Tideya - growing and care at home, photo species and varieties


Tideya (Tydaea) - compact perennial of the Gesneriev family, whose natural habitat is the tropical rainforests of South America (the birthplace of the teidea is Brazil). In nature, the plant exists in two forms: grassy and semi-shrub, and reaches a height of about half a meter. At room content, the bushes of the teidea usually have a height of not more than 30 cm.

The root system of the plant is tuberous, shoots are erect or drooping, covered with large ovoid leaves "sitting" on long petioles. Leaf plates are painted in juicy green and slightly downy. Thidea blooms with small bell-shaped flowers whose corollas are painted in purple or pink.

Be sure to pay attention to such wonderful plants as Achimenes and Smitianta.

Low growth rate.
It blooms from late spring to early autumn.
The plant is easy to grow. Suitable for a beginner.

Tidey Facts

Thidea is often confused with gloxinia and koleriya. In fact, these are 3 completely independent plants that differ from each other in the shape and color of the flowers. Only teidea has bell-shaped flowers of violet or pink color. There are no such shades in the arsenal of colors, and gloxinia has cup-shaped flowers.

Tidea: Signs and Superstitions

It is believed that teidea has an unusually strong energy: it is credited with a “gift” to increase the material well-being of the owner and bring about change for the better. The plant can be placed in children's rooms - it helps to calm the kids and cope with their whims.

Tidea: home care. Briefly

Temperature modeIn the warm season, about + 23 ° С, in winter - + 15- + 18 ° С.
Air humidityModerate or slightly elevated.
LightingModerate, absent-minded. With excessive leaves turn yellow, and with insufficient teidea at home does not bloom.
WateringAbundant during the period of active growth (2-3 times a week), very scarce during rest (1 time per week or less).
Soil for teideaLight slightly acidic substrate of industrial production or a mixture of soil from leaf soil, humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring the period of active growth, 1 time per month with a weak solution of liquid flower fertilizer.
TransplantsAs the tubers grow.
BreedingSeeds, cuttings, division of tubers.
Growing FeaturesIn the cold season, the plant needs a dormant period, the teidea can grow in winter, but in this case its shoots are very extended, the leaves are smaller, and the buds are not formed.

Care for teidea at home. In detail

Blooming teidea

The teidea plant at home blooms from late spring to early autumn. At this time, medium-sized drooping blue-violet or pink bell flowers bloom on it.

Temperature mode

The thermophilic teidea during active growth feels most comfortable at an air temperature of + 22- + 25 ° С.

The plant prefers to spend a dormant period in cool - at + 15 ° С.


To ensure optimal humidity, the plant can be periodically gently sprayed in the warm season, but it is important to ensure that moisture does not get on the foliage and flowers, otherwise ugly brown stains will appear on them. Humidity can be increased in a more gentle way - by placing a flower pot on a pallet with wet expanded clay.


Tideya at home does not need bright intense light. It is better to place it on the eastern or western windowsill, where the lighting is moderate and diffuse. From direct sunlight, the plant must be shaded so that dark spots of burns do not appear on its foliage.

Watering the teidea

During active growth, the teidea is watered abundantly every 3-4 days, allowing the top layer of the soil to dry out slightly between irrigations. In autumn and winter, the substrate is moistened very moderately, even sparingly, so that tubers do not rot due to excess moisture.

Water for irrigation must be warm and soft.


For a teidea, almost any pot will fit into which its tubers fit without hesitation.

The container for the plant should also have a drainage hole to remove excess moisture.


The substrate for the teidea is selected light air- and moisture-permeable, slightly acidified. The soil mixture can be prepared at home from sheet soil, humus, peat and coarse sand (perlite), taken in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Care for teidea at home should include regular feeding of the plant with a weak solution of liquid flower fertilizer. Tidea is fed 1 time per month only during the period of active growth.


Tidea is growing quite slowly therefore, it is often not necessary to transplant it: the procedure is carried out once every 2-3 years in the spring. Tidei transplantation is carried out by transshipment method.


A plant can be periodically trimmed to maintain a neat appearance, but this procedure is not required. So that the teidea does not lose its decorative effect, wilted flowers, leaves and shoots should be removed from it in a timely manner.

Rest period

In mid-autumn, a homely teidea begins to dry leaves and shoots - this is a signal to transition to a dormant state. The ground part of the plant is completely removed, and the tubers are left in a pot, which is transferred to a dark, cool place.

Periodically, the substrate is slightly moistened. In March, the tubers are transplanted into fresh soil or just take the pot out into the light, and the plant again starts growing.

Growing teidea from seeds

Thidea seeds are sown at the end of winter in a light substrate, without sprinkling or deepening. Under a glass or film at a temperature of + 22- + 24 ° C, seedlings appear after about a week. After unfolding on seedlings 2-3 pairs of real leaves, they are planted in individual pots.

Propagation of teidea by cuttings

Planting material is cut from the apical parts of the shoots, the slices are dipped in a root stimulator, and the cuttings are placed in water or in a moist substrate. Rooting usually takes 1-2 weeks, after which young plants are transplanted into permanent pots filled with nutrient soil.

Reproduction of teidea by division of tuber

Adult large tubers can be divided into parts during the spring transplant. They are cut into pieces with a length of about 4 cm, the places of the slices are treated with crushed coal. Delenki planted in a peat-sand mixture, dipping them 2 cm into the soil. When new stems appear from sleeping buds, the plants can be transplanted into pots with a nutrient substrate.

Diseases and Pests

Diseases and problems with the appearance of a teidea result from improper care of it. Deterioration of the plant may be due to the following reasons:

  • Brown spots on the leaves of teidea appear if the plant was watered with cold water at night. It is recommended to moisten the soil in the pot in the morning, and for watering - use only warm, settled water.
  • Tidea stretches out when she does not have enough light - the plant needs to be moved to where it is more sunny. In winter, if the flower does not go to rest, it requires additional illumination with artificial light sources.
  • Thidea leaves turn yellow with excessive fertilizer application. Plant nutrition should be carried out with weakly concentrated nutrient solutions, dividing the recommended dosage in half.
  • Leaves curl and fall due to too low humidity. You can increase it by regular spraying or by placing a pot with a teidea on a pallet with wet expanded clay.
  • Thidea does not bloom in poor lighting or lack of nutrients. The plant must be moved to a brighter place and, if necessary, fed.

Thidea is not particularly "popular" with pests of indoor plants, but it can also be affected by mealybugs, thrips, aphids, or spider mites. The most effective method of dealing with them is the use of insecticides.

Now reading:

  • Gloxinia - growing and caring at home, photo species and varieties
  • Koleria - home care, photo species and varieties
  • Eonium - care and reproduction at home, photo species
  • Petrocosme - growing and care at home, photo species
  • Tuberous begonia - home care, photo


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