Royal geranium care at home


Large-flowered pelargonium is a breeding species whose ancestors were introduced to Europe in the 18th century from the tropics of South Africa. Thanks to the constant crossing of varieties, scientists managed to bring out the Royal geranium. It differs from other representatives in large flowers, forming a hat over greens and a delicate aroma. Nursing is capricious.

Description of Royal Geranium

Royal Pelargonium is considered one of the beautiful flower hybrids. The birthplace is considered to be the Cape region, located in southwest Africa. The height of the bush does not exceed 50 cm, while the flowers are located at the level of foliage.

Inflorescences in diameter can reach 15 cm. Color varies from white to dark, similar to black. Basically there is a palette of scarlet shades. Petals are arranged in two, sometimes in three rows. The upper one has a bright saturated shade, often with a spotty pattern or veins. Outwardly similar to pansies.

The leaves are dense, velvety, with wavy edges, sometimes in a small clove. Located on the cuttings alternately. The color is green. The stem is straight, latent. The root system consists of subordinate roots. Candy flowers

Varieties and types of royal geranium

Scientists from Germany have bred more than a thousand varieties. The most common among flower growers are two species: Candy Flowers and Angels. Both with lush flowering, simple to care for.

ViewDescriptionApplicationVarieties, inflorescences
Candy flowersPelargonium breeding hybrid with Angels.Planted in open ground, similar to the mother group (Angels) in terms of cultivation and maintenance, does not require wintering, blooms even in extreme heat.It differs in large flowers.
  • CF Bicolor (Cambi) - soft pink tones, with a faint spot on the petals.
  • CF Bright Red (Camred) - burgundy with a black dot.
  • CF Black Red (Camdared) - the top is dark, scarlet, the bottom is lightened.
AngelsThey do not have a wintering period, bloom lushly, but short-term (one month - August), in some varieties of foliage it has a rich aroma, thanks to the participation of curly pelargonium in hybridization of the variety. The trunk warehouse allows you to give an ampelous appearance to the bush.Used in breeding the species Candy Flowers.Small flowers on a low stem, similar to pansies.
  • Spanish Angel - bush 35 cm, upper petals saturated scarlet, lower petals purple, 3 cm in diameter.
  • Imperial Butterfly - stem 30 cm, white color with lilac pointed edges, have a lemon flavor.
  • Darmsden - geranium height 30 cm, two-color petals: top - a mixture of burgundy and pink, bottom white.
  • PAC Angeleyes Viola - similar in length to the previous ones, has abundant flowering, fuchsia flowers with a raspberry stain, exudes a delicate citrus smell.

Unusual varieties of royal geranium

Among hybrids, scientists managed to obtain varieties with an unusual structure, bright colorful flowers.

Sally MunroThe top is saturated red, the bottom is pale pink.Bloom several times during the season.
Mona LisaWhite.It stands out with lush flowering among varieties with flowers of snow color.
Georgina BlytheOrange with a red tint, whitish wavy edges and the middle.Does not exceed 35 cm in height.
MorwennaSaturated maroon shade.The tone is close to black.

General rules for home care

Royal geranium at home requires special care. The flower grower should make an effort so that the flower goes to growth and blooms.

Spring SummerWinter
LocationArrange on the windowsill from the sunny side.They put in a cool place, away from heating appliances.
Temperature+20 ... +25 ° C+ 17 ... +19 ° C
LightingAvoid direct sunlight. In this case, the plant is shaded.Use phytolamps for additional light.
HumidityIncreased, depending on the temperature of the room. With dry air, spraying can be used, but not excessive.
PotChoose narrow and shallow. Royal geranium loves crowding and does not tolerate frequent transplants. Material - unglazed ceramics.
WateringTwice a day, 50 ml / time per plant, through a tray. Water is defended, kept in the same room as the flower, so that its temperature corresponds to room temperature. Use boiled, rain. Do not spray.Reduce, watered 1 time per day when the top layer of earthen coma dries.
Top dressingMineral 1 time / week, 2-3 months before flowering, fertilizers begin to add, including phosphorus and potassium. For young people use special complexes. Do not recommend resorting to organics.Does not need additional feed.
PruningDo not spend.Spend after flowering in the fall, in two stages, the interval between them is 45-50 days.

Features of summer care at home

In the summer, pelargonium blooms. A flower requires only watering and feeding. If it is in the fresh air, then carefully monitor the temperature regime. At rates below + 22 ... +24 ° C, watering is reduced, below +10 ° C, the uniformity of drying of an earthen coma is regularly checked. Excessive moisture can cause root rot and mold. Watering is recommended in the early morning before the onset of heat or in the evening, when the sun no longer bakes and goes into the sunset.

Fertilizers using fertilizers with a minimum nitrogen content or its absence are used for top dressing.

On the street, pelargonium is constantly checked for pests. When they are detected, they are immediately treated with an insecticide so that the plant does not get sick or die. When choosing a place, direct light is avoided.

The rays of the sun may leave burns on the foliage or it will change its color to scarlet. Royal geranium does not tolerate a change of place, so it is advised not to plant it in open ground or to do it together with a pot to save the rhizome from insect attacks.

Features of winter care at home

In winter, the geranium begins a dormant period. Pots are cleaned in a cool place with a temperature of + 10 ... +14 ° C, reduce watering, completely eliminate feeding. Before this, pruning is done, this will allow you to get more magnificent and longer flowering in the next season. The stem is shortened by one third, then all dry branches, buds, foliage are harvested. During the period of rest, the newly emerged sprouts pinch.

The landing of the royal beauty

Frequent transplants for the Royal geranium are a source of stress, so they are carried out only after the root system completely fills the space in the pot.

The optimal time is the end of winter - the beginning of spring, before flowering. The dishes are chosen in diameter 1.5-2 cm more. Drainage is laid at the bottom, on top of it is covered with a layer of cotton fabric. This will help trap the soil. The substrate can be purchased at the store. Care must be taken to ensure that there are no moisture retaining components. With independent cooking, peat, humus and sand are used (1: 1: 1). To improve the quality and formation of a slightly alkaline environment, ash is added. The soil should be nutritious and loose in texture.

If the flower was purchased in a store, then you need to wait until the flowering ends and give time to adapt in a new place. Only then proceed with the transplant.

The process begins with abundant watering, then the plant, together with a wet earthen lump, is placed in a prepared container. The free space is filled with fresh soil.


Propagated in two ways: by cuttings and seeds. The first is simpler, in the second case, flowering will be longer, the root system is developed and strong.


For planting, upper shoots are used, 7-10 cm long with 2-3 knots on each, obtained during spring pruning. Dry them for two hours after cutting.

The resulting material is planted in the soil, not placed in water, where it can rot and not take root. Soil for disembarkation is prepared in advance. For this:

  • prepare a mixture of perlite and earth (1: 1);
  • disinfect in the oven or using a solution of potassium permanganate obtained substrate;
  • defend it for two days.

Before planting, the bottom of the shoot is sprinkled with the Kornevin preparation, then it is planted in prepared dishes, buried by 2 cm in the soil. Leave in dim light and temperature + 14 ... +16 ° C. It is watered through a tray so that the roots do not rot from excess moisture.

The planted shoot rooting within a week, then it can be transplanted into a pot. When the shoots were planted in prepared soil, they are not covered with film, creating a greenhouse effect. To strengthen the rhizome, the emerging leaves are stopped so that the plant does not spend its strength on them.

To simplify the procedure for planting the cuttings, a peat tablet is used. In this case, the pallet with them is placed on the windowsill, covered from direct sunlight. Scald with boiled water, settled for 3 days, for disinfection, after the moisture has absorbed, the excess is drained. The cuttings are dipped into the growth accelerator of the root system, for the Royal Pelargonium this condition is necessary. Then the tablets are planted in the center, buried by one third. The substrate is tightly crimped to eliminate excess water. The greenhouse is not created, spraying is not carried out, it is contraindicated. After the roots appear, scissors carefully make cuts on the sides and remove the tablet. Those places where the roots have grown into it do not touch. Seedlings are placed in plastic cups, where it continues to grow.

Seed propagation

Material for reproduction purchased in the store. Sown in late February, before flowering. The substrate is prepared from peat and sand (1: 1), ash is added. Disinfect by calcination or potassium permanganate solution. Seeds are small, elongated. They are buried in the soil by 5 mm. Seedlings are covered with a film, create a greenhouse effect and cleaned in a warm place with bright diffused light and a temperature of + 21 ... +25 ° C.

In a month the first sprouts will appear. As soon as they released two leaves, they are dived into separate pots with a diameter of 10 cm, a depth of 14 cm. A layer of drainage is laid on the bottom. After the appearance of the 5th leaf, pinching begins to give shape and get more lateral shoots for the splendor of the bush.

Mr. Dachnik warns: possible problems when growing royal geraniums

Large-flowered geranium has its own nuances in the care. If you do not observe them, you may encounter a flower disease, a change in appearance. She will not bloom.

Rotting trunk (black leg disease)Low temperature, excessive or improper watering.The plant and soil are affected and must be disposed of. The window sill and pot must be treated with a chloride substance.
Tick, weevils, aphids, whitefliesInfection with parasites.Wipe the back side of the foliage with chamomile infusion and leave for a couple of hours, then rinse. If the decoction did not help, apply an insecticide.
Lack of floweringLow temperature conditions, dry air, insufficient lighting, pruning is incorrect, a large volume of the pot, the soil is oversaturated with nutrients, nitrogen is present in it, improper fertilizer or its absence.Correct deficiencies in care and create comfortable conditions.
The foliage is yellow, falls, the stem grows, but does not bloomLittle light.Add light through fitolamps.
Green, but sluggish, watery pads formed.Waterlogging, can lead to the disease - gray rot, then the affected foliage is removed, the plant is treated with drugs.Reduce watering.
Ends turn yellowLack of moisture.Increase the amount of moisture supplied.
Scarlet shadeLow temperature, drafts.Move to a warm place with optimal performance.


Watch the video: GERANIUM CARE BASICS & 4 GERANIUM TYPES (October 2024).