De Barao: how to grow a series of popular varieties of late tomatoes?


Tomatoes De Barao appeared in Russia about twenty years ago and quickly won the love of gardeners. Now they continue to remain popular, despite constant competition from the latest varieties and hybrids, regularly bred by breeders. This would not be possible if the variety did not possess a number of undeniable advantages. Tomato belongs to the category of indeterminate, respectively, in agricultural technology there are some nuances that you need to familiarize yourself with in advance. Nothing supernatural will be required from the gardener, and De Barao will thank him with a plentiful harvest for competent care.

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety De Barao and its varieties

Homeland of tomato De Barao - Brazil. He entered the Russian State Register in 2000. The variety is recognized suitable for cultivation without restrictions on the region of cultivation. Nevertheless, it is immediately worth noting that in terms of ripening, it belongs to the medium-late. It takes 115-125 days to ripen the crop. Therefore, it is advisable to plant De Barao in the open ground only in the southern regions - the climate most suitable for culture is there. In central Russia and regions with more severe conditions, it is cultivated mainly in greenhouses.

Tomato De Barao quickly won the love of Russian gardeners

The variety belongs to the category of indeterminate. This means that the growth of the stem is not limited by anything, it continues throughout the growing season. In favorable conditions, it can stretch up to 4 m and even more. But usually gardeners promptly shorten it, pinching the apex upon reaching a length of about 2 m. This greatly facilitates the care of plants and allows the bush to direct more nutrients to ripening fruits. Tomatoes De Barao will definitely need a trellis, net or other support to which you can tie the stem.

Like other indeterminate tomatoes, the growth of the De Barao bush is unlimited

The fruits are medium-sized, on average weigh about 30 g. In each brush there are 8-9 pieces. With competent agricultural technology and cultivation under optimal conditions, their mass can reach 80-100 g. They look very presentable - one-dimensional, slightly elongated, plum-shaped or ovoid. Productivity is pretty good, you can count on 5-6 kg from the bush. Taste is excellent both in fresh form and in preparations. Fruits that do not have time to ripen on the bush can be removed and green. They quickly blush at home.

Thanks to its presentability, storage and transportability, De Barao's tomatoes are interesting not only to amateur gardeners, but also to professional farmers

The peel is uniform red, even without an orange-yellow spot at the stalk, typical of most tomato varieties. It is thin, but very durable. Due to this feature, De Barao tomatoes rarely crack during ripening and canning. In banks, they look very elegant, maintaining the shape and brightness of the color. Also, the variety is characterized by good keeping quality and transportability. This determines its demand for professional farmers.

Small size and plum shape make De Barao tomatoes ideal for home canning

The pulp is very dense, characterized by a high solids content. Squeezing juice from De Barao's tomatoes will not work. Some consider this a drawback of the variety. But from them it turns out excellent tomato paste and ketchup. Each fruit has 2-3 chambers, few seeds.

Video: De Barao Red variety tomatoes

Variety De Barao is highly appreciated by gardeners for the ability to stably produce crops, not only in ideal, but also very far from optimal conditions. These tomatoes tolerate very well drought, heat, an abundance of rainfall, lowering and temperature drops, as well as a shortage of light. Another undoubted advantage of the variety is its high resistance to late blight. This is a very dangerous disease, a real scourge of tomatoes. Quite rarely, he suffers from other diseases typical of culture (alternariosis, cladosporiosis, tobacco mosaic virus, real and downy mildew).

Tomatoes De Barao extremely rarely affected by late blight

Video: De Barao Pink and Black

Based on the "classic" red tomatoes of De Barao, breeders have created a whole series of new varieties. All of them are characterized by small sizes and plum-shaped fruits, as well as lack of whimsical care.

  • De Barao Golden (or Yellow). Like all yellow tomatoes, it is characterized by an increased content of beta-carotene and lycopene. Unlike red tomatoes, it is hypoallergenic. The ripening period of the crop stretches for 120 days or more. The bush is intensively branching, densely leafy, the leaves are large. The average weight of the fruit is 79-83 g. Productivity - 6.2-6.4 kg per bush.
  • De Barao Orange. The ripening period of the crop is 125 days. The plant is medium leafy, the leaves are not large, the stem is not particularly powerful. A reliable support is required. Fruits are very beautiful golden-orange color, the hue resembles molten iron. The average weight of tomato is 65 g. Productivity is about 8 kg / m². This is slightly less than other varieties, but pays off for the excellent taste of the fruit.
  • De Barao Pink. The fruit ripens for 117 days. The plant is not particularly powerful, the bushes are medium thickened. This variety can be distinguished from other varieties by elongated internodes. The fruits are raspberry pink, very tasty. The variety is considered delicious. However, this is typical for many pink tomatoes. The average weight of the fruit is 50-70 g. The total yield is 5.4-6.8 kg per bush. Of all the varieties, this most often suffers from late blight.
  • De Barao the Black. The harvest ripening period is 115-125 days. A bush with relatively small leaves of an unusual dark green color. The peel of ripe fruits is colored in a violet-chocolate shade. The taste is very pleasant, sweet, almost without sourness. The pulp is fleshy, extremely dense. Average weight - about 58 g. Productivity - up to 8 kg / m². Each brush has 6-7 fruits.
  • De Barao Royal. The latest achievement of breeders. This variety was included in the State Register in 2018. On sale so far is rare enough. The bush is very powerful. Stretched fruiting. It lasts more than three months and ends only after the first frost. The average mass of the fetus is 150-160 g. The skin is pinkish-red. Each brush has 5-7 tomatoes. Productivity - 10-15 kg per bush. Fruits are considered the most delicious of all.
  • De Barao Striped. Another fairly rare variety. Tomato weight - up to 70 g. Peel of unripe salad-colored fruits with longitudinal dark green stripes, slightly blurred. As it ripens, the basic tone turns red, and the pattern becomes brick or brownish.
  • De Barao the Giant. The plant is very powerful, densely leafy. It differs from other varieties by increased shade tolerance and cold resistance. This variety can be planted even in lowlands, where rain water, dew, and simply cold, moist air stagnate for a long time. It takes about 125 days to ripen the crop. The weight of the fruit varies from 70-80 g to 170-210 g. The skin is bright red, the stalk has a pale salad color. Productivity - 5.5-6.4 kg per bush.

Photo: varieties of tomato De Barao

The experience of gardeners cultivating tomato De Barao revealed an interesting feature. For some reason, these tomatoes do not tolerate the neighborhood with "relatives." Accordingly, in order to get the maximum possible yield, they need to be planted away from other varieties.

Video: De Barao Variety Series

Growing seedlings and caring for them

Growing tomatoes through seedlings is a method practiced by the vast majority of Russian gardeners. For De Barao, this option is best suited, because his crop ripens quite late. The tomato is not hybrid, so the seeds can be collected independently. But over time, varietal characters are still "blurred", the yield and quality of the fruit decreases. At least once every 5-7 years, it is recommended to update the planting material.

De Barao tomato seeds can also be obtained from self-grown fruits

De Barao's tomatoes ripen quite late. In order to have time to get a crop, seeds for seedlings are sown in the last decade of February or in early March, if you plan to grow in a greenhouse. When cultivated in open ground, seed planting is shifted to the end of March. The whole process takes at least two months, not counting the week, which will be spent on the emergence of seedlings.

Growing seedlings begins with the selection of seeds and their preparation. The first thing to do is to immerse the selected specimens for 10-15 minutes without visible damage, deformation or other defects in the saline solution (one and a half teaspoons per liter of water). Pop-ups can be thrown right away. Unnatural lightness means the absence of a fetus.

Soaking in saline allows you to quickly reject non-viable tomato seeds

De Barao rarely suffers from diseases, but still has no absolute immunity. Therefore, the selected seeds are first soaked in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate or 3% hydrogen peroxide for disinfection and prevention of fungal diseases. For the same purpose, you can use copper-containing drugs - fungicides. It is advisable to choose modern means of biological origin (Strobi, Alirin-B, Baikal-EM, Fitosporin-M). In the first case, the processing time is 3-4 hours, in the second - 20-25 minutes. Then the seeds need to be washed under a stream of cool running water and dried.

Potassium permanganate solution - one of the most common disinfectants

Processing with biostimulants positively affects the immunity of plants, their resistance to negative environmental factors and productivity. The final stage is the soaking of De Barao seeds in a solution of potassium humate, Epin, Kornevin, Emistima-M. Processing time - 45-60 minutes. Folk remedies have a similar effect - baking soda, aloe juice, honey water, succinic acid. But in order to act, they need at least 5-6 hours. The procedure is carried out immediately before planting, the seeds after it can not be washed.

Aloe juice is a natural biostimulant, this treatment has a positive effect on seed germination

De Barao does not impose special requirements on the quality of the substrate. Seedlings are suitable soil for tomatoes or in general for any Solanaceae, bought in a store. Preparing the soil on their own, gardeners mix fertile turf with humus or rotted compost in approximately equal proportions. To make the substrate loose, add half as much coarse sand, perlite, vermiculite, peat crumbs, dry chopped coconut fiber or sphagnum moss. It is also useful to add activated carbon or chalk crushed into powder - this will help protect seedlings from the "black leg" and other fungal diseases.

For growing seedlings of tomato De Barao, the purchased soil is quite suitable

The procedure for growing seedlings looks like this:

  1. Flat containers, like trays, are filled about 2/3 with soil. Any substrate must first be disinfected by treating with steam, dry heat or freezing. A similar effect is given by a thick purple solution of potassium permanganate. The soil is moderately watered, level the surface.
  2. Seeds are sown one at a time, with an interval of about 5 cm. The row spacing is approximately the same. They are buried in the ground by 1 cm, no more. Sprinkle with a thin layer of fine sand.
  3. Plantings are sprayed from the spray gun, the container is covered with glass or polyethylene, and until emergence is kept in a dark warm place (at least 25 ° C, preferably 27-32 ° C). Bottom heating will accelerate the emergence of seedlings. It usually takes 7-10 days. During this time, the shelter is removed daily for 5-7 minutes to allow the plantings to ventilate and get rid of the accumulated condensate.
  4. Immediately after the seeds germinate, the shelter is removed. Seedlings need coolness and a lot of light. The optimum temperature indicator for them is 14-16ºС at night and 18-20ºС in the afternoon. The minimum duration of daylight hours is 12 hours. There is not enough natural sun in most of the territory of Russia to ensure this, so you will have to illuminate the seedlings using conventional fluorescent, LED or special phytolamps. In the first 2-3 days after seed germination, round-the-clock illumination is generally recommended.
  5. Sprouts are watered sparingly, as the topsoil dries. Before the first true leaf appears, the substrate is only sprayed from the spray gun, then transferred to weekly watering. When the plant forms five leaves, the interval is reduced to 3-4 days.
  6. Diving is carried out 2-3 days after the appearance of the second true leaf. About half an hour before this, the seedlings are watered to make it easier to remove them from the soil. Shoots are planted in peat pots or plastic cups with a diameter of about 8 cm, filled with the same soil. From the total capacity they are removed very carefully, trying to keep a lump of land on the roots. After the procedure, the tomatoes are abundantly watered and cleaned away from the windows for 5-7 days, so that direct sunlight does not fall on them. The temperature regime is the same.
  7. About two weeks after the dive, the seedlings are fed. Use only mineral fertilizers. Shoots are watered with any fertilizer for seedlings (Rostock, Gumi, Master, Bona Forte).
  8. In the last two weeks before planting, seedlings are hardened. They take it out into the fresh air - onto a balcony, a veranda, just outside, protecting it from direct sunlight. First, 2-3 hours daily are enough, then the period of stay in the open air is gradually extended. In the last 3-4 days it is useful to leave the seedlings to "spend the night" on the street. At a temperature of 8 ° C and below, tomatoes need to be returned to the room.

Tomatoes are pickled relatively well, so at first they can be planted in one container to save space on the windowsill

Video: planting tomato seeds for seedlings

Bushes are ready for planting in the open ground, reaching a height of 20-30 cm and having 5-7 true leaves. The formation of buds is not an obstacle. The substrate must necessarily warm up to 12-15ºС.

When planting tomato seedlings for a permanent place, you should not hesitate, overgrown specimens are worse and longer adapt to new conditions

The plants of all varieties of De Barao are indeterminate, powerful, so no more than two bushes are placed on 1 m². When landing in a checkerboard pattern, the interval between them is 55-60 cm, the row spacing is 65-70 cm. From the first days of being in the open ground they are provided with support. At first it can be a short peg, when the bushes reach a height of 50 cm, the stems begin to be tied to the trellis.

For landing, choose a non-hot cloudy day. To make plants easier to extract from containers, they are well watered about an hour before the procedure. The depth of the hole depends on the quality of the soil - the heavier it is, the less roots need to be deepened. On average, it is 20-30 cm.At the bottom put a couple of pinches of sifted wood ash and a little onion peel - this protects plants from diseases and repels many pests. Overgrown (40 cm and above) seedlings are planted at an angle of 40-45º.

Planting tomato seedlings in the ground is not much different from a similar procedure for other garden crops

De Barao is a cold-resistant variety. Nevertheless, young plants will not tolerate negative temperatures. If return frosts are expected, arcs are installed over the garden bed and are tightened with any air-passing covering material. In general, during the first week after transplanting, tomatoes are recommended to be protected from direct sunlight, so white spanbond, agril, lutrasil will come in handy here.

Air-tight covering material - good protection against both cold and heat

Video: planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse

Planting seeds in open ground and preparatory procedures

Tomato De Barao is deservedly considered unpretentious in leaving. But in order to get a plentiful harvest, the culture needs to provide optimal or at least close conditions.

Like all tomatoes, this variety loves warmth and sunlight. De Barao bears fruit well even in partial shade, but the best choice for planting is an open area, well warmed by the sun. Powerful plants are not afraid of drafts and gusts of wind, but the stems along the entire length must be reliably tied to a support. So that all the bushes receive heat and light more or less evenly, the beds are oriented from north to south.

Tomatoes De Barao take root well and bear fruit even in partial shade, but ideally the site should be open and sunny

Crop rotation is very important when growing any crops. At the same place, De Barao can be planted for a maximum of three years. Then you need a break of the same duration. This rule is also relevant when landing after other Solanaceae. “Relatives” (eggplant, potatoes, bell peppers) are also undesirable as neighbors. They are affected by similar diseases and pests. If the beds are located nearby, to avoid an "epidemic" is almost impossible, despite De Barao's high resistance to disease.

Eggplants, like other plants from the Solanaceae family, are unsuccessful predecessors and neighbors for tomatoes

As precursors to tomatoes, any Legumes, Pumpkin, Cruciferous, onion, garlic, greens are suitable for tomatoes. The practice of cultivation shows that the proximity to strawberry garden has a very positive effect on both crops - the size of the fruit increases and, as a result, the yield.

The quality of the soil De Barao has no high requirements. The culture has only a few “conditions” - the substrate should not be acidified, very heavy, and groundwater should come closer to the surface than a meter. Any stagnation of moisture at the roots does not categorically tolerate any tomatoes. In acidic soil, plants develop very slowly. A heavy soil prevents normal aeration, causing the development of rot. To correct the situation, coarse sand (8-10 l per linear meter) is added to the clay and peat substrate during the preparation of the beds. The acid-base balance normalizes dolomite flour, wood ash, and eggshell crushed to a powdery state (200-400 g / m²).

Dolomite flour - a natural deoxidizer of the soil, subject to the recommended dosage, it has no side effects

When planting in open ground, the garden bed is prepared in advance, since the fall. The selected area is dug up, cleaned of vegetable and other debris. Fertilizers are applied in the process - humus or rotted compost (4-5 kg ​​/ m²), simple superphosphate (45-50 g / m²) and potassium nitrate (25-30 g / m²). Those who prefer natural top dressing can use sifted wood ash (0.7 l / m²) as a source of phosphorus and potassium.

The plot selected for planting tomatoes is deeply dug, in the process getting rid of plant and other debris

In the spring, about three weeks before planting, the bed is loosened and fertilized with mineral nitrogen fertilizers - urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate. The norm (15-20 g / m²) must not be exceeded in any case. Excess nitrogen in the soil weakens the immunity of plants and stimulates tomato bushes to actively build green mass to the detriment of a future crop. It is strictly forbidden to use fresh manure and litter as the source of this macroelement. Such top dressing can simply “burn” the tender roots of seedlings. In addition, this is a very suitable breeding ground in which eggs and larvae of pests and spores of pathogens winter. For additional disinfection, the garden can be shed with boiling water or a thick pink solution of potassium permanganate 7-10 days after fertilizing.

Humus - a natural remedy to increase soil fertility

They also prepare in advance for planting tomatoes in the greenhouse. In autumn, the top 10-15 cm of soil is removed, replacing it with humus or another fertile substrate. If this is not possible, at least add a little fresh soil on top. Glass inside and other surfaces are wiped with slaked lime solution for disinfection. For the same purpose, in a greenhouse, with doors and windows tightly closed, a small piece of sulfuric bomb is burned.

All the necessary fertilizers are added to the soil. 5-7 days after this, the soil is shed with boiling water or with a 3% solution of Bordeaux fluid, copper sulphate and tightened with a plastic wrap until spring. About a week before planting tomatoes, it will be necessary to loosen it well and add sifted wood ash at the rate of 0.5 l / m².

The soil in the greenhouse must be sanitized before planting tomatoes

Often, gardeners do not plant seedlings, but tomato seeds. In Russia, for the variety De Barao because of its late ripening, this method is suitable only for the southern subtropical regions. Nevertheless, he is not without certain positive aspects:

  • The root system in plants, not limited to boxes or cups, is stronger and more powerful. As a result, bushes receive more nutrients.
  • Tomatoes naturally adapt to sunlight. They do not need to be protected from direct rays.
  • Dive stage is excluded. Tomatoes, in comparison with other garden crops, tolerate the procedure very well. But still this is an extra stress for plants.
  • Seedlings in the open field are much less likely to suffer from the "black leg". This disease can destroy a significant part of the future crop already at the seedling stage.

The main disadvantage of this method is the relatively low germination of seeds. Often the gardener himself is to blame for this, trying to plant them early, when the soil has not yet warmed up enough. Also, the cause may be an excess of moisture in the soil, if the spring is rainy, low air temperature.

The bed is prepared in the same way as for planting seedlings. Mandatory and preplant seed treatment. In order for shoots to appear faster, it is advisable to germinate them by holding them for several days in a warm place wrapped in a damp cloth or gauze. The fabric must not be allowed to dry.

They are planted in open ground only when the threat of spring return frost is minimized. In the southern regions this is the second half of April, in central Russia it is better to postpone the procedure until the last decade of May.

The holes on the bed are formed, adhering to the recommended planting scheme. 4-5 seeds are placed in each, leaving a gap of 2-3 cm between them. Top with a thin layer of humus mixed with peat crumbs, sprinkle them lightly. The seeds are deepened by a maximum of 3-4 cm. Before emergence, the soil is covered with polyethylene and not watered, after - with any airborne covering material on arcs. It is removed when the bushes reach the dimensions of seedlings, ready for planting in the ground. Shelter will protect them not only from the cold, but also from heat, heavy rainfall.

When planting seeds in open ground, tomatoes are definitely thinned out, leaving only the most powerful and developed plants on the bed

To avoid excessive thickening of the plants, the seedlings are thinned out. Of the seedlings that have formed 2-3 true leaves, only one plant is left in each hole, the most powerful and healthy looking. The stems of the rest are cut as close to the soil as possible. It is not recommended to pull them out, you can damage the root system.

To prevent the development of fungal diseases, seedlings in open ground are powdered with crushed chalk or colloidal sulfur. Sifted wood ash is embedded in the soil during cultivation.

Video: planting tomato seeds in open ground

Caring for plants in the open ground and in the greenhouse

Caring for tomatoes De Barao is not particularly difficult. But when transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, bushes begin to grow very actively. Accordingly, they will soon need nutrients in high doses. In fact, agricultural technology for this variety, in addition to fertilizing, includes only regular watering, bush formation and keeping the beds clean. You also need to consider that De Barao is quite large-sized tomatoes. When planting in a greenhouse, its height should be at least 3 m, so that the plants feel comfortable.

Like any other tomato, the De Barao variety is moisture-loving. But this does not apply to increased humidity and stagnation of water at the roots. Therefore, when growing in a greenhouse immediately after the procedure, it must be aired. And if the water tank is there, be sure to cover it with a lid. The optimal microclimate for tomatoes is air humidity at the level of 50-55%, and soil - about 90%.

The best time to water in a greenhouse is early morning before sunrise. Tomatoes in the open ground can be watered in the evening. But greenhouses at night most often close, respectively, and humidity increases.

Water must be heated to a temperature of about 25ºС. The most suitable way is drip irrigation. If it is impossible to organize it for any reason, water is poured into the grooves dug in the aisles with a depth of 15-20 cm. When watering directly under the base of the stem, the roots are exposed and dry. It is categorically not suitable for tomatoes irrigation of plants from a watering can, hose, sprinkling. This provokes a massive fall of buds, flowers and fruit ovaries.

The best option for tomatoes is drip irrigation, which allows you to evenly wet the soil

Freshly planted seedlings are watered abundantly, spending about 5 liters of water per bush. Then within 7-10 days the soil does not need moisture. Before flowering, the bushes are watered twice a week, the norm is 2-3 liters. When the buds open, the flow rate is increased to 4-5 l, the interval between procedures is 7-8 days. Two times a week are enough for adult plants, the norm is the same. The worst option for them is rare but plentiful watering. The alternation of prolonged drought with waterlogging provokes cracking of the fruit. About two weeks before the collection of the first tomatoes, watering is reduced to the required minimum. This ensures the density and sugar content of the pulp.

When water gets on tomato leaves, the risk of developing fungal diseases increases, flowers and ovaries fall off very much

Each time after watering, when moisture is absorbed, the soil is gently loosened to a shallow depth. Mulching will allow retaining water in the soil, thereby increasing the intervals between procedures. It also greatly saves the gardener time for weeding.

When growing tomatoes in the open, the frequency of irrigation is greatly affected by the weather. If the summer is rainy, they can do without natural rainfall. Culture does not like waterlogging of the soil, therefore, with prolonged and heavy rainfall over the bed, it is advisable to build a canopy, protecting it from excess water.

Tomatoes of De Barao continue to bear fruit right up to the first frosts, therefore, four top dressings are carried out during the season, not counting the introduction of fertilizers at the seedling growing stage. It is advisable to use organic fertilizers to the maximum to avoid the accumulation of nitrates in the fruits.

The first time the bushes are fed a few days before flowering. In the early stages of development, plants need nitrogen, so an infusion of fresh cow manure, chicken droppings, nettle or dandelion leaves is best suited. The finished product must be filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:15 if litter was used as raw material. Some gardeners add a tablespoon of Nitrofoski, Azofoski to 10 liters of solution.

The readiness of the infusion of nettle and other similar fertilizers can be judged by the characteristic smell

The second top dressing is foliar. It is carried out two weeks after the first. So that fruit ovaries do not crumble, and tomatoes ripen large, plants are sprayed with a solution of boric acid (2-3 g per liter of water).

About a month and a half before the expected harvest date, De Barao's tomatoes can be fed with any complex fertilizer based on vermicompost. Another option is yeast. The dry powder and briquettes have the same effect. The latter must first be crushed. The raw materials are dissolved in warm water, insist for about a day. Before use, add 50 g of sugar and 20 drops of iodine per 10 liters.

Fertilizers for tomatoes can be purchased at any specialized store

The last top dressing aims to maximize the period of fruiting. Spend it after the first crop is harvested. Ripening tomatoes need phosphorus and potassium. The natural source of these macronutrients is wood ash. Depending on what the weather is like on the street, it is brought in dry form or an infusion is prepared by pouring 2 cups of raw materials with a liter of boiling water.

Wood ash provides tomatoes with potassium and phosphorus, necessary for fruit ripening

The best time to apply any fertilizer is evening. If you planroot dressing is being cultivated, the soil should be watered about half an hour before the procedure so as not to burn the roots. The average consumption rate is about 1.5 liters of solution per plant.

Video: experience growing De Barao tomatoes in a greenhouse

The formation of indeterminate tomatoes is carried out during the entire season of active vegetation with an interval of 10-12 days. Least of all places are occupied by bushes grown in one stalk. As soon as the first flower brush is formed (usually this occurs at the level of 9-12 leaves), remove all side shoots in the axils of the leaves (the so-called stepsons). That is, in fact, the bush is a bare trunk with fruit brushes. Leaves remain only at the very top, no more than 6-8 pieces. When the stem reaches a length of 1.5-2 m, pinch it, limiting growth. This greatly facilitates the care of plantings and ensures the flow of most of the nutrients to ripening fruits.

Stepsons of tomatoes - lateral shoots that form in the axils of the leaves

Stepped formation allows you to extend the fruiting period and maximize yield. On the lower third of the stem, which reached a height of about 1 m, a powerful and developed stepson is chosen, the rest are removed. As soon as a flower brush forms on it, pinch the main shoot. Now his role will be played by the remaining stepson.

The formation of the bush is carried out taking into account the following recommendations:

  • Any instrument used is sanitized before pruning. For example, immersed in a thick purple solution of potassium permanganate.
  • The best time for the procedure is early morning. During the day, the applied "wounds" will have time to dry. From the moment of the last watering or top dressing, at least a day should pass.
  • Stepsons are removed after they reach a length of 6-8 cm. They are carefully broken out or cut off, leaving a small "stump". In the process, care must be taken not to damage the skin on the stem. Stepsons break out, bending down, leaves - to the side.

The formation of a tomato bush De Barao is carried out throughout the season of active vegetation

Video: bush formation of indeterminate tomatoes

Gardeners reviews

De Barao - good tomatoes, resistant to late blight. But in order to get a good harvest, they must be sown early. I sow them in February, but then there will be overgrowth by landing, especially if there is no backlight and temperature conditions.I do this - when I see that the plant is already above the norm, cut off 15 cm from the top of my head, pluck off the lower leaves and put the whole bunch in water. When they take root, I plant them in pots again. And when the time comes, I land. Then the brushes are laid almost from the ground itself. But on the street I plant only surplus that did not fit in the greenhouse. And yet - they love a well-fertilized land. De Barao Red and Pink I really like. Black - I do not perceive, and Yellow is not for me, although others like it.



Tomatoes De Barao stored for a long time and without loss. And they are also very resistant to late blight. If they get sick, then later than all.



I have De Barao in the open ground grew to 3.5 m. Fourteen brushes, only all almost green by the end of summer. Late grade. Although it matures when it lies.



De Barao Golden planted last year. Delicious. But for some reason they only became tasty by the end of summer. Although ripened on a bush throughout the summer.



It did not seem that De Barao had a lot of trouble with her stepson. Brushes and leaves are sparse. That's when they are tied up and stand upright, then it is a pleasure to pinch them, if in 2 trunks, and not in 4-5.



De Barao is a delight. Planted several years in open ground. Last year, landed all possible colors: red, orange, pink, gold, black ... turned out to be awesome. I still admire the banks. I grow on a support in one stalk, in August at a height of 1.5 m I cut off the crown and not the stepson. And since there are no leaves on the stem for a long time, and the harvest is spread out in banks, a tomato stem tree, covered with tomatoes, grows all autumn. Before the frost, I harvest (we have it somewhere in the middle of October), their appearance is not the most marketable, but another month with tomatoes. I grow De Barao for canning, and as a compromise between keeping quality and taste.



In the Novgorod region (600 km north of Moscow), tomatoes grow well in open ground. Bush De Barao is very high, it needs to be tied to thick stakes. Do not plant in the street - do not shelter during a cold snap in August, but it is late. Nothing in it is so special, just neat, even tomatoes for canning, quite resistant to infection. If you do not stepchild and tie, it will fall and grow throughout the entire garden.



I consider myself to be an inexperienced summer resident, despite the fact that the cottage is already far from the first year. Our land is not very good, in addition, the place is quite windy, it is difficult to grow fruits and vegetables, especially since we can visit the country only on weekends. But this year we acquired a greenhouse, and could not resist filling this country "device" with tomatoes and cucumbers. I chose the De Barao Orange variety by chance, according to a very beautiful picture and according to the manufacturer's promises about the possibility of growing a rich harvest in a greenhouse. It was then that I read reviews about the variety De Barao and found out that it turns out to be a classic of the tomato genre. Seeds were sown in accordance with the lunar calendar of the summer resident. There are a lot of seeds in the bag, and they all sprouted together. After a while, I had a whole forest of seedlings on the windowsills. Seedlings of De Barao are strong and unpretentious. Tomatoes De Barao in the greenhouse fanned over two meters. They would grow even higher if their growth did not limit the dome of the greenhouse. The stepsoning was constantly required. Not sick, unlike purchased seedlings, which tried to dry and darken. I think that the high growth of tomatoes is my mistake, I had to pinch it. They fished, but there weren’t a lot of fruits. By the way, those bushes that grew on the street were squat, but there were much more fruits. True, at the same time, the size of street tomatoes was smaller than greenhouse ones. The tomatoes themselves are very beautiful - light orange in color, oval in shape. The pulp is sweet, tasty. The skin is not thin, which is very good at salting. Tomatoes didn’t burst, they salted perfectly, so De Barao was tasty both fresh and salty. I still have two bags of orange De Barao, I will definitely plant this variety next year.



De Barao has been planting for the third year in a row, very satisfied, always with the harvest. To taste, of course, it is inferior to large meaty tomatoes, but it is ideally suited for harvesting. I will certainly plant.

Summer clerk78


I once planted a variety of De Barao, now I buy and sow annually. It is very productive and resistant to disease. Bushes showered with fruits. Especially the variety De Barao Black. They eat it in my buckets fresh, like berries. He is so sweet and tasty. And I’m not talking about salting. Extremely good in taste and beautiful in jars.

Lyudmila Gushchina


I grow De Barao Black; the fruit has never been empty. It is not large, good for canning. In a jar, multi-colored tomatoes look great.



Out of forty bushes, I always plant 2-3 De Barao. For me, this is a hassle-free variety in terms of disease, growth, conservation and harvest.

Maria Ulyanovskaya


In addition to the "classic" red tomatoes of De Barao, there are several more varieties derived from them. Among them, every gardener will surely find his own liking. All these varieties are distinguished by good immunity, relative unpretentiousness in care and the ability to stably bear fruit in not always optimal climatic and weather conditions. Particular attention in the cultivation of De Barao will have to be given to the formation of a bush. A variety from the indeterminate category, the growth of the stem is not limited to anything.


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