Sanka: a popular variety of early tomatoes


Tomato Sanka appeared in the public domain 15 years ago and immediately fell in love with many gardeners. The variety remains in demand until now, successfully withstanding the ongoing competition from new breeding. Contribute to its many advantages. Especially often gardeners mention unpretentiousness and consistently high productivity, even in conditions far from ideal climatic and weather conditions. It is also significant that the fruits of Sanka ripen one of the first.

Description of the variety of tomato Sanka

The tomato variety Sanka is listed in the State Register of the Russian Federation since 2003. This is the achievement of Russian breeders. Officially, it is recommended for cultivation in the Central Black Earth region, but practice indicates that he has the ability to successfully adapt to a wide range of not always favorable climatic conditions and almost any weather whims. Therefore, Sanka can be grown almost throughout Russia, with the exception of the Far North. In the middle lane it is often cultivated in open ground, in the Urals, in Siberia, in the Far East - in greenhouses and film greenhouses.

Tomato Sanka, having just appeared, quickly gained popularity among Russian gardeners

Tomato bushes, without much damage to themselves, tolerate cool weather in spring and summer, an abundance of rainfall, put up with a lack of sunlight. But this does not mean that there is protection against spring return frosts. If you plant seeds or seedlings in open ground too early, the planting material simply dies when exposed to freezing temperatures. These tomatoes also do not have high requirements for the quality of the substrate.

Sanka is a variety, not a hybrid. Seeds from self-grown tomatoes can be used for planting for the next season. Nevertheless, gradual degeneration is inevitable, varietal traits are “eroded”, tomatoes “run wild”. Therefore, it is advisable to renew the seeds at least once every 5-7 years.

Sanka tomatoes can also be grown from seeds collected independently in the last season

By maturity, the variety belongs to the early category. Sanka is even called ultra-precocious, because he brings one of the first crops. On average, about 80 days elapse from the appearance of seedlings from seeds to the ripening of the first tomatoes. But a lot depends on the climate in the growing region. In the south, for example, Sanka can be removed from the bush after 72-75 days, and in Siberia and the Urals, the ripening period is often delayed for another 2-2.5 weeks.

Sanka is a determinant variety of tomatoes. This means that the height of the plant cannot exceed the “preset” value by breeders. Unlike non-determinant varieties, the stem does not end with a growth point, but with a flower brush.

The height of the bush is 50-60 cm. In a greenhouse, it extends up to 80-100 cm. There is no need to tie it up. He does not need to be stepson. This is a big plus for novice gardeners who often cut off the wrong shoots at all.

Compact low bushes Sanka do not need garter and formation

The plant can not be called densely leafy. Leaf plates are small. The first inflorescences are formed in the sinus of the 7th leaf, then the interval between them is 1-2 leaves. However, the compactness of the bush does not affect productivity. During the season, each of them can produce up to 3-4 kg of fruits (or approximately 15 kg / m²). Even in open ground, crops are harvested before the first frost. Small dimensions can significantly seal the landing. 4-5 bushes of tomato Sanka are planted on 1 m².

The small height of the bush does not affect the overall yield, on the contrary, this is even an advantage, because planting can be densified

Harvest ripens together. You can pick unripe tomatoes. In the process of ripening, taste does not suffer, the flesh does not become watery. Even ripe Sanka tomatoes for a long time do not crumble from the bush, while maintaining the density of the pulp and a characteristic aroma. Their shelf life is quite long - about two months.

Tomatoes of the Sanka variety ripen together and very early

The fruits are very presentable - the correct form, round, with slightly pronounced ribs. The average weight of one tomato is 70-90 g. When grown in a greenhouse, many specimens gain a mass of 120-150 g. The fruits are collected in brushes of 5-6 pieces. The skin is smooth, even saturated red. There is not even a greenish speck, characteristic of the vast majority of tomato varieties, at the place of attachment of the peduncle. It is quite thin, but durable, which leads to good transportability. At the same time, the tomatoes are juicy, fleshy. The percentage of fruits of a non-marketable species is relatively small - it varies between 3-23%. It largely depends on the weather and the quality of care for the crop.

Tomatoes Sanka look extremely attractive, their taste is also very good

The taste is very good, with a slight acidity. Sanka is high in vitamin C and sugars. However, this is a characteristic feature of all small tomatoes. Scientifically proven - the larger the tomato, the lower the concentration of these substances in it.

Tomatoes Sanka are characterized by a high content of ascorbic acid - hence the small acidity in taste

Sanka is a universal variety. In addition to fresh consumption, juice is squeezed out of it, tomato paste, ketchup, adjika are prepared. Due to their small size, the fruits are well suited for pickling and pickling. The dense skin prevents the tomatoes from cracking and turning into porridge.

Thanks to its small size, Sanka tomatoes are very suitable for home canning

This variety is also appreciated for its good immunity. Sanka does not have “built-in” absolute protection against any diseases, but is relatively rarely affected by fungi typical for the culture - late blight, septoria, and all types of rot. This is largely due to the early ripening of tomatoes. The bushes have time to give most of the harvest before the weather conducive to their development is established.

In addition to the "classic" red tomatoes, there is a "clone" of a variety called "Sanka Golden". It practically does not differ from the parent, except for the skin painted in golden-orange color.

Tomato Sanka golden differs from the "parent" only in skin color

Video: what Sanka tomatoes look like

Growing tomato seedlings

For most of Russia, the climate is not too mild. Low temperatures inhibit the process of seed germination, can seriously damage or even destroy seedlings. Therefore, most often any tomatoes are grown seedlings. Sanka variety is no exception.

Seeds for seedlings are planted 50-60 days before the planned transplantation in open ground. Of these, 7-10 days are spent on the emergence of seedlings. Accordingly, in the southern regions of Russia, the optimal time for the procedure is from the last decade of February to mid-March. In the middle lane it is the second half of March, in areas with a more severe climate - April (from the beginning of the month to the 20th day).

The main requirement of Sanka to the conditions for growing seedlings is sufficient illumination. The minimum duration of daylight hours is 12 hours. Natural sun in most of Russia is clearly not enough, so you have to resort to additional exposure. Conventional lamps (fluorescent, LED) are also suitable, but it is better to use special phytolamps. The optimum air humidity is 60-70%, the temperature is 22-25ºС during the day and 14-16ºС at night.

Phytolamps allow seedlings to provide the necessary daylight hours

Soil for growing tomatoes or any Solanaceae can be purchased without any problems in any specialized store. But experienced gardeners prefer to cook it themselves, mixing leaf humus with approximately equal volume of compost and half as much - coarse sand. In any case, the soil needs to be disinfected. To do this, it is poured with boiling water, frozen, fry in the oven. A similar effect is obtained by treatment with a thick raspberry solution of potassium permanganate or any fungicide of biological origin, prepared according to the instructions. A useful additive to any soil is crushed chalk or activated carbon powder. Enough tablespoon on 3 l of substrate.

Tomato seeds for seedlings can be planted both in shop soil and in a self-prepared mixture

Needs pre-planting and the seeds of Sanka. First, they are checked for germination, soaking for 10-15 minutes in a solution of sodium chloride (10-15 g / l). Those that pop up immediately throw away. Unusual lightness means the absence of a fetus.

Soaking seeds in saline allows you to immediately reject those that are guaranteed not to germinate

Then use the preparations of Strobi, Tiovit-Jet, Alirin-B, Fitosporin-M. They positively affect the immunity of the plant, minimize the risk of infection by pathogenic fungi. Processing time - 15-20 minutes. Then the seeds are washed in cool running water and allowed to dry.

The final stage is the treatment with biostimulants. It can be both folk remedies (aloe juice, baking soda, honey water, succinic acid), and purchased drugs (potassium humate, Epin, Kornevin, Emistim-M). In the first case, Sanka seeds are kept in the prepared solution for 6-8 hours, in the second 30-40 minutes are enough.

Aloe juice - a natural biostimulant that positively affects the germination of seeds

The very procedure for planting tomato seeds for seedlings looks like this:

  1. Flat wide boxes or plastic containers are filled with prepared substrate. The soil is moderately watered and leveled. Shallow furrows are marked with an interval between them of about 3-5 cm.

    The substrate before planting tomato seeds needs to be slightly moistened

  2. Tomato seeds are planted one at a time, maintaining a distance between them of at least 1 cm. The denser the planting, the earlier you will have to dive shoots. And young seedlings tolerate this procedure much worse than already grown plants. The seeds are deepened by a maximum of 0.6-0.8 cm, sprinkled with a thin layer of fine sand. From above, the container is covered with glass or a transparent film. Before emergence, tomatoes do not need light. But heat is needed (30-32ºС). Watering plantings from the spray, daily or every two days. In the presence of technical capabilities provide bottom heating.

    Tomato seeds are not planted too thick, this avoids too early picking

  3. 15-20 days after emergence, the first top dressing is applied. The procedure will need to be repeated after another week and a half. The use of organic matter is now undesirable, store fertilizers for seedlings are best suited. The concentration of the drug in solution is reduced by half compared with the recommended manufacturer.

    The nutrient solution for seedlings is prepared in strict accordance with the instructions given in the instructions

  4. The pick is carried out in the phase of the third true leaf, approximately two weeks after emergence. Tomatoes are planted in individual peat pots or plastic cups with a diameter of 8-10 cm. In the latter case, it is necessary to make several drainage holes, and pour a bit of expanded clay, pebble, crushed stone at the bottom. Soil is used the same as for seeds. Seedlings are extracted from the total capacity together with the earth, which has stuck to the roots, trying not to damage this lump if possible. Transplanted specimens are moderately watered, for 4-5 days the pots are cleaned away from the windows, protecting the seedlings from direct sunlight.

    In the process of diving, it is important to try not to destroy the lump of land on the roots of seedlings

  5. In order for Sanka seedlings to adapt more quickly and successfully to a new place, about 7-10 days before transplanting into open ground or into a greenhouse, they begin to harden it. In the first 2-3 days, a few hours in the open air are enough. Gradually, this time is extended to half a day. And on the last day, they generally leave the bushes to "spend the night" on the street.

    Hardening helps tomato seedlings to quickly adapt to new living conditions

Video: planting tomato seeds for seedlings and further care for them

An inexperienced gardener may lose a tomato crop already at the seedling growing stage. The reason for this is their own mistakes. The most typical of them:

  • Abundant watering. In the soil, turned into a swamp, the "black leg" almost inevitably develops.
  • Too early planting time for seedlings. Overgrown specimens are much worse and take longer to take root in a new place.
  • Incorrect picking. Despite the widespread opinion, pinching the root root of tomatoes is not necessary. This greatly inhibits the development of the plant.
  • Use of inappropriate and / or non-sanitized substrate. The soil should be nutritious, but at the same time loose and light.
  • Short hardening (or its complete absence). Practice shows that the bushes that underwent the procedure take root more quickly and start growing in the garden or in the greenhouse.

Video: typical mistakes when growing tomato seedlings

Tomatoes are transferred to a permanent place during May. When landing in open ground, the night temperature should stabilize at 10-12ºС. The optimal planting scheme for Sanka is 40-50 cm between adjacent bushes and 55-60 cm between rows of landings. You can save some space by staggering the plants. The height of the bush ready for planting is at least 15 cm, 6-7 true leaves are required.

Overgrown tomato seedlings do not take root well in a new place, so you should not hesitate to plant

The depth of the holes for Sanka is 8-10 cm. A handful of humus is thrown to the bottom, a couple of pinches of sifted wood ash. A very useful supplement is onion peel. It scares away so many pests. The ideal time for landing is evening or morning on a cool cloudy day.

About half an hour before the procedure, the seedlings are well watered. So it is much easier to extract from the pot. Seedlings are buried in the soil to the bottom pair of leaves, watered, spending about a liter of water for each plant. Wood shavings, fine sand or peat chips are sprinkled to the base of the stem.

The depth of the hole for seedlings depends on the quality of the soil - the lighter the substrate, the greater

Within a week and a half after planting in open ground over seedlings of tomato Sanka, it is desirable to build a canopy from any covering material of white color. The first time they are watered only 5-7 days after planting, approximately two weeks later they are spud. This stimulates the formation of a larger number of subordinate roots.

Planting seeds in the ground and preparing for it

Sanka tomato is deservedly considered unpretentious in care. But getting a plentiful crop is possible only when cultivated in optimal or close conditions.

The worst thing for any tomato is a light deficit. Therefore, for landing Sanka choose an open area, well warmed by the sun. It is advisable to orient the beds from north to south - the tomatoes will be lit evenly. Drafts do not cause much harm to the landings, but it is still desirable to have a barrier at some distance that protects the bed from the cold northern winds without obscuring it.

Sanka, like other tomatoes, is planted in open, well-warmed areas

Sanka successfully survives and bears fruit in almost any soil. But, like any tomato, he prefers a rather loose, but nutritious substrate. This should be taken into account when preparing the bed, adding coarse sand to the "heavy" soil, and powder clay (8-10 liters per linear meter) to the "light" soil.

For any garden crop, crop rotation is very important. At the same place, tomatoes are planted for a maximum of three years.Bad predecessors and neighbors for them are any plants from the Solanaceae family (potatoes, eggplant, pepper, tobacco). The substrate is greatly depleted, the risk of infection by pathogenic fungi increases. Suitable for Sanka in this capacity are Pumpkin, Legumes, Cruciferous, onion, garlic, spicy herbs. Experience shows that tomatoes are very good neighbors with strawberries. In both crops, the size of the fruits noticeably increases, respectively, and the yield also increases.

Tomatoes belong to the Solanaceae family, all its representatives suffer from the same diseases and pests, therefore, if possible, these crops are placed away from each other on the garden plot

The garden for Sanka begins to be prepared in the fall. The selected area is carefully dug up, while cleaning it from plant and other debris. For the winter it is advisable to tighten it with a black plastic film - so the substrate will thaw and warm up faster. In the spring, about two weeks before the planned planting of seedlings, the soil will need to be well loosened and leveled.

In the process of digging from the future beds, stones and vegetable debris are removed

Fertilizers are also introduced in two doses. In the fall - humus (4-5 kg ​​/ m²), simple superphosphate (40-50 g / m²) and potassium sulfate (20-25 g / m²). If the acidity of the soil is increased - also dolomite flour, slaked lime, powdered eggshell of chicken eggs (200-300 g / m²). In the spring - sifted wood ash (500 g / m²) and any nitrogen-containing fertilizer (15-20 g / m²).

Humus - a natural remedy to increase soil fertility

With the latter, it is very important not to overdo it. An excess of nitrogen in the soil provokes tomato bushes to an overly active build-up of green mass. They begin to "fatten", buds and fruit ovaries on such specimens are very few, they simply do not have enough nutrients. Another negative consequence of "overfeeding" - weakening of the immune system.

Dolomite flour is a deoxidizer, with the recommended dosage, without any side effects

It is strictly forbidden to bring fresh manure under the tomatoes. Firstly, it can simply burn the fragile roots of plants, and secondly, it is an almost perfect environment for hibernating eggs and larvae of pests and pathogens.

If it is planned to plant Sanka in the greenhouse, it is advisable to completely replace the top 10 cm of substrate in the fall. Then fresh soil for disinfection is shed with a saturated violet solution of potassium permanganate. Glass inside wiped with a solution of slaked lime. It is also useful to burn a small piece of gray checker in the greenhouse (with the doors tightly closed).

In early spring, the soil is poured with boiling water and thrown with straw - it holds heat well. If last season the tomatoes in the greenhouse suffered from some kind of disease, approximately two weeks before planting, the substrate is treated with Fitosporin-M solution.

Watering the soil in the greenhouse with Fitosporin-M solution is an effective prevention of most fungal diseases

Planting tomato seeds in open ground is practiced mainly in the warm southern regions. The most suitable time for this is mid-April. The weather in most of Russia is unpredictable. Return spring frosts are quite likely. But enough and willing to take a chance. After all, it is believed that specimens obtained from seeds in the soil are less likely to suffer from diseases, they better tolerate the vagaries of the weather.

The following trick helps to somewhat reduce the risk of crop loss at this stage. Experienced gardeners plant mixed dry and germinated seeds. First shoots will have to wait longer, but they can avoid possible cold weather.

Planting at the same time sprouted and non-sprouted tomato seeds allows you to protect at least a part of the seedlings from very likely spring frosts in most of the territory of Russia

Wells are formed in advance, adhering to the scheme described above. 2-3 seeds are sown in each. Thinning seedlings is carried out in phase 2-3 of this leaf. Leave only one, the most powerful and developed germ. The "excess" is sheared with scissors as close to the soil as possible.

In each hole, only one germ is left, the most developed and healthy looking

Before seedlings appear, the bed is tightened with plastic wrap. After - set arcs above it and close it with white lutrasil, agril, spanbond. Shelter is not removed until the seedlings have reached the dimensions of seedlings, ready for planting in the ground.

Shelter effectively protects immature young plants from the cold, it is also useful if spring and early summer are rainy

Video: procedure for planting tomato seeds in the garden

Caring for plants in the open ground and in the greenhouse

Even a novice gardener who does not have much experience will cope with the cultivation of tomatoes Sanka. One of the undoubted advantages of the variety is the absence of the need for removing stepsons and other formation of bushes. They are stunted, so they do not need to be tied either. Accordingly, all care for Sanka is reduced to regular watering, fertilizing and weeding the beds. The latter must be given attention - for some reason, this variety does not tolerate the proximity to weeds.

Any tomatoes are moisture-loving plants. But this only applies to the soil. High humidity for them is often fatal. Therefore, when growing Sanka in a greenhouse, the room should be regularly ventilated. After each watering, without fail.

The greenhouse in which tomatoes are grown is aired after each watering

It is important to adhere to the golden mean. With a moisture deficit, the leaves become dehydrated and begin to curl. The bushes overheat, hibernate, practically stopping in development. If the substrate is moistened too actively, rot develops on the roots.

The optimal indicators for greenhouses are air humidity at the level of 45-50%, and soil - about 90%. To ensure this, Sanka is watered every 4-8 days, spending 4-5 liters of water for each bush. The procedure is carried out so that the drops do not fall on the leaves and flowers. Ideal for culture - drip irrigation. If it is not possible to organize it, water is poured into the grooves in the aisles. It is undesirable to water tomatoes under the root - the roots are quickly exposed, dry out. Sprinkling is categorically not suitable - after it the buds and fruit ovaries massively crumble.

Drop watering allows you to evenly wet the soil and not harm the plants

The best time for the procedure is early morning or late evening, when the sun has already set. Water is used exclusively heated to a temperature of 23-25ºС. Often, gardeners place a container with it directly in the greenhouse. When growing tomatoes, the barrel must be covered with a lid so as not to increase air humidity.

Tomato seedlings planted in open ground are not watered until the bushes take root in a new place and start growing. After this, and until the buds are formed, the procedure is carried out twice a week, spending 2-3 l of water for each bush. During flowering, the intervals between watering are doubled, the norm is up to 5 liters. The bushes on which the fruits formed are watered every 3-4 days, the norm is the same. About two weeks before harvest, when the first tomatoes begin to turn red, the bushes provide only the necessary minimum moisture. This is necessary so that the flesh retains juiciness and acquires the taste and aroma characteristic of the variety. Of course, the intervals between irrigation are adjusted depending on how rainy the summer is. Sometimes Sanka in general can do only with natural rainfall.

Watering tomatoes from a watering can is not recommended - this negatively affects the yield, and possibly the development of rot

The worst thing a gardener can do is to alternate periods of prolonged “drought” with rare, very plentiful watering. In this case, the peel of the fruit begins to crack. Perhaps the development of vertex rot. And if, on the contrary, everything is done correctly, Sanka without much damage to himself will endure the heat of 30 ° C and above, too dry air will not harm him.

Improper watering is the most common cause of cracks in the skin of tomatoes

Video: tips for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

Of fertilizers, the tomato variety Sanka prefers natural organics. For a gardener, this is also a smart choice. The variety is early ripening, it is better not to risk it - nitrates and other substances harmful to health can accumulate in the fruits. Three days of feeding are enough for Sanya.

The first is carried out 10-12 days after transplanting seedlings into the ground. Tomatoes are watered with infusion of fresh cow manure, bird droppings, dandelion leaves, and nettle greens. Prepare top dressing for 3-4 days in a container under a tightly closed lid. The container is filled with raw materials by about a third, then added to water. The readiness of the fertilizer is evidenced by the characteristic "flavor". Before use, it is necessary to strain it and add water in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:15, if the litter served as raw material.

Nettle infusion - a source of nitrogen that tomatoes need in the early stages of development

Experienced gardeners advise spraying buds and fruit ovaries with a solution of boric acid (1-2 g / l). This will prevent them from crumbling under the influence of negative weather conditions. And 7-10 days before the fruit ripens, the bushes are treated with comfrey. This speeds up the process of ripening tomatoes, a positive effect on their keeping quality.

The second top dressing is carried out 2-3 days after flowering. You can use purchased fertilizers based on vermicompost, designed specifically for tomatoes or in general for any Solanaceae, or infusion of yeast. If they are dry, the bag is mixed with 50 g of granulated sugar, diluted with warm water to a pulp state and dissolved in a bucket of clean water. A pack of fresh yeast is simply cut into small pieces, add 10 liters of water and stir until lumps remain.

“Growing by leaps and bounds” is by no means a figurative expression, gardeners have understood this for a long time

The last time Sanka is fed in another 14-18 days. To do this, prepare an infusion of wood ash (10 glasses per 5 liters of boiling water), add a drop of iodine to each liter. The product is allowed to stand for another day, thoroughly mixed, diluted with water 1:10 before use.

Wood ash contains phosphorus and potassium, which are necessary for tomatoes to ripen fruit.

Video: outdoor tomato care

Fungal diseases, these tomatoes are affected relatively rarely. Usually, preventive measures are sufficient to prevent infection. The greatest danger to the future harvest is alternariosis, black bacterial spotting and the "black leg". When grown in open ground, Sanku can attack aphids, in the greenhouse - whiteflies.

Photo gallery: Sanka diseases and pests dangerous for tomatoes

The best prevention is competent crop care. Do not forget about crop rotation and plant bushes in the garden too crowded. The favorable environment for most pathogenic fungi is moist, moist air combined with high temperature. Such conditions are also suitable for pests. To avoid infection, several crystals of potassium permanganate are added to water for irrigation once every 12-15 days. Wood ash is added to the base of the stems, it is also added to the soil in the process of loosening. Young seedlings can be dusted with crushed chalk or activated charcoal.

Potassium permanganate - one of the most common disinfectants, it kills pathogenic fungi

Having discovered the first symptoms indicating that infection could not be avoided, watering is reduced to the required minimum. To get rid of the disease at an early stage, as a rule, enough folk remedies. Gardeners with experience use extracts of mustard powder, wormwood, or yarrow. Baking water or soda ash (50 g per 10 l), vinegar essence (10 ml per 10 l) are also suitable. To make the solutions “stick” to the leaves better, add a little soap shavings or liquid soap. The bushes are sprayed 3-5 times with an interval of 2-3 days.

Wormwood - one of the plants that produce volatile

If there is no desired effect, any fungicides of biological origin are used - Topaz, Alirin-B, Bayleton, Baikal-EM. Usually, three treatments with an interval of 7-10 days are enough. These drugs do not harm human health and the environment, but even their use is undesirable during flowering and 20-25 days before harvest.

Aphids and whiteflies feed on plant sap. A sticky transparent substance remains on the leaves, gradually being drawn in by a layer of black powdery coating. Most pests do not tolerate pungent odors. Near the beds with tomatoes and in the aisles you can plant any spicy herbs. Other plants have similar properties - sage, nasturtium, calendula, marigold, lavender. Their leaves and stems are used as raw materials for the preparation of infusions, which it is advisable for Sanka to spray every 4-5 days. You can also use onion and garlic arrows, chili peppers, orange peel, tobacco leaves. These same infusions help to get rid of pests, if there are not so many. The frequency of treatments is increased to 3-4 times a day. In the case of a mass attack of insects, insecticides of general action are used - Inta-Vir, Fury, Actellik, Iskra-Bio, Mospilan. In some cases, Coca-Cola and 10% ethyl alcohol give a good effect (but the result is not guaranteed).

Marigolds in the garden - it's not only beautiful, but also useful

Gardeners reviews

Sanka is an ultra-mature variety (from germination to maturity 75-85 days), determinant, 30-40 cm high. Fruits are round, bright red, dense, transportable, very tasty, fleshy, weighing 80-100 g. Fruiting is stable and long, In any weather. Hardy to low light. I will grow them for the third season. All specifications are true. The first ripe tomatoes were on July 7 (in the open ground). I liked Sanka exactly as very early. When already large-fruited lettuce tomatoes leave by autumn, they become smaller, it is still covered in tomatoes, and it has a quite decent taste. Already as late.



I have everything as it is not with people. I did not like Tomato Sanka. I had small tomatoes: a little and so-so to taste.



It is often said that the taste of early ripe tomatoes leaves much to be desired. Nevertheless, Sanka is a delicious tomato (in my opinion). And good in pickling. And almost no ill, late blight, although cold rains poured throughout July. It grows somewhere up to 80 cm, although they write in the annotations - 40-60 cm. It is very leafy. I like that he has strong, even, dense fruits. And for food, not bad, and for conservation. And most importantly - that in our conditions in the open field bears fruit.



He planted Sanka for the first time. Open ground, Moscow region. Hassle-free variety. I will plant more.

Aleks K.


I grow Sanka only because it is early. At this time, there are still no normal tomatoes, so we eat these with a bang. When real mid-ripening tomatoes ripen, that Sanka, that Liana is no longer “rolled,” one immediately feels that there is little real tomato taste in them.

Irish & K


We Sanka two years grown seedlings for sale. Our gardeners loved her. They say a good tomato. Harvest, picky and early. Fruits have time to ripen before their late blight.



Until the summer of 2012, Sanka did not know the tomato and did not plant it. Last summer, it turned out that there was not enough tomato seedlings. Good friends helped out, gave several Sanka bushes. In the middle of summer, late blight fell. And among all our tomatoes, he turned out to be the most resistant to the disease. Part of the planned harvest, we still got. It has long been noticed that early varieties of tomatoes have time to grow before the onset of plant disease in the greenhouse. And Sanka needs only a little more than three months before ripening. Although these tomatoes are not high, there were many fruits on them. And there are less problems with them. It is not necessary to pick off the lower branches, they almost do not require a garter. And in general they are unpretentious. Even without the sun, on cloudy days they grew well. The only thing is that they do not like heavy soils. And, of course, like all tomatoes, they love top dressing. We also liked the taste of tomato. They turned out so fleshy, juicy. In a word, a merger.



Last spring, I acquired tomato seeds of the Sanka variety. Growing through seedlings, germination was one hundred percent. Planted in the open ground in early May (Krasnodar Territory). Bushes took root all. Actively went to growth, gained color, ovaries and, of course, the harvest was excellent. I want to emphasize - the bushes are small, not more than 50 cm. I, not knowing this, tied it to pegs. But given the strong winds, this is normal. The fruits are all one to one - even, round, ripen together and are good both in the salad and in the canned form (the fruits do not burst). Considering the climatic conditions, I picked tomatoes in 53 days. On the bag indicated - 85 days. Harvested until mid-October, however, the tomatoes were already smaller. Give it a try. I think you will not regret it. This season can not do without Sanka.



Tomato Sanka is suitable for cultivation throughout Russia. Given the local climate, it is planted in a greenhouse or in open ground. The dimensions of the bush allow you to grow it even at home. The variety is distinguished by endurance, pickiness regarding the conditions of detention, lack of whimsical care. The flavoring qualities of the fruit are very good, the purpose is universal, the yield is consistently high. Sanka is a good choice for both beginners and experienced gardeners.
