Begonia ever flowering - home care, photo


Photo of begonia in a pot

Begonia ever flowering (Begonia semperflorens) - flowering plant from the family Begonia. In the wild, found in the highlands and humid tropics of Africa, America, Asia. The homeland of evergreen begonia is Brazil. Here, on the oceanic coasts and forests, the flower develops intensively throughout the year. In temperate countries, the plant is grown in home culture.

Perennial plant requiring periodic rejuvenation. Bushes quickly grow to 50 cm and manage to bloom in the year of planting. Justifying the name, the plant blooms all year, forming simple or double flowers, whose delicate petals amaze the imagination with a variety of colors.

It grows very fast. For a year, it can double in size.
It blooms in summer, spring and autumn. It blooms in the first year after planting
Easy to grow. There are some difficulties
Needs rejuvenation as it grows.

Useful properties of evergreen begonia

Evergreen begonia - the plant is not only beautiful, but also useful. The cells of the flower secrete volatile, destructively affecting pathogenic microorganisms in the air. Volatile compounds completely neutralize staphylococcus, and the total concentration of harmful bacteria reduces by almost 80%. Thanks to these properties, the flower improves performance and strengthens the immune system.

The basic rules of care. Briefly

Favorable circumstances for evergreen begonia at home are:

TemperatureIn winter - at least + 16 ° C, in summer - from + 23 - 25 ° C.
Air humidityIncreased; Do not spray; placed on a pallet with wet pebbles.
LightingBroken bright; place on the windows of the south-west and south-east direction.
WateringIn the summer - once a week; in winter - once in 10 days; prevent stagnation of water.
PrimingA special substrate for begonias or a mixture of peat, perlite, leaf soil (2: 1: 2).
Fertilizer and fertilizer2 times in 30 days, concentrated universal fertilizer for indoor flowers, diluted 2 times.
TransferYoung bushes - annually, at the beginning of spring; mature - when the roots completely cover an earthen lump.
BreedingDivision of rhizomes, cuttings, seeds.
Growing FeaturesIn summer, it is recommended to take the flower into a shady place of the garden.

It should take into account the peculiarities of growing begonia ever flowering. The plant likes fresh air, the room should be ventilated more often (but the flower is protected from the draft). So that the bushes do not stretch out, look compact and fluffy, they trim the begonias. The top is shortened for the first time, when the evergreen begonia reaches 8 cm. When the side branches grow, they also need to be trimmed.

Home Care Begonia evergreen

Evergreen begonia flower at home perfectly adapted. Caring for it is simple, although some properties of the plant must be paid special attention to.

Flowering begonia ever flowering

The plant blooms in early May and blooms until November frosts. The flowering of begonia is ever-flowering - a very attractive phenomenon. Against the background of glossy green leaves covered with a light fluff, double and simple flowers stand out as bright spots.

Their color is diverse, represented by all shades of white, yellow, red and their combinations. The duration and splendor of flowering are due to good lighting, high humidity and warmth.

To prolong flowering, wilted leaves and inflorescences must be immediately removed.

Temperature mode

In order for the begonia to bloom beautifully and be healthy, evergreen, home care, prescribes to observe the temperature regime. This is especially important in winter, when laying flower buds. The thermometer should not fall below + 16 ° C in winter. In summer evergreen begonia develops well at temperatures from + 23 - 25 ° C. With a sharp change in temperature, the flower will reset the buds.


Evergreen begonia prefers high humidity. But you can not spray the plant: drops of water leave ugly stains on the leaves. Only the airspace around the flower is sprayed. Begonia is placed on a pallet with moistened pebbles, using humidifiers.


Begonia ever flowering prefers diffused bright lighting. It is an indispensable guarantee of lush flowering and beautiful exterior of the plant. The flower is preferably placed on a window facing the southwest or southeast side. On the south side, shading is required on hot sunny days: aggressive sun can cause leaf burns.

Evergreen begonia needs good lighting up to 15 hours a day. In winter and autumn, you must turn on the backlight.


Watering plays an important role in plant care. Ever-flowering home begonia loves that the soil be moderately moist, not over-dried and not flooded with water. Water the plant along the edge of the pot, not falling on the leaves and flowers. In summer, watered 1 time in 7 days. In winter - 1 time in 10 days.

It does not tolerate moisture stagnation. Therefore, they provide good drainage. Use lukewarm, settled water. Watering with cold water or excess moisture leads to root rot.

Begonia pot

Evergreen begonia has a poorly developed root system. Its roots are superficial. Therefore a pot for begonias need wide, but not deep. This is especially true for small, recently rooted bushes.. They are first planted in small pots, the diameter of which is not more than 6 cm. In a larger diameter container, the root system can rot and the begonia does not bloom. To avoid moisture stagnation, there should be several drainage holes at the bottom.

Soil for begonia ever flowering

The substrate for the plant requires loose, water- and breathable. Its important characteristics are fertility, weak acidity and lightness. Soil for Begonia ever flowering can be prepared by ourselves from two parts of leafy land and peat and part of perlite. In stores they sell begonias mix. You can improve the composition of the mixture with vermiculite, chopped moss and humus.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

To maintain beautiful flowering and strengthen the vitality of the plant, fertilizing and fertilizing are important. At a time that does not coincide with the dormant period, evergreen begonia at home twice every 30 days should receive concentrated fertilizer for flowering plants, diluted in half.

It is necessary to ensure that the nitrogen content in the fertilizer does not exceed the content of potassium and phosphorus, otherwise it will adversely affect flowering.


A flower is transplanted in early spring. A transplant is performed when the roots cover the entire earthen lump. Young bushes are transplanted more often than mature ones. In adults, the topsoil is refreshed. The flower is transshipped from the old container, inspect the roots.

The rotten roots are shortened, the remaining ones are lowered into the potassium permanganate solution for 20 minutes. After this, the roots are dried, the plant is transplanted. After the transplant, begonia should be in a shaded place for several days. After a week, they begin to water it, and after 3 weeks - to feed it.

Begonia rest period ever flowering

When the environment conditions are different from optimal for the plant, the rest period of Begonia begins everlasting. In winter, this time coincides with a reduction in daylight hours and lower temperatures. In the summer, the flower stops developing when the thermometer rises above + 27 ° C.

The evergreen begonia ceases to grow and bloom, directs all forces to the movement of nutrients from the leaves and stem to the roots. Therefore, pruning of green and elastic shoots is not carried out.


Propagation of begonia ever flowering is possible in different ways:

  1. Cuttings. In spring and summer, cut stem cuttings 10 cm long, having 3 pairs of leaves. They are planted in the ground, deepening to the first kidney. Cover with a film and root at + 25 ° C, regularly airing and watering. After a month, the plants are transplanted into small pots.
  2. Sheet plate: the sheet is planted in moist soil and placed in a film under lower heating. The seedling is watered and aerated. After rooting, they are planted in small containers.
  3. The seeds. Small begonia seeds at the end of winter are laid out on the ground, sprayed and covered with a film, removing it to ventilate and water. After 14 days, sprouts will appear. After the formation of 3 leaves, seedlings dive.

When propagating begonias with double flowers, only the vegetative variant of reproduction is used.

Winter begonia pruning

Diseases and Pests

When care rules are violated, diseases appear and pests attack the weakened plant. Most often, begonia problems are manifested as follows:

  • leaves fall evergreen begonias - lowering the temperature (rearrange in a warm place);
  • wither leaves - moisture deficit (adjust watering);
  • weak bloom - poor lighting, lack of nutrients (rearrange in a bright place, turn on the backlight; feed);
  • dry and sluggish leaves - high temperature and low humidity (put on a pallet with wet expanded clay, spray the air around the plant);
  • leaves turn yellow evergreen begonias - high humidity at low temperature (correct watering, transplant a flower, put in a warmer place);
  • small white spots on begonia leaves - Powdery mildew damage (apply fungicide);
  • black and brown spots on the leaves - defeat by the fungus botritis (fungicides are used);
  • leaf rot - spraying from above (spray only the air around the plant; if the process is at the very beginning, remove the damaged leaves and stop spraying; if most of the plant is affected, it cannot be saved, healthy cuttings are rooted).

Evergreen begonia can be affected by thrips, scale insects and whiteflies. Insects are exposed to insecticides.

Popular varieties of begonia ever flowering

Evergreen begonia is one of the favorite plants of breeders. Many varieties adapted to temperate climates have been bred; they are cultivated in home plantings. The most popular are several varieties.

Begonia "Lotto"

Begonia "Lotto" is a tall, compact bush. The leaves are velvety bright - emerald. Large flowers can be painted in different colors.

Begonia "Senator"

Begonia "Senator" - a medium-sized bush with bronze leaves. Medium-sized flowers can have different colors.

Begonia "Ambassador"

Begonia "Ambassador" - a compact mid-sized bush. Green leaves with a bright red border. The flowers are monochrome (white, red or pink) or two-tone.

Begonia "Queen"

Begonia "Queen" - undersized bushes with bright green leaves and double flowers of carmine, pink or snow-white color.

Begonia "Cocktail"

Begonia "Cocktail" - a short, full-flowering bush. Leaves are brownish red. Flowers are painted in scarlet, white, pink tones.

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Watch the video: Indoor Begonia Care Guide . Garden Answer (October 2024).