5 varieties of tomato that will bear fruit all summer


Troubles among fans of planting tomatoes begin long before the opening of the summer season. You need to find something new from the varieties, process the seeds and grow seedlings from them. In our article we will talk about varieties that will delight you in the process of all stages of growth.


This variety is recommended for planting in the open ground and under film shelters. He is not a hybrid. In height, it grows no higher than 50 cm. Up to five ovaries form in each brush, but on average three fruits ripen. The tomato itself has a cylindrical shape, and in appearance it looks like a plum.

Already ripe tomato has a red color. His skin is dense, but not stiff. The pulp is fleshy, moderately juicy and dense. Seeds are usually few. It has a sweet and sour taste. On average, the weight of one fruit is from 70 to 90 g. "Fighter" is attributed to early ripe varieties. Productivity in a favorable period and with proper care can exceed 20 kg per square meter.

If you adhere to general indicators, then the tomato has a pretty decent immunity. It has high resistance to the tobacco mosaic virus, medium resistance to bacterial diseases. Resistance to adverse weather conditions is high, and the Fighter tolerates extremes of day and night temperatures, which is especially common in cool regions.

De Barao

Tall and indeterminate variety of tomatoes. Suitable for planting in a greenhouse and open field. Landing is done when the threat of frost passes. If, however, the weather is unfavorable, then you should cover the plant with a film.

The fruits of this variety are oval and dense. The color of the cover depends on the variety. The most popular are black, yellow, pink and red varieties. The average weight of a tomato is from 55 to 80 g. Productivity reaches 7.5 kg per square meter.

This variety has gained popularity due to the simple cultivation technology and excellent taste index. The vegetable is universal: it is unpretentious and resistant to disease. It has an attractive appearance and a balanced composition of pulp.


This is an early tomato variety. The bush grows to 35–45 cm in height, and the yield from one bush is from 2 to 4 kg. The variety is universal, perfect for open ground and greenhouses. Easy to grow: it can be planted both in seedling and seedling method.

The color of the fruit is red. The tomatoes themselves are flat-round, and their weight is from 75 to 100 g. They taste sweet, great for salting for the winter and making salads.

This variety has an average resistance to disease, susceptible to late blight. But the quick ripeness of "Agatha" will allow you to harvest before the disease overtakes him. He loves the soil fertile and not heavy. Places where legumes, carrots or onions used to grow are perfect for him.

Moscow precocious

This tomato is an early variety that is suitable for universal use. The bush is compact in size and in open farming conditions grows no more than 50 cm. It has a stable average yield, and the average weight of one tomato is 150-200 g. Up to 2 kg of crop can be harvested from one bush.

The fruits are round, their peel is smooth and dense. At the stage of technical maturity, they are scarlet. The variety has excellent taste. They are used both fresh and in preservation. They have high resistance to diseases and pests.

For outdoor cultivation, the sowing period is mid-March, and in greenhouses the end of April. Before sowing, seeds will need to be soaked in a potassium permanganate solution. You need to lay three seeds per 1 cm in the soil for tomatoes. Landings are covered with a film until sunrise. Planted in open beds after the last frost, in late May. The variety loves moisture and regular cultivation, and it is also necessary to make timely removal of weeds - so you will avoid the development of diseases of the bushes.


This variety is indeterminate. It grows up to two meters in height, and each brush holds about 6 fruits. Has a powerful root. This mid-season variety is well resistant to many pests and diseases, but nevertheless it is recommended to spray it for prevention. Tomatoes of this variety are suitable for planting in greenhouse conditions, as well as outdoors. Productivity is high: you can collect from 5 to 20 kg per square meter, which is about three buckets.

The advantages of this variety are excellent taste, resistance to heat and cold and unpretentiousness. With good and proper care, it has no shortcomings.

The shape of the fetus is oblong, similar to a narrow heart with an elongated tip. The color of ripe tomato is red or yellow. Its weight can reach up to 800 g, but on average it is about 300. Its skin is dense and smooth.

Due to the large size of the bush, tying is required. When growing in soil, trellises are used, in greenhouse conditions - a wire pulled up at a height.

Any tomato variety has its pros and cons: some have good taste, others have large fruits and high yields, and others have unpretentiousness. They can please us both in salting and fresh on the table. The main thing is to choose the variety that will suit your requirements.
