Calistegia: terry, fluffy and other species, planting and care


Calistegia (bindweed, plow, birch) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the family Convolvulus. The distribution area is moderately humid areas on all continents.

Description of Calistegia

Calistegia has a powerful, root system that grows by 1.5 m. Thin shoots, clinging to a support, grow to 4 m. The leaves are oblong (resembling grape, but smaller), leathery. Most bindweeds tolerate winter cold well. They are planted near vertical structures (fences, arbors).

Single flowers, similar to a magnificent bell, grow from the sinuses of the foliage, color - white and pink.

In autumn, the lashes die off, and with the onset of spring, the root releases a fresh shoot.

Types and varieties of calistegia: terry, fluffy and others

There are several types and varieties of bindweed, suitable for home growing:

Type and gradeDescriptionLeavesInflorescences
FluffyHomeland - China. Stem length up to 4 m. This is the highest type of calistegia. During frosts they cover with dry foliage.Long, leathery.Bell-shaped, terry, size 4-9 cm, pinkish tint.
Flora captivityThe trunk is about 3 m long. It is a sort of fluffy species of calistegia.
It has a pleasant aroma.
Green, slightly omitted, arrow-shaped.Large. The buds are collected in pompons, the color is white with a pinkish tint.
Terry (French rose)A sophisticated stem 3-4 m long. Powerful root, has the ability to store moisture.Dark green, have cuttings.Multi-petal buds, color - pale pink.
FenceReminds a simple birch. Scourges up to 3 m long. Considered a weed. Propagated by self-sowing and growing rapidly. Flowering continues from mid-July to autumn.Triangular.Diameter of flowers is about 4 cm. Color - white.
IvyShoots reach 2.5 m. It blooms from July 15 to September.Small, bright green.Terry, white with a pink tint. The diameter of the buds is about 9 cm.
HairyHomeland - Far East. The smallest view. The trunk is strong, erect, reaches a height of 80 cm.Triangular, green-yellow.Pink flowers, have fused petals, they are slightly pointed. Diameter from 4 to 6 cm.
MultiplexThe trunk is about 3.5 m high. Included in the number of decorative species. Not afraid of severe frosts.

Flowering continues from July to October.

Medium in size, light green.Large, terry. Color - pink with a pearly shade, in diameter up to 9 cm.
DaurianHas shoots up to 3.5 m long.Green, elongated.Single, deep red.

Features of landing Calistegia

Calistegia is propagated by creeping rhizomes, initially they are placed in small greenhouses, and then moved to a permanent place.

For planting and further care perform the following actions:

  • dig a shovel deep in a bayonet;
  • the pit is seasoned with a mineral complex;
  • add ash and humus.

Bindweed is planted in a prepared trench at a distance of 5-25 cm, depending on the variety. After planting the stock in the soil, to a depth of 45 cm, they dig in the slate. This will not allow the root system of the flower to grow greatly.

Experienced gardeners immediately plant 2-3 seedlings in a bottomless barrel. Then moisture and fertilizer will be better absorbed, and you will not have to dig in slate to limit root growth.

Calistegia Care

Growing bindweed includes monitoring the following points:

  1. Lighting. The plant is planted in a well-lit area or in light partial shade.
  2. Top dressing. From the first of May to September, the bindweed needs nutrients. The reason is that the plant blooms for a long time and plentifully, feeding is carried out after 8-10 days, mineral substances are used. To prepare a nutrient solution, a tablespoon of fertilizer is dissolved in a bucket of water and watered 2 square meters. m. of soil. In autumn, the earth around the plant is sprinkled with ash, it is also a fertilizer.
  3. Pruning. During the season, wilted inflorescences are cut off and thin shoots are cut. When the foliage withers, remove all dried parts of the flower, leaving a short stump.
  4. The soil. The soil is selected loose, with sand and clay, should be fertile.
  5. Watering. The plant is moistened in dry periods of time, do it abundantly, but without allowing stagnation of moisture. Roots of bindweed are able to extract moisture from the soil.

Mr. Dachnik warns: problems of growing Calistegia and its pests

When growing calistegia, various problems arise, complicated by pest attacks:

  1. Rapid sprawl of the root system. If the part of the rhizome, which has young shoots, is not dug up in a timely manner, then the plant turns into a weed, which is removed with great difficulty. To prevent this, establish a growth boundary. Its role is played by an ordinary lattice dug in soil or tripods.
  2. Slug. If such pests are found on the plant, then the soil around the flower is sprinkled with lime. The plant is also treated with an insecticide such as Thunderstorm.
  3. Spider mite. During hot weather, such insects also appear on the foliage. They are eliminated with acaricidal drugs like Actara.

The use of calistegia in landscape design

Since hybrid varieties of Calistegia are quite decorative, they are used in landscape design:

  1. Planted around the perimeter of the site to create a beautiful hedge.
  2. Arbours, arches, fences and walls are decorated. They cover from the prying eyes the unsightly appearance of these buildings.
  3. They are grown in a single planting, since the plant is able to replace a flower bed.

Often calistegia is planted next to trees with rare foliage.

The weaving of several shoots of barn is outwardly similar to a garland covered with a cap of white-pink flowers. It is used not only for everyday decoration, but also for celebrations. To obtain the necessary form, calistegia is planted in a place suitable for growth for several months.

Often plow is planted in boxes and put on loggias or verandas. Plants braid the windowsill and supports.

Many gardeners give a positive review when growing bindweed. They like its short flowering and undemanding care. In addition, inflorescences can be mistaken for small rose flowers or clematis, which are famous for their attractive appearance and pleasant aroma.


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