is poorly developed and goes shallow into the ground. That is, the capacity should be wide and not very deep.

Transplantation and reproduction

A transplant of young flowers is recommended once a year, in the spring. Adult plants are transplanted as necessary, when the roots become crowded in a pot.

The most preferred method of reproduction is the division of roots. Do this at the next transplant. Small pieces with a sufficient number of leaves are separated from the plant and transplanted into well-fertilized and moistened soil. Such young plants require even more careful care than adult flowers.

Mr. Summer resident warns: Diseases and pests

Calathea is affected by standard pests of indoor plants: spider mites, mealy worms, thrips and scale insects. Most often this happens if the plant is in the wrong conditions or lacks something. You can fight pests with any insecticides, it is only important to identify the problem in time.

The most common diseases of rufibarb calathea are:

  • dropping and decaying leaves with excessive watering;
  • the leaves begin to dry and turn yellow with excessively dry air;
  • burn of leaves, spotting in direct sunlight;
  • growth retardation, new leaves do not appear for a long time with a lack of nutrients in the soil.

The flower is capricious and whimsical, but the efforts are worth admiring its emerald leaves and delicate flowers.


Watch the video: Furry feather plant care. Calathea Rufibarba (October 2024).