Euphorbia alba - description and care at home


White-veined Euphorbia is an inhabitant of the subtropics. Madagascar is considered its natural habitat. However, anyone can grow their own jungle - the flower takes root well at home. In this case, it is worthwhile to study in advance how to properly care for it.

What does white-euphorbia euphorbia look like, to which family it belongs

The white-eared Euphorbia belongs to the Euphorbia family. There are other names for this plant - monkey palm and euphorbia.

In addition to this variety, the family has about 2,000 more varieties that differ in size and appearance. A common characteristic is the presence of milky juice, which can be seen at the site of the fracture of the leaves and trunk. This milky white liquid contains toxic substances that cause burns.

Euphorbia white-veined

The stem of young milkweed is soft and fleshy, but over time it begins to stiffen. It is worth emphasizing another feature: at the base, the thickness of the trunk is less than at the top. Moreover, it is covered with ribs. Leaves appear throughout the trunk, but gradually the lower ones fall off. This gives the flower a visual resemblance to palm trees.

Additional Information! Rounded and smooth leaves are attached to the trunk using a long stalk. On the bright green surface of the leaf plate, a pattern of white veins is visible. This was the reason for the appearance of the name.

Common varieties

Many varieties of the Euphorbia family are in high demand among gardeners. On this list: Foxtail (or Akalif's euphorbia), jellyfish head, Mila euphorbia, multiflorous, as well as tirukalli.

Healing properties

Despite the presence of poisonous substances, a white-skin man is often used as a folk remedy for puffiness, paralysis, and various pathologies of the stomach and intestines. Self-treatment with this plant is strongly not recommended. First you need to consult a doctor. He will give recommendations based on the ratio of harm and benefit.

About the history of appearance

According to legend, the euphorbia got its name (euphorbia) on behalf of Dr. Euphorb. This man served as a medicine man for the Numadi ruler Yubu II. He used euphorbia for the treatment of many diseases.

Features of home flower care

In general, such a variety of Euphorbia does not require special care, however, it is worthwhile to study the watering and feeding scheme in advance. In this case, the flower will always please with abundant greenery.


Euphorbia room - white-veined, cypress and other species

Euphorbia is a thermophilic plant. It grows best at temperatures between 18-25 ℃ above zero. However, short-term temperature drops to +15 ℃ will not bring much harm. In the absence of heat (at 12-14 ℃), the plant begins a dormant period.

Important! Drafts negatively affect the condition of the room palm.


This milkweed variety loves light, which is why experienced gardeners in the summer months are advised to take the flowerpot out onto the balcony or porch. In the afternoon, sunbathing should be discarded, as this can cause leaf burns.

A pot with a tree can be placed on the windowsill, but if the windows face the north side, then additional light from an artificial source will be required.

Milkweed Lighting


White-eared Euphorbia needs plentiful regular watering. It is especially important to monitor the humidity during the hot summer months. At the same time, a number of conditions are observed:

  • The earthen lump should not dry out completely, as this will adversely affect the state of the root system.
  • The frequency of irrigation is determined taking into account the temperature and humidity. The indicators will be individual. The main thing is that before the next watering, the top layer of the soil has time to dry out a little.
  • The water used is mild at room temperature.
  • After watering, all moisture from the pan should be removed. If this is not done, the roots will begin to rot.


The spray gun does not need to be sprayed, as this affects the humidity. Dust can be removed from leaf blades with a soft brush or dry sponge.


This plant tolerates dry indoor air well - the optimum humidity is 40-50%. Strongly exceed these indicators is not recommended.


The acidity of the soil should be close to neutral. For planting, you can purchase special soil that is suitable for succulents.

You can also prepare the soil on your own. This will require several components in equal parts: calcined sand, small pebbles for drainage, peat and sod land.

Top dressing

During the period of active growth (from the beginning or mid-March), the euphorbia needs regular feeding. Nutrient formulations designed for cacti and succulents are well suited for this purpose.

Note! Fertilize the earth once every 2-3 weeks. At the same time, fertilizers are applied more often in spring. In the summer, you can reduce it to once every 3-4 weeks.

Features of winter care during rest

Euphorbia flower Mile - how to care at home

In the autumn-winter time (from October to April), the flower has a resting period. During these months, special care for the home palm is not required - it is enough to reduce watering and refuse to feed.

When and how it blooms

With good care, the plant blooms regularly. Milkweed flowers of this variety have no great decorative value. Later, in the place of flowers, seed boxes are formed, which are used to propagate the home palm.

Types of flowers

Chlorophytum crested - description and care at home

The flowers of the plant are located on a thick trunk closer to the apex. Very close to them are petioles of leaves. The flowers are small, their number is always limited.

On a note! The smell exuded by a blooming white-hairskin is extremely weak, so it is difficult for a person to feel it.

Milkweed Bloom

Flower shapes

In shape, the flowers of this milkweed differ from the flowers of most ornamental plants. So, the stipule with rigid scales is attached to the trunk. In the center are small white flowers, reminiscent of threads from a distance.

Flowering period

The plant blooms most often in the summer, however, the appearance of flowers in the autumn is also possible.


Experienced flower growers call several cases when a white-veined euphorbia flower needs pruning:

  1. If the milkweed bush is too tall and you need to slow down the growth.
  2. If the shoot (or several shoots) are deformed and their shape needs to be adjusted.
  3. If the flower consists of one trunk and you need to activate branching.

For pruning, spring or summer is best. It is important to use a sharp knife, pre-treated with alcohol. Milky juice that appears in a fresh cut is removed with water. To prevent decay, this place is treated with coal.

How white-veined euphorbia propagates

There are two ways to plant a new plant:

  • cuttings - in this case, you need to trim the germ from an adult flower;
  • planting seeds.

Seed germination

Seeds can be purchased at specialized flower shops. Another way to collect seeds from milkweed in place of flowers. Before planting, they need to be placed in a humid environment for a while.

The next stage is planting in moist previously prepared soil. To do this, make a small depression in the ground a few centimeters and place a seed in it.

Important information! Strongly deepen the planting material should not be, as in this case, the biting time will increase.

Immediately after planting, the ground is covered with a film until green shoots appear. Periodically, the film is lifted, sprayed and aerated. After 10-12 days, the seedlings will begin to emerge.

Rooting cuttings

If a decision is made to propagate the euphorbia by cuttings, then this work should be performed in early summer:

  1. Choose a suitable shoot. This should be a strong shoot of at least 12-15 cm long.
  2. All juice that appears on the cut is washed off with water.
  3. Slices are treated with charcoal. The separated shoot is left for 1-2 days.
  4. The prepared shank is placed in the soil and lightly tamped with soil. It is better to install a plastic cap on top and put the pot in a well-lit warm place.


If necessary, the plant can be transplanted every year. In this case, it is necessary to check in what condition the roots are. If they have grown greatly, then the new pot should be slightly larger than the previous one.

Possible problems in growing and disease

White-veined euphorbia, when leaving at home, grows and multiplies well. However, there are some diseases and pests that worsen the condition of the plant and can lead to its death.

Discards buds and leaves

Some gardeners wonder why the leaves began to fall. This fact may indicate insufficient lighting. There are two ways to fix this. The flowerpot is moved closer to the window. If this is not possible, use a lamp.

Leaves turn pale

A soft shade of the leaves and the appearance of pale spots on the leaf plate may indicate a violation of the watering regime or inappropriate lighting.

The tips dry on the leaves

When dry tips appear, pay attention to the temperature regime. Perhaps the flower undergoes hypothermia or stands in drafts.

Lower leaves fall off

Often, the lower leaves of the milkweed begin to turn yellow and fall off if the roots rot. To check this, the flower is taken out of the pot and the roots examined. If necessary, the root system is washed and the damaged parts are removed.

Milkweed aphids



Among the most common milkweed pests are:

  • whitefly;
  • spider mite;
  • mealybug;
  • aphids.

You can get rid of them with the help of insecticides.

Choosing a place to install a pot of milkweed take into account the recommendations of experienced gardeners. This flower is not recommended to be kept in the bedroom. There is an opinion that it forms negative energy. It is best to arrange a home palm in the hall, the kitchen. In this case, it will bring prosperity and stability to the home.


Watch the video: How to get more flowers and care for euphorbia miliiCrown of Thorns in 5 easy steps! With Update (October 2024).