Peach Golden Anniversary - an old variety for a warm climate


Peach is a fruit loved by both children and adults. It is mainly grown in warm climates, although the geography is gradually expanding. New varieties appear, but the variety that has been known for almost a century, the Golden Anniversary, does not lose its popularity. It is distinguished by high productivity and ease of care.

Description of the variety and its characteristics

Peach Golden Anniversary is not suitable for cold regions, but in the southern half of our country it feels quite comfortable.

Origin of the variety

Peach Golden Jubilee hails from America, Jersey, where it was bred in the early 1920s based on varieties of Elbert and Greensboro. Breeders tried to get a hardy variety that yields the fruits of a very good taste; it was not intended for the broad masses of the population, but it turned out so that it became widespread. The variety quickly flew to other continents and began to be grown, in addition to most American states, also in Europe and Asia.

The variety has not received distribution in industrial gardens, mainly it finds its application in private farms. Adaptability to various climatic conditions allows it to be found both in a dry, hot climate, and in tropical humid regions. That's just for cold regions, the variety is not very suitable. Therefore, when it was registered in 1947 in the State Register of our country, only the North Caucasus region was determined to be its habitat. And at present, you can meet this peach no further than at the latitude of, say, Voronezh: it will grow and bear fruit, but it’s very difficult to cover adult trees for the winter.

Plant characteristics

Peach Golden Jubilee grows in the shape of a tree above average size, up to five meters, with a wide-spreading sparse crown, in the first years it grows very quickly. The leaves are large, yellowish-green, with serrated edges.

Peach blooms profusely, with beautiful flowers

It blooms in mid-May with abundant, bright pink bell-shaped flowers with concave petals. Fruit setting is high, pollinators are not required. At the same time, gardeners note that when cross-pollination with varieties such as, for example, Stavropol pink, Volcano or Inca, productivity increases slightly.

Lonely trees bear fruit unstable: productive years can alternate with low-yielding ones.

The first fruits appear in the third year, the yield is growing rapidly, reaching very good values. From an adult tree with normal care, you can collect more than 50 kg of fruit. Variety of medium ripening: the fruits are ready for harvest in the first half of August. Unfortunately, ripe fruits do not last long on trees, and they ripen almost simultaneously. Therefore, the harvest should be timely: being late for a week threatens with the loss of most of the fruits.

Winter hardiness and resistance to fungal diseases and pests are considered high, but curly leaves are often noted. Data are provided that the buds and shoots can withstand temperatures down to -25 aboutC, but in a number of sources some more modest figures are called. In the conditions of snowless steppe regions of Crimea it winters without additional warming. It is normal for dry weather.

Fruit Description

Peach Golden Anniversary refers to table varieties. Its fruits are very large, reach a mass of 120 g and above, broadly oval in shape, grow on short stalks. The color is golden yellow, honey, on a significant part of the fruit there is a bright red blush. The skin, velvety, separates well from the pulp. The brownish-red bone, which is of medium size, is also easily separated. The flesh is yellowish-orange, around the stone - pink, juicy, with a strong aroma.

Golden anniversary peach fruits are typical for most varieties of shape and color

The taste is sour-sweet, rated as excellent. Fruits are considered dessert: they contain up to 9.5% solids, up to 7.5% sugars. Not stored for long, no more than a week; just collected are transported normally, but every day transportability decreases. Excess fruit is immediately allowed for processing. They are suitable both for drying and jam, and for full-canning.

Advantages and disadvantages

Thus, the most important advantages of peach Golden Anniversary are:

  • high productivity;
  • great taste;
  • universality of use;
  • spectacular appearance of the fruit;
  • good winter hardiness;
  • self-fertility;
  • resistance to fungal diseases.

The disadvantages are worth mentioning:

  • short shelf life of the crop;
  • insufficient fruit transportability;
  • tendency to showy ripe fruit.

Planting peach varieties Golden anniversary

Peach seedlings are not necessarily root plants: often different varieties of peach are planted on cherry plum, almonds or apricots, you do not need to be afraid of this. It is important that the seedling purchased is healthy, has developed roots and already has skeletal branches (although a twig-year-old can also be planted), and the vaccination site was barely noticeable, and did not constitute a sloppy influx.

You can also grow a peach from seed, including at home, but it’s more reliable then to plant the desired variety on it

In the North Caucasus region recommended by official documents, peach is usually planted in the fall, after the leaves fall. If you decide to plant the Golden Anniversary to the north, it is better to do this in early spring, when the seedling is at rest. Peach grows well only on loose, breathable loams and sandy loams, with a deep occurrence of groundwater. Peach in general is less likely to freeze in winter than to soak the root neck in the thaw and in early spring. Therefore, it is by no means planted in lowlands, and often a mound is specially arranged for it.

The landing site should be lit by the sun, and from the side of the coldest winds an enclosed structure or fence. You should not plant a peach the next year after strawberries, solanaceous and gourds: often in this case, the tree becomes ill and grows poorly. It is advisable to dig the site in advance, especially poorly developed: the rhizomes of perennial weeds should be carefully removed. When digging, make a bucket of humus per square meter of land.

The landing pit, as well as under other trees, is dug in advance. It does not have to be very large, just half a meter in size in each dimension. However, if the soil is heavy, it is better to dig a hole with a depth of 70-80 cm, and at the bottom with a layer of about 20 cm drainage: expanded clay, crushed stone or broken brick. The removed upper part of the soil (in different cases, the fertile layer is from 20 to 40 cm) is mixed with fertilizers and returned to the pit. For peach, as fertilizers take 2-3 buckets of humus and a glass of wood ash. In chernozem regions, fertilizers are taken less. If the soil is dry, 1-2 buckets of water are poured into the pit and allowed to stand for at least a couple of weeks. On the day of landing do the following.

Peach is afraid of getting wet, so drainage in the pit is mandatory on clay soils

  1. During spring planting, the roots of the seedling are soaked for several hours in water; during autumn, this procedure is usually skipped. Dip the roots into a mash of clay and mullein.

    A mixture of mullein, clay and water applied to the roots facilitates the planting of the seedling

  2. They take out from the pit the amount of soil necessary for placing the roots of the seedling and drive in the center a strong stake, to which the seedling is subsequently tied. The stake should protrude 70-100 cm above the ground, depending on the size of the seedling. Sometimes it’s convenient to use two stakes.

    The stake can be driven in and then, when the size of the seedling is clear: it should not injure the lateral branches

  3. A bucket of water is poured into the pit and a sapling is placed on moist soil so that the root neck is 3-4 cm above ground level. If it does not work out, regulate the amount of soil in the pit.

    The position of the root neck is very important, you can use any horizontal stick to control

  4. Gradually, the roots are covered with soil that has been taken out, following the position of the root collar; some time after planting, it will sink to the ground, but so far it should rise several centimeters above it. After backfilling of the roots and compaction of the soil, the sapling is watered with a foot until the water ceases to be quickly absorbed.

    Depending on soil moisture, 2 to 4 buckets of water can go

  5. Form a roller at the edges of the pit for subsequent watering and mulch the trunk circle with humus, peat crumbs or sawdust. In a warm climate, a layer of 5 cm is sufficient, in a colder one it can be twice as much.

    A layer of mulch prevents drying of the soil and freezing of the roots

During the autumn planting, nothing more needs to be done, but before the onset of winter, the stem should be insulated with spanbond or nylon tights, and in the cold regions it can be pulled up for the winter. When spring planting, you must first monitor the soil moisture and prevent overdrying.

Growing Features

Peach Golden Jubilee is a typical representative of the species with its relative imperfections that leave its mark on the features of caring for it, but in general the care is the same as for many other varieties. A peach requires 3-4 irrigation per season in a dose of 5-6 buckets of water: the soil should be soaked to a half meter depth. Watered early in the morning or, conversely, in the evening, after the sun. Watering is important 3-4 weeks before the fruit ripens: it affects their size and quality. After each watering, the soil must be loosened: peaches require oxygen to the roots. After that, watering is stopped for a month. In cold climates, winter watering is mandatory with an increased dose of water.

Peaches are fed annually: on chernozems mostly only with mineral fertilizers, on poor soils they also give organics. In early spring, make 50-70 g of urea under the tree. In the summer, they are fed with complex fertilizer according to the instructions on the package, and foliar top dressing gives good results by spraying on the leaves. During the ripening period, it is good to spray the trees with a solution of potassium sulfate (30 g per bucket of water). In autumn, 40 g of potassium sulfate and superphosphate are added per square meter of the trunk circle.

After harvest, many gardeners sow green manure under the peach.

Peach Golden Anniversary necessarily requires the formation of a crown in the first four years of life. After this, only sanitary pruning is necessary: ​​the cutting of patients and broken shoots, as well as those that clearly interfere with each other. Cut a peach in the interval between spilling buds and opening flower buds. All places of cuts are necessarily covered with garden var.

When forming a peach tree, the Golden Jubilee may not necessarily give it a “native” crown shape: it is more convenient to care for and collect fruits in the case of a cup-shaped one. If forming pruning is necessarily done in spring, then sanitary, if necessary, can be performed both in summer, after harvesting, and in autumn, when preparing a tree for winter. But still, in the summer, without an urgent need, an adult peach is better not to touch.

By cutting the central conductor in time, you can limit the growth of the tree and give it a bowl shape

Peach Golden Jubilee in the southern regions easily tolerates winters, but in the middle lane it must be seriously prepared for wintering. If the winter is relatively mild, then after cleaning the tree and water-charging irrigation, it is enough to huddle the trunk to a half-meter height, otherwise they will prepare a box of stakes and wrap it with roofing material, burlap or cardboard. Modern non-woven materials and conifer trees are very helpful. Young trees try to wrap up whole, adults - at least to skeletal branches. Peat or humus is poured into the trunk circle for the winter up to 15 cm.

Diseases and pests, the fight against them

Of all the known diseases to peach, the Golden Jubilee is truly scared only by curly leaves, the rest are extremely rare. Curliness is a very dangerous fungal disease. In spring, as a result of the action of the fungus, blisters appear on the young leaves, and gum-cutting begins from the wounds on the shoots. Swelling soon becomes reddish brown, a wax coating appears on them. Leaves dry out and fall prematurely. Dying from fungus and buds.

Curl is a serious disease that affects not only the leaf apparatus

Mostly young shoots, 1-2 years old, are affected. After the leaves, the turn of the twigs themselves comes: they turn yellow, bend and dry. The defeat can be so severe that it will lead to the death of the whole tree. Therefore, immediately when a disease is detected, the affected shoots are cut out and burned. The whole tree is treated with 1% Bordeaux liquid or copper chloroxide (2% solution). A minimum of four treatments will be required, twice a month.

Preventive spraying in early spring with Bordeaux liquid or copper sulphate significantly reduces the risk of infection.

Healthy Golden Jubilee peach trees are resistant to pests, but sometimes aphids, weevils, fruit moths, or the eastern moth can settle on them. Aphids - a well-known pest for gardeners - sucks juices from young shoots. In small quantities, it is easily destroyed by hand or folk remedies. Weevils struggling with buds and flowers are fought by imposing hunting belts and timely cleaning of trees from dead bark. Codling moth can also be partially destroyed with the help of hunting belts. Affected fruit moth shoots are cut and burned, and a significant part of the caterpillars is also destroyed.

If the number of pests is large, you have to use chemical control agents. Most pests are destroyed using universal insecticides (Fitoverm, Fufanon, Iskra, etc.), but they should be used long before harvest, using personal protective equipment and strictly according to the instructions for the drug.

Grade Reviews

Variety for the soul. A very peculiar taste with bitterness (I personally really like it), the skin is easily removed and the bone is separated. Its best use is tore off and immediately eaten. But it’s very tender: bringing to the market is a problem. Stained immediately.



This year, the Golden Jubilee managed to ripen on July 12, unlike previous years (after July 20). In the spring, the buds were frozen and the tree itself made rationing of the crop for me.



The peach is good in taste, it left 1 tree, but it has very large disadvantages, low frost resistance of the flower bud and wood, disease resistance is below average, early flowering often falls under spring frosts and the last really ripples the slightest wind all on earth it is necessary to sit in the "calm down" and constantly feel the fruits at the time of ripening.



The golden anniversary after a harsh winter pleases with the harvest.

Andrey, Sevastopol


Golden Anniversary "- with bitterness, I personally really like it, but my mother doesn’t. It's an amateur.



Peach Golden Jubilee is the oldest and probably the most famous peach variety. However, it satisfies the basic requirements of gardeners so well that it is still very popular in the southern regions of our country.
