Physalis decorative: orange "lanterns"


Decorative physalis with its bright boxes of orange-red tones is very similar to Chinese lanterns and immediately creates a sense of celebration. For this reason, he has enough fans. But those who did not take physalis also have their own arguments - the fruits of the plant are poisonous.

Description and characteristics of physalis

The name "physalis" (physalis) is of Greek origin, which means "bubble". His homeland is South and Central America. Then the plant was brought to North America, and from there on, all the way to Europe. The French called physalis "flower for pregnant women." If a man was ready to become a father, he gave his companion a bright bouquet of physalis “lanterns”.

The plant belongs to the genus Solanaceae and includes about 120 species. Physalis decorative - perennial. It is unpretentious, able to tolerate low temperatures, and it is not difficult to grow it. It can propagate by self-sowing, so planting it on the site is enough once.

Physalis decorative is used to decorate the site

Myths and legends are composed of decorative physalis. Here is one of them. Once upon a time, a huge dragon swallowed the sun. The world has darkened. Without light and heat, all living things began to perish. Then one brave young man decided to fight the monster and defeat him at all costs. Going on the road, the hero took with him a small lamp that illuminated his path. The young man tracked down the dragon and summoned him to battle. There was a hard battle, the dragon was killed, and the sun was set free. And in the first moments, when the life-giving light again spilled over the earth, it was so bright that the hero closed his eyes with his palm and the lantern fell to the ground. But it did not crash into fragments, but into many bright red flashlights hanging from the stems. So the physalis appeared in the world.

Types of decorative physalis

For decorative purposes, the type “Chinese lanterns”, commonly called the Physalis vulgaris, which has two varieties, which we have got the name, is most often used:

  • Physalis Franchet is a perennial plant named after the first biologist Adrien Rene Franchet who described this species. Grows to 90 cm in height, has a creeping rhizome and smooth, erect stems. The diameter of the "flashlight" is up to 7 cm;
  • Physalis Alkekengi is also a perennial with pubescent, often reclining stems. The calyxes of fruits of this species are small - from 2 to 4 cm, with “flashlights” of yellow, orange or red color.

Both plants are used not only as a decoration for flower beds, but also as natural dyes. For decorative applications, Physalis Franche is of greater value.

There is another kind of ornamental physalis - Physalis Longifolia. Plant height can reach two meters. This is the only species that is valued for its unusual flowers. They have an interesting feature: they open at noon, and after 4 hours they close. The "flashlights" of this physalis have a nutty hue and pronounced ribs.

Gallery: types of decorative physalis

Decorative physalis in floristry and interior design

Decorative physalis is not grown for flowers, because they are small and nondescript. This plant attracts attention in the fall, when the box-fruits grow and become orange or bright red.

Most often it is used in winter bouquets, supplementing with other dried flowers: homfrena, lunaria, gelichrysum, statice, craspedia, etc. Decorative physalis is good for creating various compositions, floral paintings, wreaths.

Photo gallery: ideas for using decorative physalis

Growing Features

Physalis loves to grow in a sunny place. He is able to withstand penumbra, but in this case there will be fewer colors - which means there will be fewer flashlights. Plant it with seeds or seedlings. In this article we will consider sowing seeds in the ground.

The soil for physalis is suitable neutral or calcareous, but acidic for it is destructive, the pH should not exceed 4.5. During digging, it is good to add organic matter to the soil, but not fresh manure, but compost, humus or rotted manure in the amount of 1 bucket per square meter.

The composition of the soil may be as follows:

  • peat - 2 parts,
  • compost / humus / rotted manure -1 part,
  • garden land - 1 part,
  • sand - 1/2 part.

Seed preparation

  1. Before sowing, the seeds must be held for half an hour in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.
  2. Then they are washed in running water and laid out on gauze or a paper towel to dry.

For disinfection, physalis seeds should be held in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate

Sowing in open ground is possible at an air temperature of +20 aboutC and soil +5 aboutC, tentatively in late May or early June. You can plant decorative physalis in the fall: in late September or early October.

Sowing seeds in open ground

It is better to sow physalis with hatching seeds. For this:

  1. After disinfection, the seed is kept in moist tissue for several days, periodically wetting it. The timing of biting depends on the temperature in the room and on the year of collection of seeds.

    It is better to sow pre-hatched physalis seeds - this will provide greater germination

  2. Seeds with emerged sprouts are buried in moist soil by 1 cm with a distance of 40-50 cm. It is better to plant 2 seeds in case one does not hatch.
  3. To get friendly seedlings, it is advisable to cover the crops with film or spanbond.

Outdoor Physalis Care

Decorative physalis does not require special attention to itself, but if you take care of it properly, the plant will certainly become a wonderful decoration of the site. Care includes the following points:

  • watering: physalis is drought tolerant, but for more abundant fruiting in dry periods, it is advisable to water it once or twice a week;
  • weeding and loosening: the plant needs loose soil so that the roots are supplied with oxygen, so frequent loosening should be carried out;

    Physalis requires frequent loosening to enrich the roots with oxygen

  • top dressing: physalis responds well to top dressing with organic:
    • chicken droppings solution (1:15),
    • mullein solution (1:10);

      When preparing a solution of mullein, it is diluted with water in a proportion of 1:10 and insisted for several days so that the mass ferments

  • pinching the tops: so that more lanterns have time to ripen and acquire their final color, it is better to pinch the tops of plants in late June or early July;
  • garter to the support - the stems will be more direct and, accordingly, more decorative.

Wintering and transplanting

For the winter, the decorative physalis remains in the soil. Its aerial part is completely cut off. The plant does not need special shelter, but it is better to still mulch the soil with humus or peat, and fallen leaves can also be used.

Since decorative physalis is quite aggressive and quickly spreads throughout the site, it is better to dig out and transfer it to a new place every 5-7 years.

My personal experience in growing decorative physalis is confirmed by the fact that it is unpretentious and does not require much attention. It responds well to organic fertilizing, easily propagated by dividing the bush, loves the sunny area and loose soil. To limit the "sprawl", it is better to plant it in a limited space (for example, at least in the same barrel without a bottom).

Video: how to avoid the spread of physalis in the area

Is physalis decorative poisonous

It remains to resolve the issue with the toxicity of decorative physalis. The berries of this type of physalis contain the substance physalin, which gives the fruit a bitter taste. You can’t eat the fetus. One berry, of course, will not cause poisoning, but if you eat more of them, vomiting can occur, especially in children.


I didn’t know what these flowers are called. Fancy flowers. Usually they bloom in the fall. I often see them in the flowerbeds at the entrance, and two years ago we planted them in the garden with my parents. I remember, in childhood, we plucked these flowers and then opened, apparently, I wanted to find a surprise. The flower itself is like a paper lantern. It looks beautiful in the fall. The plant is unpretentious and does not require special care.

Elechka elechka

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And what flashlights !!! Previously, I often saw this plant dried in a vase. At first I thought it was just an artificial flower. And how the lanterns hang beautifully. At work, we often exchange flowers and bushes with employees. One gave me physalis. She landed him late in October, she thought she would not survive. But what was my amazement when he crawled in spring to grow. My girlfriend once told me how delicious the physalis fruits are when they ripen. I tried it to taste, I do not advise eating, but you can dry it for decor. This year I generally thought that this plant had died. But when it began to bloom in September, I was very happy !!!

Irina Korolkevich

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My mother always grew decorative physalis in the garden. This is one in which very interesting seed bolls form by fall. They are also called lanterns for a bright orange color and shape similar to Chinese lanterns. This is a very wonderful dried flower. Beautiful winter compositions can be made from it.

Maria M

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Vintage "lanterns" decorative Physalis will add color to cloudy autumn weather

Decorative physalis is one of the most joyful plants in the garden. And to prolong the summer, you can settle orange lanterns in your home.


Watch the video: Cocktail Decoration Brock (October 2024).