Flowering trees and ornamental shrubs for the garden


Choosing a tree for a garden is a task, sometimes difficult. What will be the plot - fruit, coniferous or deciduous? To plant one tree or bush: what will it look like? This choice is not just for once, not for the season. And plant two, three trees, equip the alley: what if you don’t like the combination of color? It’s difficult to decide which flowering trees to decorate the garden, but it’s worth trying, that's why this article was written.

How to choose beautiful flowering trees for the garden

You do not need to bother, you should immediately divide the trees for giving by color, which one you like:

  • trees with pink flowers;
  • trees with red buds;
  • trees with white flowers.

The stone from which a flowering tree will grow

Names of trees with pink flowers

There is no point in challenging - the main symbol of the Crimea is almonds. The decorative tree, not requiring special care, will fit well into any landscape. Flowering begins even before the first leaves appear, therefore, it can suffer from repeated spring frosts. The root system is well developed, strong, powerful processes are able to find moisture at great depths. Additionally, there is no need to clear the area for planting - the roots germinate securely in rocky soil and on mountain slopes. Everyone, even a beginner gardener, can grow, but one nuance will have to be taken into account. If the purpose of planting a tree is to obtain a crop, planting is required at least 2-3 copies for cross-pollination.

Almond planting

Almonds are a stunted tree. He has a short trunk up to 3 m, a wide crown with thin leaves. Flowers, depending on the variety, are terry or simple of five petals. Their color is from pale pink to bright saturated. You can form as you wish, they usually do this from the third year, they tolerate pruning well.

For your information! From the ancient Iranian language, "almond" is translated as "a precious gift of God." It was distributed in Assyria, Phenicia, Babylon, Ancient Greece. Used as a divine symbol during the prayer, the wood was used to decorate the altars. The branches of the tree were laid around sick children to expel evil spirits.

Planting is desirable on a small hill, as the roots do not like excess moisture. A pit for a seedling about half a meter in width and depth is completely freed from the soil, falling asleep with a mixture of sand, earth with leaves and compost and adding a couple of shovels of wood ash. The distance between the seedlings must be maintained about 1.5-2 m. Subsequently, care consists in regular watering, top dressing and loosening of soil around the trunk to a depth of 5-10 cm.

Another pink-flowering tree is the southern beauty - Lankaran acacia. She has tender leaves, similar to fern leaves, pinkish fluffy inflorescences. It came to Russia thanks to a traveler from Constantinople F. del Albizzi, having received several names at once:

  • silk acacia;
  • Acacia Lenkoran;
  • Lankaran Albition;
  • Acacia of Constantinople.

Acacia trees in bloom

Charming with its delicate aroma and beauty, albitsia will not leave anyone indifferent. Which owner will be able to ignore a similar opportunity to decorate a garden house as if from a fairy tale.

Note! Acacia, being a wonderful honey plant, gives honey a unique taste and floral aroma.

In a favorable environment, grows up to 15 m in height, an umbrella shape reaches 7-8 m in width, and will give joy to its owners for a century. Like almonds, the action is very fond of light, and therefore the place should be selected open. To plant seedlings, purchase no older than 4-5 years, since complications are possible when adapting to a new place.

It is important to remember - the plant is subtropical, planting in open ground, it is required to take into account the peculiarities of the local climate. In view of the location of the root system close to the surface, even small frosts can destroy a tree.

Planting a tree is carried out by seeds, root processes or cuttings. In any case, the soil should be well heated. The distance between the seedlings should be maintained at least 2 m. Mixed soil is desirable: two parts of peat and three parts of land with leaves are added to one part of sand. Strong deepening is not required; pour only with warm water. Feeding is required only from the second year and only in the summer. Watering is rare but plentiful with warm water.

For your information! In addition to aesthetic value, trees also have a therapeutic effect. This is an excellent folk remedy for the treatment of radiculitis, varicose veins, inflammatory processes due to the high content of essential oils and minerals.

Trees with red flowers

Prioritizing is not grateful, everyone has their own point of view. When the winter cold, full of gray days, and warm spring comes, there is a desire to add bright colors. Here one cannot fail to note one beautiful plant - pomegranate.

Beautiful pomegranate tree

Pomegranate flowering lasts throughout the season: from April to October. Description of minerals, acids and vitamins important for the body will take half a page. In short, it's just a natural storehouse. The cultivation of this culture has deep roots in history. Mention of it is many centuries ahead of apricot, peach, quince, fig tree (fig).

Note! A person eating pomegranates gets rid of hatred and envy. So the ancients said.

More than one generation will grow and delight the eye, and even give pomegranates with such valuable fruits, but as a payment for such valuable gifts, the plant requires careful attention to itself:

  • loosening the soil;
  • proper watering;
  • timely top dressing;
  • pruning unnecessary shoots without ovaries.

To get a crop, 2-3 seedlings of different varieties are planted. Planted after cuttings begin to bear fruit earlier than propagated by other methods (processes, seeds).

The roots are mainly horizontal, not deep underground and occupy an area twice as large as the aboveground part. The main conditions for good ripening of fruits are heat and light. Warm, sometimes arid summers, together with a lingering autumn, will allow the fruit to gain strength and taste. Vegetation begins and ends at an average daily temperature of 10 ° C; at 15-18 ° C, a period of mass flowering sets in, which lasts until October.

There are no requirements to the quality of the soil, but watering should be considered carefully: plentifully drenched roots can destroy the plant, and a lack of moisture will affect the quantity and size of the crop.

Trees with white flowers

Magnolia is the queen of the garden. If the area allows, you can plant several of its varieties. This is a tall bush type of tree with large flowers that will begin to bloom with an unusual aroma. Updating and improving the street facade, it is bound to become the pride of the grower.

For your information! Archaeologists have discovered in a stone a flower whose seeds and petals are similar to the flowers of modern magnolia. The fossil dates back to about 18 million years (Mesozoic era).


K. Linney gave the name to the plant in honor of the director of the botanical garden A. Magnol. At home in the United States, this tree is an umbrella due to the leaf branches with umbrellas collected at the ends. By the way, a variety of large-leaved magnolia is very suitable for this comparison. Even under one sheet, but about a meter in size, you can hide from the rain like under an umbrella.

Huge magnolia

Magnolia planting is carried out in the middle or even at the end of October, when the plant is at rest. Then the seedlings 100% take root. Soil requirements:

  • not wet;
  • not salted;
  • not sandy;
  • without limestone.

Soil is needed neutral or slightly acidic, rich in organic matter. The size of the planting pit should twice exceed the root system of the seedling. At the bottom of the pit, a drainage layer is made, then sand is poured. After planting, the tree is watered abundantly, peat mulch is laid out around the trunk, everything is covered with bark of coniferous trees on top. During the year, does not require special care, there is no need for formation.

A feature of magnolia is that it is able to bloom before the first leaves appear. After flowering, it is recommended to pick off withered flowers, cut off unnecessary twigs, frost-bitten during the winter.

Note! In the homeland of magnolia, the scent of flowers is used as an aphrodisiac.

Stunted trees

Often in the design of cottages used stunted trees. These can be fundamentally new breeding samples or hybrids of widely known plants. A low dwarf will lead the composition with flowers, complement the porch frame.

The advantages of low trees in landscaping the cottage

Fruit trees and shrubs for the garden, column-shaped fruit trees

The most important thing is a favorable combination of size and quality. A tree, and takes up little space. On a rather small plot of land, the compact arrangement of green spaces creates a unique composition. For example, the slender giant cypress, which takes up little space due to its shape, next looks harmoniously Japanese spherical maple.

Pyramidal, spiral and spherical trees planted along the alley will create a truly palace surroundings of landscape art.

Important! Ornamental trees and shrubs selected for planting should be placed along the intended line according to the pore and the duration of their flowering.

The most important thing is to correctly plant the plantations throughout the territory. Some prefer to bask in the shade, while others, on the contrary, are drawn to the gentle sun. Regardless of the addictions of individual specimens, they all need good care, starting from planting. To choose a place, to prepare drainage, compost, fertilizers - all this so that subsequently a beautiful perennial garden with its flowering says to the grower "thank you."

Trees in the garden

Ornamental shrubs for the garden

Ornamental shrubs for the garden and garden

It’s easier to choose a tree, because almost any one can be grown as undersized, forming branches by pruning, while the bush, in addition to the formation of tabernacles, also gives color.

The table below describes some bush specimens:

List of professionsNormative procedure for issuing
Builderssignal form; gloves PPE of face and ears; vibration reduction agents
Driversmittens; warm suit; safety shoes
Moversoveralls; gloves Jackets trousers.
Sales staffkerchiefs; gloves bathrobes
Agricultural staffgloves footwear; mittens.
Electrical workersdielectric special gloves; safety shoes; headdress; top overalls; thermal underwear for dielectrics.


This table is like a designer desktop. You can make your own, where to add those plants that are to the liking of the grower. It is recommended to add cells with descriptions of the features of the bush, requirements for space and care, and other equally important criteria.

It’s difficult to keep so much new information in your head, but having your own table or drawing in front of your eyes makes it much easier to draw up a plan and harmoniously express your thoughts.

For your information! A small slide with a waterfall would have looked nice. Thanks to her excellent composition and good mood for many years provided.


Creating a garden will help create a hedge, it can be used as a general background. You can fill the entire space with shade-loving plants. Fragrant medium-sized jasmine, multi-colored shrubby rhododendron blooming throughout the summer with a fiery explosion of Thunberg barberry. Not enough time and place to describe all kinds. But besides the bushes, neatly trimmed, there are many other options for garden decor: the famous Crimean rose, tearing up gladiolus, such delicate daisies. The flowers are beautiful, but not every gardener has time to carefully care for the garden, and it is simply difficult to understand all the subtleties of craftsmanship from scratch. Plants of a completely different plan will come to the rescue.

Spreading bushes and trees

Flowering shrubs for the garden, perennial and unpretentious

The variety of varieties of lilacs, Japanese quince, inimitable, widely curly wisteria liana, heather - lushly flowering, tall and spreading specimens, which give additional impulses for imagination. But creating a picturesque background is just as important as focusing on small details.

Important! When choosing plants for a site, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of trees and shrubs so that those growing next to each other have similar care requirements.

Applying garden planting schemes to decorate space, buildings and structures is a rather difficult task. The difficulty lies not only in choosing a place for landing, but also in selecting the same type of care requirement. Some plants prefer sandy soil, others are absolutely contraindicated, there are lovers of acidic soils, and some will simply die under such conditions. It is not always profitable to apply for ready-made solutions, and in the end, you can get something completely different from what you intended.

Design from bushes and trees


In this article, design options for a garden, summer cottage plot were proposed, examples of planting and care of some types of plants are given. The proposed options are not considered the only true ones, this is just a way to push the dream garden in the right way.


Watch the video: Flowering Trees and Shrubs. Garden Style 202 (October 2024).