Krymchanka with features: getting to know the variety and growing grapes Zest


For thousands of years, man has been trying to improve this miracle of nature - the vine, varieties and hybrids are now a great many, but constantly new ones appear. Variety Zest - one of the not so long ago appeared in the gardens of amateur growers and farmers. Opinions about this grape are literally polar. Often they depend on whether the goals set by the person who planted this vine were achieved. After all, the result of our actions is not always consistent with what was intended.

Krymchanka with features

Of all the cultivated useful plants, the vine occupies the most prominent place. This is already evident from the many studies and concerns that man has applied to the vine culture.

I.V. Michurin


This wonderful grape variety was born by the efforts of specialists from the department of selection of grapes NIViV "Magarach". The “parents” of this lovely Crimean woman are the well-known and loved by many varieties Cardinal and Chaush. The official name of the variety is XVII-241. When you meet him in special literature, know that this is a highlight.

Ripe cluster of grapes of a grade of a highlight

It was no coincidence that the variety got its name. One of its features is that for a long time, grapes not taken from the bush do not decay, do not crack, but gradually lose moisture, wither and do not begin to turn into raisins directly on the vine.

Now the highlight can be found in the vineyards of Ukraine, Moldova and the southern regions of Russia.

Beautiful inside and out

Zest grows on tall bushes. It is attractive in appearance with its weighty bunches of conical shape with equal in size elongated bright berries, painted in all shades of red-burgundy color. No less tempting is the peculiar delicious taste of juicy fruits with dense sweet pulp, both marmalade and crispy.

General view of the ripening grape variety Zest

Well, the character!

Grapes Zest - an early table variety. Her tall vines ripen perfectly throughout their entire length. Bunches of medium friability, the tendency of the berries to pee is minimal. Berries ripen in 105-110 days, usually by early August. Productivity is low.

Information on the size of the clusters is different: some wine growers call the average weight of 500 grams, others report brushes that weigh a kilogram or more. A similar situation with data on the size of berries. They call the numbers 9-10, 10-15 and even up to 18-22 grams.

Raisin fruits tolerate long transport times. They have organic acids and vitamins. Sugar in berries is 16-18%, and some wine growers indicate sugar content up to 22%. The peel is sweaty, but when eaten it is almost not felt.

Variety Zest has low frost resistance, high susceptibility to diseases of mildew, gray rot, anthracnose, oidium, bacterial cancer, and escoriosis. Pests can attack the vine - spider mites and grape mites, phylloxera.

No one is safe from damage

Growing Zest

When deciding on the cultivation of raisins on their own plot of grapes, one must carefully weigh all the positive and negative characteristics of this variety, take into account all the nuances of its cultivation.

Choosing a place to plant Zest, you can not miss its reduced frost resistance. She can survive at temperatures of -12-18 ºС, in some sources indicate that up to -20 ºС. This means that it must be placed in the warmest and sunniest place - on the south side of the building or structure and at a distance of at least half a meter so that the plant roots do not suffer from frost. For the winter Zest, shelter from severe frosts and warming of the root system are necessary.

On the vines of Raisin, only female type flowers appear. For pollination nearby, an early grape with male flowers is certainly needed. It is generally pollinated quite well.

Although Zest is a tall grape, the first two years it is recommended not to cut it. In the future, pruning these vines in the fall, it is better to leave 10-11 eyes on each, and 40-45 buds on the entire bush.

The first crop can be expected in the third or fourth year after planting. The next few years it will be small - 2-3 kg from each bush. Gradually, it can be increased to 7-8 kilograms.

Given the low resistance of Zest to many diseases, as well as not to expose it to the danger of pests, it is necessary to strictly and constantly observe the terms for processing grapes with chemical preparations, fungicides and insecticides. Carefully and timely carry out all necessary agricultural activities.


Hello! The highlight, like a pure hybrid of Vitis Vinifera, is affected by mildew (if grown without treatment with chemicals) by 4-4.5 points. The growth force of the bushes is huge, the yield is below average. The taste, in my opinion, is good, the flesh is crispy, very beautiful long berries weighing up to 9-10 g maximum, clusters (with us, with a planting pattern of 3 x 0.75 m) are medium-sized, 400 g maximum, type of VF flower, there is peeling , but rarely, this year it is very well pollinated and has already practically stained. Regards, Svetlana.



In my conditions. Growth power is high, yield is low)). One of the first is struck by mildew, even the oidium was on it last year, but it got a little hooked (the only bush in the whole vineyard where the oidium was last year). According to the results of last year, the harvest amounted to 150-200 g from a whole bush, that is, shedding before flowering amounted to almost 100%. This year I hope for a harvest, about half of the shoots are single, for the remaining one brush, pollinated well. The taste, shape and consistency of the berries are simply magnificent!

Andrey Shevelev


The highlight is the variety of Magarach, I looked at its declared characteristics planted several bushes. but we didn’t have normal bunches on the main crop (for four seasons) - it is peas. The clusters on the stepsons are beautiful and even. The strength of growth is huge - it constantly lives on due to underload, so it’s not the stepson for the second time. I managed to plant 17-241 (Kembel), Novocherkasskaya Rose, Aristocrat A1-1 - in my conditions I see no differences except the names. Now Rizaush has appeared - a hybrid form of Kapelushny, it will differ from Zest not only in name, but also in more expensive price for planting material, like any new product.

The fine variety Zest is in many ways good. However, people who are ignorant of viticulture, who just decided to start mastering this difficult science, should not undertake the cultivation of this pretty Crimean woman. Too many nuances and features of caring for her. To achieve a crop of Highlight, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts, work and patience.


Watch the video: КРЫМ. В ПОИСКАХ НАСКАЛЬНЫХ ИЗОБРАЖЕНИЙ (October 2024).