Growing and caring for cyclamen at home


Cyclamen is a plant that attracts many amateur gardeners with a general decorative effect, compactness, abundance and duration of flowering. Moreover, his buds open in late autumn or even in winter, when most houseplants fall into hibernation. It can not be called too whimsical, but it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the requirements for the conditions of detention in advance. There are many natural varieties of the flower and hybrids bred by breeding. Each grower will be able to find a plant to their liking, which fits perfectly into any interior. Given the peculiarities of cyclamen care at home, even a beginner will be able to get abundant and prolonged flowering.

What does cyclamen look like

Cyclamen is a perennial tuberous herbaceous plant from the Mirsinovy ​​family, cultivated as an indoor plant in the Russian climate. It is found in the “wild” form on the Mediterranean, Black Sea and Caspian coasts, in North Africa, Southern Europe, and the Middle East. In nature, there are more than 60 varieties of cyclamen, of which about twenty have been successfully "domesticated". There are many hybrids bred by breeding. Work in this direction has been going on for a long time, since the middle of the XIX century.

In nature, cyclamens often form a continuous green carpet.

The name "cyclamen" comes from the Greek "circle". The plant received it due to the characteristic spherical shape of the rhizomes. Also, it is often called a gibberish. There is an unofficial nickname - "pork bread." Wild cyclamen tubers are very fond of enjoying boars. They are not large, on average grow to 4-5 cm in diameter. Although there are specimens, "champions", reaching 12-15 cm.

In tubers, cyclamen stores water and nutrients, which it then consumes during the dormant period.

The leaves of the plant are heart-shaped, with the edges cut out by a clove, painted in a deep dark green color. They are assembled in a fairly compact outlet. In most varieties, the sheet plate is covered with silver-white or grayish strokes and stripes resembling a marble pattern.

Even if cyclamen did not bloom, the plant would still be in demand by amateur gardeners due to the unusual variegated color of the leaves

Cyclamen belongs to the category of ephemeroid plants. This means that they bloom in the cold season. Moreover, the more frost-resistant the variety, the later it opens buds. Flowers located on thin pedicels rise above the rosette of leaves. The length of the peduncle is on average 30 cm in ordinary varieties and 12-15 cm in dwarf ones.

The cyclamen flowers have an unusual shape, the petals are strongly bent back

Due to the characteristic shape and bent petals, the flowers resemble butterflies fluttering over a plant. Their color varies from snow-white to deep purple, including all shades of pink, purple and red. The flowers are bisexual, pollination without problems can be done at home. On each plant, 60-100 buds are gradually opened during the season. The lifespan of each of them is 10-12 days. Flowers spread a light unobtrusive aroma reminiscent of lilies of the valley. Breeders have developed variegated and terry varieties, as well as varieties with a fringed border of petals.

In "natural" cyclamens, the petals are most often mauve, breeders greatly expanded the color gamut

After flowering, around March-April, cyclamen drops its leaves. The presence of a dormant period is the key to abundant flowering in the next season. The tubers have growth buds, from which new leaves and pedicels form at the end of summer.

Cyclamen is a flower highly respected by the followers of the Feng Shui teachings. They believe that if you put it in the bedroom or in the children's room, you can save its inhabitants from problems with the heart and blood vessels, increase immunity, get rid of allergies and even infertility. In a child, a plant is able to relieve bouts of uncontrolled aggression and moodiness, and help overcome shyness.

Cyclamen tubers are widely used in folk medicine. In ancient Greece, they were recommended as a remedy for migraines, bites of poisonous snakes and generally any poisoning. And the gruel was applied to sore joints for the treatment of gout, rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis. But self-medication is not worth it. The tubers of the Persian cyclamen and all hybrids derived on its basis are poisonous. You can earn not only vomiting, indigestion and diarrhea, but also cramps, neuralgia.

In Europe and the USA, cyclamens are often cultivated as “disposable” plants. Faded instances are simply thrown away and bought new ones. But with proper care, it is quite possible to extend the period of the "productive life" of the plant to 10-15 years and achieve annual flowering from it.

Where climate allows, cyclamens are widely used in landscape design

Video: cyclamen description

Popular varieties with photos

Most often, at home, cyclamens bred by breeding are grown. But for this, "wild" varieties are quite suitable. They are just much less common on sale.

"Natural" cyclamens:

  • African. One of the largest, forms a rare rosette of leaves. Prefers a rather "poor", stony substrate. The flowering period falls in the fall. The color of the petals varies from pastel pink and pale purple to deep crimson. The leaves are rough to the touch, large (up to 15 cm in length). Compared to other cyclamens, it is distinguished by the growth rate.
  • Balearic. Natural dwarf. The height of the plant does not exceed 20 cm. The underside of the leaf is raspberry, closer to the base - maroon. The flowers are snow-white or pinkish.
  • Cilician. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, prefers a shadow. Small leaves are covered with silver spots. The pale pink color at the tips of the petals gradually changes to a more saturated at the base.
  • Kossky. A leaf plate without a pattern, with a single dark spot. The roots grow only from under the tubers. They themselves are dark brown, as if velvety to the touch. The flowers are pink or lilac. The shape of the leaves and petals depends on the region of growth. The closer to the southeast, the larger and brighter the flowers and narrower the leaf plates.
  • Cypriot. An endemic plant found only on this island. The height of the rosette of the leaves is 8-15 cm. Snow-white petals with an ink-purple stain at the base. Of all the varieties, this is the most fragrant. Flowering lasts almost six months - from mid-September to February or March.
  • Greek. Natural mix of colors. There is always a purple spot at the base of the petal. And they themselves are painted in almost all shades inherent in culture - from snow-white and pinkish to lilac-scarlet.
  • Neapolitan (ivy). Differs in frost resistance. In the wild, it is found even in Russia. Where the climate allows, it is widely used in landscape design. It is easy to identify by leaves of characteristic shape resembling ivy. The flowers are pink and purple. The buds open from December to March.
  • Lebanese. Dark green leaves are dotted with small yellowish dots. The flowers are mauve.
  • Small-flowered. Pedicels are very short. Flowers with a diameter of not more than 2 cm. The leaves are also small. Petals are painted in different shades of lilac.
  • Turkish. The leaves are small, but the flowers are very large. There is always a dark spot at the base of the petal. They themselves are painted in reddish-purple or purple.
  • European. One of the largest cyclamens. The diameter of the tuber is about 15 cm, the height of the rosette is 20-25 cm. The leaves are streaked with silver touches, and spots of the same color come across. Peduncles are very long. The buds open in summer, not fall. He is the only one during the period of "rest" who does not lose foliage, but only stops growing. The color of the petals varies from almost white and pastel pink to blood-red, the tips are twisted in a spiral. The aroma is pronounced, it may even seem harsh to someone.
  • Pontic (Colchic). Natural variety of cyclamen european. It differs in that it has plain leaves and smaller flowers.
  • Persian. The leaves are dark green, covered with a "pattern" of silver spots and strokes. Petals are painted in different shades of pink, red, purple, purple. The period of active vegetation lasts only 3-4 months, the rest of the time the plant is bare tubers.
  • Alpine violet. The leaves are elongated, almost oval, with a grayish-green pattern. Petals are located at an angle of 90 ° to the peduncle, so the flower resembles a propeller. Their fragrance is gentle, unobtrusive, honey. Coloring - all shades of pink. At the base of the petal there is always a purple spot.

Photo gallery: Varieties of cyclamen found in nature

Most often, flower growers do not grow “wild” cyclamen, but any of the hybrids bred by breeding. Also on sale you can find the so-called mix - a mixture of seeds of different varieties.

For convenience, all hybrids are divided into categories "mini", "midi" and "maxi". For the first, the diameter of the outlet is not more than 8 cm, the height of the peduncle is 10-15 cm. But the presence of large (for them) flowers is up to 4 cm. Of all cyclamens, the most miniature are the most unpretentious. The diameter of the cyclamen midi outlet is 10-12 cm, maxi is 13-20 cm.

Most often, breeders display a whole series of hybrids with petals of different colors. The "standard set", as a rule, includes white, pink, scarlet, lilac, purple. Most popular series:

  • Patio. Very compact cyclamen, peduncle height does not exceed 10 cm, the diameter of the outlet is 8 cm. Flowering lasts from late autumn to March.
  • Silver Hart. Leaves with a bright spot in the center resembling a heart. The height of the outlet is 20-25 cm. Flowers with a diameter of 3-4 cm, fragrant.
  • Winfall. Unpretentious plant. The socket is compact, with a diameter of 8-12.5 cm. The height of the peduncles is about 15 cm.
  • Miracle. A series of miniature hybrids, distinguished by the duration of flowering. Height of peduncles is up to 20 cm, diameter of the outlet is 10-12 cm. In addition to pink and white, the series includes a hybrid with petals of a very beautiful salmon shade.
  • Silverado. It differs in growth rate. The leaves are silver with a dark green spot around the central vein. In the variety with white petals at a temperature below 14 ° C and above 24 ° C, they turn pink.
  • Meringue. Large, very elegant flowers. The diameter of the outlet is 15-18 cm.
  • Butterfly. The flowers are very large, fringed. The diameter of the outlet is 25 cm.
  • Laser. One of the most common series on the market. These cyclamens are distinguished by their growth rate. The flowers spread a very pleasant delicate aroma.
  • Midori. The socket is compact, no more than 15 cm in diameter. The leaves are elongated, almost lanceolate. Flowering in optimal or close conditions lasts up to six months.
  • Sierra A large outlet, the height of the peduncles is 30-35 cm. It is distinguished by a very high germination of seeds - 90% or more. Long flowering, fragrant flowers.
  • Sterling. Leaves are an unusual combination of silver and almost black. The flowers are large, fragrant. The diameter of the outlet is 25-30 cm.
  • Winter ice. A wide silver-white border runs along the edge of the dark green leaf. Peduncles tall (28-30 cm), but thin, sloping under the weight of the buds.

Photo Gallery: Cyclamen Series

Terry cyclamens have also been bred by breeders. The number of petals they can reach 13. Sometimes among the double flowers may appear 1-2 ordinary, nothing wrong with that. These plants are the largest of all, are particularly demanding in care. Leaves do not drop during dormancy. The most popular varieties of terry cyclamen:

  • Orpheus. Height of peduncles up to 40 cm. Flowers with a diameter of 6-8 cm, bright scarlet. Well suited for bouquets, spread a pleasant aroma. Flowering lasts from October to April.
  • Kyle Peduncle height up to 30 cm. From a distance, flowers are very reminiscent of miniature irises. Petals (most often 11) with a fringed edge. It blooms year round with small interruptions. There is no clearly expressed rest period.
  • Rococo. Large double flowers with a pink or purple spot at the base. Fringed edges.

Photo Gallery: Terry cyclamens

Fringed cyclamens look more modest than terry cyclamens, but they are also very elegant and attractive. The edges of the petals are as if corrugated.

  • Victoria. The fringed cyclamen most popular among gardeners. Snow-white petals, raspberry stain at the base. On the top edge there is a border of the same shade.
  • Red partisan. Petals are bright scarlet, sometimes scarlet. The flowers are very fragrant.
  • Leela. Very delicate pastel lilac shade of the petals.
  • Louise. The flowers are large, the petals are strongly bent back. They are painted in an unusual pink and peach hue.
  • Moon. Flowers are discreet pastel pink, very fragrant.
  • Lucy. The flowers are large, snow-white with a lilac base, in the sun the petals are cast in silver.

Photo gallery: cyclamen with fringed petals

Plant conditions

The Mediterranean climate habitual for cyclamens is quite difficult to reproduce in a modern apartment.Although in the homeland, the period of active vegetation falls not on the summer heat, but on a rather cool (by local standards) autumn and rich in rainfall. But the plant can make some "concessions", if you listen to its basic requirements.

Table: Suitable microclimate for cyclamen cultivation

LocationWindow sill of a window facing west or east. In the southern plant, you will definitely have to shade during the day when the sun is most active. On the north window, cyclamens do not have enough light for normal development. The plant does not mind fresh air, but it reacts negatively to cold drafts. In the summer, you can dig a pot in the garden, providing protection from the bright sun, rain and gusts of wind. In winter, cyclamens are placed away from heat sources. It is advisable to choose a suitable place immediately with this in mind. Culture does not like "moving"
LightingThe plant loves light, but not direct sunlight. The penumbra is suitable for cyclamen. In the shade, the flowering becomes not so plentiful, the “pattern” from the leaves disappears. The optimal duration of daylight hours is 14-16 hours, regardless of whether cyclamen grows or “rests”. In most of Russia, there is not enough natural light, especially in winter. Therefore, for illumination, you will have to use special phytolamps. Not the worst effect is given by ordinary fluorescent or LED
TemperatureThe main problem with the content of cyclamens is to maintain a suitable temperature. Especially in autumn and winter, when the apartment has heating batteries and other heating appliances. If the room is too warm, cyclamen ceases to bloom, discards leaves and “hibernates”. Selection partially helped to level this problem - many modern hybrids are characterized by increased heat resistance. The optimal indicator during the period of active vegetation is 12-15ºС. The critical maximum at which development processes slow down is 16ºС. In summer, during the "rest" cyclamen will arrange a temperature of 20-25ºС. Cold plant is also contraindicated. Root rot develops rapidly, especially if humidity is high
Air humidityThe plant does not perceive sharp fluctuations in air humidity too well. But the "desert" does not suit him. If the rate is 50% or less, cyclamen is likely to die. This is another reason to place the pot away from heating appliances. During the active growing season, leaves and surrounding air are sprayed daily, trying to prevent drops of water from falling onto the tuber. As soon as the buds are formed, the procedures are stopped. Drops falling on them can cause them to fall, and ugly spots remain on the petals that have already blossomed. Now the air humidity will have to be raised, giving cyclamen "company" from other plants, pouring wet pebbles or expanded clay into the pan of the pot, wrapping it with moss-sphagnum or coconut fiber, placing basins with cool water around the room. The only thing you can’t do is pour water into the pan, leaving it there for a long time

Light is vital to cyclamen, but he does not like direct sunlight

Planting and Transplantation Procedure

Cyclamen transplantation is carried out every 2-3 years, at the beginning of the period of active vegetation. That is, as a rule, the procedure occurs at the end of summer or in autumn. Growth buds by this time "wake up", but still do not have time to form leaves.

A cyclamen is completely unnecessary for a deep volumetric pot. The root system is not able to "master" the space completely, as a result, its growth slows down. The best option for culture is a container that resembles a bowl or soup plate. Compared with the previous one, its diameter is increased by 2-3 cm. The distance from the tubers to the walls of the pot is 2.5-3 cm. A prerequisite is the presence of one or more drainage holes and a drainage layer at the bottom.

In the process of transplantation, it is advisable to carefully examine the underground part of the plant for suspicious symptoms

Soil plant needs light, loose. But at the same time, it must be nutritious. Sometimes on sale it is possible to find a special primer for cyclamens. A self-prepared substrate is also suitable. Plain leafy soil is mixed with humus, peat chips and coarse sand (5: 2: 1: 1). The plant does not like alkaline soil, so you can add sifted wood ash or chalk crushed to a powdery state (a glass of 3 l of soil mixture). Alkalization negatively affects the immunity of cyclamen, it becomes more susceptible to pathogenic fungi.

Any soil must be sterilized before use. It can be steamed, heated in the oven or frozen in the winter on the balcony. The fastest way to shed the soil is boiling water or a saturated purple solution of potassium permanganate.

There is nothing complicated in the cyclamen transplant directly. It is not much different from a similar procedure for other indoor plants. Tubers in specimens under the age of two years are completely immersed in the ground; in adult cyclamens, the upper third is left on the surface (some gardeners advise even half). They need to be gently shaken off the ground and carefully inspected. Dead, decaying tissue sections are cut with a sharp sterile knife, the “wounds” are treated with powdered activated charcoal crushed into powder, cinnamon or greased with brilliant green.

The transplanted cyclamen "comes to life" pretty quickly

Some gardeners recommend transshipment of cyclamen. This method allows you to minimize the inevitable stress for the plant, but in this case there is no way to assess the condition of the tubers and notice the development of a dangerous disease in time.

Transplanted plants are not watered for 10-12 days, until they begin to form new leaves. At this time, flowers should be especially carefully protected from direct sunlight.

Regardless of the time of year, you need to transplant the just bought cyclamen as soon as possible. The procedure is carried out immediately after the plant adapts to the new habitat. It usually takes 12-15 days. Such specimens are moderately watered, the roots are washed in warm water. For disinfection, they are soaked for a couple of hours in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, then for the same amount in a biostimulator to strengthen immunity. Both purchased drugs (Epin, Kornevin, potassium humate) and folk remedies (aloe juice, honey diluted with water, succinic acid) are suitable.

Video: cyclamen transplant

Cyclamen care at home from A to Z

From a grower who wants to cultivate cyclamens and regularly admire the flowers, nothing supernatural is required. The main thing you need to pay attention to is proper watering. Another prerequisite for abundant and prolonged flowering is the provision of the opportunity to "relax" during the summer.

For cyclamen, both waterlogging of the soil and its overdrying are harmful. In the first case, the development of various types of rot is more than likely. In the second, the plant drops buds and leaves. Often they do not recommend watering the flower, usually it is enough once every 3-4 days. Instead, it is recommended that you increase the humidity in all available ways.

The best way to water cyclamen is through the pan. Soil moisture at the edges of the pot is also acceptable. To do this, use only soft, rain or thawed water. If it is not possible to assemble it, the plumbing is defended for at least a day, adding a few crystals of citric acid or drops of apple cider vinegar per 10 liters. 30-40 minutes after the procedure, excess moisture must be drained from the pan. The optimum water temperature is 18-22ºС, a couple of degrees below room temperature.

It is preferable to pour cyclamens through the pan, not forgetting to get rid of excess water

Heavily over-dried cyclamen can be “reanimated” by watering it like an orchid. A pot with a plant is placed in a container with water of a slightly larger diameter so that the liquid does not reach its edge by 1-2 cm. They keep it in the bathroom for about an hour, after ensuring high humidity.

From fertilizers, the culture prefers mineral fertilizing, although it responds well to natural organic matter. Any complex preparations for decorative flowering plants will suit Cyclamen (Master, Bona Forte, Florovit). Long and long flowering takes a lot of energy from the plant, therefore, during the active growing season, fertilizers are applied regularly, every 12-15 days.

To what exactly should be fertilizer, cyclamen does not have special requirements, but it needs regular feeding

From organic fertilizing, you can recommend an infusion of wood ash. It is a source of phosphorus and potassium - macrocells necessary for abundant and prolonged flowering. But an excess of nitrogen for cyclamen is dangerous. It provokes it to actively build green mass to the detriment of the formation of buds. It can also rot the tubers.

About half an hour before any additional feeding, cyclamen should be watered. Otherwise, the soil will quickly become saline.

Fading buds are gradually removed along with the pedicel. Similarly, with yellowing fading leaves. Moreover, they are not cut, but nipped as close as possible to the tubers. "Wounds" are disinfected by sprinkling them with activated carbon powder.

Cut cyclamen flowers can be used to make bouquets. In a vase, they remain fresh for 1.5-2 weeks, if you regularly change the water. You can extend this period for another 7-10 days if you cut the base of peduncles along by 4-5 cm.

As soon as the cyclamen fades, watering is gradually reduced, reducing to zero by the time the bush has lost all the leaves. Fertilizing the "resting" plants is also impossible. Pots are transferred to a cool, bright room, providing protection against direct sunlight. The room is regularly ventilated. Some gardeners recommend putting the pot on its side.

The cyclamen has a growth point at the top of the tuber; at the end of the dormant period, new leaves and pedicels are formed quite quickly

Video: how to care for a flower after purchase

Common mistakes of a beginner grower

Cyclamen is quite sensitive to conditions of detention. When they are far from optimal, the appearance of the plant worsens. But everything can be corrected if the grower realizes his mistake in time and understands exactly what it consists of.

Table: Errors in cyclamen care and plant response

What does the plant look likeWhat is the reason
“Wet” brown-black spots on tubers and leaf petiolesRoot rot develops due to excessively frequent and / or heavy watering. Especially if the room is cold
Yellowing leaves, ongoing floweringLow humidity and / or heat in the room, poor watering
Yellowing leaves and green stalksUse for irrigation of hard not settled water
Yellowing and falling leavesHeat, high humidity, constant exposure to direct sunlight
Brownish "dry" spots on leaves and flowersSunburn. Most likely, they were caused by drops of water that fell on the plant during irrigation or spraying, which played the role of lenses that focused the rays
Short sparse flowering or its complete absenceNutrient deficiency in the soil, too "poor" soil. Other options - low humidity, irregular watering
Flowers hiding under leavesToo low temperature, light deficiency, excessive dampness in the room
Grayish "fluffy" coating on buds and blossoming flowersHigh humidity, cold and indoor air

Cyclamen reacts to errors in care with a deterioration in appearance

Common Diseases and Pests

Cyclamens suffer from diseases and pests quite often. Often the florist himself is to blame. Copies grown in far from optimal conditions, for which competent care is not carried out, are characterized by very low immunity. Contributes to the spread of pathogenic fungi and pests, dust on plants, crowding on the windowsill, neglect of sterilization of soil, containers and tools, other non-compliance with "sanitary standards".

Table: Cyclamen-typical diseases and pests

Disease or pestSymptomsControl measures
FusariumLeaves turn yellow from the tops. Black-brown blotches - clogged vessels - are visible on cuts of petioles. The plant withers and withers. Often only one half of the outlet is affected, the second continues to growWeekly watering cyclamen with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, adding sieved wood ash or crushed chalk to the ground for prevention. The disease can be treated only at an early stage of development - the aerial part is treated with Topsin-M, the substrate is shed with Fundazole
Wet and Root RotLeaves grow numb, lose their tone, become covered with "wet" dark spots. The tubers turn black, soften, become slimy to the touch. There is an unpleasant putrefactive smell from the plant, the soil is being drawn in by moldIn advanced cases, the disease is not amenable to treatment. The plant can only be thrown away so that the infection does not spread further. If the development of the fungus is noticed on time, all affected tissues are cut out with a sharpened, disinfected knife, and “wounds” are sprinkled with crushed chalk, activated charcoal. Cyclamen is transplanted into a new clean pot, completely changing the ground. For 2-3 weeks, water for irrigation is replaced with a solution of any biofungicide (Strobi, Tiovit-Jet, Alirin-B)
Gray rotLeaves, flowers and buds are covered with a layer of “fluffy” ash plaque with small black patches. Affected tissue darkens and dies.All affected tissues are excised, capturing an additional 5-7 mm that appear healthy. "Wounds" are disinfected. Watering is reduced to the necessary minimum, spraying is stopped altogether. The soil is shed with a solution of Agate-25K, Topaz, Baikal-EM
AnthracnosePeduncles are deformed, the tops dry out. Young leaves dry at the edges, twist in a spiralAffected flower stalks and leaves are cut, the plant and soil are sprayed 2-3 times with a solution of any copper-containing preparation. Granules of Trichodermin, Glyocladin are introduced into the soil
ShieldSmall brownish-gray rounded growths on the plant. They gradually "swell", the tissues around them acquire a reddish-yellow hue.Visible guards are removed from cyclamen, lubricating their shells with turpentine, kerosene, machine oil with a cotton swab. Then the plant is sprayed with soap suds, the soil is shed with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. To control the pest, they use Aktara, Fosbekid, Fufanon. Effective prevention - spraying with infusion of onion or flower gruel. But if infection could not be avoided, folk remedies are ineffective
ThripsBlurry yellowish spots appear on the underside of the sheet, and thin silver-beige strokes appear on the front side. The pests themselves look like small black sticksFor prophylaxis, sticky tape or pieces of thick cardboard greased with honey and petroleum jelly are hung next to the plants. It is useful from time to time at night to include a fumigator next to flower pots. Actellik, Karate, Confidor-Maxi are used to fight thrips. Folk remedies - infusion of yarrow, mustard powder, chili pepper pods
Cyclamen tickPests eat leaves, gnaw through petioles, damage roots. If you pull on the plant, the aerial part will easily separate from the tubersThe plant is sprayed with soap suds or flea diluted shampoo. For prevention, cyclamens are treated weekly with infusion of onion or garlic shooters. Folk remedies in the fight against a pest are ineffective. For this, acaricides are used - Apollo, Novaktion, Vertimek, Neoron, Agravertin.The intervals between treatments depend on the weather on the street - the hotter the more often you need to spray the plant and soil. Usually 3-4 treatments are enough, every time you need to change drugs

Photo: common plant diseases and pests

Breeding methods

Cyclamen in captivity is successfully propagated in both vegetative and generative ways. Most gardeners prefer the division of tubers, rightly considering growing new specimens from seeds to be a troublesome affair. Moreover, in this case it is completely impossible to predict what exactly will result. "Home" cyclamens seed seeds only after artificial pollination.

Seed germination

Experienced gardeners prefer to plant cyclamen seeds that they themselves have collected, rather than purchased in the store. Practice shows that their germination ability is several times better than that of purchased ones.

To get the fruits tied, pollen from flowers on different plants is transferred with a soft brush to the pistils of other specimens. For reliability, the procedure is repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 4-5 days. The best time for her is early morning.

It is advisable to plant seeds of cyclamen collected independently

The success of the procedure can be judged by the appearance of the peduncle on which this bud was located. It thickens, bends. The formation and ripening of the berry takes quite a lot of time. Ripening, it becomes softer to the touch, the skin wrinkles, cracks. Harvested seeds are not dried, this will adversely affect germination.

Landing is planned for early August. Immediately before it, they are soaked in knocking in a solution of any biostimulant with the addition of several crystals of potassium permanganate.

They need a light substrate that allows water and air to pass through. The usual universal soil for indoor plants is mixed with any “baking powder” - sand, perlite, vermiculite, finely chopped sphagnum moss or coconut fiber in approximately equal proportions.

The emergence of seedlings from cyclamen seeds will take at least a month, sometimes the process generally stretches for six months

Then they act like this:

  1. A shallow flat container is filled with a sterilized substrate, slightly moistened, and the soil is leveled. Seeds are sown as evenly as possible, sprinkled on top with a layer of fine sand with a thickness of not more than 1 cm. The container is tightened with a film or covered with glass.
  2. Before seedlings appear cyclamen seeds do not need light. But for them, temperature is very important. At 18ºС and below they begin to rot, if it rises above 20ºС - they fall into "hibernation", the process drags on. But even after creating optimal conditions, you will have to be patient. The emergence of seedlings need to wait at least 30-40 days. Sometimes the procedure takes two months, and even six months. This largely depends on the particular variety of cyclamen. During this time, the greenhouse is aired daily, getting rid of the accumulated condensate. The soil as it dries is sprayed from the spray gun.
  3. Hatching seedlings are brought into the light, but not in direct sunlight. The temperature of the content is lowered to 15-17ºС. Before the first sheet appears, the substrate is moistened daily.
  4. After they form 2-3 real leaves and a tuber, they dive, planting cyclamens in small plastic cups. The most suitable soil is a mixture of sheet soil, peat chips and coarse sand (4: 2: 1). The procedure usually takes place in December. Tubers are completely covered with earth. After about a week, fertilizing with any complex fertilizer is carried out, reducing its concentration in the solution by half compared with the recommended manufacturer.
  5. In April or May of the following year, cyclamens are transplanted into pots of a suitable diameter and a substrate for adult plants. Then they are looked after, as usual. The first flowering can be observed 13-15 months after sowing seeds.

Cyclamen seedlings that form pea-sized tubers can be dived

Video: growing a flower from seeds

Tuber division

As they grow, “babies” form on the main cyclamen tuber. The selected plant you just need to remove from the soil, shake off the soil from the roots and with a sharp disinfected knife to cut off the formed "growths". All "wounds" must be treated; daughter tubers are allowed to dry for several hours.

Then they are planted in small pots filled with soil suitable for adult plants. Until they give new leaves, they are watered very moderately and carefully protected from direct sunlight.

You can also cut a single tuber into several parts. But the growth points of cyclamen concentrate on its top very densely and inevitably suffer in the process.

All slices made during the division of the tuber are carefully processed, otherwise the development of root rot is more than likely

Florist reviews

It only seems that the soil of cyclamens dries quickly, especially now, in the heating season. Try to water them when the leaves lose a bit of their elasticity. And it’s very easy to fill them. My pots are on the western window, under the battery, they receive watering once a week. But if there is a need to water, then water. Indicator - leaf condition.



The Persian cyclamen Aneli came out powerful and healthy, for nothing, that I was germinating it in the ground, which I was picking in a flower bed in front of the hostel.

Tatyana EAO


I am in cyclamen full "kettle". They grow on my own. Pollination did not try. Seeds from European often try to get stuck, but in the end - it's empty. And in the Persians ripen easily. I don’t even know what is the matter. Perhaps the European were such a whim? Or do you need to take some action? Greek cyclamens are VERY interesting and diverse. So flowers are useless. The leaves themselves are beautiful.

Olga (Murmansk)


Cyclamen is a stunning flower that, when properly maintained, pleases with abundant flowering in the autumn-winter period, when there is so little heat and sunshine. There are a huge number of species and varieties of cyclamens. I myself have not very much experience in growing cyclamen from seeds, but I have already managed to understand that the germination of store seeds is terrible, unlike homemade seeds that germinate 100%.



It is necessary to water cyclamen only in the pan, in no case from above, or the tuber will rot. He loves spraying from a spray bottle, and a little sun, 2-3 hours, preferably in the morning. It is better not to pick the seeds now, this can provoke flowering, but one or two flowers will open. Now it needs to be put into rest mode, put in a cooler place and gradually reduce watering. And in the middle of May I cut off all the leaves, pull the tuber out of the pot, cut the roots briefly, without hurt the tuber, leave it in a cool place for 5-8 days. Then I will transplant it into a new soil, slightly moist, so that the top of the tuber is just above the soil. After ten days, you can start to sprinkle it lightly with water, when the first sprout begins to sprout, you can start to water it a little, if water remains in the pan after 2-3 minutes, drain it, it is very afraid of overflowing water. Closer to fall, it will begin to bloom violently. If he is not given a period of rest, then by the autumn 2-3 flowers will bloom, and then practically cease to bloom. At the end of flowering (the flower begins to fade), it must be cut, and after the legs dry out, it must be removed, this stimulates the formation of new buds. This applies to all colors.



European cyclamen (and subspecies) is heat-loving and the only non-deciduous cyclamen. During hibernation, he does not drop leaves, but simply ceases to grow. This cyclamen is the most frost-resistant of all. Theoretically, it can winter in the suburbs (practically - it will rot sooner or later anyway). It actively vegetates in the warm season, the rest period falls in the winter.

Junior pilot


I water cyclamens from below, on a plate, and I advise everyone. Most cyclamens are afraid of the bay, so be careful, especially since they are most likely in the transportation ground. But even if they dry out, then immediately the leaves become soft, and the flowers fall off. After watering, they are restored. Purchased cyclamens are very well pollinated. Click on the colors with your fingers, pollen will sprinkle. Then a box will be tied. Be with your seeds.

Len @


As far as I can remember, the European cyclamen always grows in the house. This gentle lily of the valley smell is familiar from childhood. I don’t know about “dancing with tambourines,” they never specifically pollinated it and did not sow the seeds. But the fact that the seeds are tied, I can say for sure. Peduncles curl up "snail" to the ground and freeze for a long time in this state. Gradually, the bush in the pot grows, either from the growth of rhizomes, or from self-sowing of seeds. But this process is very, very slow. If you plant European cyclamen, then then he is sick for a long time and comes to his senses. He is very sensitive to transplantation.

Just Natasha


Flowering cyclamen begins in November and ends only in April. During flowering, cyclamen is watered at least twice a week through a tray. It is advisable to moisten the soil constantly. It is not advisable to rearrange the cyclamen to another place, this can lead to dropping buds. In the spring after flowering, the plant goes to rest. Once in one to two years after flowering, cyclamen is transplanted.



Cyclamen confidently gaining popularity among amateur gardeners. Previously, many simply feared planting it, considering it a whimsical exotic culture. In fact, it is relatively unpretentious. If the plant is provided with optimal or close to their living conditions, it will more than thank the florist with many bright flowers of a wide variety of shades, spreading a pleasant unobtrusive aroma. Moreover, they open in the winter, just when there is especially not enough saturated colors, uplifting.


Watch the video: Cyclamen Care Basics Step by Step (September 2024).