Cabbage Gift - A Proven Variety


The present is a good, old and proven variety of cabbage, introduced to the State Register of Selection Achievements back in 1961. He did not get lost among the modern abundance of different varieties precisely because of his remarkable qualities. It is recommended for cultivation in all regions of Russia suitable for agriculture, and also grows well in Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine.

Description of cabbage varieties Gift

A gift is a medium-late variety with a ripening period from seedlings to the appearance of the first head of cabbage - 100-115 days, before mass ripening - 115-135 days. Therefore, the variety manages to grow not only in seedlings, but also seeds directly into the soil with their planting in late April - early May (only in those regions where the climate allows). It can ripen at low temperatures (+ 5-12 ° C) - in the central regions of Russia, this beginning or the middle of October.

Gift - a variety of cabbage with a maturity of up to 135 days

Sometimes they are cleaned after the first easy freezing, then the cabbage becomes sweeter. Strong freezing is unacceptable, as this will sharply reduce the shelf life. Timely harvested cabbage of this variety is stored for up to 5 months.

Use and taste

The variety is universal, used fresh on salads, cabbage soup, any dishes according to numerous recipes. Also, the Gift is suitable for preservation, pickling and pickling. The intracocum foliage is thin and tender, juicy, with a small rough base of the leaf compared to some varieties, and fits tightly during growth. The variety is appreciated for the well-expressed cabbage flavor. Gains a lot of fructose and sucrose, because it has a sweet aftertaste.

Gift cabbage is good for pickling


The leaf is oval, light green, the stump is small. The gift differs from other varieties with a wax coating, sometimes strong, changing the color of the sheet to gray. Heads of medium size, round and dense, grow up weighing from 3 to 5 kg, an average of 4 kg. In good conditions gives a yield of about 100 kg per 10 square meters. m, in medium - about 80 kg. The variety is unpretentious, hardy, therefore, even in adverse conditions it can give a significant harvest, forming heads of cabbage weighing 2-3 kg.

Gift cabbage is still not fully ripe, but you can already use it for food

Variety disadvantages

All of the above qualities - taste, yield, presentation, suitability for pickling, unpretentiousness - can be considered the undoubted advantages of the variety. And of the shortcomings, some gardeners note high demands on moisture and soil fertility, which contradicts numerous reviews about the unpretentiousness of this variety. But this contradiction is explained by the fact that any kind of cabbage is picky about moisture and soil fertility. Therefore, the obvious flaws inherent only to this variety cannot be identified.

Features of growing cabbage

An easier way is to plant seeds directly into the ground. Planted in late April - early May, depending on the region and the conditions of the year. Before planting, it is advisable to prepare the seeds to disinfect, accelerate germination and give primary dressing.

Seed preparation

It is carried out in the same way as for planting directly with seeds in the garden, and for the seedling method described below. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Three cloves of garlic crush and pour 50 g of boiling water.
  2. Seeds are immersed in this infusion when its temperature drops to +50 ° C (determined by a thermometer or instant finger touch: +50 ° C - hardly, but tolerantly), for 1 hour.

    Cabbage seeds are immersed in garlic infusion when its temperature reaches +50 ° C

  3. Treated seeds are dried on fabric or paper.

This is a proven folk way. You can use others, for example, dressing in a weakly pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Seed planting

Land for planting in the garden is being prepared since autumn according to the rules common to all varieties of cabbage. It is possible to plant seeds as soon as the earth dries, it will become possible to work and the temperature will be set within + 3-12 ° C.

If the ground is well prepared, quite loose, you can plant in furrows. But if the land is not cultivated, you can make holes before planting by carefully digging and loosening the soil with a shovel or pitchfork with a bayonet depth.

Cabbage seeds can be planted in furrows

Typically, cabbage seeds and seedlings are planted according to the pattern of 60 × 60 cm. However, on fertile soil in a favorable rainy year, a Gift can form a rosette with a diameter of up to 80-100 cm. Therefore, on fat ground with good views on growth, the Gift is planted less often: according to the scheme 70 × 70 or even 80 × 80 cm.

Planting seedlings

Planting with seeds is simpler, but the many years of experience of gardeners have shown that with the seedling method, the Gift grows better, the crop gives more and ripens earlier. This is due to the fact that in the first, most responsible, “infant” period of growth, cabbage grows in better greenhouse conditions than sprouted seeds in harsh conditions in the garden in early spring. And the summer heat and dry land - unfavorable conditions for cabbage - is met by a gift grown by seedlings that are already stronger, with a more developed root system than planted with seeds.

If you grow strong seedlings of cabbage, it will better tolerate adverse conditions in the garden

The timing of sowing seeds for seedlings is calculated depending on the conditions of the region. It is necessary to start from the fact that it is time to plant seedlings of Gift at the age of 40-50 days, and by this time it should be + 8-15 ° C on the street without night frosts. For example, if seedlings are planted in the Central Chernozem Region in the middle of May, then seeds are planted in seedlings in early April.

Gift seedlings are grown and hardened according to the same rules as seedlings of any other variety of white cabbage.

It is better to land in cloudy weather, and if in sunny, then in the evening. If necessary, landings can create more comfortable conditions if you stick on the sides of an arc of wire or glass reinforcement and throw non-woven covering material over them.

Each well during planting is shed with settled water at the rate of about 0.5 l. If the soil under the plant is covered with a mulch layer of 5 cm, then the next watering will be required no earlier than a week later, even in dry weather.

On a bed with a layer of mulch of at least 5 cm, watering the planted seedlings of cabbage will be required less often


Highlights of outdoor care:

  • loosening with weeding. Weeds should not be the whole growth period, but the main thing is to prevent the weeds from clogging a small plant at the beginning;
  • watering as necessary: ​​regardless of sunny or rainy weather, the soil should be constantly moist to a depth of at least 70 cm;
  • pest control. It is especially important while the plant is small. In dry, hot weather, a cruciferous flea can destroy delicate foliage in a matter of hours. The easiest way to fight is dusting with a mixture of tobacco dust and wood ash in a ratio of 1: 1. And you can also use numerous insecticides, for example, Actaru, Actellik or Decis;

    If you do not process the cabbage from the cruciferous flea, you can get a strongly eaten head

  • top dressing. Prior to tying a head of cabbage, the Gift is more demanding on nitrogen top dressing for foliage. Further, for the formation of a head, he needs phosphorus.

The complete rules for the cultivation of Gift cabbage are the same as for any other varieties of white cabbage.

Preparing Your Own Seeds

Variety Gift grew in the gardens even when the seeds were mainly not bought in stores, but were grown on their own. This is a troublesome process, and now it is much easier to buy ready-made seeds. However, if you wish, you can get seeds of your favorite variety Gift.

Seeds are obtained from last year's overwintered head of cabbage. On the testes leave the largest and most typical heads of cabbage without damage. Getting seeds consists of the following:

  1. Heads are taken in the fall to frost, they are not cut down, but they are dug up with roots.
  2. Store suspended in any room at a temperature of 0-5 ° C.

    Suspended cabbages are stored in a subfloor at a temperature of 0-5 ° C

  3. For 14-21 days before planting, a stump is cut in the spring without touching the apical bud.

    2-3 weeks before planting, a stump is cut out of the head-queen without touching the apical bud, then it is planted on a bed

  4. They put a head-queen on a garden bed and take care of it in the same way as food cabbage.
  5. Seed stems are brittle, require careful handling, therefore, before flowering, they are tied to a stake. It is important that when flowering nearby there are no simultaneously blooming cruciferous relatives, otherwise the variety may become dusty and an unpredictable hybrid will result.
  6. When the seed pods become light yellow, and the seeds are dark brown, the heads of cabbage are harvested, otherwise the pods will open and the seeds will crumble.

    After flowering cabbage pods with seeds are formed

  7. The stems are cut, laid on a film or cloth and dried.
  8. Then threshed, knocking out seeds with a wooden block or a shovel shank.
  9. Seeds from the pulp (the whole crushed mass) are separated through a sieve with a suitable cell or blow in a strong wind.
  10. Lay the finished planting material for storage in a well-dried form.

    Ready cabbage seeds are well dried and stored in a cool dark place.

From one uterine plant, up to 100 g of seeds can be obtained. According to various sources, cabbage seeds retain their germination from 5 to 10 years.

Reviews about the Cabbage Variety Gift

The germination of this variety was very pleased - a thick bristle of seedlings, without damage by pests and diseases. I planted the Gift very early, I love large heads of cabbage in the fall. Cabbage is very crispy, sweet, very tasty in pickled and pickled form. Of all the problems with it, there was only protection against the cruciferous flea. White cabbage The gift is not stored in the cellar for a long time, it starts to blacken inside the head, so I recommend processing it immediately. I leave a good review, because I checked it myself for 14 years of gardening.

Larisa 2012


The name justifies the harvest of this cabbage. Indeed, in the fall, excellent heads of cabbage are formed, as a gift, weighing from three to four kilograms. They are very large and quite dense. This cabbage is perfectly stored until spring. It can be eaten both fresh and cooked. It can be fermented. When stored, it does not lose its properties.

magadan 2011


Cabbage is so good that once the attackers cut the entire crop. I sow the seeds of this variety of cabbage right into the open ground in May - the seedlings are stocky, strong. After transplanting to a permanent place, it takes root well and quickly grows, does not get sick. The usual care: weeding, loosening, watering, hilling for the development of a more powerful root system. Cabbage Gift - one of the best varieties for pickling, it has a lot of sugars and a high content of ascorbic acid. In addition, cabbage of this variety is suitable for winter storage, it retains its presentation and properties until February next year.



Today, everyone is trying to plant new advanced varieties that appear on sale annually. And these experiments are justified - the breeding does not stand still, new varieties and hybrids, especially foreign breeding, in fact, far surpass their predecessors in many respects. But the old Russian varieties have earned great popularity for their stamina, adaptability to local conditions and good taste. That is why the old Variety Gift still does not disappear from our beds and is planted by many gardeners.


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