Varieties of fescue for a lawn, description and photo


Fescue is a perennial cereal, often used in the design of lawns. The plant is not demanding care, not susceptible to diseases and harmful insects. There are several varieties that will become an ornament for any landscape design. Source:

Description and benefits of fescue

In the wild, lives in almost all corners of the planet: in regions with a cold, temperate, subtropical climate, mountain regions of the tropics. Can be found in meadows and forests.

The stem is erect, without mowing, can reach a height of 0.1-2 m (depending on the variety). The plant forms underground creeping roots or dense sods. Source:

The leaves are linear, often rough and fleecy, less often - bare and smooth. Plates up to 1.5 cm wide. They are folded or folded for better moisture retention.

Inflorescences are spreading or panicled. Loose spikelets on elongated legs 5-15 mm in height with 2-15 flowers, rough and sinuous spine. Ears of scales are uneven, a little keeled. Lower with 1st vein, upper with 3rd. Color scales predominantly lanceolate, pointed, with five veins. Ovary ovate with a pair of stigmas, three stamens.

Flowering occurs in late spring and early summer.

Fescue has the following advantages:

  • creates a smooth attractive carpet for the lawn;
  • quite shade-tolerant;
  • tolerates cold winters;
  • It is inexpensive;
  • quietly tolerates low mowing;
  • quickly recovers after mechanical damage;
  • many varieties are resistant to trampling;
  • They are characterized by a slow growth rate, so they do not need constant mowing;
  • tolerates emissions of toxic substances, gases, smoke;
  • does not wither in dry weather;
  • resistant to diseases and pests.

Thanks to this impressive list of positive characteristics, grass is often used in urban and private areas.

Types of fescue, their description, application

There are many varieties of this plant. Consider the most popular lawns for decoration.

Red fescue

It reaches a height of 0.2-0.7 m. The shoots are erect, rough or smooth, sometimes rising at the base. Form a dense turf. Leaves are long and narrow (no more than 3 mm).

Forms a strong root system underground, filling the voids. Used to decorate the lawn individually or in combination with other herbs. Red, Sizaya

Gray fescue

Includes about 300 varieties. This bush is small in size with thin bluish-green leaves. Reproduction occurs by dividing the rhizome. The variety found scope in landscape design. Prefers to grow in warm, arid areas.

Meadow fescue

Tall variety with powerful rhizome. Most of the processes are located in surface soil. Some may go deeper to 1.5 m.

The stems are mostly erect, elongated, numerous, without a large amount of greenery. There are small shoots, which, on the contrary, are covered with plentiful foliage. The shade of the plates varies from light to dark emerald. They reach 13 cm in length and 7 mm in width.

The species tolerates subzero temperatures well, but under the ice cover it can die. Shade-tolerant, during dry weather and in the absence of watering, begins to scrub. It does not respond very well to trampling, so it is planted in areas with low traffic. Prefers sandy soil. Meadow, Blue

Blue Fescue

This variety will become an ornament of a decorative lawn. A plant with a bluish tint of foliage looks beautiful next to ponds, in city parks and squares. Blue fescue can be planted on any site, the main thing is that it fits harmoniously into the landscape. When designing a lawn, large plants are first planted, then small ones, based on the prevailing picture.

Panicle fescue

This is a low-growing variety, reaching a height of 15 cm together with ears of corn. The foliage is light green, up to 7 cm long. Flowering occurs at the end of June. As it develops, it forms pillow-shaped thickets. Prefers sunny areas, but calmly tolerates the shadow. Reproduction occurs by dividing large bushes in spring and autumn.

In severe frosts, part of the leaves die off. Plates need to be cut in early autumn, they will quickly grow by the season, decorativeness will be restored.

Panicled, Sheep

Sheep Fescue

It forms a friable bush: the stems are thin, on top in the shape of a triangle. The leaf plates are bristly, elongated, not wide, sinuous. Inflorescences are collected in loose, bending, oblong panicles. The ears are soft emerald.

Use for registration of borders, paths, coast of reservoirs. It is grass for lawns on poor and dry land, grows well under pine trees. Root processes go deep into the soil. The variety is resistant to trampling and beveling up to 3.5 cm.

Summing up, we can conclude that fescue is an excellent option for planting a lawn. If you choose the right variety, it can be planted in any areas, even in shady and with badlands. You can buy seeds and seedlings in a specialized store at a low price.


Watch the video: Is Tall Fescue The Best Cool Season Grass Type? (October 2024).