Growing osteosperm from seeds


From this article you will learn how to grow osteospermum from seeds, what conditions it needs, when it needs to be planted, and much more. Osteospermum is a perennial flowering garden plant native to the African continent. Inflorescences resemble chamomile, hence the second name of the flower - African chamomile.

A popular method of breeding at home - growing osteosperm from seeds - the seed is germinated, and the stronger seedlings are transplanted into a flower bed.

Growing osteosperm from seeds

To grow seedlings from seeds you will need:

  • determine the favorable period for sowing seeds, when to plant seedlings in a flower bed;
  • prepare the soil, seeds;
  • choose a pot.

Prerequisites for osteosperm:

  • temperature mode +20 ° ะก;
  • lack of drafts;
  • oxygen access - the tank must be ventilated daily;
  • spraying with warm water (watering is not recommended, so as not to disturb the soil layer and not to damage the seedlings);
  • bright, scattered light for 12 hours (if there is not enough daylight, use phytolamps).

Subject to all requirements, the first shoots appear after 10-12 days.

Dates of sowing seeds for seedlings

Traditionally, osteospermum blooms in June. To do this, seeds must be sown from March to April. Planting material is planted in peat cups (this is the most convenient way, since then you can transplant seedlings into the garden directly in them).

In a moderate climatic zone, planting osteosperm with seeds for seedlings before March does not make sense, since after transplanting to a flowerbed, flowers can die due to night frosts.

Planting osteosperm - when to sow seedlings and planted in open ground

Type of workMarchAprilMayJune
Sowing seedsFrom the 10thThe entire monthNot providedNot provided
Transplant to the gardenNot providedNot providedFrom the 20th dayUntil the 20th

When to plant an osteospermum will tell the lunar calendar 2019. Here you can choose the optimal time for sowing and transplanting seedlings into the ground. This will significantly increase the chances of germination of planting material.

Soil selection and preparation

Specialized stores sell ready-to-use soil mixes, but experienced gardeners prefer to cook it themselves.

The best soil composition:

  • sand;
  • turf and leaf land;
  • humus.

All components are combined in equal proportions. You can prepare the soil in the fall and leave it on the balcony for the winter. For disinfection, the earth is steamed in the oven or in a steam bath for a quarter of an hour.

Seed preparation

The main requirement is that the osteosperm seeds must be dry and must not be soaked. Otherwise, seedlings and seedlings will not be able to fully develop. Wet seeds are likely to rot.

Before planting for 15-20 minutes, planting material is covered with a damp cloth.

To increase germination, the seed coat needs to be slightly damaged. This can be done in several ways - slightly prick, rub with sandpaper, cut with a knife. Damage to the casing or scarification will ensure maximum germination.

The selection and preparation of containers for sowing

A feature of African chamomile is its fragile root system, so you need to select an individual capacity for transplanting into open ground. The plant painfully responds to transplantation, so as not to damage the root, it is best to dive seedlings in separate peat pots.

Plants with three formed leaves are suitable for picking. If there are no peat containers, plastic ones are suitable, before transplanting, they need to be rinsed with boiling water for disinfection. The optimal height of the cups is from 8 to 10 cm.

If there is no possibility or time to dive seedlings, planting material is immediately sown in special 3x3 cassettes.

Seeding and seedling technology

Growing osteosperm from seeds at home is a simple, quick and affordable process. Dry seeds are sown to a depth of not more than 0.5 cm.

  1. The container is covered with glass (also use a plastic film). A container with planting material is placed in a well-lit place.
  2. For rapid seed germination, it is necessary to maintain the temperature regime in the range of + 20 ... +22 ° C (growing at lower temperatures slows down the growth of osteosperm).
  3. When the first shoots appear, the container is transferred to a glazed balcony.

First sprout care

Consider all the nuances.


Strictly metered, accurate, to exclude the possibility of stagnation of water, the top layer of the soil should dry. For irrigation use only warm water.


The container is covered with glass or plastic wrap. They need to be removed every day for ventilation and oxygen access.

Fertilizer application

Two weeks before the seedlings move to the garden (presumably the second half of April), it is fed by spraying (use a weak solution of mineral or organic fertilizer).


A few weeks before transplanting into open ground, seedlings are prepared for a change in temperature. This helps the plant adapt to new, natural conditions. The temperature regime is reduced smoothly. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. first open the window for 10-15 minutes;
  2. then for 45-60 minutes they take out a container with seedlings to the balcony, the time spent in the open air is increased to two hours;
  3. 7-10 days before planting on the flowerbed, seedlings are left on the balcony constantly, they are not taken to the house for the night.

Some gardeners recommend starting to harden the plant after the appearance of the first leaf. Pick-up is carried out as necessary, when there are three full leaves.

Regarding pinching, there is no unanimous opinion among gardeners. One group believes that it is necessary only for tall crops, and the second that pinching helps to form a lush bush and guarantees abundant, long flowering.


If planting material was sown in boxes, diving seedlings must be mandatory. Do this a month after the emergence of seedlings, when the plant already has three full leaves.

The pick is carried out in separate cups with a height of not more than 10 cm. Transplanted seedlings with an earthen lump so as not to damage the fragile root system.

Mr. Dachnik warns: possible problems when growing osteosperm

If you provide the plant with the necessary conditions, it develops quickly enough and blooms in June.

The main problem of growing osteosperm from seeds is waterlogging of the soil. In this case, growth slows down, the root system rots, as a result, the osteospermum dies. You need to spray the earth so that the water does not fall on the stems and leaves.

The flower is watered in the morning or in the afternoon, when the soil dries. It is best to use a spray bottle and warm water.

Another problem is the stretching of the plants, the stalk becomes thin, and the leaves become pale. There are several ways to solve the problem:

  • hilling of osteosperm;
  • pinching the top.

Planting seedlings in open ground

As soon as there is no threat of frost at night, seedlings can be transferred to the garden. The optimal period is from the second half of May to the beginning of June. Specific dates can be found in the lunar calendar.

A well-lit, sunny place with no drafts is selected in the garden. Sun rays are an important condition for the successful cultivation and breeding of osteosperm. In a shaded place, flowering will be sparse, buds are small.

The soil should be light, loose, freely pass air, have good drainage qualities. As for fertilizers, they are applied in the fall, using organic fertilizing.

Seedlings with a height of 20 cm with three formed leaves are transplanted into the soil. It is in such plants that the root system is sufficiently developed and easily adapts to the natural conditions in the garden.
