

Sciadopitis is an evergreen coniferous plant, which is often called an umbrella pine. The tree has an unusual structure of needles. Dark needles along the entire length of the branches are collected in peculiar whorls (bunches) resembling the naked needles of an umbrella.

The birthplace of sciadopitis is the forests of Japan, where it is found in gorges and mountains high above sea level.


Umbrella pine is a tall tree of a pyramidal shape. Young growth has a dense crown structure with many multidirectional branches. Gradually, the plant stretches and the amount of free space increases. Under favorable conditions, the pine reaches 35 m in height.

On sciadopitis, there are two types of needles, collected in umbrella bundles of 25-35 pieces. The first species represents long (up to 15 cm) thick needles, which are modified shoots of the plant. They are arranged in pairs and have a longitudinal recess. The leaves are represented by very short needles, up to 4 mm in length and 3 mm in width. They are more reminiscent of miniature scales, tightly adjacent to the branches. Both varieties have a dark green hue and are able to carry out photosynthesis.

Flowering begins in March. Female flowers (cones) are located in the upper part of the crown. They are tree-like, with a regular oval shape and smooth scales. At first they are green, but turn brown as they mature. Cones grow up to 5 cm in width and up to 10 cm in length, ovoid seeds form in the sinuses.

Sciadopitis is a long-liver, specimens of about 700 years old are known. The tree grows slowly, annual growth is 30 cm. In the first decade, the trunk height does not exceed 4.5 m.

Sciadopitis whorled

Sciadopitis is very ancient, its fossilized remains are found in various parts of the northern hemisphere. Today, the natural range is very limited, and of all the varieties, only one has survived - sciadopitis whorled. Due to its decorative properties, it is actively cultivated for decorating personal plots, creating large wood compositions, decorating alpine hills and for other purposes.

There are two main varieties of whorled sciadopitis:

  • with one central trunk;
  • with several equivalent branches.

If there is space with the help of these pines, you can create a separate alley or decorate the park, which is common in Japan. Young trees are also used for compositions in Japanese dwarf gardens. Pine is used in shipbuilding, house building and other industrial fields. For example, tow is made from bark, and oil is used to make paints and varnishes.


Sciadopitis is propagated in two main ways:

  • by seeds;
  • cuttings.

Before sowing, the seeds are stratified, that is, placed in a favorable environment at low temperatures. The following stratification options are possible:

  • storage in moist soil at a temperature of + 16 ... + 20 ° C for 13-15 weeks;
  • planting in acidic peat substrates for 3 months and keeping at a temperature of 0 ... + 10 ° С.

Cuttings are rarely used, as they do not always take root and take root very slowly.

Cultivation and care

Young sciadopitis attracts with bright emerald greenery and soft branches that easily sway in the wind. Therefore, he needs a garter in the summer and shelter with coniferous branches in the winter. Shelter will not allow the compacted snow to deform the crown, which will help to maintain the proper shape of the plant and accelerate the growth process. Trees are sensitive to gusts of wind, so you should choose garden areas protected from drafts.

The plant prefers coniferous fertile soil in light or dimly shaded areas. The soil should be well moistened and watered regularly. Before planting in a permanent place, they dig a deep hole, on the bottom of which a layer of brick chips or coarse sand is laid. The layer thickness should be at least 20 cm to ensure good drainage. The rest of the pit is covered with a mixture of equal proportions of sand, deciduous and wood substrate and sand. Excess water harms the roots, so between the irrigations you need to let the topsoil dry.

For additional aeration, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil near the trunk to a depth of 12 cm. Before wintering, it is fertilized by mulching with wood shavings. Trees winter well without additional shelter. Easily tolerate frosts to -25 ° C, as well as short-term temperature drops to -35 ° C.
