Lanthanum flower: photo, description, home care


Tropical perennial shrub of the Verbenov family. It grows and develops rapidly, requires a spacious room and bulk dishes.

In length reaches 3 m. Branches are large, covered with bark. Spikes are rarely present. The leaves are green, have a heart shape. The flowers are located on the peduncle, form a ball. Change color during the growing season, which runs from May to October.


In room conditions, only two types of lanthanum are bred. In nature, more than 150 are known.

ViewDescriptionGradeBloom period
Camara (vaulted)The stem twists, covered with thorns. The leaves are gray-green, oval. The top is smooth or rough, the bottom is covered with a pile.
  • Golden cloud.
  • Cocktail.
  • Naida.
  • The pink queen.

Tubular shape, collected in inflorescences. The color yellow changes to orange, pink to red.

From the beginning of May to the end of August.

Montevideo (Selloviana)Branches weave on the ground. The leaves are small, green, ovoid.Are absent.

Small ones. The color is purple, pink. In an inflorescence form a shield.

From June to October.


Lantana: home care

Tropical lantana feels comfortable at home and does not require special care.

Location / LightingChoose any side except the north. The plant does not tolerate cold, drafts. Photophilous, can be exposed to direct rays for up to 5 hours a day, but prefers diffused light. In winter, requires additional lighting.
TemperatureDuring the rest period + 5 ... +10 ºC. In the spring they gradually add, bring to + 15 ... +18 ºC. During flowering, not lower than +20 ºC, optimally + 22 ... +28 ºC.
Humidity / WateringIt normally feels at a humidity of 40-50%. Recommended daily spraying of leaves, without moisture on the flowers. A drain is placed in the pan to hold water.
The soilLoose, fertile, nutritious. It allows air to pass through. Consists of a mixture of sand, peat, turf in a ratio of 1: 1: 1.
Top dressing2 times a month during the flowering period with complex fertilizer.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: transplant

The root system of lanthanum is developing quite quickly and requires regular transplantation. Young plant - once a year, older - every 2-3 years. A pot for transplanting is chosen roomy, wide, deep. The bottom is covered with permeable drainage (expanded clay, pebbles).

When transplanted, the roots of the flower are cleaned of the old soil to obtain useful nutrients from the new. For the substrate, they are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1: 3: 4: humus, sand, turf, leafy soil. Camara (vaulted)

Lantana from seeds and cuttings at home

Grow seeds and cuttings. The second method is simpler, but the seeds produce more plants at the same time. At the same time, there is a risk that lanthanum will not retain the signs of the mother flower.

  1. Planting seeds is carried out in late autumn, pre-soaked in hot water + 50 ... +60 ºC for 2 hours. They are treated with stimulants. Planted in a mixture of peat and sand. Organize greenhouse conditions. The air temperature is maintained at + 20 ... +22 ºC. The first sprouts appear after 3-4 weeks. Then lower to + 10 ... +12 ºC, increase the amount of light. After the appearance of the first 2-3 leaves, lanthanum is dived into separate containers.
  2. Propagation by cuttings is carried out in the spring, when the plant is cut. Choose branches with a length of 10 cm, with 3-4 leaves. Planted in porous, fertile soil. Cover with a film or a glass jar. The place is chosen bright, warm. After two weeks, the greenhouse begins to air a couple of hours a day. After a week, they clean it completely.
Montevideo (Selloviana)

Possible problems, diseases and pests

Subject to the simple rules of care, lanthanum will not be exposed to disease or pest attack. If this happens, measures must be taken to eliminate the cause. The very first signal about the disease will be the absence of flowering.

SymptomsCauseRemedial measures
Fall off.During flowering, low humidity, heat affects. When the vegetation ends - the norm.Increase room humidity to optimal levels. In the fall, a flower is prepared for the rest period.
Blacken.The abundance of watering and the lack of spraying. Dry air.Reduce watering, add spraying or shower. Humidify the air.
Pale spots appear.Burns from direct sunlight.The rays of light scatter, organize partial shade.
They twist into a tube, the ends turn black, dry.Low humidity, rare watering.Increase the volume and quantity of irrigation to the optimum state. Humidifiers are installed in the room to eliminate drought.

The substrate becomes moldy, exudes an unpleasant odor. The shoots turn black.

Dark spots appear.

Rotting of the roots.Eliminate only at the initial stage. To do this, remove all affected parts of the flower, cut the sections with charcoal or chalk. In a 2% fungicide solution, the roots are soaked, pre-cleaned of soil. A new sterile container, a new substrate mixed with Gliocladin, is prepared. For 3 months, watered with a solution of Baikal-EM, Skor.
Covered with a layer of gray-black pile with beige spots. Blacken, rot, fall off.Mushroom Botritis (gray rot).For prevention purposes, they are sprayed once a month with 0.1% Fundazole solution.

When infected, the rotten shoots are removed, the exposed surface is treated with a powder of chalk / coal. According to the instructions, chemicals are prepared (Chorus, Tsineb) for processing plants, soil. For a month, irrigation with ordinary water is alternated with a 0.5% solution of Topaz, Skor.

The lower part is covered with convex orange spots.Rust.Remove infected foliage. The flower is sprayed with a 1% solution of Bactofit, Abiga-Peak. After 2 weeks, repeat the procedure.
Light spots cover the top. The bottom turns yellow, a gray coating appears.Brown spots.Destroy diseased leaves. The treatment is carried out with Fitosporin, Vectrom. Repeat once a week for a month.
The plant is covered with small insects of light yellow or dark brown color.Aphid.Wash with soapy water, spray with infusion of garlic, orange and other herbs with a pungent odor. The procedure is repeated once a week for a month. If necessary, use an insecticide (Spark-Bio, Biotlin).

The flower dries, fades.

Covered with white larvae.

Fall off.

Mealybug.Wash with a shower with a soap-alcohol solution. Cut damaged leaves, buds. They carry out the treatment with insectoacaricide (Actellic, Fozalon). Repeat 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days. For prevention, use Nim tree oil.
Lantana is covered with white small butterflies.WhiteflyA daily vacuum cleaner collects insects. A fumigator and masking tape for flies are placed next to the plant. Spray infusion of hot pepper or tobacco several times a day. If alternative methods do not help, apply chemicals (Fitoverm, Aktara).


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