Trachicarpus Fortuna - care and reproduction at home, photo


Trachycarpus fortunei is a small home palm tree, a welcome acquisition for every lover of exotic plants. The thermophilic plant tolerates wintering with a cool temperature, and will decorate the interior with an unusual crown for 10-15 years.

The birthplace of trachicarpus Fortune is subtropics and tropics, South-West Asia, India and China, and on the Black Sea coast it feels like a real native. The plant is frost-resistant, withstands a temperature of about -10 degrees for a short time, but develops well at 20 degrees of heat.

In nature, a tree with huge fan leaves lives for more than 100 years, grows up to 18-19 meters. The room version of the plant reaches 1-2.5 meters in height. A palm tree is called a fan because of dissected leaves collected in brushes, resembling a fan. In an adult indoor tree, such a brush can reach a diameter of 60-80 cm. At home, palm trees do not grow as broad-leaved as in nature, but with good care their crown looks voluminous and healthy. Inflorescences bear large black berries.

The growth rate is low.
Trachicarpus Fortune blooms in summer.
The plant is easy to grow.

Useful properties of trachicarpus

Trachicarpus Fortune. A photo

The plant is not only beautiful - it is known as an active air purifier. Palm filters it, freeing from formaldehyde. Varnish, which is applied to furniture, emits harmful fumes even at room temperature. Trachicarpus Fortune successfully neutralizes not only them, but also compounds of trichlorethylene and benzene.

The sharp edges of the leaves ionize the air and act as an oxygen generator.

For a good microclimate, experts recommend placing a palm tree in a living room, and it will continuously fill the room with oxygen during the day.

Fortune trachicarpus care at home. Briefly

Palm is a thermophilic, subtropical plant and in order to grow Fortune trachicarpus at home, you need to create a habitat that is as close to natural as possible:

Temperature modeFor the development of wood, temperature fluctuations within 12-22 degrees of heat are ideal.
Air humidityThe plant does not tolerate abundant watering, but the air should not be dry. During the heating season, the space is sprayed daily with a spray gun, maintaining a humidity of 45-50%.
LightingIt is necessary to provide maximum illumination most of the day, but the tree should be protected from direct sunlight.
WateringSoil moisture depends on the season. In the summer heat, the tree is watered every 3 days, in winter - 2 times a month.
PrimingThe same proportions mix peat, humus and derain. So that the soil does not stick together, pearlite crumb is added to it.
Fertilizer and fertilizerIn winter, top dressing is not required; in the remaining period, magnesium fertilizers are applied every month.
TransferYoung shoots are transplanted annually in the spring, subsequent transplants are carried out every 4 years.
BreedingThe palm tree is propagated by seeds and seedlings. Only fresh seeds are taken for planting.
Growing FeaturesIn the summer, the plant is transferred to fresh air so that the sun and rain fill it with its energy. The leaves are wiped from dust, dried - removed. If there is no rain for a long time - spray the plant from the sprayer.

At the palm of the male inflorescence - yellow, female - with a green tint, there were cases of self-pollination.

Fortune trachicarpus care at home. In detail

It is very important to organize the proper care of Fortune trachicarpus at home, create favorable conditions for its development and fulfill all the requirements for agricultural technology.


Flowering of Fortune trachicarpus begins in May and lasts until the end of June. Delicate, pale yellow inflorescences with a pleasant odor fill the entire area with a sweet aroma.

The culmination of flowering is the appearance of black berries, 10 mm in size.

Indoor plant practically does not bloom and does not bear fruit.

Temperature mode

The trachicarpus plant is genetically predisposed to a moderately warm climate. In conditions of intense heat, it begins to hurt, the leaves darken and stop growing. In the summer, for palm trees enough 20-25 degrees of heat. Fortune's home palm trachicarpus can easily tolerate the onset of autumn cold on the street, but with the first frosts the plant is brought into the room.

Of all the varieties of palm trees, Fortune's trachicarpus is the most frost-resistant. At the end of the last century, a historical fact was recorded - the palm suffered a cooling of -27 degrees.

Important! Until a tree forms a trunk, a temperature regime of at least 15 degrees of heat is created.


Humidity in the room is maintained within 60%, this is the most comfortable microclimate for palm trees. Often it is impossible to spray the plant, it is enough 2 times a month to lightly spray the branches. On the remaining days, wipe the leaves with a damp rag. If there are heating appliances in the room, a humidifier is placed next to the plant.


Palm tree trachicarpus fortune in a pot. A photo

Direct ultraviolet rays inhibit the plant, especially in hot weather. If you put a palm tree in the shade, its growth will slow down. The best solution is to place the palm of the trachicarpus in partial shade or arrange for diffuse sunlight.

On winter days, the lack of natural light is compensated by a backlight.

The leaves of the tree are always drawn to heat and light, so that the crown does not grow one-sided and develops symmetrically, the tree is rotated around its axis every 10 days.

The best option is to place a palm tree near a window located east or west.. If the pot with the plant is placed at the south window, sunlight is obscured by a curtain.

Trachicarpus Fortune at home is gradually accustomed to sunlight, taking it out for 2-3 hours a day. After a week, the palm tree is left outdoors for the entire summer period.


The plant is a drought tolerant species and does not tolerate heavy watering. The earth under the plant is slightly moistened, preventing moisture stagnation.

Watered with water:

  • defended;
  • chlorine free;
  • soft;
  • not colder than air temperature.

Moisturize the earth around the trunk, trying not to fall on the crown. In summer, the plant is watered little by little every 2-3 days, in winter - occasionally, preventing the land from drying out.

Pot requirements

Choose a stable pot, the sides of which do not interfere with the reception of light and the growth of the root.

For a young shoot, a container of at least 10 cm in diameter is required. Each year, when replanting, they change the pot to a wider one. At the bottom there must be a drainage hole for the outflow of excess moisture.


Buy special soil for palm plants. If this is not the case, the soil mixture is made on its own, it must be with good permeability of water and air, therefore they make such a selection of the necessary components:

  • derain, compost, humus - 1 part each;
  • coarse sand or pearlite crumb - 0.5 parts.

Before planting, plants verify the composition. To do this, fill the pot with a mixture and water it. If water quickly leaves the bottom hole, the soil is correctly selected. If moisture stagnates, add sand.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Palm trachicarpus Fortuna at home requires fertilizing with fertilizers with a high content of magnesium, which is applied for three seasons, except winter.

You can apply this fertilizer:

  • universal - for indoor plants;
  • in granules - with prolonged action.

Palm tree is fed every 3 weeks, adding solution under the root.

Trachicarpus Fortune transplant

A palm tree of this species has a root system, which is easily and deeply rooted at a young age. Therefore, they are planted in a permanent place when they reach adulthood, and before that they are grown and transplanted in containers.

Until the trunk has formed in the shoot, it is transplanted annually in mid-spring by transshipment. It takes 3 years to form the trunk. In order not to damage the roots, moisten the soil before transplanting, the young tree is removed along with a lump of soil. With each transplant, increase the diameter of the flower pot.

When the tree grows, it is replanted once every 3-4 years, making a new composition of the earth or mixing the old mixture with the new one, prepared according to the previous scheme.

How to crop fortune trachicarpus

Crohn does not need to be cropped, it is formed by the direction of lighting. New shoots appearing on the tree are trimmed so that they do not pick up nutrients from the main plant. The diseased parts of the leaves are also removed, and the yellowed ones cannot be removed, since the tree transfers slag substances into them.

To give the tree an aesthetic appearance, leaves growing asymmetrically are removed.

Pruning is done very carefully, trying not to damage the trunk.

Rest period

In winter, a biological “sleep” sets in, and the plant slows down physiological processes. During these months, minimal watering is required - occasionally and in small doses, but the drying out of the land cannot be allowed. Feeding is not needed, the light must be scattered, the air temperature is up to 15 degrees Celsius.

Can trachicarpus be left without care during the holidays?

On vacation time:

  • Move the pot with the plant from the window, create a partial shade for it;
  • put a humidifier in the room;
  • put sponges in the pan and pour water;
  • wrap the pallet in a plastic bag and tie it at the base of the palm trunk.

Thus, moisture will not quickly evaporate from the soil, and the plant will wait for the owner from vacation in a satisfactory condition.

Propagation of trachicarpus Fortune

Growing trachicarpus from seeds

In the wild, palm propagates self-seeding. At home, the most reliable way is seed propagation, because disease-resistant palm trees grow from seeds. You should know that the seeds quickly lose their germination, so they are planted immediately after acquisition in this way:

  1. Disinfect before planting. To do this, soak the seeds in a weak solution of manganese for 3-4 hours.
  2. After this, the seedlings are soaked in warm water for 8 hours and the shell removed.
  3. Planted in prepared soil in a peat cup one seed.
  4. Cover with a film to create a greenhouse effect and maintain 25-28 degrees of heat.

Seeds will germinate better if steamed sawdust is added to the soil. After 2 months, the first sprouts will appear, as soon as 2 leaves are formed on them, the plant is transplanted into a pot.

Propaganda Fortune propagation by shoots

A palm is easier than by seeds to propagate by the basal processes that appear in the process of growth. Step-by-step instruction:

  • to disinfect a sharp knife or calcine on fire;
  • from the base of the trunk, with a knife, separate a strong root cuttings up to 10 cm in size;
  • treat the place of cut on the trunk with charcoal or phytosporin;
  • remove all leaves from the cutaway shoot;
  • cut the shoot with root and dry for 24 hours in the open air.

The sodden shoot is incubated for 5-7 hours in a growth promoter and placed in moist sand or pearlite crumb until it leaves roots. This will happen in 6-7 months. A pot with a process put in partial shade, maintaining the wet state of the sand. When the first leaves appear, the plant is transplanted into a pot.

Diseases and Pests

In order to prevent pests, the plant is planted in disinfected soil and periodically treated with drugs that prevent infection by diseases. The rest depends on proper care.

With a deficiency or an excess of moisture and light, palm trees are affected by such pests:

  • mite;
  • thrips;
  • mealybug;
  • scale shield.

Ticks especially reproduce in dry air. If pests are found, it is necessary to immediately treat the plant with insecticides.

With improper care, the plant becomes sick and withers. You can notice this by the following signs:

  • palm trachicarpus is slowly growing - lack of trace elements in the soil, too high or low air temperature, plant roots damaged during transplantation;
  • trachicarpus leaves turned yellow - from heat or watering with hard water, leaves are curled from lack of moisture;
  • lower leaves of the trachicarpus die - lack of nutrients in the soil or age-related natural loss of leaves;
  • the ends of the leaves of the trachicarpus dry - from a lack of moisture and dry air;
  • brown spots appear on the leaves - a lack of manganese and iron, possibly defeated by pests;
  • rot the roots of the trachicarpus - too abundant watering, stagnation of moisture in the ground.

With a lack of nutrients, it is necessary to feed the plant with microelements or change the soil substrate.

If you follow these simple rules, the palm will grow healthy and luxurious and decorate any greenhouse with its exotic look.

Now reading:

  • Chlorophytum - care and reproduction at home, photo species
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Watch the video: Growing Palm Trees from seeds Sowing Windmill Plam tree seeds Trachycarpus fortunei (October 2024).