Ageratum: description, varieties, planting, nuances of care


Ageratum is a perennial flowering shrub growing in East India, in the warm countries of North America, Russian flower growers grow as an annual or a home flower.

Inflorescences-baskets of different shades from white to purple are perfectly combined in landscape design with calendula, snapdragons, marigolds. Fluffy flowers retain freshness in a bouquet for a long time. Ageratum justifies its Latin name, it translates as "ageless".

Description and features of ageratum

The plant of the aster family is a bush up to 60 cm high, with triangular or rhomboid leaves, in some species of agratum they have an oval shape. Numerous erect, elastic stems are pubescent, a paniculate peduncle is formed on each. Complex corymbose inflorescences from small buds are collected in baskets from 1 to 1.5 cm. Depending on the variety, the petals are painted in white, pink, yellow, blue, purple. When a plant is pollinated, an elongated pentahedral wedge-shaped fruit is formed - the achene, in which there are about a dozen small seeds.

Perennial does not tolerate subzero temperatures, in the cold season it continues to grow in greenhouse or room conditions. The flowering period begins after 2-2.5 months from the appearance of shoots, lasts until frost.

Ageratum varieties

For landscape design, many varieties of flower are bred. Description of varieties popular in Russia are given in the table.

Grade nameBush height (cm) / leaf shapeBud color
Houston (Mexican)50 / triangular.Baby blue.
Alba20 / diamond.Snow-white.
Blue Mink (arid variety)20-25 / round.Saturated blue.
Bavaria30 / in the form of a triangle.The center of the baskets is light blue, along the edges are pale blue buds.
Blue bouquet45 / triangular.Light or dark blue.
White ball (creeping variety)20 / round.Milky white or snow-white.
Pink fire60 / oval.Delicate and bright pink.
North Sea15 / triangular.Dark purple.
Alyssum (Golden Autumn)15 / elongated wedge-shaped.Sunny yellow.

Growing ageratum from seeds

The plant loves neutral soil with a low organic content, humus should be no more than a quarter. With independent preparation of the soil for growing seeds, turf, sheet soil, humus, river sand are mixed in equal proportions. Separate pots or a total planting capacity, or peat tablets with a diameter of up to 15 cm are prepared for planting. Seeds are planted in open ground when the soil warms up to +15 ° C. Seed ripens in natural conditions only in warm regions.

Sowing ageratum seeds

Planting stock is pre-soaked in a solution of biostimulants. They have a disinfecting effect, provide stable plant growth. Sowing is carried out to a depth of 1.5 cm in moist soil spilled with a weak solution of manganese. Shoots appear in 10-14 days. To accelerate the germination, the container is tightened with a film, cleaned in a warm place for a week. Recommended germination up to +25 ° C.

Ageratum Seedlings

After the appearance of three full-fledged leaves, seedlings from the total planting capacity must be transplanted by picking into separate pots. Pinch the shoot to stimulate branching, when there are at least 6 leaves on it. It is moderately watered every three days. With high humidity - once every 5 days. Root dressing is carried out two weeks before disembarkation.

It is best to use complex fertilizers "Agricola" for indoor flowers or succulents. At this time, seedlings are prepared for planting in open ground.

Shoots harden: they are carried out to the balcony, the loggia, if the air is warmed up to + 10-12 ° C. First, for 15-20 minutes, then the time interval is increased. If the night is not very cool, leave seedlings for the night.

Landing agratum in open ground

For the ageratum, select illuminated areas where there is no close occurrence of groundwater. In lowlands, pre-do drainage so that the roots of the plant do not decay. In the second half of May, when there is no threat of freezing frost, seedlings can be transferred to open ground. Planting 6-8 week old seedlings is carried out by transshipment into prepared pits. They are well loosened, shed with a pink solution of manganese. The distance between the bushes is from 10 to 15 cm. Ageratum is arranged in groups, linearly or staggered, depending on the landscape project. Flowers well tolerate the neighborhood with vegetable crops, perennial early flowers, in which the rest period begins at the end of June.

Outdoor Agrateum Care

Like all asters, ageratum is unpretentious to soils, does not require constant care. Basic care rules:

  • Watering. It is important not to overdo it, many varieties are drought-resistant, painfully react to excess moisture, begin to hurt. When the earthen coma dries, the plant withers and forms fewer buds.
  • Top dressing. An excess of organic matter leads to an increase in green mass, a decrease in budding. Mineral phosphate, potassium and calcium fertilizers are applied no more than once a month. It is better to use complex formulations. It is strictly forbidden to feed slurry, the plant can die. On fertile soils, it is enough to mulch the soil with humus.
  • Pruning. For abundant flowering, it is necessary to remove the set testes. In place of one cut inflorescence, new peduncles are formed. The bush becomes lush, decorated.

Ageratum after flowering, growing at home

Ageratum is a heat-loving plant, but when the nights cool, when the temperature does not rise above +5 ° C, the plant dies. It is adversely affected by a large contrast of night and day temperatures. Before the first frosts appear on the soil surface, the plant can be transferred to the greenhouse, it will continue to delight with buds. The most beautiful undersized and medium-sized bushes are transplanted into pots or flowerpots for winter cultivation. To continue flowering, he is moved to a winter garden or apartment. Choose a well-lit place for him. The flower is transplanted into a large pot with a large lump of earth. Bottom lay drainage up to 5 cm tall.

At home, in the conservatory or the greenhouse, the ageratum will continue to bloom until the New Year, and sometimes after the holiday.
When keeping the ageratum at home, care consists of regular moderate watering so that the earthen lump does not dry out.

It is important to prevent stagnation of water, especially if the apartment is cool. Three times a season, the plant needs top dressing with a mineral complex with a minimum content of nitrogen components. Fertilizers are bred according to the instructions, the volume of water is doubled. Use the prepared solution for watering in the spring, during the period of active flowering and in the fall, when the buds of the next year are laid.

In winter, when a short daylight hours, the flower is resting, gaining strength for spring flowering. In the spring it releases buds again, blooms profusely. At home, the bush grows up to three years, then it must be divided or transplanted into a large planting capacity.

For cultivation in areas with overwintered plants cuttings are cut. They fully replace seedlings. It is possible to plant the plant itself in the ground for the summer period, and then in the autumn again transplant it into a pot.

Vegetative propagation

Ageratum, which is dug up in autumn for growing at home, is propagated by cuttings. They are harvested in early spring during the sanitary pruning of the bush. On each leave 2-3 internodes. Cut off shoots, which have formed roots from contact with the ground.

Propagation by cuttings is much more effective than growing seedlings. They take root well, begin to bloom early. The technology of planting cuttings:

  • it is advisable to treat the slice with a Kornevin biostimulator to accelerate the formation of the root system;
  • the shoot is buried in the prepared soil to a depth of 10-15 mm;
  • the soil is well shed;
  • create tropical conditions - cover the landing with a transparent container (cut plastic bottle or glass jar);
  • when three new leaves appear, the stalk can be transplanted into a garden bed or in a flowerpot.

The shoots are protected from direct sunlight for the first few days after transplantation to preserve maximum moisture in the soil.

Mr. Summer resident informs: diseases and pests of ageratum

The plant begins to be treated at the first sign of illness or an insect invasion. Signs of damage to the aggregate, methods for their elimination are grouped in a table.

ProblemSignsCauseRemedial measures
Root rotThe plant wilts, the leaves wither.Stagnation of moisture in the soil.Fitosporin is introduced into the soil, watering is reduced, and drainage is made around the plantings.
Bacterial wiltThe stem softens, brown furrows appear on it.High humidity in hot weather.Antifungal treatment Fitolavin;
watering with a solution of potassium permanganate; microfertilizing Baikal-EM.
Cucumber mosaicYellow spots appear on the leaves.Spread of the virus by insects.Prevention against aphids, removal of damaged shoots.
WhiteflySmall white midges are visible around the bush; they nest on the back of the leaves.High humidity in the heat, an enclosed space (whitefly often affects the aggregate in the greenhouse, conservatory).Treatment with insecticides, antifungal drugs (soot fungus develops on whitefly excrement)
Spider miteTenets appear on the plant, they braid the tops of young shoots.Dry, hot weather.The affected shoots are plucked, sprayed with pesticides against insects.
NematodesThe flower does not develop well, internodes thicken, the affected parts of the stem darken.Small earthworms of the nematode class.Dig an affected bush to protect the neighboring ones.
Winter scoopsEaten leaves.Leaf-eating caterpillars.Manual collection of scoop, they are activated in the evening, the device traps.

For the aggregate, diseases affecting vegetable crops are characteristic. For preventive purposes, treatment is carried out from pests and diseases in the spring.


Watch the video: Ageratum - grow & care Whiteweed (September 2024).