Grapes Lily of the valley - a new variety with excellent taste. Main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the variety


It would seem that most recently grapes were considered a thermophilic plant, and it could be grown only in the southern regions with a mild climate. Thanks to the efforts of wine-growers-breeders, varieties capable of withstanding harsh winters began to appear and today there are already a great many of them. Grapes Lily of the valley - a vivid representative of such new products.

The history of the cultivation of the grape variety Lily of the valley

Grapes Lily of the valley - a dessert hybrid, bred by Ukrainian winegrower-breeder V.V. Zagorulko in the city of Zaporozhye. Varieties Talisman and Kishmish radiant were taken as the initial ones. As a result of crossing and holding breeding measures, Lily of the valley appeared.

Large beautiful clusters of Lily of the valley - decoration of any compound

Among other varieties and hybrid forms, the Lily of the Valley variety from the moment of its creation participated in many farmers' contests and international exhibitions, where it repeatedly received the highest awards.

Description of the grape variety Lily of the valley

Lily of the valley - a hybrid form of table grapes of medium early ripening. Vegetation lasts about 130 days. Vigorous bush with powerful shoots. The flowers are bisexual, due to which pollination occurs even if there are no other varieties nearby. Productivity is high, regular. Lily of the valley, due to his youth, has not yet been studied much and is only being tested in various climatic zones. However, the author claims it as frost-resistant, able to easily tolerate temperature drops to -21 aboutFrom and to -30aboutWith shelter.

The main characteristics of the variety

The grape lily of the valley has a regular, slightly elongated conical shape, half-loose. Its weight often exceeds half a kilogram. Fruits in a bunch are in a free state, do not shrink or crumple.

Lily of the valley grape cluster looks like a regular cone

The berries are very large, beautiful oval-elongated shape. The size of the grapes is impressive - the length is on average 3.5 cm, diameter more than 2 cm. The average weight of the berries is from 14 to 18 and more grams. The skin of the grapes is bright yellow with a lemon tint, fairly dense, but does not spoil the taste of the berry. Juicy sweet pulp of a very good taste and an amazing mixture of aromas of nutmeg and lily of the valley.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Lily of the Valley variety

Lily of the valley is a very promising variety, which has gathered many advantages, but, despite all the efforts of breeders, it has not yet been possible to avoid the minuses.

Strengths of the variety:

  • excellent taste and aroma of fruits;
  • beautiful appearance of a bunch and berries;
  • high productivity;
  • good keeping and transportability of fruits;
  • frost resistance;
  • ease in reproduction - easily takes root when planting both cuttings and seedlings.

Weaknesses of the variety:

  • poor knowledge of the variety and, as a result, there is no data on how Lily of the Valley behaves in various climatic zones (productivity, diseases, wintering);
  • average resistance to mildew and oidium and, as a consequence, the need for regular preventive treatments of the bushes.

Video: Lily of the valley

Features of planting grapes Lily of the valley

To plant Lily of the Valley grapes, you first need to choose a suitable place. It is good if it is a sunny site, with a groundwater table not exceeding 2.5 meters. With close proximity to groundwater, a drainage system needs to be considered.

Grapes grow well on the south side of the house, where it is protected from the north winds. The soil prefers light, breathable, fertile. If the place chosen for the seedling is flooded with meltwater or during rains, then for planting you need to make a small mound or hill.

When choosing a place for Lily of the Valley grapes, it is important to consider its future size, and this is a tall plant. When planting several bushes, it is necessary to leave a distance of at least three meters between them, and 5 meters between rows.

When planting Lily of the valley grapes in rows, you need to leave enough space, since this is a vigorous variety

It is better to plant Lily of the valley grapes in spring when the soil warms up. When planting in autumn, it is important to calculate the time for the seedling to take root before the frost - you need to have at least a month in reserve. Plants planted in the fall will need serious shelter for the winter.

A step-by-step process of planting lilies of the valley

  1. Dig a hole with a depth and width of at least 70 cm - the worse the earth, the larger the hole. Drive a peg into the center, and lay a drainage on the bottom - a layer of rubble, expanded clay or pebbles. Pour a layer of fertile soil with organic and mineral fertilizers, then a layer of ordinary soil. The pit must be at least two weeks old.
  2. When the pit is ready, you can prepare the seedling for planting. For better survival, lower the roots of the plant for 12 hours into the Epin-Extra solution.
  3. Lower the prepared seedling into the hole, without deepening the root neck, spread the roots and sprinkle, slightly compacting the soil. This must be done very carefully, because the roots of the grapes are fragile and easily broken.
  4. Tie the planted grapes to a peg, pour with water and mulch the hole with peat or rotted sawdust.

Proper planting of Lily of the Valley grapes - the first step on the way to harvest

Epin is an artificial plant biostimulant with anti-stress action. The use of this drug promotes the rooting of cuttings of any crops, helps plants develop immunity against diseases and pests, and also cope with stressful weather conditions.

For the first time, it is advisable to cover the seedling with a non-woven cloth, so that the surprises of the weather - the sun, the wind or a sudden cooling do not prevent it from taking root. After 2-3 weeks, the shelter can be removed.

The subtleties of growing grape varieties Lily of the valley

Lily of the valley is quite unpretentious, so caring for it is not much different from growing other grape varieties.

During the growing season, you can not allow it to dry out - water regularly, but without excess, preventing water stagnation. Fertilizing the first 2-3 years will not be required if the pit was correctly tucked during planting. Subsequently, in the spring, apply organic fertilizers - compost or humus, and in the autumn, phosphorus-potash. Autumn top dressing with mineral fertilizers plays an important role - they help ripen the vine and prepare the bush for wintering.

Before and after flowering, it is necessary to spray grapes against fungal diseases. For these purposes, you can use the fungicides "Topaz", "Karatan", "Skor" or other drugs of similar action.

In the autumn, overgrown lilies of the valley require pruning. As a rule, 10 eyes are left on each shoot. The formation of a bush of grapes is a kind of philosophy, because the choice of form depends on climatic conditions, and on the variety, and on the location on the site. And pruning is dictated by the selected form.

Pruning of grapes during the formation of a stemless form of the bush

Shelter of grapes for the winter

For the winter you need to cover the grapes. In areas with severe winters, bend shoots to the ground, fix, cover with spruce branches, then with a dense film and a non-woven fabric on top. Press the fabric with bricks or boards. It is necessary to cover the grapes after the first frost, when the air temperature is not higher than -5aboutC and remove the shelter before the onset of heat - otherwise the vines can vytryat.

Using Lily of the Valley grape fruit

Due to the excellent taste and amazing aroma, the best use of the fruits of this variety, of course, is fresh. But no matter how beautiful the berries are, you won’t eat a lot of them. And here all canning methods come to the rescue. Juices, compotes, jams, syrups, wine - Lily of the valley is good in any form. Creative housewives use grapes to decorate dishes, prepare sauces and as a component of vegetable and meat salads.

Cake decorated with grape berries - the highlight of the festive table


What can I say? The form is vigorous, with excellent ripening of the vine. No signs of disease were observed. On the shoots were 2-3 inflorescences. I think that there is a prospect for productivity. I really liked the appearance of this grape: large oval berries of yellow color with an unusual taste resembling white acacia (if anyone in childhood ate its flowers ...). The crop hung for a very long time on the bush for observation and, practically, did not lose its appearance and taste. I did not see cracking berries in this GF in our area

Fursa Irina Ivanovna//

I had the second crop of a 4 year old bush. There were no large clusters, because before flowering, the inflorescences partially crumbled (there was a significant cooling). I would like to know if anyone was watching this? The taste, of course, is very decent. It hangs well; there was no cracking of berries.


I was vaccinated last year with the first fruiting of Lily of the valley ... Very strong growth, beautiful clean vine, inflorescences on all shoots, sometimes two, I left one at a time. Pollinated very well. Berries in length, like Bogotianovsky’s, are only thinner and the color is more yellow. The taste is very pleasant - light muscat with a floral tone. The aroma of a bunch is heard at a distance of 30-50cm. The sizes of bunches are from 0.8 to 1.7 kg, so I can’t call them small-grained or low-yielding. So far, the best experience!


Lily of the valley, still young and not sufficiently studied, but apparently, a very promising variety. Having assessed by reviews (if there is no other possibility yet) all its positive qualities, you can connect to research and plant this grape on your site. It is not difficult to do this, because it easily reproduces and takes root without any problems.


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