The best varieties of strawberries for central Russia


For more than two hundred years of strawberry history, hundreds of excellent varieties have been bred. Each of them is intended for cultivation in a certain area, it is well resistant to specific pests and diseases. An ideal variety that would suit any climate and type of soil does not exist, therefore, when choosing strawberries for planting, you need to focus on qualities and characteristics that are optimal for specific growing conditions. There are many varieties zoned for central Russia. Let's choose the best in terms of maturity, taste and large-fruited.

The main requirements for strawberry varieties for central Russia

The middle strip of Russia is its central European part, which is characterized by a temperate continental climate. Winter is snowy, rather frosty, with an average temperature from -8 ° C in the southwest to -12 ° C in the northeast. Summer is moderately warm and humid; its average temperature ranges from + 17-21 ° C. Almost the entire middle band belongs to the risky farming zone, which is characterized by climatic and soil problems:

  • frost in spring and early fall;
  • late spring beginning;
  • heavy rains;
  • scarcity of soil.

When choosing strawberries for this region, you need to focus on varieties that can withstand such problems, and pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to drought;
  • exactingness to soil fertility;
  • susceptibility to disease;
  • precocity.

Important characteristics are tasting qualities, indicators of the size and weight of berries, the yield of the variety.

Strawberries for central Russia: the best varieties

Based on feedback from gardeners and professional advice, we highlight attractive varieties for this region in terms of productivity, resistance to diseases and pests, and maximum endurance in relation to the weather conditions of the area. To the best varieties, we included those that have passed the test of time, are classics of the strawberry genre, for many years they have demonstrated their best qualities. Among the most popular varieties are the following:

  • Zenga Zengana;
  • Festival;
  • Lord
  • Kokinskaya early.

Zenga zengana

The variety of German breeding has late ripening. The bush is characterized by vigor, has a small number of outlets. Fruits in large dark red berries, the flesh of which is fragrant and juicy. The variety is stably high-yielding, tolerant to many diseases of strawberries, and tolerates frosts and droughts.

The weight of one ripe zenga-zengan strawberry can reach 40 g

There are still adherents of old varieties. I really like Zenga-Zengana, beautiful, dark red, with shine, fragrant, tasty and even high-yielding. Here she is - an old German woman. And the jam from it is awesome, the berry does not boil, the syrup is dark cherry in color. And it is good for freezing - after defrosting it does not lie on a cake, but keeps its shape, unlike many. Well, there is a minus, as without it: if the year is rainy, it is struck by gray rot. But still I will not give up the variety, although I have many other varieties in the collection, about 60.



Video: Zenga Zengana Strawberry


A medium-late variety of strawberries Lord bred in Britain in the second half of the last century. The height of the bush varies between 30-50 cm. The plant has strong stems and peduncles, but because of the large number of berries (up to 6 pieces per inflorescence), they can lie on the ground. Fruits are scarlet, round-cone-shaped, characterized by juicy pulp with a dense consistency. Inside particularly large berries, small voids may form. The sweetness of berries is directly affected by weather conditions: a hint of sourness is added in rainy summers. The variety is large-fruited: the weight of one berry can reach 100 g.

Read more about the variety in our article: Lord - a classic strawberry genre.

Lord strawberry berries are distinguished by juicy pulp with a dense texture

I have been cultivating wild strawberries of the Lord variety for 10 years. Very like. And although it is written that frost resistance is average, in the winter of 2008 (when we had -30 on bare land for more than a week after heavy rains and wild strawberries froze over at all) mine remained alive, and it was the beds with the Lord that were best preserved.




One of the oldest varieties of Russian selection. By maturity - mid-season. The variety is high-yielding, has an average resistance to diseases, good taste. The ripened berries are bright red with a pronounced gloss. First, the Festival bears fruit in large - up to 45 g - berries, closer to autumn they become smaller (minimum weight 10 g).

Read more about the variety in our article: Strawberry Festival - a classic domestic variety that requires special care.

Video: Strawberry Festival Festival

Kokinskaya early

The variety was bred in the 70s of the last century by domestic breeders. By maturity is medium early. The berries are blunt with a dark red glossy skin. The pulp of a pronounced red hue is distinguished by its dense structure, sweetness and the memorable aroma of fresh strawberries. Productivity is about 1 kg per square meter. meter.

The mass of berries of medium harvest strawberries of the Kokinskaya variety early - 10-15 g

I strongly advise you to try the Kokinskaya early variety. I really like him, not only because of his early maturity, but also for his great taste. Berries grow all in one - large, juicy and sweet.



Large-fruited strawberry varieties

When choosing strawberries for planting, many gardeners prefer large-fruited varieties. The fruits of such garden strawberries are not only a wonderful treat, but also the decoration of any garden plot. Popular large-fruited varieties are Gigantella Maxi, Kiss Nellis, Darselect, Elizabeth 2.

Gigantella Maxi

Strawberry variety Gigantella Maxi is a recognized leader in berry size. The average weight of its fruits reaches 100 g. In addition to the large-fruited berries, the variety also has other advantages:

  • the fruits have a rich taste with a light aroma of pineapple. They are trouble-free during transportation, as they have a fairly dense pulp;
  • the variety is undemanding to soil fertility;
  • It has strong bushes, therefore it is not afraid of humidity, which means it is less sick.

The productivity of the Gigantella Maxi variety largely depends on the care: timely watering and top dressing of plants in the garden

When growing this variety of Dutch breeding, it is necessary to take into account that Gigantella Maxi is a bit capricious and requires special attention:

  • in poor light conditions (especially when grown in a greenhouse) the berries will be less sweet;
  • the grade does not tolerate return frosts. Even a temperature of about 0 ° C can ruin the opened flowers, so it is recommended to protect the plantings from return frosts, to shelter for the winter.

The name Gigantella was given to this variety of strawberries not in vain; it has really gigantic berries, especially in the first years of life. Over time, it degenerates and becomes smaller, but still even chopped berries are much larger than in other varieties. For example, now in the third year I pick berries of 30 or more g.



Kiss Nellis

Giant strawberry variety with a sprawling and powerful bush, the diameter of which in the second year of life can reach about half a meter. The weight of especially large berries reaches 100 g with an average fruit weight of about 60 g. It is distinguished by good winter hardiness and productivity (up to 1.5 kg per bush).

Strawberries Kiss Nellis have a wonderful taste and aroma, reach a weight of 60 g

The manufacturer positions Kiss Nellis as a long-lived variety: with proper care, it can grow in one place for 7-8 years.

Video: Kiss Nellis, a large-fruited strawberry variety


The variety was bred by French breeders in 1998. This is an early variety with a short gap between flowering and ripening of berries.

The main flowering of Darselect occurs in the second half of May, so flowers can fall under return frosts, which adversely affect yield.

The productivity of strawberries of the Darselect variety is about 1 kg per bush

The variety is resistant to heat, but in such periods requires intensive watering. The following symptoms are characteristic of Darselect:

  • heart-shaped berries with a small rounded tip;
  • uneven, wavy surface of the fruit;
  • sweet taste and aroma of wild strawberries with a slightly noticeable sourness;
  • bright color with a slight orange tint;
  • large-fruited - the weight of berries varies within 30 g, especially large fruits can gain a mass of 50 g;
  • elasticity, density, lack of wateriness of the pulp.

Darselect is our second year. Last year purchased 4 bushes. This year we got a small bed for a mother liquor. I liked the taste - a very sweet berry. Even on the bushes in the shade remaining in the raspberry, it is very sweet. The color bothers me a little, it is too light red, it seems immature, but when you try it, you are pleasantly surprised.



Elizabeth 2

This is a repairing variety of strawberries, the fruiting of which begins early - together with strawberries, which has early ripening, and ends in late autumn. The berries are large, in the range of 40-60 g, rich red in color, with dense pulp. Fruits can be transported over long distances, during storage they do not lose their presentation.

Constant fruiting draws a lot of strength from the large-fruited strawberry cultivar Elizaveta 2, so it needs increased attention and enhanced care

The quality of care, as well as excessive humidity affect the taste of berries. In rainy summers, the fruits may be watery and unsweetened.

The variety is demanding on top dressing and high-quality watering, is medium-resistant, has good resistance to major strawberry diseases and pests.

The berry is large, dense and without voids. Due to this, the weight is impressive. There are no voids in both small and large berries. The berry is tasty, aromatic. Large berries do not have the correct shape, but when you pick up such a berry, then all claims are immediately forgotten.

Roman S.


Last spring, we bought two bushes of this strawberry. Very expensive, but with a guarantee from a private acquaintance. By the end of summer, we planted almost two beds of young bushes - this is about 25 pieces. We nursed a nursery and cherished, cut off all peduncles. The most interesting thing is that the young bushes immediately began to bear fruit, and since the autumn was warm, we ate it for a long time. Naturally, the autumn berries were not as tasty as the summer ones. And about the taste: the berries are not too large (perhaps due to youth), but the flesh is dense, all through it is bright red and very sweet. Honestly, I haven’t eaten so delicious yet.

Shambol guest


Video: yield to frost strawberries varieties Elizabeth 2

Sweet varieties

The taste of strawberries is determined by the balance of sugars and acids. For those who prefer a sweeter berry, you can choose productive varieties that will feel great in central Russia. Such qualities are possessed by the varieties Symphony, Pandora, Roxane.


The homeland of the variety is Scotland. The symphony was launched in 1979 and is grown on an industrial scale in its homeland. Ripening dates are medium late. This plant has a powerful bush with dark harsh foliage. The fruits are conical, regular in shape, fairly uniform. The main advantages of the variety include:

  • bright dessert flavor;
  • sufficient large-fruited;
  • sweet, juicy and fleshy flesh;
  • good yield;
  • excellent storage and transportability.

Due to the slightly elongated ripening period, the variety is ideal for those who come to the country only on weekends.

Strawberries of the Symphony variety are medium and large, with bright red shiny skin, scarlet evenly-colored juicy pulp

The symphony is quite a nice variety, reminiscent of the beloved old Zeng-Zengan variety in appearance, and the taste is just as interesting.



I like the Symphony variety; it has very juicy and fragrant berries.




Pandora bred from England and is a relatively new high-yielding hybrid. She has compact bushes, which are distinguished by a large amount of green mass. Secondary formation, peduncles rather thin. Rounded large fruits (40-60 g) in the ripening stage have a dark cherry color, aroma of wild strawberries, juiciness and excellent taste.

Pandora Hybrid Strawberry Berries Have Forest Strawberry Fragrance

The variety has the following advantages:

  • late entry into fruiting extends the consumption of fresh strawberries;
  • the hybrid has excellent indicators of frost resistance, so it does not need shelter for the winter;
  • late flowering prevents fruiting from the harmful effects of spring frost;
  • Producers declare the resistance of the variety to diseases of the root system and to a fungal disease such as powdery mildew.

The disadvantages of the variety:

  • the difficulty of selecting pollinators due to late flowering;
  • there is a high risk of rot damage in wet weather, since peduncles with an abundant crop of berries fall on wet soil.

Video: Pandora Strawberry


In the market, the late Italian variety of Roxanne strawberries appeared in the late 90s. At home, it is grown on an industrial scale. The variety features:

  • good yield (about 1 kg per bush);
  • attractive appearance, one-dimensionality of the fruit;
  • great taste;
  • harvesting comfort;
  • transportability and durability (up to 4 days without loss of presentation).

The variety is ideal for the continental climate, has a high immunity to root diseases.

Roxane variety strawberry berries are large, elongated, cone-shaped, of good consistency, bright red with gloss

The berries are glossy, bright red or red with yellow spots of seeds, rounded conical slightly elongated. The average mass of the fruit is about 40 g. The pulp is juicy, sweet, and dense. Harvested fruits have an expressive lasting aroma.

Roxane formed double berries on almost every plant. This, as they say, is its trademark difference. Their weight was somewhere around 50-60 grams. And standard berries weighed on average 17-25 g. Moreover, there were frankly small berries.



Strawberries early ripening

All gardeners look forward to the first strawberries, so they prefer early varieties. When growing them, the main problem is the protection of strawberry flowers from late spring frosts. If you have the opportunity to cover plantings, then you can choose the varieties:

  • Elsanta;
  • Honey


This Dutch variety is a recognized standard for the taste and appearance of strawberries. It bears fruit in large (up to 50 g) cone-shaped berries of red color with gloss, with sweet aromatic pulp. Elsantu is distinguished by:

  • great taste
  • outward appeal
  • good transportability
  • high winter hardiness
  • resistance to many diseases.

Elsanta, according to its technical characteristics, is suitable for long-term transportation due to the high density of the pulp, and is also able to withstand a three-day shelf life in room conditions

Elsanta was pleasantly surprised by her taste. Planted in October last year for almost the sole purpose - to have a variety standard for comparison. I didn’t count on the taste. Compared to Darselect (it was received with a bang by everyone who tried it from me), Elsanta is richer in taste and smell.There are more acids, but I (and not only) liked it.

Yarina Ruten


At me, Elsanta shows herself from the best side. Harvest good, the berry is beautiful, sweet! I never regretted that I put her on the site.




Honei variety strawberries were bred by American breeders in the 70s of the last century. Due to the yield and sweetness, the variety remains popular among Russian gardeners today. The plant is distinguished by a high, sprawling erect bush, a strong root system, and powerful peduncles. Berries are conical, rich red in color, large (up to 40 g).

Not only amateur gardeners, but also farmers give preference to Honei strawberries because of their attractive appearance, trouble-free transportation and good berry keeping.

At the end of fruiting, the berries are slightly finer, but their taste remains unchanged. Producers claim the unpretentiousness of the variety to the growing conditions and its resistance to diseases and pests.

Video: Honei early strawberry crop

Late strawberries

If you want to have fresh strawberries on your table for a long time, then you should plant varieties with different ripening periods on the plot. And among them, there must be a strawberry with late fruiting periods - this will significantly extend the period of eating delicious vitamin berries for your family. Let us dwell on some varieties with late fruiting and maintenance directions.

You can give preference to repairing varieties that can bear fruit throughout the season. One of the best varieties of this direction is the already mentioned strawberry Elizabeth 2.

San andreas

This is one of the new varieties of constant fruiting of American selection, capable of producing up to four harvest waves in a temperate continental climate. It is distinguished by remarkable productivity (up to 3 kg per bush), large-fruited (weight of one berry 25-30 g) and harmonious taste.

The most plentiful strawberry harvest of the San Andreas variety falls on the first wave of fruiting

The main advantages of this grade:

  • strong bush;
  • powerful roots;
  • resistance to common strawberry diseases, including spotting;
  • high transportability;
  • tolerance of winter frosts and heat.

The first impressions when growing the San Andreas variety are positive. When compared with Albion, it looks preferable - the bush itself is much more powerful (plus or minus), but the root is much better, more resistant to spotting. The taste is almost at the same level, but the density is lower (it only benefits from this), it loses a bit by the shape of the berry, but not by much. And the most important advantage is productivity. On one bush there are up to 10-12 peduncles, this is not to be seen on Albion (there are 3-4 peduncles), the same thing with a berry - 3-4 berries, I have never seen again. San Andreas is lower than Albion.

Leonid Ivanovich


Video: San Andreas Strawberry Harvest


Kubata bears fruit once a season, ripens late. The color of the berries is red, the shape is conical. They have a slightly juicy, orange-reddish dense pulp, sweet taste with a small proportion of acidity. Fruiting begins with large - about 25 g - berries, then they become a little finer - up to 20 g. The variety tolerates winter cold, resistant to drought. Disease is slightly damaged.

Tasting assessment of Kubata berries is 4.5 points

Kubata - the variety is absolutely amazing, because with a very large size of the first berries it also has a wonderful taste: sweet, with pronounced notes of wild strawberries.




The Dutch hybrid Variety of the Regiment is large-fruited with an average weight of berries from 30 to 60 g. The first berries of the crop are distinguished by their exceptional size, then they grow smaller. The yield of the variety is about 1.5 kg per bush. Shelf is characterized by caramel flavor and pronounced strawberry flavor. The flesh is pinkish in color, juicy, it lacks cavities and voids. Strong stalks of the variety are able to keep medium-sized berries on weight.

The shelf belongs to transportable grades due to the density and elasticity of the pulp, and also has good commercial characteristics and high market value due to external attractiveness

Video: Strawberry Garden Shelf

It is the late strawberry that gives the largest fruits and the highest yield in the middle zone of Russia!

If desired, almost any kind of strawberry can be grown in central Russia. But non-zoned varieties will require a lot of material investment and effort. The choice of adapted varieties will make it easy enough to get a tasty, healthy berry that will meet the needs of gardeners and gardeners.


Watch the video: Top Russian Anchor: Visa Free Regime? Ukrainians Will Illegaly Pick Strawberries on Polish Fields (September 2024).