Flower Badan: description, planting and care


Badan is a perennial of the Kamnelomkov family, known since the 18th century. Another name is "elephant ears." Originally from Siberia. Distribution area - Central Asia, Mongolia, Korea, China, Altai Mountains, Primorsky Territory. It prefers river banks, streams, rocks, rocky slopes, forests. The plant has many useful properties.

Characteristic of a flower of a frankincense

Badan or Bergenia (official name) has basal leaf plates. They are of decorative value after flowering. The plates are leathery, wide, in the form of an oval, circle, ellipse, serrated at the edges. In summer, dark green, shiny, in the fall become chestnut, red-brown, raspberry, bright bronze. The length of the leaves is 3-35 cm, the width is 2.5-30 cm. They are located on the petioles and collected in a basal rosette, in the lower part of which membranous stipules are formed. Leaves appear after flowering, grow all summer and do not die off in winter.

The stem of the plant is thick, smooth, without leaves, 15-50 cm long, dark pink in color. The rhizome is thick, dark brown, is not deep and grows lengthwise, its thickness is up to 3.5 cm, its length is several meters.

Fragrant flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences, they are located on a high peduncle. The shape is bell-shaped, bell-shaped. Blossom in late March and bloom until the end of May. Color - snow-white, pink, fuchsia, purple. The fruit is a box with black, small seeds.

Types and varieties of frankincense

Classify 10 species of plants, united in one genus, the first three are most common in ornamental gardening.

ViewDescription / Height (m)Leaves

Flowers / Flowering Period

Plate (officinalis, Mongolian)Early flowering, shade tolerant, demanding on moisture. Healing tea is prepared from it.


Heart-shaped, round, hard, 20 cm wide, 30 cm long. Light green in summer and spring, brown, shiny in autumn.

Dark pink. Purplish red. Purple. Pale pink.

The end of April.

HeartyLarge, able to winter under the snow.


Dense, rough in the shape of a heart. Light green in the summer, and red-brown in the fall, with shine.Lilac-pink.


CiliatedFrom Tibet and the Himalayas, loves shady forests, mountain ledges.


Rounded, fleecy, with a pinkish border, 2.5 cm long.White, creamy pink, fragrant.


PacificDistributed in the Far East, photophilous, growing among stones.


Up to 20 cm in diameter, oval, edges are corrugated, green in summer, red-burgundy in autumn. In winter, at -18 ° C, they die.Lilac, from May to June.
SwatchHardy to differences, drafts. Habitat - Afghanistan, Asia.


Ovate, with a diameter of 3-5 cm, a length of 8-10 cm. Serrated, sharp on the edge, glossy. Excellent stored under snow.

Purple-red, white-pink.

May to September.

HybridObtained by crossing different species.Most of the leaves are large, wavy, violet-green, purple, yellow.A variety of colors.
SchmidtHybrid from ciliary and plate.


Ellipsoid, 15 cm long and 25 cm wide on long petioles, pointed at the edges. Green and green-blue in the fall.Scarlet.

The end of April.

BachDutch. Frost resistant.


Dark green, brown in October.


May June.

Platyphyllum Varieties

GradeHeight (cm)FlowersFlowering period
Purpurea50Purplish red.May June.
Hiderruspe200Pale pink.

Heartbeat Varieties

GradeHeight (cm)FlowersFlowering period
the Red Star50Carmine pink.May.
Morning Light35Light pink, darker in the middle.
Cordifolia30-40Dark pink.April May.

Varieties of Strechi

GradeHeight (cm)FlowersFlowering period
Gazebo20Light pink.April May.
Beethoven40Pink and white.

Hybrid Varieties

GradeHeight (cm)FlowersFlowering period
Bressingame White30Large, white.May June.
Baby DollLight pink.
Eden Dark MarginPurplish red.
Magic jain35Pearl.April May.
Lanur glow40Eggplant pink.June August.

The cultivation of a flower of frankincense

Badan is able to decorate the site, garden, is in demand in landscape design for rabatok, borders, alpine hills. The flower is not moody, but planting and care in the open ground require compliance with the rules of agricultural technology.

Sowing seeds

Seeds are bought or harvested from bushes. To do this, choose a wilted, but large inflorescence, put on top a bag and cut. Harvest time is September. Dry for several weeks in a ventilated area, then shake, clean. Store in cloth bags.

Sown in early spring, in a wide wooden container, at the bottom have a drainage of sand, small pebbles. For sowing take purchased soil for flowers. Furrows are made 0.5 cm deep and 3 cm apart. Watered with warm water, seed is spread evenly after absorption. They put in partial shade, where the temperature is +18 ... +19 ° С, humidity is 75%.

Sometimes seeds are sown in November, taken out under the snow for stratification. In March, rearrange in heat and seated at the end of April.

Seedling Care

Seedlings are expected in 3 weeks. The soil is constantly loosened, especially when a crust appears. Humidify not too plentifully, ventilate the room. They are shaded from direct sunlight in order to avoid burns. Fertilizer is not required, the growth activator will not interfere. After a month, the sprouts are thinned. Dive seedlings in May, in a prepared box at a distance of 5-7 cm and 15 cm between rows. Before planting in open ground, seedlings temper on the street, balcony, increasing the time every day. When the seedlings stand idle in the fresh air for a day, the time has come to land in the garden.

Outdoor landing

At the end of summer, incense is planted in open ground. A place with light, loose, only slightly alkaline soil in partial shade is suitable for him. This is necessary so that the roots do not dry out. Under the influence of direct sunlight, inflorescences may not form, but the leaves will be lush.

First, pits are made, 6-8 cm deep. They are staggered 40 × 40. At the bottom place a mixture of turfy soil, loamy, humus, sand (1: 1: 2: 1). The seedling, together with the lump, is recessed into the hole by the method of transshipment. The soil is mulched with straw, sawdust. The flower develops slowly, flowering occurs for 3-4 years.

Flower care

Caring for a flower is not difficult. In autumn, dry foliage and inflorescences are cleaned, and in the spring - last year's leaves, broken, weak, overgrown shoots. The soil is mulched. In dry weather, bushes need repeated watering: when buds form, during flowering, after another 2-3 weeks.

It is important to prevent drying out and stagnation of water. When it rains, watering is not required.

Fertilize 2 times, in spring, after flowering and in autumn. Complex mixtures are used, for example, Kemira - 1 tbsp. l on a bucket of water and 2 sq.m. plot. The second time superphosphate - 20 g per 10 liters of water (1 sq. M).

In cold regions, despite the fact that the plant is frost-resistant, certain varieties may not withstand the cold. Bushes are covered with fallen leaves, spruce branches.

Reproduction and transplantation of incense

The plant propagates by seed, dividing the bush. Educated young sockets with roots are dug up without touching the maternal. A healthy bush of 4-5 years old with large leaves is chosen. Usually carry out the procedure after flowering, from May to August. On each dividend, 10-20 cm long, at least three kidneys should be located. Break off leaves, leave the smallest. Dig holes with a depth of 3-5 cm with an interval of 30-40 cm from each other. Watered abundantly for the first three weeks. After rooting, the plant will grow a leaf rosette, it will bloom only after two years.

A flower is able to exist for many years in one area, it gradually grows and covers more and more space. In such cases, a transplant is recommended every 5-6 years. In early September, the bush is divided and planted. The first few days require abundant watering.

Diseases and pests of frankincense

The plant is rarely exposed to diseases and pests.

With stagnation of moisture, there is a risk of ramulariosis - a fungal infection. Above the leaves are covered with brown spots with a border, from below a white coating. Then they dry. Affected leaf plates are removed. Helps treatment with Bordeaux liquid, Fundazole, copper sulfate.

Bushes growing in the shade may be subject to slobbery pennies. Dense grass is a place to deposit their larvae. Insects emit saliva-like foam. To combat, use household soap, wormwood infusion, Karbofos, Intavir, treating plants twice in dry, warm days after flowering.

Roundworms or nematodes lay larvae in the form of balls on the roots. When transplanted, they are treated for prevention. When the pests completely attacked the plant, they dig it up, the rhizome is kept in a solution of manganese. Transplanted to a new place. The soil where the bush grew is etched with insecticides. They don’t plant anything on it for a whole year.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: a frankincense - a flower for receiving a healing drink

The medicinal properties are: the rhizome of the plant, leaves, flowers, fruits. Due to the content of tannins, trace elements, vitamin C, frankincense is widely used for treatment. The plant has anti-inflammatory, healing, disinfecting, diuretic properties.

Billets are made in June-July. The root is washed and dried, it can be stored for up to 4 years. Leaves are collected only in spring or autumn, washed, dried, crushed. Store in a cloth bag.

Decoctions are prepared from dry raw materials, tea from last year's leaves, wintering under the snow, but not young, they are toxic and will harm the body.

Badan is used for female diseases, sore throats, stomach problems, headaches, and is used in dentistry.

Depending on the region of growth, the medicinal properties of frankincense vary. Mongolian tea helps with low immunity. No Tibet treats them with a cold, bronchitis, rheumatism, pulmonary tuberculosis. Folk medicine of Siberia offers incense for diseases of the oral cavity, throat, gastrointestinal tract. Powder rhizomes treat wounds. Tea is brewed from the leaves of the plant, the drink strengthens male strength, relieves stress, tones, improves metabolism, and eliminates toxins. Water infusions, tinctures extracts are popular.

The plant can harm if you do not know about its contraindications. They do not recommend incense to people with hypotension, cardiac arrhythmia, a tendency to allergies, and constipation. Also pregnant, lactating.


Watch the video: Bergenia Flower (October 2024).