Tomato Persimmon - a variety that justifies the name


Tomato Persimmon is a relatively new domestic variety, but has already firmly taken its place in the beds. Reviews about it are mostly enthusiastic, because Persimmon is distinguished by very tasty and beautiful fruits that look really like a southern fruit, and growing these tomatoes is no more difficult than many others.

Description of a variety of tomato Persimmon

It is believed that Persimmon is a variety of folk selection bred by Russian amateur gardeners. In 1999, he took his place in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation and was allowed to grow in all climatic regions of the country. Of course, in the northern half of Russia it has to be planted in greenhouses, but in the south, and often in the middle lane, it is also successfully cultivated in open ground.

Indeed, if you do not take a closer look, it may seem that these are not ripe tomatoes, but persimmons

The variety is among the determinants. This means that the growth of the bush is limited to the formation of a certain number of brushes: from 4 to 8. Under normal conditions of unprotected soil, Persimmon tomato grows up to 70-90 cm, in good greenhouses it can reach a height of up to 1.4 m, and sometimes even more.

The stems are very powerful, but because of the large and heavy fruits, the bushes still require tying, especially in greenhouses. A variety requires the mandatory formation of a bush, first and foremost - pinching. It is customary to form a Persimmon bush in one stem in greenhouses and in two in open ground. The bushiness of the bush is high, the leaves are large, light green.

Persimmon tomato belongs to mid-ripening varieties: the first fruits ripen 90-105 days after emergence. The fruiting period is extended, the maximum yield described in the State Register is 5.8 kg / m2.

I want to argue with the latter situation, especially since I have to make sure every year from personal experience that this is not so. Yes, in fact, and in numerous reviews, the yield of about 3 kg of fruits from the bush is described, which is close to the truth. And since on 1 m2 no less than four copies are planted in any way (and often even up to eight), one has to make sure once again that there are a lot of errors in the registry.

Persimmon tomatoes on bushes hang 2-3 pieces together

Usually three large tomatoes are formed on each brush from simple inflorescences. Their average weight is about 300 g. However, obtaining half-kilogram copies is by no means uncommon. In the appearance and color of ripe fruits, their name is clearly manifested: they are like two drops of water similar to a southern fruit - persimmon. The shape of the fruit is rounded, slightly flattened, ribbing is practically not observed. Ripe tomatoes are painted in a bright orange color, but on the unripe fruits, dark green spots hold for a long time, mainly at the stalk.

The brush of three impressive tomatoes is so heavy that you have to tie up not only the bush itself, but also the brush

In the phase of full ripeness, Persimmon tomatoes are very tasty, sweet, but overripe acquire some acidity. The pulp is tender, juicy, the same color as the tomato on the outside, covered with a dense skin. The dry matter content is 4-6%. The fruits contain an increased content of beta-carotene. The aroma is strong, ordinary tomato. The dense peel does not particularly interfere with the use of fresh fruits, but it allows them to be well stored and easily transported over long distances.

A feature of the variety is the almost complete absence of seeds. Of course, they are, but they are unusually small and, in addition, they are quite small. And if you can get seeds from almost any kind of tomato for sowing next year for yourself and your neighbors, then in the case of Persimmon you have to put several fruits on the seeds.

Persimmons have fleshy, almost seedless fruits

If it is better to pluck completely ripened, even slightly overripe specimens on the seeds, then you can take unripe ones for transportation, even with green spots: they ripen perfectly with time.

Persimmon tomato belongs to salad varieties. Indeed, it’s a pity to send such yummy for processing, I want to eat them “alive”. But, since the harvest is usually quite large, it is not possible to eat everything, and excess tomatoes are successfully put into processing. They make good sauces, but tomato paste or juice has an unusual color.

Some tomatoes can be cut and frozen. This is not to say that the taste of the product thawed in winter is “fresh”, but it is very pleasant.

Video: description of persimmon tomatoes

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety compared to others

Persimmon Tomato is one of a kind. Of course, its fruits are very different from any fruits of traditional red or pink flowers. But Persimmon is also different from many determinant varieties, most often bearing relatively small tomatoes. The fruits of this variety are large, beautiful, weighty. There are not very many of them on the bushes (although the case of the formation of 27 pieces is also described), but due to the mass of each, the total yield is very good.

Compared with many yellow fruit varieties, Persimmon tomato is particularly sweet. The list of existing tomato varieties is huge, but Persimmon is slightly less high in calories compared to most of them, which is respected by nutritionists. The chemical composition of pulp differs from red fruit varieties in lower acidity and increased content of lycopene and β-carotene. And yet, the main advantage of the variety is its large-fruited with fairly compact bush sizes. Among other obvious advantages, gardeners note:

  • excellent taste of fruits;
  • unique presentation;
  • universality of use;
  • good keeping quality and portability;
  • 100% ripening of tomatoes collected "brown";
  • good productivity for a determinant variety.

Of the shortcomings in the reviews are mainly given:

  • poor resistance to disease;
  • the need to form a bush;
  • some moodiness of the variety, expressed in the need for careful observance of all the rules of agricultural technology.


The Persimmon tomato variety is usually not recommended to a beginner who is just starting to learn the wisdom of gardening: obvious flaws in planting or caring for a plant can lead to very low yields and disappoint from scratch. Although in general there is nothing special about Persimmon’s agricultural technology, you just need to clearly carry out all the necessary actions.

The timing

No seedlings can be dispensed with only in the southernmost regions, where in April it is already possible to sow seeds directly in the garden, first under the film. In most cases, you have to grow persimmon tomatoes through seedlings.

The exact start date for these works depends on the terrain and on whether tomatoes are going to grow in a greenhouse or in open ground. After 50-70 days, the seedlings will need to be planted in the garden, and by that time the soil should have warmed up well, and the air temperature will be at least 15 in the afternoonaboutFROM. therefore in the central regions, seeds begin to be sown for seedlings around the middle of March, in the Lower Volga Region this is done somewhat earlier, and, for example, in Siberia - only in the last days of March.

Landing process

The process of growing seedlings is known to every experienced gardener and does not differ from growing seedlings of other varieties of tomatoes. It consists of the following events:

  1. Seed preparation consists of calibration, disinfection in a solution of potassium permanganate, preferably soaking and germination, as well as hardening (keeping in the refrigerator for 2-3 days).

    If the seeds are bought in a good store, a number of operations for their preparation can be skipped, but since this is not F1, the seeds can also be harvested from your crop

  2. Preparation of the soil mixture. The optimal composition is a mixture of an equal amount of turf land, peat and humus (or compost). You can add some wood ash (0.5 liters per bucket). The prepared mixture must be disinfected with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Of course, ready-made soil can also be bought in the store, it does not need to be disinfected.

    To disinfect the soil using a weak solution of potassium permanganate

  3. Sowing seeds in a common box (or any suitable box). The soil layer in this tank should be at least 5 cm. Seeds are sown in grooves shed by water to a depth of 1-1.5 cm at a distance of 2-3 cm from one another.

    Seeds are sown individually, keeping a distance of at least 2 cm between them

  4. Withstanding temperature conditions. After 4-8 days in a box covered with glass or film, at a temperature of 22-26aboutWith shoots should appear. The temperature is immediately reduced to 16-18 ° C, and at night - another 2-3aboutC below. At the same time, the illumination of seedlings should be as high as possible. After 3-4 days, return the temperature to room temperature.

    Without a drop in temperature for several days, the seedlings will quickly stretch and disappear

  5. Pick At the stage of two real leaves, the tomatoes are planted in separate cups or in a more spacious box, observing a distance between plants of at least 7-8 cm.

    When diving, plants need to provide room

In the process of growing seedlings, it is periodically watered, but without excess. If the fertilizers applied during planting are insufficient and the seedlings slow down their growth, they are fed 1-2 times with complex mineral fertilizers according to the instructions on the package. 10-12 days before planting in the garden, tomatoes begin to be brought to the balcony, accustomed to fresh air. Good seedlings of tomato Persimmon by the time of planting in the garden should grow to at least 25 cm, but at the same time it should appear stocky, have a thick stem. Well, if by this time the first buds appear on seedlings.

Planting in a bed of seedlings of Persimmon tomatoes is carried out with the onset of steady warm weather. In the middle lane without shelter, seedlings can be planted no earlier than the beginning of summer. The site selected for the bed should be sunny and securely closed from cold winds. The bed should be prepared in the fall, making the necessary fertilizers in it. Tomatoes do not need very large amounts of organics, but love the high phosphorus content. Therefore, at 1 m2 beds make about a bucket of humus or compost, a handful of wood ash and 30-40 g of superphosphate.

Persimmon tomato is planted quite densely, at a distance of about 40 cm from each other. Pegs are also foreseen immediately, since as soon as the seedlings take root and resume growth, it is better to tie it up. Landing has no features:

  1. They make a scoop of the hole in the selected places, in each make a small dose of local fertilizer (this can be a teaspoon of nitrophoska and a handful of wood ash). Fertilizers are mixed with soil and well watered: it is more convenient to plant seedlings "in the mud."

    You can plant seedlings in dry holes, but after this, watering should be more plentiful

  2. Carefully remove the seedlings from a box or individual cups, trying to leave the roots with a lump of earth, and plant them in prepared holes, deepening to cotyledon leaves. If the seedlings have grown, they are planted obliquely, since the roots cannot be deeply buried: in the lower layers the earth remains cold for a long time.

    If the seedlings have not grown, it is not necessary to deepen

  3. Watered tomatoes in a new place with warm water (25-30aboutC) and necessarily mulch the soil around the bushes with a small layer of compost or peat.

    If you use a watering can for watering, it is better to remove the strainer to water under the root

Care Features

Caring for Persimmon does not include anything unusual, but all operations must be performed carefully and rigorously. Leaving consists in watering, loosening the soil with the removal of weeds, fertilizing, the formation of bushes and their garter. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying from diseases and pests.


It is better to carry out watering in the evening with water warmed up in the sun. Moisture is not necessary too much, but the soil should not dry out. Tomatoes are especially demanding for irrigation immediately after flowering, but when the bulk of the fruit grows to the appropriate grade and begins to stain, watering must be stopped to prevent cracking of the tomato. After each watering or heavy rain, you need to slightly loosen the soil around the bushes, and a small hilling will not hurt.

Top dressing

The first top dressing is given 2 weeks after transplanting seedlings, repeated - with an interval of 12-15 days. You can use any available fertilizer: both organic and mineral. For the first two top dressings, the best option is a mixture: add 20 g of superphosphate per liter of mullein and insist in a bucket of water for a day. About one liter of the resulting solution is made under each bush after watering. In subsequent feeding, it is better to use only superphosphate and wood ash: 20 g of mineral fertilizer and a handful of ash per bucket of water.

Disease prevention

One of the unpleasant features of the variety is its low resistance to diseases, in particular late blight, which overtakes plants in the case of cold, damp weather at the end of summer. In this case, it is desirable to carry out preventive treatment of the bushes. For starters, you can use folk remedies, for example, infusion of onion scales. Of the chemicals, you should try to use only the most harmless to humans, for example, Ridomil or Fitosporin.

In cold damp weather, tomatoes can get late blight

Bushes garter

Tieing bushes is absolutely necessary, especially in greenhouses. True, you can not rush with this: until the fruits begin to pour, the bush keeps its shape well. But heavy tomatoes often break malformed and unbound plants. The Persimmon variety is grown in one or two stems.

Removing stepchildren

In the axils of the leaves, new shoots are systematically formed - stepsons. It is the first stepson, growing under the first flower brush, can become the second main stem, if the gardener decided to grow the bush "in two trunks." The remaining (overlying) stepsons, as well as those that are formed on the second stem, are removed without leaving stumps.

You need to monitor the emerging stepsons weekly, thickening the bushes can lead not only to a delay in the ripening of the crop, but also to the development of diseases. Some varieties leave a small amount of them, since stepsons can also tie fruit. At Khurma, stepsons are broken down while they are very small. This should be done in dry, or better, sunny weather so that the cut on the plant dries quickly.

The stepson shown in the photo has already outgrown: it was desirable to remove it much earlier

Video: persimmon tomatoes on the bushes

Grade Reviews

I just have Persimmon very fruitful, I take 7 kg from the bush, and the size is not bad 180-250 gr. Only this year, they bore fruit in waves - at the peak of heat (July) they did not start.



I liked “Persimmon” - practically didn’t stepchild, there was a lot on the bush, sweet, medium-sized, beautiful yellow-orange color.



In the Moscow Region, I only grew persimmons in hotbeds. How she will show herself in OG, I don’t know. Stepson to the first brush. Then I leave 2-3 stems.



Tastier tomato salad NO! But ... taste and color ... you know. Once it was so ugly that I had to make juice from them, and in winter no one believed that it was tomato, they thought it was orange. The juice is thick, sweetish.



Persimmon tomato is one of the best representatives of tomatoes with orange fruits. Its fruits are distinguished by extraordinary sweetness and dietary properties.True, the cultivation of this tomato variety is not very simple, but subject to all the rules of care, a plentiful harvest of delicious tomatoes is guaranteed.


Watch the video: Extracting DNA from fruit (October 2024).