Actinidia Argument: Growing and Care


Actinidia of the argument is rare in home gardens of Russian gardeners. Meanwhile, this plant successfully combines the attractiveness of appearance with the presence of tasty and healthy fruits. Its advantages also include unpretentious care, good frost resistance and high productivity.

What Actinidia Argument Looks Like

Actinidia of the argument (translated from Latin - “acute”) is a perennial deciduous vine, widely used in landscape design and grown as a fruiting plant. Its homeland is the northern regions of China, Japan. In Russia, the plant is found in the Far East, as well as on Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. The productive life of the creeper is 75-90 years. She brings the first crop in the fifth year after planting in the ground.


The stem of actinidia argument can grow up to 20-30 m in length. Moreover, it is very thin - 15-20 cm in diameter. As it grows older, its base becomes lignified, changing the olive color to brownish-gray. The stem twists very much, therefore, when growing a plant in captivity, it is necessary to provide it with an arch, trellis, other support on which the liana can climb.

The actinidia of an argument on a support looks much more advantageous than a sloppy bunch of confused shoots


Actinidia leaves look very elegant throughout the season. Before flowering, they are painted in a saturated green color, after it they noticeably lighten to a pale green hue. In the fall, they consistently change their tone from bright lemon yellow to crimson crimson and dark burgundy. The sheet plate has an ellipse shape with a sharply sharpened tip. The length of the sheet reaches 8-12 cm, the width is 3-5 cm, the edges are cut out with small cloves. They bloom in early spring, fall in the second decade of October.

Thanks to the pointed tip of the leaf, the actinidium argument got its name


Like other actinidia, the argument belongs to the category of dioecious plants. This means that regular abundant harvests are possible only if there are both male and female bushes on the plot at a ratio of about 1: 5. The former play the role of pollinators, while the latter ripen berries. Modern breeders have bred several varieties that are positioned as self-fertile, but practice shows that this is not entirely true. Without a pollinator, berries are smaller on them, and productivity is drastically reduced.

You can distinguish male plants from female ones only during flowering. The former are characterized by the presence of a large number of stamens in the absence of a pestle. Female flowers are single (less often collected in inflorescences of three), large. Men's are much smaller, inflorescences in the form of a shield or umbrella.

The flowers of male actinidia argument plants are easy to identify by the absence of a pestle

Flowering and fruiting

During flowering, the actinidia argument spreads an amazing sweetish aroma, similar to the smell of lilies of the valley or orange blossoms. Her flowers are snow-white or greenish-silver, rather large (2-2.5 cm in diameter). Flowering continues for about two and a half weeks, starting at the very end of May. The pollen is very dark, almost black.

Fruits this liana annually, has a good yield. About 15-20 kg of berries are removed from an adult plant, resembling very small kiwi or large gooseberries in shape. Their pulp is very tender, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste and rich aroma. Most often, it is compared with the smell of pineapple, although to some it resembles apples, bananas or apricots. The peel of most varieties is bright green, sometimes with longitudinal dark stripes. But there are also varieties bred by breeders with bright purple edible peels.

The average length of the fruit is 2-3 cm, width is 1.5-2.8 cm. The berry weighs 4.5-6 g. Harvest ripens at the end of September, fruiting lasts 2-2.5 weeks. The berries do not fall off the bush for a long time, even if the weather conditions are far from ideal.

The fruits of various varieties of actinidia argument vary greatly in shape and size.

Fruit use

The berries are not only tasty, but also very healthy. They contain much more vitamin C than lemons, sea buckthorn and blackcurrant. Vitamins A, P and Q, keratin, organic acids, flavonoids and saponins are also present in high concentrations.

The benefits of heat treatment do not suffer in any way, and the characteristic aroma is preserved, so the actinidia argument is great for making stewed fruit, preserves, jams, jellies, and other homemade products. In this case, you need to use only enameled dishes without chips (vitamin C is destroyed by contact with metal) and store the workpieces in a dark place (sun rays destroy many organic substances).

During heat treatment, the benefits of actinidia are not reduced, so it is often used for home-made work

The fruits of actinidia argument are widely used in traditional medicine. They are recommended if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, to combat parasites. It is believed that they inhibit the development of tumors, including malignant ones. Juice helps fight inflammation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Fresh berries are recommended to be used to strengthen immunity, with anemia and vitamin deficiency, the presence of chronic fatigue syndrome.

At home, in China and Japan, the actinidia argument is widely used in landscape design. From it form hedges and "green walls" that can help disguise some unsightly building on the site. You can also decorate the gazebo, porch and so on.

The actinidia argument is widely used in landscape design

Video: argument actinidia harvest

Varieties of actinidia argument

Modern selection offers a wide variety of varieties of actinidia argument domestic and foreign origin. Frost resistance of most of them allows you to grow a culture throughout Russia.


Late variety, berries ripen in the second decade of September. The fruits weigh on average 5-6 g, but there are also champions weighing up to 8 g. The shape is almost parallelepiped with rounded peaks, 2 cm in diameter or slightly larger.

The fruits of actinidia of the Balsamnaya variety argument vary slightly in size

The peel of the berry is smooth, bright green in color with a brownish tint. Taste with distinctly distinct sourness. The pulp is tender, with a tart aroma, a bit like the smell of pine needles.


One of the latest breeding novelties, bred specifically for cultivation in the suburbs and surrounding regions. Fruits ripen at the very beginning of autumn (medium late variety).

Actinidia of Lunnaya argument is one of the latest achievements of Russian breeders

The berries are not too large, in the form of a slightly flattened cylinder on the sides. Average weight - 3-4.5 g, length - about 2.5 cm. The skin is smooth, olive shade. The fruit tastes sweet with a slight refreshing acidity.


One of the most popular varieties among Russian gardeners. The September variety has two varieties of actinidia - colomict and argument, which differ in characteristics, so when buying, you should specify in advance what exactly you need. The average height of the vine is about 7 m. Flowering is quite long - the buds last 18-25 days. But the productive period is not too long - 30-40 years.

The September Actinidia Argument is especially appreciated for the palatability of the fruit.

The berries are medium in size, slightly less than 2 cm long. The peel is saturated emerald in color, covered with diagonal stripes of an even darker shade. The pulp is very tender and sweet, sourness is hardly distinguishable. The fruit resembles pineapple in taste, although to some it seems more like an apple.

The September actinidia of the argument is cold-resistant, withstanding frosts down to -40 ºС. The average growth of shoots per season is 1.5-2 m.


Large-fruited female variety of late ripening. The authorship belongs to one of the most famous breeders who worked with actinidia - E.I. Sausage. Liana is characterized by its growth rate, the bark on the shoots is chocolate brown, matte. Leaves are bright green with a noticeable yellowish undertones. On the central vein, they slightly bend inward.

Actinidia argument Primorskaya - one of the achievements of breeder E.I. Sausage

The average weight of the berry is 7-8 g, the length is about 2.5-3 cm. The shape is cylindrical, elongated, with a rounded base and apex. The skin is glossy shiny, fairly dense, lime-colored, covered with variously sized tubercles that are clearly visible to the touch. The taste of pulp is balanced, sweet and sour. A pronounced aroma resembling the smell of apples is characteristic. Professional tasters, he is rated at 4.5 points out of five. The fruiting period stretches for 3-4 weeks.

Frost resistance in this variety is within -20 ºС. He does not suffer from diseases and is rarely affected by pests. For fruiting, the presence of male plants is required. Even better if there are bee hives nearby.


One of the most popular varieties of actinidia argument in the United States. Self-infertile, male plants are needed for pollination. Belongs to the category of late-ripening (the crop ripens in the last decade of September or in early October). The berries are large, barrel-shaped, the average weight of the fetus is 6-8.5 g. It tolerates winter colds well up to -30 ºС, but can be severely affected by spring return frosts. It differs in dimensions: the average length of the vine is 8-12 m, if you do not regularly prune, it reaches 30 m.

The fruits of actinidia argument Geneva are almost a standard of taste

Shoots, as they grow older, change color from pale gray to brown-brown. When the flowers bloom, the snow-white petals effectively contrast with bright scarlet stamens.

The berries are sweet, with a slightly noticeable acidity. The form is ovoid, slightly elongated. The taste and aroma are clearly felt honey notes. Geneva for actinidia is practically the standard of taste. But the fruits must be collected on time, they quickly soften and crumble from the shoots. The skin is thin, bright green, where the sun fell on it, blurry raspberry or crimson spots appear.

Green balm

Large-fruited (8-10 g) self-fertile variety. The berries are elliptical. Differ in unusual balsamic taste. The pulp is sweet, tender, with a slight acidity. Peel of olive color. Productivity is relatively low - 1.5-3 kg per adult plant. Winter hardiness within -25 ºС.

The fruits of actinidia argument Green Balsam have an unusual specific aftertaste that not everyone likes


Male variety, universal pollinator for all female varieties of actinidia argument. At the same time, it will not be suitable for pollination of other actinidia (for example, colomicty, polygamy). Interspecific pollination in these plants does not occur.

The male species of actinidia argument of Veiki is a universal pollinator for female creepers

Liana is very decorative - the leaves are smooth, shiny, of a deep dark green hue, as if artificial. Petioles are dark scarlet. Frost resistance is not bad - up to -30 ºС. Veinia actinidia blooms in June. The flowers are small, collected in loose corymbose inflorescences. The plant is sensitive to cold drafts.

There is also a female species of actinidia argument with the same name. It is necessary to specify in advance what exactly you are buying. The fruits are large, weighing 7-8 g and a length of 3-3.5 cm. The peel is bright green with a blush of brick color. Fruiting begins in the first decade of October.

The female species of actinidia of Veiki's argument belongs to the category of late varieties

Issei (or Issai)

The actinidia variety of argument is native to Japan. The creators are positioned as self-fertile, of all the varieties currently existing that have the most rights to this name, but practice shows that the presence of nearby male plants greatly increases the yield.

Actinidia argument Issei is positioned by the creators as a self-fertile variety

Berries with a pleasant, sweetish flesh ripen in the last decade of September. Pronounced pineapple aroma is characteristic. The average length of the fruit is 3-4 cm, weight is 10-15 g. The olive-green skin is covered with short copper villi.

The first time bears fruit liana for the next season. It is compact (only 3-4 m long), therefore it is perfect for small garden plots.

Liana tolerates temperatures up to -25 ºС without prejudice to herself. It is very sensitive to drought and waterlogging of the soil. The productive life of the plant is about 30 years. Leaves are 18-23 cm long, dense, velvety to the touch, a shade of bottle glass. The flowers are large, 2.5-3 cm in diameter, cream petals.


The actinidia variety is an argument native to Italy. A characteristic feature is cylindrical fruits 5.5-6 cm long. The average weight of the berry is 25-30 g. The skin is bright green or lime, very thin. Actinidia Jumbo has practically no aroma, but the fruits are very sweet and can be stored fresh for a long time. To taste, the pulp is almost indistinguishable from kiwi. Harvest ripens in the last decade of September or in the early days of October.

Jumbo's actinidia argument is notable for its good transportability and long shelf life.

The average length of the vine is 8-9 m. It differs in growth rate, adding 2.5-3 m per season. Flowering is short - lasts only 7-10 days. Frost resistance within -30 ºС. Fruiting requires the presence of an actinidia-pollinator (Veiki, Bayern Kiwi).

Golden braid

Variety of actinidia is an argument of Russian selection. It has a very high winter hardiness, up to -40 ºС. The berries are sweet, medium weight (9-10 g), a pleasant apple flavor is inherent in the pulp. The skin is smooth, matte, greenish-yellow. The shape is elliptical, slightly elongated.

Actinidia Argument Golden braid stands out for its very high frost resistance

Liana is powerful, the leaves are large, saturated green. From a distance they seem almost black. It can reach a length of 28-30 m, adding 2-3 m each year. It blooms quite late - in the last days of June. The petals are greenish-white, the diameter of the flower is about 2 cm.


Another Japanese variety, positioned as self-pollinated, belongs to the category of medium-late. Harvest ripens in mid-September. Cold resistance - within -20-22 ºС. Kokuva is very negative about stagnation of groundwater and acidification of the soil.

Kokuva argument actinidia liana is compact, suitable for growing in small garden areas

Liana reaches a length of 5-6 m, annual growth - 1.5-2 m. The fruits are sweet, with barely noticeable acidity and a pronounced lemon aroma. The skin is thin. The berries are medium-sized, elongated, up to 2-2.5 cm long. They are stored for a long time.

Relay race

A very powerful plant with large saturated green leaves. Shoots as plants grow older change color from light green to brick. Frost resistance up to -30-35 ºС.

Actinidia Argument Relay Variety Relay is a plant with very powerful leaves

Fruits weighing 15-18 g have the shape of an ellipse oblate from the sides. The skin is dull, greenish-brown. The pulp is sweet, the aroma is something between pineapple and wild strawberry. Even completely ripe berries do not fall off the shoots.

Taiga Emerald

A variety of Russian selection ripening in September. The berries are medium-sized, cylindrical in shape, weighing 3.5-4 g and a length of 2-2.5 cm. The skin is dull, dark green. The taste and aroma of this actinidia resembles garden strawberries.

The average height of the vine is small - 3-4 m. The leaves are one-dimensional, bright green. Frost resistance within -28-30 ºС. The variety is not self-fertile. It tolerates bright sunlight and partial shade without problems. It is not inhibited by larger plants.


The actinidia variety of the argument, sometimes found under the acronym ANNA. Differs in high productivity, excellent taste of fruits and their good transportability.The name of the variety is due to the characteristic pronounced aroma inherent in the pulp. The taste of oval berries is pleasant, sweet and sour, very similar to kiwi. The skin is thin, the seeds are small, almost not felt. Where the sun's rays fall on the fruit, a pinkish-red blush forms.

The actinidia of the pineapple argument is practically devoid of core and sunflower seeds.

The length of the vine is up to 10 m. Fruiting occurs in the second decade of October. The average yield is 5-7 kg from an adult plant.

Viti Kiwi

A self-made variety cultivated both by amateur gardeners and professional farmers. The skin is light green, shiny, the shape of the fruit is regular, oval. The first crop is removed already in the second season of being in the open ground. The presence of nearby male plants contributes to the enlargement of berries and increase productivity.

There are no seeds in the fruits of actinidia of the argument of the variety Viti Kiwi

Liana grows to 8-10 m in length. Harvest ripens in the last days of September, the plant blooms at the very end of spring. Frost resistance - up to -24-26 ºС. Very negatively related to acidification of the soil and cold drafts.

Purple garden

The achievement of Ukrainian breeders, widely known not only in the countries of the former USSR, but also in foreign countries. The plant can be both female and male. The name of the variety is due to an unusual rich burgundy skin tone. The fruits are one-dimensional, cylindrical in shape, up to 4 cm long and weighing 5-6 g. The flesh is the same color as the thin skin. Even completely ripe berries do not crumble.

The actinidia argument of Purple Garden fully justifies the name

Liana endures frosts to -25 ºС without damage. The average length is 3-5 m. The shoots are thin, dark brown in color. Harvest ripens in September or at the very beginning of October.

Video: Actinidia species and the most popular varieties

How to plant a plant in the ground

The correct choice of site for actinidia argument is the key to abundant fruiting in the future. This plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, often undergoing burns. It is better to place the vine in the light partial shade. But the lack of light and heat is undesirable - it negatively affects the quantity and taste of berries.

Actinidia really does not like cold drafts, so at some distance from the plant should be a natural or artificial barrier that covers it from the north.

Actinidia argument does not like the bright sun, especially young plants

The soil prefers loose, fairly nutritious, neutral or slightly acidic (pH 5.0-6.5). The best option is loam or sandy loam soil. A heavy clay, clay, peat substrate, as well as places where groundwater are closer than a meter from the surface of the earth, are categorically not suitable.

You can plant a crop both in spring and in autumn. It depends on the climate in a particular region. The first option is optimal for areas with a temperate climate, where the weather is unpredictable, and winter is extremely rare in accordance with the calendar. The best time is the beginning of May, before the active sap flow begins. Autumn planting is suitable for warm subtropics. At the same time, you need to be sure that there are at least two months left before the first frost.

Two-year-old seedlings take root best. You need to purchase them only in specialized stores or nurseries, and not at agricultural fairs, and even more so with your hands. This is a guarantee of the quality of planting material. It is advisable that the nursery is located in the same region. In this case, planting material is already adapted to local climatic and weather conditions.

When making a purchase, give preference to a seedling with a closed root system. The roots of the plant are very fragile. Enough five minutes in the open air to seriously damage them.

Closed root system actinidia seedlings are guaranteed to survive transportation

The optimal depth of the landing pit for actinidia argument is 65-70 cm with a diameter of 50-60 cm. When planting several plants at the same time, at least two to three meters are left between them, unless hedge formation is planned. In this case, the interval is reduced to 0.5 m. In advance, you need to provide a place for trellis, arches, and other supports. If you start to build it after planting, there is a risk of injuring the roots of the plant.

Landing pit is prepared 15-20 days before the intended landing. At the bottom, a drainage layer of at least 10-12 cm thick is required. You can use expanded clay, pebbles, ceramic shards, brick chips and so on. The fertile turf extracted from the pit is mixed with humus (20 l), simple superphosphate (150-180 g) and potassium sulfate (50-70 g). Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with wood ash (1.5 l). Any products containing chlorine are expressly excluded.

The plant also does not like lime, it is not used to bring the acid-base balance back to normal.

A thick layer of drainage is required at the bottom of the landing pit for actinidia argument

There is nothing complicated about the landing. The procedure looks like this:

  1. 30-40 minutes before planting, the container with actinidia is soaked in water at room temperature so that it completely covers the soil. You can add potassium permanganate to a pale pink color or any biostimulant. The first is for disinfection, the second is to strengthen the plant's immunity.
  2. Actinidia is removed from the pot, trying as little as possible to destroy the earthball. In the mound at the bottom of the landing pit make a small depression and place the plant in it.
  3. Pit neatly, in small portions of soil fall asleep. So much substrate is needed so that the edge of the pit is flush with the surface of the earth. The hole is not formed. This contributes to stagnation of water, which actinidia argument really does not like. The root neck should be 1-2 cm above the soil level.
  4. The seedling is watered, spending 7-10 liters of water. When it is absorbed, the near-stem circle, approximately coinciding in diameter with the landing pit, is covered with peat, humus, sawdust, and freshly cut grass. Or you can tighten it with an air-tight covering material. It is important that the first month and a half plant roots are constantly in the shade.

It is advisable to protect newly planted actinidia from the sun, this applies to both roots and leaves

The worst neighbor for actinidia is the apple tree. In general, she does not really like fruit-bearing trees and may even “strangle” them. It is placed next to the currant bushes. Any legumes that loosen the soil and saturate it with nitrogen are also useful. Actinidia of the argument looks spectacular surrounded by bright annual flowers - marigolds, viola, asters, gerberas, petunias. They are not “competitors” for her, sucking nutrients from the soil.

The actinidia of the argument planted in the ground must be surrounded by a net or created another obstacle that protects it from cats

Video: how to plant actinidia

Crop Care Tips

Actinidia of the argument is considered to be an unpretentious plant. To care for her and regularly receive a crop under the force even for those who do not have rich experience in gardening.


It is important to find a middle ground here. The plant reacts negatively to drying out and to waterlogging of the soil. Both that, and another can destroy it. Therefore, the intervals between irrigation are adjusted depending on what weather is on the street.

In extreme heat, an adult plant consumes 60-80 L of water every 5-7 days.

Each time after watering, the soil in the near-stem circle is loosened, but shallow. As necessary, renew the mulch layer. The root system of the plant is superficial, so you need to handle it carefully.

The preferred method is sprinkling or watering from a watering can, simulating natural rainfall. In extreme heat, it is advisable to spray the leaves additionally in the evenings.

Fertilizer application

Actinidia is fed three times a year. The first time fertilizers are applied in mid-April. 20-25 g of urea, ammonium nitrate, and ammonium sulfate in dry form are distributed in the near-stem circle. Once every two years, in the process of loosening the soil, humus or rotted manure (15-20 l) is introduced.

Urea has a long-lasting effect, so it slowly gives away mineral components to garden plants

For ripening fruits, plants need phosphorus and potassium. 45-60 g of simple superphosphate and 25-30 g of potassium sulfate are dissolved in 10 l of water and the vine is watered. The same top dressing is repeated in the fall, 12-15 days after the end of fruiting. In the second case, you can use complex preparations (ABA, Autumn) or infusion of wood ash (two-liter jar of 5 liters of boiling water).

Wood ash - an absolutely natural fertilizer, a natural source of potassium and phosphorus

Winter preparations

The actinidia of the argument at the age of five years and older does not need special preparation for the winter. It is enough to clean the near-stem circle from vegetable debris and update the layer of mulch, bringing its thickness to 12-15 cm.

Most varieties of actinidia argument have good frost resistance, so only young plants need shelter for the winter

Young plants are removed from the trellis, neatly laying out shoots on the ground. They are sprinkled with foliage, straw, covered with spruce branches and tightened with breathable covering material. As soon as enough snow falls, they throw the resulting structure, creating a snowdrift. In winter, it will settle, so 2-3 times a season it will need to be updated, breaking the crust of the hard infusion that forms on the surface.

Having lost leaves in autumn, the actinidia argument looks rather unsympathetic


Since the liana is notable for its growth rate, pruning is a strictly mandatory annual procedure for it. Such plants look much neater and more attractive. Any manipulations during sap flow are strictly prohibited. Pruning is carried out when the leaves fall (about a month before the frost) or near the end of winter so that the "wounds" have time to slightly heal.

For cutting actinidia use only sharpened disinfected tool

The first time the procedure is carried out for the third season after planting a seedling in the ground. Be sure to remove all dried, broken, non-fruitful shoots, as well as poorly located ones (thickening the crown, growing down). The rest is cut off by about a third, stimulating further branching. They are fixed on the trellis, directed vertically upwards or creating a structure similar to a fan. The next year, the shoots are perpendicular to this.

Pruning is an important part of proper actinidia care.

Every 8-10 years, anti-aging pruning is performed. All shoots older than this age are removed, leaving 20-30-centimeter stumps.

Video: Actinidia Care

Diseases and Pests

Harmful insects, as a rule, do not deserve actinidia with their attention. The main danger for her is cats, which can seriously damage the shoots and roots of the plant, trying to get to the juice.

From diseases, the plant also suffers infrequently. Basically, various types of rot, mold, provoked by frequent waterlogging of the soil, can develop. To combat them, Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate and other fungicides are used.

Video: tips for growing healthy actinidia

Gardeners reviews

For the suburbs you can buy actinidia argument variety Issei. Japanese. He is only 4 m tall. Liana is self-fertile, but the berries without a male bush are twice as small (approximately like in Colomicta). But it will have to be covered, like the awkward varieties of blackberries, grapes, roses. But it bears fruit the very next year after planting.


We grow the actinidia of the Issai variety argument. Of all actinidia, this particular variety is self-pollinated, self-fertile, Japanese selection. Strong pillars, not a net, are better for support, since this is a powerful vine. We are surrounded by three pillars. Scourge, respectively, also leave three for better fruiting. While we have been growing for the second year, but kiwi fruit has already been given, though not very much. The scourge wraps around the support counterclockwise, growing quite quickly.


According to the description, the pineapple actinidia variety withstands frosts down to -28 ºС. In Samara, this variety freezes for the second year (the temperature this winter dropped to -29.6 ºС). 40% of the vines are preserved, the buds open late. Under the same conditions, the vine on the Weiki variety has completely frozen out according to the level of snow cover.

Sergey Lazurchenko//

My actinidia Geneva has been “eating” for a year and does not want to bloom ... While there was no pollinator - it bloomed, a pollinator appeared - it stopped flowering. This spring, one bush trimmed well, in the fall I will still prune and final form. The second bush did not touch. Winters on a trellis without shelter. Perhaps flower buds freeze ... Growth power at the level of varieties Large-fruited, Figured.

Irina Kiseleva//

I left the shoots of actinidia jumbo uncovered at a temperature of about -28 ºС. In the spring, the cutaway shoot was green, but with the beginning of the growing season the buds did not grow, and most of the shoots withered. But frost resistance in my conditions can vary greatly between regions.


New hybrid varieties of actinidia argument - September, Kiev hybrid, Kiev large-fruited (anniversary), Purple garden, Figured. True, they turned out to be less winter-hardy than colomict, but in the culture they can withstand frosts down to -30-35 ºС. At the same time, they are distinguished by great growth strength, large-fruited (fruit weight from 8 to 25 g), good taste and high yield. To date, they are the most promising for growing in central Russia.


Since 2000 I have been growing three varieties of actinidia: Pavlovskaya, September, and some other unknown. Plus a “boy” whose varietal affiliation is also unknown. Most like Pavlovskaya for restrained growth, stable large crops and large-fruited. If we compare it with Sentyabrskaya, which, it seems, is much more powerful in growth strength than Pavlovskaya, then the former constantly observes the under-pollination of individual flowers. The fruit is very diverse, which can not be said about Pavlovskaya, where all the berries are one to one. All female creepers interspersed with flowering shoots of the male plant during flowering.


Actinidia Septembera - an elite seedling selected in 1968 from seeds of argut introduced from China. Woody vigorous vine with a massive increase in shoots. The leaves are dense, pubescent on the veins, ovoid, ranging from broad to elongated-oval. The cloves of the leaf are sharp. The flowers are dioecious, white, large (2.6 cm in diameter), seven-petalled, on thin grassy pedicels, single and three in inflorescences, axillary. The ovary is large, bulbous. It blooms in early June. The berries are oblong-elliptical in shape, dark green, smooth, near the stalk - finely wrinkled (ribbed), large, weighing 7-10 g. The flesh is light green, juicy, tender, sweet, with a pleasant taste. The fruits ripen in early September. They are used fresh and canned. The yield from the bush is 9-12 kg. The fruits of this variety are difficult to confuse with other varieties of argut. In this variety, the remains of the pestle are tightly pressed in a circle to the berry, which is not typical for other varieties. Grade advantages: early ripening, high sugar content in fruits. The variety is winter hardy.

Sergey Lazurchenko//

The best sort of actinidia argument for me is Purple Garden. In Moscow, growing without shelter and removal from support. Fruits annually, but not always plentifully.

Green Line//

The actinidia of the argument is a beautiful and very useful plant. Even novice gardeners are able to grow a vine and take care of it. Its fruits are valued for excellent taste and a high concentration of vitamins, important for the body macro- and microelements.Russian and foreign breeders are constantly developing new varieties.


Watch the video: Как отличить актинидию женскую от мужской? (October 2024).