Primrose from seeds at home


Primrose or Primrose is a beautifully flowering small herbaceous perennial. Growing it from seeds allows you to get a new variety at home without spending a lot of money. If all the rules are followed, a healthy plant with a long flowering period grows that is not overfed and not infected with diseases and pests, as is often the case with purchased ones.

The name comes from the Latin word "primus", means "first", which is reflected in the Russian language. The plant blooms in early spring.

Characteristics of Primrose

The primrose is a low plant up to 20 cm, of various colors. The root system is fibrous, located at the surface of the earth. The leaves are collected in a socket near the soil. Lanceolate or round, of various colors, with a rough or smooth surface.

Flowers appear in April. Flowering time is about 1.5 months. With a lack of moisture, it can end earlier, leaving only green leaves covering the ground all season on the surface.

It grows on all continents except arid places. It is found in the mountains, has alpine varieties. Popular types: fine-toothed, stemless, Japanese, orchid and others.

Primrose from seeds at home: step by step instructions

The best time for seed germination is mid-winter, then primrose will bloom in late summer.

Soil preparation and planting tanks

For growing primrose, soil and containers for planting are prepared.

  • Boxes are treated with a solution of manganese.
  • Purchased soil is acquired by a road that is properly processed; there are no seeds of weeds and pests. Or make up the soil mixture yourself. Take sod, sand and sheet earth in a ratio of 1: 1: 2.
  • The containers are washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, filled with prepared soil.
  • The earth is slightly moistened. The seeds of primrose are small, so they are not embedded in the soil, but sprinkled evenly on it.
  • The boxes are covered with a film, periodically checking and airing. Shoots appear after 2 weeks at a temperature of +15 ° C.

Methods for preparing seeds

If gardeners themselves collect seeds, then they are sown immediately after collection, as they quickly lose their germination.
When buying in the winter before planting, carefully study the instructions on the packaging and follow the deadlines.

Carrying out the sowing, seed preparation is mandatory. For quick seedlings of primrose seeds, there are several ways:

  • stratification;
  • hydration;
  • hardening.


First, stratification is used for rapid germination. This is a process close to the natural course of events in nature. Seeds in the open ground, ripening, fall to the ground, where they cover themselves with snow for the winter, then they are warmed by the spring sun, awakening to life.

Stratify the seeds necessary. To do this, they are put for 10 days in the freezer of the refrigerator or put boxes on the balcony. Then planted.


Planting material for a day is placed in a box for vegetables at temperatures above 0 ° C. To quickly hatch the seeds, they are soaked in a solution of a biostimulant, then put on a dampened cloth, cover and wait for the roots to appear. When this happens, they are planted in the ground, covered and taken out for 5 days in a little cold or put in the refrigerator.

Other methods

The easiest and fastest way is daily hardening. During the day, the seeds in the pots are left warm, and at night they are put on a closed loggia or in a greenhouse.

Sowing dates

For seeds collected from the suburban area - immediately after their maturation, closer to the end of summer. For purchasers, at the end of January or the beginning of February.

Germination conditions

In order for the seeds to sprout, it is necessary to create certain conditions:

LocationA very bright place, but without direct sunlight.
Some varieties germinate in complete darkness.
Temperature mode+ 16 ... +18 ° C.
HumidityModerate, prevent waterlogging and dry seeds.

Planting and Seedling Care

The conditions for growing seedlings are slightly different.

LightingA bright place, slightly shaded with diffused light.
Temperature mode+ 20 ... +25 ° C.
HumidityModerate, covered containers are aired, sprayed on dry ground.
WateringThey are carried out periodically, since the primrose is early flowers and when they germinate the earth is filled with moisture.
Top dressingThe first is carried out after 10 days, then fed simultaneously with watering with liquid fertilizers.

Picking seedlings

Carried out when 3 pairs of real leaves appeared on plants. Excess plants inspect.

If they are not sluggish and without damage, they are seated in separate pots for subsequent germination.

Planting seedlings in open ground

After a while, the pick is repeated. Then they look after the same way as with other plants. Seedlings inspected for damage and pests. If any, apply preventative measures. Every 10 days they are fed with mineral fertilizers. When the seedlings grow stronger, they are transplanted into flower beds.

When 6 leaves appear, primrose is transplanted into the ground, leaving 30 cm between plants. Rosettes of leaves are not deepened, the roots are covered with earth, but not very deep, since primrose has a small root system.

Landings are marked by writing down the name of the plant variety on stuck pointers. Watered under the root, compact the soil.

Further care of seedlings

In addition to beauty in the spring, primroses also play a protective role for the soil. Over time, the flowers grow and become like a green carpet, which covers the ground from drying out. Weeds hardly grow under it.

Watering must be done once every 2 weeks or as the land dries. Under dry weather, pour up to 1 liter of water.

Weekly produce root and foliar dressings, alternating mineral fertilizers and a complex of protection against pests. Top dressing after flowering.

Plants of the first year of planting are watered and fertilized thoroughly, but remember that in the first year of planting, flowering can not wait. Therefore, top dressing is stopped in mid-September. If the plantings are old, then the seedlings are transplanted every 4 years.

After flowering, which ends at the end of June, simple care continues for primrose. Withered flowers are removed, the soil around the plant is loosened so that it does not condense, they put mulch, preferably wood sawdust.

The flowers themselves, growing, become a natural mulching for other plants. In the fall, the leaves are not cut. Since the root system is close to the surface, green rosettes cover the roots.


Watch the video: Planting Seeds Primula & Streptocarpus Cape Primrose (October 2024).