9 original ideas from rose hips or how to surprise your beloved mother in law


Rosehip is known to all as a storehouse of vitamins. But few know how to cook and serve it correctly. What can be created from this plant to surprise and please loved ones?

Rosehip tea

One of the easiest drinks to make is tea. Both fresh and dried berries are suitable for him. About 15 pieces are needed per liter of water. Rinse them well, crush and pour boiling water. Let the mixture infuse for half a minute, after which it can be poured into circles through a strainer.

This drink helps to overcome inflammatory processes in the body. He also gives strength, helps to cope with sadness and spleen. This tea also helps with diarrhea and indigestion.

Rosehip jam

This healing brew will delight both small and adult family members. Jam will strengthen the immune system and increase efficiency, prevent colds and improve blood circulation. You can surprise guests with such a delicacy, because this jam cannot be found on the table of every housewife.

To cook it, rinse the berries and cut each. Rid the fruits of seeds and villi. This is a laborious process, but the result is worth it. Place the halves in a container with water, warm, then strain in another container - already for jam. Dissolve sugar and boil until desired density. Then pour into jars and refrigerate.

Rosehip tincture

To prepare a tasty tincture, you need about five tablespoons with berries per liter of boiling water. Pour the berries with hot water right in the thermos and leave overnight. You can use no more than one glass of infusion before eating. The liquid retains its beneficial properties for about two days.

Rosehip compote for the winter

Favorite treat of all children is compote. Take the berries, arrange in large jars and pour boiling water. Hold the liquid under the lid for about 30 minutes. After that, pour everything into a pan and add sugar. Boiled - pour into banks, close and hide to cool.

Rosehip soup

This dish is also called "masramatsun." This is a sour winter healthy soup that few have tried. And to cook it is quite simple. Pour a kilogram of wild rose with water and leave overnight. In the morning, drain this water, fill the cold in a ratio of 1: 3 and boil. Strain the resulting mixture, set aside. Now you need to rub the berries and get rid of the seeds. Mix the strained mass with pulp and add salt. The soup is ready!

Rosehip with Xylitol

Such a tool will help cleanse the liver and even lose extra pounds. Without prejudice to the body, you can get rid of unwanted weight. Only berries and xylitol are needed. Pour two tablespoons of dried berries with boiling water and leave in a thermos for the night. Then strain into a glass and add three tablespoons of xylitol. Drink on an empty stomach.

Perhaps a laxative effect will follow, it depends on the presence of toxins in the body, but over time it will disappear. Drink a course - six glasses of solution every two days. So you can lose almost 10 kg.

Moonshine cognac with wild rose

To make the drink at home, take fresh berries. Mix 1 cup berries, 1 cup sugar and 0.5 liters of cognac. Insist on a month. It can be used for medicinal purposes no more than a teaspoon before meals.

Rosehip Wine

Take 5 kg of wild rose, a kilogram of sugar, 15 grams of wine yeast and 4 liters of water. First peel, wash the berries and put them in jars. Now make sugar syrup. To do this, mix sugar with water and place on a stove. When it is ready, cool and pour in a jar of berries. Dissolve the wine yeast in a glass of water. When they are activated, transfer them to a jar. Cork the jar and leave for four months - the drink should ferment. When this time passes, strain it in bottles and leave it in a dark place for six months. The process is long, but the unique taste is definitely worth the wait.

Rosehip tincture on vodka

People call this recipe alcoholic “ascorbic acid” because of its high content of vitamin C. The uniqueness of such a tincture is that vodka destroys vitamins in a berry in a smaller amount than boiling water does. Connoisseurs especially love the color of the tincture. To get it, take a can of berries, pour alcohol and wait a half to two weeks. Then filter. Other ingredients can be added if desired.

Recipes for gourmets and connoisseurs of this amazing berry will appeal to both beloved mother-in-law and beloved husband. Do not be afraid of experiments and try to make your unique drink from rose hip!


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