Why violets do not bloom - how to make bloom?


Home violet or senpolia grows among many lovers of indoor plants. The popularity of the flower is associated with its unpretentiousness and beautiful buds of various colors. Inexperienced flower growers, who first encountered an unpleasant phenomenon, begin to look for the answer to the question of why the violets do not bloom. The problem may be caused by violations of the rules of care or attack by parasitic insects.

What responsibilities should a gardener take upon himself when caring for violets?

Beautiful and bright violet can delight with its colors for a long time. But sometimes, for various reasons, flowering is absent. To avoid this, and at the same time prevent the usual diseases of the culture, it is necessary to fulfill the following requirements specified in the description of the plant:

  • moderate watering - in the summertime daily, but in small quantities, in the winter - no more than 2 times a week;
  • artificial increase in winter light period up to 10 hours;
  • constant air humidity at the level of 50%;
  • the optimal temperature regime - in cold weather is about +25 degrees, in the growing season - up to +25 degrees;
  • when irrigating the earth, the green part cannot be touched, it must also be protected from direct sunlight.

Violet does not bloom

The culture does not need additional spraying, transplanting, fertilizing and updating the soil is carried out on a strict schedule.

Important! The duration of budding is two months. After the flowers wilt, they are removed. The first buds of young animals appear only in the next season - artificial stimulation will not give the expected result.

Blooming violets with proper care

Why violets do not bloom

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To find out why the buds are not formed, it is possible by the leaves of the plant. When trying to persuade him to bloom, professionals and amateurs get the exact opposite result. A properly organized period of rest, feeding, lack of overflow or underfilling - all factors play an important role. Only observing all the rules of agricultural technology can one achieve a plant so that it blooms normally.

How to find out the reasons

Why violets do not bloom at home and what to do: finding out the source of the problem is carried out according to the state of the leaf plates. The main signs of deviations are presented:

  • the presence of non-standard large, healthy leaflets and the absence of peduncles - the main source of this phenomenon is considered to be excessive fertilizing, especially containing nitrogenous elements;
  • slow or stopped growth of leaf plates indicates low humidity, a feature is found in the winter, with active operation of central heating batteries, or with drought in the summer;
  • small, undeveloped greens indicates a lack of nutrients and depleted soil.

Sunburn marks

Lack of nutrition can be manifested by partial or absolute yellowness of the crown. When it occurs, the plant cannot form buds - all forces are redirected to support life. If you look closely at the plates, it will immediately become clear why the violet has stopped blooming.

One of the serious reasons is the whimsicality of the culture to ultraviolet light. Direct sunlight is dangerous for the plant, it can become a source of burns. It is better to rearrange the flower on the northern windowsill or create artificial shading.

Important! With windows located on the south side, protective measures must be taken. On a hot afternoon they are hung with a thick cloth or blinds are closed. This approach will close the plant from burning midday rays.

Excessive watering

Violation of the rules for moistening the soil leads to a long illness, and in difficult cases - death of the specimen. Lack of moisture causes a gradual drying out, and oversaturation causes rotting of the root system. Symptoms of insufficient or too frequent watering have practically no differences:

  • drooping and faded crown;
  • the earth begins to exfoliate from the walls of the pot;
  • spots of a brownish hue form on the green part of the plant;
  • general lethargy of leaf plates and stems, their darkening.

Important! Over time, rosettes become watery, and their surface acquires a brown tone. Such a severely affected plant will not be able to bloom - in most cases, it will die from rapidly spreading rot.

Rules for watering violets

In order to make a crop bloom, the rules of irrigation must be strictly followed. This approach will prevent possible mistakes and errors during courtship. The list of methods includes:

  • Through the pallet - the drainage holes located in the lower part of the tank do not impede the flow of water and prevent its stagnation. After pouring the liquid, it is left for an hour, then the excess is drained - otherwise swamping of the substrate and the formation of root rot will occur.
  • By immersion - the container is placed in a basin filled with settling water. After 15 minutes, it is transferred to a pallet and excess fluid is drained.
  • Watering can - the nose should be close to the substrate, moisture should not affect the outlet and foliage. If you violate the rules, rotting of the green part of the violet may begin.

Important! Before watering procedures, the liquid should be left to stand for 24 hours. Watering is not carried out with cold, but only with warm water (temperature equals the level in the room).

Proper watering

Plant rehabilitation after excessive watering

What needs to be done to make violets bloom again: restoration measures help suppress the effects of overflow. They are carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • the plant is carefully removed from the container;
  • all damaged parts of the root system are excised;
  • carry out the transfer to a new pot with fresh substrate.

If decay has affected most of the roots, they trim the green part and try to root the stalk. The rooting procedure can be performed using:

  • moist soil;
  • ordinary water;
  • moss;
  • hydrogel;
  • peat tablets.

Important! Landing at a permanent place is carried out not earlier than after the appearance of roots. They need to be grown to a length of 1.5 cm.

Wrong soil

Unsuitable or long-used substrate does not allow the culture to develop and grow normally. Deficiency of beneficial elements and insufficient oxygen supply can lead to the death of violets.

Inappropriate soil can be identified by the following criteria:

  • lack of flowers;
  • slow formation of the green part or a complete cessation of development;
  • the appearance of a dense crust near a dried earthen coma;
  • the appearance of a whitish coating on the surface.

Important! Bad land needs to be replaced as soon as possible.

When preparing the soil mixture, they take garden soil, spill it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (disinfection is carried out). Peat is added to the composition in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Experienced flower growers recommend not to engage in the manufacture of suitable land on their own, but to purchase a specialized mixture in a flower shop. In this case, it will meet all the requirements and contain the necessary trace elements for the plant.

Ground for violets

The list of popular substrates includes:

  • "Growth Academy" - including peat, limestone and the necessary useful ingredients;
  • "Bereginya" - as one of the best options from all specialized blanks for keeping violets, peat, dolomite flour, sand and compost are in the composition of the earth.

Important! When buying a mixture you need to choose the land with the inscription "for growing violets."

Post-transplant rehabilitation

During recovery procedures, you need to keep the plant in optimal conditions:

  • humidity - 50%;
  • temperature - +21 degrees;
  • the place is with diffused light, reliably protected from draft.

Proper transplantation and proper supervision will allow you to get the first buds one month after the procedure is completed.

Important! To fully rehabilitate the specimen, you need to carry out several transplants with an interval of six months. This approach will provide guarantees for the long and massive formation of buds.


Parasitic insects are divided into two classes:

  • Juice-eating home crops are attacked by aphids, thrips, whiteflies and scale insects. Pests suck out the liquid contents, causing rapid wilting and death of plants. Of particular gastronomic interest for them is represented by young shoots, buds and leaves.
  • Eating flesh - insects destroy not only the green part, but also the root system. Famous representatives include weevils, ticks and nematodes.

If you ignore the first signs of an attack by pests, the plant will become weak at the beginning and later begin to wilt. The parts that have lost juice dry out, turn yellow and rot. The surface is covered with brownish spots and stripes, all the forces of culture are redirected to survival.

Cyclamen tick

The only solution to the problem is the use of specialized insecticidal solutions:

  • Acarina
  • Actophyta;
  • Fitoverma;
  • Actellika.

Before the procedure, remove all damaged areas. Processing is carried out with an interval of 10 days, three times.

Important! Classic mechanical cleaning with soapy water for violets is not suitable. The procedure is interrupted by the pile covering the plates.

Consequences and rehabilitation after infection

Plant restoration is possible with a weak or medium attack, when the pests did not have time to destroy the roots and most of the green mass. With further supervision, observe the standard watering regime, monitor the quality of the substrate and prevent excessive air dryness.

Pest Prevention

Prevention of the spread of parasites requires:

  • quarantine all new copies - up to 3 weeks;
  • different flowers should not touch;
  • periodically conduct a warm shower;
  • dry shoots are removed on time.

In addition to processing plants, you need to regularly do wet cleaning at the place of their localization.

External factors

Third-party sources have a great influence on the vital functions of culture.

  • Heat. Heat leads to drying, damage to the roots. During drought, the plant needs spraying or the installation of a container of water next to it.
  • Cold. Low temperatures can cause violet death during hibernation. It must not be allowed to drop to 17 degrees or sudden changes.

Drying violets

Proper care

Culture in natural conditions prefers to settle near water sources: rivers, ponds, ponds. At home, it is more difficult for her to put up with the constantly dry air.

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To guarantee the normal growth and formation of buds, the following requirements must be observed:

  • choose the right place for the pot;
  • do not exceed and do not lower humidity - the optimal mode is 50%;
  • soil moisture - without fanaticism and droughts;
  • spraying bushes in the heat;
  • diffuse lighting;
  • timely fertilization of the soil and transplant;
  • temperature condition.

Important! In winter, the plant goes into hibernation. Top dressing is canceled, the frequency of watering is reduced.

If all else fails, you need to change the sort of violets

Why do violets turn leaves inward

After all the nuances of the content are fulfilled, the same problem may arise inexperienced gardeners: the home copy refuses to bloom. Florists recommend forgetting about the unsuccessful attempt and acquire another kind of violet:

  • blooming almost the whole year;
  • releasing buds for a short time and resting for a long time.

When blooming, homemade varieties of violets resemble small, bright and colorful buds. Some lovers of home plants create mini-gardens on window sills with different colors of petals: pink, blue, purple, white. The culture is of rare beauty and can serve as an adornment of an ordinary city apartment.


Watch the video: How to Get African Violets to Flower (October 2024).