Primrose: description, planting and care


Primrose (spring primrose) is a decorative perennial.

Distribution area - Northern America, Central Europe, China.

Description of perennial primrose

A perennial variety of plants with a low rhizome. Foliage lanceolate, round or oval, glossy, slightly pubescent. Color - from deep green to bronze. The edges are completely smooth or may have slight notches.

Inflorescences are umbrella or spherical. The buds are white, pink, blue, red, yellow.
The plant has a pronounced aroma that appears due to the presence in the leaves of a large amount of essential oils.

Garden perennial primrose: evening, stemless and other species

Allocate 19 varieties of primrose, suitable for cultivation in the garden:






The most common type. Repeated flowering is possible.Saturated green, velvety, up to 25 cm long.

Single, diameter up to 40 mm. Color - pale yellow or white with purple dots.

Mid april.

HighThe most winter-hardy variety. Often grown in arid regions.Elongated-oval, length - 20 cm.

Umbrella. Color - white with dark spots.

Mid April-June.

PinkMoisture-loving plant, grown near ponds and streams.Oval. Color - from bronze to pale green.

Bright pink, size up to 10 mm.

In the beginning of May.

SpringThe variety is almost undemanding to content.Ovoid, wrinkled. In length they grow up to 20 cm.

Petals are heart-shaped. The colors of the buds are from cream to pink.

Observed after snow melt.

Ushkovaya (auricular)Recognize the most beautiful view. The aroma is honey.Oval, with small denticles along the edges. Length - up to 10 cm.

Light yellow or purple, the middle is purple. The diameter of the buds is up to 40 mm.

June July.

SikkimThe plant is not pubescent. The flowering period is mid-summer.Shoulder-lanceolate.

Bell-shaped. Color - light yellow.

The flowering period is mid-summer.

FlorindsLate-flowering species.Large, bright green.

Small, sunny. They have the shape of bells.

At the end of summer.

CapitatePowdery powder is sprayed throughout the flower.Elongated.The inflorescence is spherical. The buds are purple.

June August.

Fine toothedHeight of peduncles - up to 40 cm. Widely used to decorate flower beds, rabatok.Large, length - about 40 cm. Bright green.

Spherical. Color - all shades from white to purple.

After the snow melts a month and a half.

BullyOften grown as a biennial. The flowering period is June-July.Length and width - about 40 cm. In cold time - die off.

Yellow-orange, diameter - 20 mm.


Viale (orchid)Grassy perennial. Blooms on horseback in May.Lanceolate. Color - light gray.

Red-lilac, size - up to 70 mm.

June July.

JapaneseHas non-standard flowering, it is observed only in June.Large, lanceolate oval.

Raspberry and white. In diameter - up to 2 cm.


VoronovaA small bush with basal leaves and one inflorescence.Wrinkled.

Light lilac, the core is rich yellow.

The first buds appear immediately after the snow melts.

JuliaEarly flowering species. Unpretentious and shade-tolerant.Ovoid, light green.

Large, diameter up to 3 cm. Color - from white to purple.


MealyThe variety is short-lived, but retains foliage until the beginning of winter.Small, in length - up to 5 cm.

Pink-lilac, the core is white.


EveningThe rod-shaped rhizome is about 15 cm long. The height is from 50 to 80 cm. Medicinal plant.Large, green.



ObkonikaIt grows to 25-30 cm.
Grown as a houseplant.

Color - from yellow to red. The diameter of the buds is about 8 cm.

The beginning of March-May.
At home, a second flowering is possible.

SieboldThe trunk reaches 30 cm.Oblong, ovate, pubescent.

Pink. Size - up to 2.5 cm.

May June.

Outdoor primrose planting

When planting a flower in open ground, it is necessary to comply with deadlines and follow the technology.

Landing time

Biennial plants are planted in the ground, the optimal time is at the end of spring or in September.

The plot is selected darkened, the flowers die from direct sunlight. The soil is chosen light, loose, well-drained. Clay soil is suitable.

Technology for planting primrose in open ground

Between the shrubs leave a distance of 10-30 cm, the larger the variety, the greater the interval. These plants prefer open spaces, so they are planted so that as they grow, the flowers become closed.

Before landing, a hole is made in the ground, at the bottom of which a drainage layer of brick chips is laid. A little soil is poured on top and a seedling is placed, which they drip and watered.

Outdoor primrose care

The plant does not cause difficulties during planting and care, but requires timely watering, cultivation and the use of fertilizers.


In spring and summer, watering is plentiful, but does not allow water stagnation. The land around shrubs should always be slightly moist.

Water is poured immediately under the root, excluding contact with flowers and leaves. After flowering, the frequency of application of moisture is reduced. Use warm and soft water.

Top dressing

During the growing season, fertilize once every 2 weeks. Before flowering, nitrogen products and infusions based on manure (1000 g per 1 liter of water) are used. Such substances provide foliage growth. After the buds fall, phosphorus-potassium components are used.


It is carried out in March, immediately after the snow melts. Autumn pruning is prohibited, as foliage acts as a food source for weak rhizomes. During flowering, dried buds are removed.

Perennial primrose after flowering

Since primrose is among the perennials, then after flowering, it requires a certain attention.

Autumn time

Loosen the soil, remove all weeds. Until late autumn, a leaf rosette is retained, as it covers the root system.


In severe frosts, shrubs cover with pre-dried straw, foliage or spruce branches. The thickness of the shelter is 7-10 cm. In relatively warm weather, this is not required. When converging snow, it is controlled so that ice does not form over the bushes, as this provokes the debate of the flower.

Reproduction of primrose

Perform in several ways:

  • seeds (before sowing into the soil, stratification is mandatory);
  • leaf type cuttings;
  • division of a bush.

A transplant is done every 4-5 years, in early September. The overgrown shrub is carefully watered and dug up. They remove the whole earth from the rhizome, and then wash it in a container with water. Cut into cuttings with a well-ground knife, leave at least 1 growth point on each part. The cut areas are treated with wood ash, and then the plant is placed in a new place.

With a weakened root system or the presence of only one outlet, axillary shoots are used for reproduction. To do this, separate the leaf with the kidney, part of the trunk and petiole. It is half cut and planted in the ground. Then the stalk is moved to a bright place, the optimum temperature is +16 ... +18 ° C. In the spring, transplanted into open soil.

Problems with growing primrose

With improper care of the plant, various problems arise:

Withering and drying of leaves.Moisture deficiency, exposure to direct sunlight.Correct the irrigation regime, provide additional shading during heat.
Rotting rhizomes.Watering with cold water.For moisturizing use only a soft and warm liquid.

Poor flowering.

Lack of nutritional components.Regulate the frequency of fertilizer application.

Diseases and Pests

Primrose susceptible to many diseases.

Disease / pestSymptomsRemedial measures
MicroplasmosisThe greening of flower petals is carried by insects pollinating plants.Destroy.
Late blightSpots on the leaves, rotting of the root neck, stems sag.In the initial stage, spray with a soda or vinegar solution. Running ones are deleted.
Root rotLeaves quickly turn yellow, red threads on the roots, the root neck dies.The infected plants are thrown away, the rest are transplanted to a new place, the soil is cultivated.
Leaf rustSpots on the leaves, rotting of the bushThey are treated with a copper-containing preparation.
Powdery mildewWhite plaque on the leaves, they lag behind in developmentSprayed with fungicides.
NematodesThe roots rot, the leaves turn brown.They dig it out completely and throw it away. They are treated with insecticides. Prevention is carried out before landing. Nematode scares off the smell of marigolds.
CaterpillarsEaten leaves.Plants inspect and collect insects. Then they are burned. For prevention, they are sprayed with preparations against butterflies.
Root aphidPrimrose stops growing, turns yellow.The affected parts are removed by digging from the ground, divide bushes, use a solution against pests.
Spider miteThe leaves turn yellow first, then turn brown, specks appear. A thin web appears on the bottom.It is treated with a solution of laundry soap with preparations Fitoverm or Spark.
Larvae of centipedesThe combined roots and bottom of the stems.Weed and spud, pests are collected. Plants are covered with covering material so that adults do not fly off.
Leaf minerPupae pierce the leaves.Remove insects until they become an adult specimen. Inspection is carried out every week.
ThripsLight small spots appear on the petals. Flowers gradually turn brown and die off.Preventive treatment of pests is carried out in advance, but if infection occurs, sick primrose is destroyed.
Slugs and SnailsEaten leaves of plants.Pests collect or sprinkle a drug against slugs around the bush. Good prevention is ash.
AphidAffected buds and flowers. When infected, they form whole colonies, which can lead to the death of the plant.They are sprayed with special preparations, after washing off the insects with a large stream of water.
WeevilAt the edges of slightly eaten leaves. Larvae destroy roots.Insecticides are used, the temperature of the soil should not fall below +10 degrees, watered.
WhiteflyThe appearance of sticky secretions, the leaves turn yellowThey are treated with insecticides.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: primrose in the landscape

Primrose is able to decorate any green corner, if it is right for her to choose partners.

Ideal neighbors are bulbous plants that do not require any care (off-grade daffodils, muscari). Among perennials suitable cereals, irises, ferns.


Watch the video: Primrose Care! Primulas! (September 2024).