Bloodroot: white, erect, shrubby, planting and care


Cinquefoil is a semi-shrub plant that is part of the Pink family. Distribution area - northern regions with moderate climatic conditions.

Description of cinquefoil

Annual or perennial, has a direct creeping or expanded stem. Foliage is folded, green-gray. Shrub species are about 50 cm long and 1 m wide.

Inflorescences - thyroid-paniculate, are rarely solitary. Coloring the corollas - from beige to red.

The duration of flowering is from March to early fall. The fruits are bare, have up to 80 seeds.

The cinquefoil is white, erect, shrubby and other species

In total, there are 320 varieties of cinquefoil, but only such types are suitable for home growing:

WhiteA herbaceous plant, reaching 8-25 cm. The flowering period is from late spring to early summer.Elongated, ascending, five-fingered. Color - gray-green.Single, white.
ShrubberyFrost-resistant look. Homeland - Western Europe and Central Asia. Shrub reaches 1.5 m in height, width - about 1 m. The trunk is covered with brown-gray bark.They have up to 7 segments, the shape is lanceolate, the edges are solid. The color is pale green with a silver tint.Single, golden color. Diameter of buds up to 2 cm.
GoosePerennial with creeping trunk, reaches 80 cm.Cirrus dissected, openwork. On the inside, densely pubescent. Light green.Single, color - yellow. Pedicel length up to 15 cm.
UprightPerennial shrub. The root system is cylindrical ligneous. The trunk is erect, branched. The duration of flowering is from late spring to early autumn.Five-fingered, have wedge-shaped lobes.Single, golden hue.
SilverThe herbaceous plant has a stalk 30 cm high. Flowering duration is the first half of summer.Thickened, silver-white pile covers the inside.Inflorescences are corymbose, have small light yellow buds.
NepalesePerennial, has a stalk 50 cm high. Homeland - Himalayas, Nepal. The trunk is significantly branched.Palmate, deep green.Single, large, have an obovate or heart-shaped petals. Color - various shades of pink.

Varieties of cinquefoil: description and photo

Of the presented species of Potentilla, there are varieties that have also gained popularity in home growing:

AbbotswoodPillow-shaped shrub plant, the stem reaches 1 m.Pale green.Inflorescences are racemose, buds are white.
GoldfingerShrub of a creeping type, grows up to 1.5 m. Duration of flowering is from the beginning of summer to October.Lanceolate. Color - gray-green.Large, rich yellow.
RoxanaA kind of Nepalese cinquefoil. Has a straight trunk, up to 50 cm high.Palm-shaped, dark green.Salmon-orange, covered with thin dark stripes.
FlorisShrub growing up to 50 cm.Color - deep green. The form is palmate.The edges are coral, the core is maroon.

Planting cinquefoil in the open ground

Planting a flower is carried out at partial shade, the soil is dry sandstone. The earth is dug up in advance and leveled.

Often seeds are sown before the cold, then they carry out natural stratification, and simultaneous seedlings are observed in spring. The selected place is well loosened, adding humus, do this in advance so that the earth settles. The soil is carefully leveled with a rake, the planting material is scattered over the surface and the ground is closed.

When the seedlings appear, they are dived at a distance of about 10 cm, cleaned of weed grass. Strong shrubs are arranged so that the interval between them is 20-40 cm.

In order not to spoil the planting material, seedlings are often used. In this situation, the seeds are used in March:

  • prepare the boxes and fill them with a mixture of peat and sand, taken in equal proportions;
  • moisten the soil;
  • seeds are placed on the surface;
  • crops are covered with polyethylene;
  • provide temperature + 15 ... +18 ° ะก;
  • after the formation of two permanent leaves, the cinquefoil is transplanted into different containers.

In open ground they are placed at the end of the summer season.

The choice of place depends on the variety. There are both capricious and unpretentious species. For example, brilliant cinquefoil is located in dry sandstones on the southern side of the site, white - in partial shade.

When planting seedlings in the ground, it is recommended to follow this plan:

  1. Make a hole. A layer of gravel is placed at the very bottom, and then the ½ hole is filled with a substrate of sheet soil, humus and sand (2: 2: 1).
  2. The neck of the rhizome is placed so that it is located above the trench. Empty spaces are filled with garden soil, rammed and watered.
  3. A month after planting, the soil is regularly moistened, preventing the stagnation of moisture.
  4. The quick drying of the earth is prevented by mulching the area around the shrub with sawdust, bark and straw.


Propagation of the flower is performed by three methods:

  • division of a bush;
  • layering;
  • cuttings.

Divide the root system is recommended from the age of four. The bush is taken out of the ground and, using a sharpened disinfected knife, divided into parts. Each new flower should have two to three buds of growth. The rhizome is treated with a growth stimulant and a potentilla is placed in the soil. The distance between the seedlings is 20-40 cm.

Breeding by layering is the easiest way. The shoots growing from below are selected and an incision is made on their outer side. The cinquefoil is bent, laid with the injured area in a previously dug groove, and covered with earth. By the autumn, a rhizome appears, it is separated from the mother shrub and moved to a new area.

For cuttings, apical shoots about 10 cm long are prepared, the buds are removed. They are rooted in a vessel filled with a little moist perlite, or in the ground, covered with a container on top. Spray twice a day. All buds that appear are deleted. After rooting, the cuttings are transplanted to another place and are already looked after as an adult plant.

Bloodroot care

When caring for a plant, weeding, loosening the soil, watering, feeding and removing wilted buds are carried out. The introduction of water is carried out only if there is no rain. Every two weeks they use a bucket of warm water, pour it under each bush.

During spring mulching of the plot with peat and sawdust, the frequency of weeding and loosening decreases. Over the summer, mulch is added several times.

They feed the flower three times a season, add a mineral type fertilizer intended for flowering plants. Purchased in a specialized gardening store. With a very hot summer season, it is occasionally recommended to spray.

Mr. summer resident warns: diseases and pests

The shrub has good immunity and rarely suffers from insects and diseases. But there are a number of pathologies that still affect the cinquefoil:

  • rust;
  • spotting;
  • powdery mildew.

If the annual is struck, then no measures are taken. In September, the bush is thrown away, and summer decorativeness will not decrease in any way. In the presence of diseases in perennials, they are treated with fungicides. Colloidal sulfur or Bordeaux liquid is well suited. Of the pests, the plant is rarely affected by scoops. They are eliminated using the insecticides Decis and Fitoverm.

Cinquefoil white: useful properties and contraindications

White cinquefoil is widespread in folk medicine, because its beneficial properties contribute to the fight against such pathologies:

  1. Problems with the functioning of the endocrine system. Used for the treatment of thyroid diseases, with its dysfunction. Using cinquefoil, nodes are removed and toxins are eliminated from the body.
  2. Gynecological pathology. Decoctions of the plant normalize the monthly cycle, dissolve uterine cysts and neoplasms (even malignant).
  3. High blood pressure. It helps to lower, normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  4. Obesity. Used to improve metabolic processes.
  5. Stress. Medicines containing the plant have a positive effect on the central nervous system. Eliminate mental disorders, help to survive emotional shocks of different strengths, relieve depression.
  6. Abscess. All inflammatory processes of the skin or damage sustained mechanically pass faster if they are treated with tincture of white cinquefoil.
  7. Gastritis. Medicines with the addition of a plant have a positive effect on the state of acidity in the stomach. They relieve acute pain, relieve sensations.
  8. Diarrhea. The cinquefoil contains tanning components that quickly fix this problem.

But, despite all the positive properties of the plant, there are also contraindications to the use of drugs based on it:

  • low blood pressure;
  • colitis that accompany constipation of the atomic type;
  • urolithiasis (the plant provokes the movement of stones that get stuck in the ureter and cause an inflammatory process in the organ);
  • carrying a baby (bleeding occurs, which negatively affects the condition of the baby);
  • lactation (the effect of a flower on a baby through breast milk has not been studied, so experts do not recommend taking risks).

Given all the contraindications to the use of cinquefoil, the plant is able to get rid of many pathologies. And with quality care, it will also delight with its flowering for a long time.


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