Lawn planting in the fall


Planting a lawn in the fall is a very expensive undertaking. To get a flat green area in front of the house will have to spend a lot of time and physical effort. The appearance of the finished "carpet" planted in the autumn period depends on many factors. Meeting deadlines is one of them. For example, in the Urals and Siberia they are very different. Achieving uniform germination, knowing the basic rules, is not difficult. Source:

Advantages and disadvantages of autumn sowing

Many gardeners are interested in whether it is possible to sow a lawn in the winter. The answer to this question is only positive.

But, it should be noted that the sowing conducted in the fall has both positive and negative sides. The gardener, who decided to plant the lawn at this time of year, will not have to wait until the soil warms up.

Freezing grass is more resistant to sudden temperature changes, the negative effects of parasites, infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Due to spring snow melting and the absence of heat, the lawn will have time to be saturated with moisture, which will have a beneficial effect on its appearance. With proper care, the green carpet will acquire the necessary density.

Weed plants are not able to greatly harm the grass, so its root system by the time of their "awakening" is already formed and grows stronger.

Preparation of the soil cover does not take much time. In this case, the summer resident in the autumn after harvesting "hands untied." He will not have to be torn between planting other crops and a lawn, therefore, he will calmly clean the garden plot, take his time to carry out all the necessary agricultural activities and sow seeds.

Weather conditions in most cases favor the creation of a green lawn. Seeds even in the absence of frequent watering will sprout in the autumn much faster than in the spring. Young shoots will not fade, since the sun no longer burns.

Do not forget about the cons:

  • If the terrain is uneven, the risk of leaching of planting material is quite high.
  • Sprouts can die from freezing frosts. The bald patches formed as a result are eliminated by partial subseeding.

Features and timing of autumn lawn planting

The lawn can be planted in early autumn (until October 15) and in the winter. In the first case, 45 days remain for the development of the root system. During this time, young growth will have time to turn into a dense grass carpet. If the ground part is more than 10 cm, the lawn will have to be cut. It should be noted that crops can be lost due to night frosts.

Sowing a lawn in the winter, you will receive the first shoots in April. Having chosen the period from late October to early November for planting a green carpet, you will have to stock up with twice the number of seeds (30 m2 should have at least 1.5 kg of planting material).

As a result of natural stratification, weak seeds will die, and strong seeds will quickly grow. To do this, raising the air temperature to +5 ° C will suffice.

If the climate in the region is severe, plantings should be covered with spruce branches or peat.

Site preparation

First you need to decide on the main indicators of the soil.

It is desirable that this be loamy soil, the acidity of which varies from 6.5 to 7. If the boundaries are noticeably exceeded, the ground is fertilized with ground sulfur. If the pH is below 6, the soil is neutralized with lime and wood ash.

Before the onset of cold weather, fertilizing is introduced into the soil, which includes potassium and phosphorus. Both ingredients are necessary for the root system during the growth period. It is recommended to abandon nitrogen-containing fertilizers, since this component accelerates the development of grass.

The household territory is prepared for planting a lawn according to the following algorithm:

  1. Free from garbage, unnecessary vegetation, weeds.
  2. Dig up, not forgetting to clean up the discovered roots and stones.
  3. Clay soil is loosened and sand is added to it; humus or compost is used to enrich the sand. If groundwater is too close to the surface, a drainage system will be required.
  4. They cultivate the land with herbicides. If the site has not been used for too long, the procedure should be repeated twice.
  5. After 2 weeks, they begin to align. The mounds are cleaned, and the holes fall asleep. The smoother the lawn area, the lower the likelihood of leaching seeds in the spring.
  6. Roll away, compact and spill the soil cover. For the last procedure, use a spray.

Before choosing a grass mixture for planting, the gardener must determine the type of lawn. He can be:

  • sports. This coating is resistant to mechanical stress. The composition of the mixture most often includes meadow bluegrass and red fescue;
  • ground floor. It is considered the most exquisite variety. The ceremonial carpet is created from a shoot of a field-meadow, meadow bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass. Experts recommend the use of herbs of the same species;
  • meadow. It is characterized by increased resistance to stress. For sowing, seeds of plants such as bluegrass, clover, timothy are chosen;
  • Moorish. This type of lawn resembles a flowering meadow.

But, most importantly, when planting in autumn, choosing grass, you must give preference to frost-resistant and resistant to temperature extremes. These include: meadow bluegrass, red fescue, thin woodland.

Sowing lawn seeds in the fall

The lawn should be planted in cool, calm weather. Before sowing, the soil must be sprayed from the humidifier, if there was no rain.

There are three landing methods:

  • manually. When planting with your own hands, the gardener will not need special equipment. In order for the lawn to meet all expectations, it is necessary to evenly distribute the seed over the area allocated for the site;
  • using a seeder. The process does not take much time. You will have to mulch the seeds yourself;
  • by means of a hydraulic seeder. The option that should be selected for processing a plot with irregularities. Seed is poured into the nutrient composition, which is then distributed throughout the household territory. The only disadvantage of this method is the high cost of equipment.

Laying a roll lawn in the fall

Rolled lawn is most often laid on shaded and embossed areas. Planting stock is prepared in special nurseries. After cutting, the upper part of the sod layer is carefully rolled up and sent for sale. Source:

Soil for the lawn is processed according to the standard algorithm. With the placement of the layers you should not pull. The more time will pass after removal, the worse the carpet will take root. The lawn must be watered regularly.

When buying a rolled lawn, the gardener should carefully inspect the strip. The good quality of the material is evidenced by the absence of crumbling grass and bald spots, an intact root system. The layer thickness cannot be less than 10 cm. The grass mixture is selected, focusing on soil characteristics and climatic conditions.


Watch the video: Fall Lawn Care. Aeration, Overseed, Starter Fertilizer, Milorganite FUN! (October 2024).