White cabbage: what varieties to plant for fermentation and long-term storage


Of the total amount of vegetables used by humans for food, more than a quarter falls on cabbage: it serves as one of the main sources of satisfying the needs for vitamins and mineral salts. Of particular value are varieties of late ripening, since most of them are stored for a very long time. Often they also show themselves perfectly in pickling or pickling.

The best varieties of cabbage for salting and storage

Fermentation and salting are not fundamentally different: the same types of cabbage are used for both processes. These should be varieties or hybrids of late and medium late ripening. Mistresses traditionally ferment mainly well-known, time-tested varieties, such as Slava, Kharkov winter, Amager, Belorusskaya and others, but in recent decades this range has expanded significantly. In different regions, varieties grown for salting vary slightly. But in any case, healthy heads of cabbage are used with a high density and a mass of one kilogram. Sometimes, to add color to the pickle, a small amount of red cabbage is added.

Sauerkraut is a favorite and very healthy dish of Russian cuisine

Most mid-season varieties are not stored very long, maximum until the New Year. For very long storage, until the spring, late-ripening varieties and hybrids are intended. Almost all of them are distinguished by large and dense heads of cabbage, resistance to weather variability and universality of use: they are suitable for fresh consumption at different periods of the year, as well as for various types of processing. The most popular varieties in our country are:

  • Late 15 Moscow is a well-known variety famous for its excellent taste. The head is round, its weight sometimes reaches 6 kg, but more often it is limited to 3.5-4.5 kg. Covering leaves are large, gray-green, with a waxy coating. The head is yellowish white. Ideal for pickling. Heads of cabbage in the garden do not crack, the plant is not affected by most diseases, the variety is unpretentious in cultivation. Productivity is good. Cabbage ripens in October, but if necessary, selective cutting can be done earlier;

    Late 15 Moscow cabbage - one of the most popular varieties for pickling

  • Langendaker cabbage late (and there is also an early one with that name) is a variety of German origin. Ripens in the middle of autumn. Heads of cabbage are round or slightly oval, weighing about 4-4.5 kg. They are stored for a very long time, and the taste in the bed is improved. It is not necessary to immediately cut off ripened heads of cabbage: they do not spoil for a long time in the garden. Designed for winter storage, cooking salads and any dishes, its taste is always excellent. It has drought tolerance, resistance to most diseases and excellent transportability;

    Cabbage Langendaker is a German guest who has taken root well in our land

  • Turkis (Turkis) - German cabbage, perfect for pickling. Drought and disease resistant, stored under optimal conditions until the summer. Heads of cabbage are round, medium-sized (about 2.5 kg), dark green on the outside, light green in cross section. It has a high sugar content, which allows you to use the variety both in pickling and for preparing a variety of dishes. Total productivity - up to 10 kg / m2;

    Türkis cabbage variety has a high sugar content

  • Belorussian cabbage 455 is attributed both to late varieties and to autumn: in terms of ripening and preservation, it occupies an intermediate position. The variety is very old and well-deserved, known since 1937. The growing season is from 105 to 130 days, cabbage is ready by early October. Heads weigh up to 3.5 kg, round, dark green, almost white in section. It withstands transportation well, cracking to a minimum degree, but the resistance of the variety to diseases is low. Tolerates and too hot weather. Ideal in salting;

    Belorussian cabbage - a famous pickling variety

  • Glory 1305 is one of the ideal old varieties for pickling, but it is not stored for long: maximum until early January. The variety is high-yielding, heads of cabbage are usually large or medium in size, mainly they weigh from 3 to 4 kg. The color inside the head is milky white. The first heads of cabbage ripen in the summer, but the entire crop is ready in September. However, if possible, do not rush to harvest: over time, cabbage becomes more sugar and becomes much tastier;

    Glory 1305 - a traditional variety for pickling, although it is not stored for long

  • Kharkov winter cabbage has a growing season of almost six months. Heads of cabbage are not very large, weighing about 3.5 kg, very flattened. The outer leaves are gray-green in color, with a strong waxy coating, smooth. The color of the head on the cut is almost white. Cabbage does not crack; it is stored in the cold until the beginning of spring. The variety easily tolerates dry weather, its purpose is universal. The whole crop in the garden ripens in unison, the mobility of the heads is excellent;

    Kharkov winter cabbage is stored in the cold until the beginning of spring

  • The cabbage with the strange name Aggressor F1 is notable for its adaptability to changing weather conditions, good yield and high commercial qualities. The taste is excellent in various uses. A hybrid of Dutch origin, appeared in Russia at the beginning of the XXI century. It is grown, as a rule, in the central regions of our country, but also tolerates the conditions of the south; it belongs to medium-late hybrids: the growing season is 130-150 days. The aggressor grows rapidly, is not susceptible to most diseases and pests. Heads are relatively small, from 2 to 4 kg. The outer leaves are gray-green, with a slight waxy coating, and the head is yellowish-white in the section, does not crack. The internal structure of the head is thin. The popularity of the hybrid is growing every year due to its unpretentiousness, excellent taste and universal purpose. It is stored for a long time, almost six months.

    Variety cabbage Aggressor F1 lives up to its name: grows aggressively, quickly

  • Amager 611 is called by many experts one of the best late-ripening varieties: it is perfectly stored and allows you to get very tasty sauerkraut. Amager has been grown for over 70 years. Heads of cabbage are dense, with a slight flatness, weighing up to 3.5 kg, the leaves are gray-green, the wax coating is very pronounced. Harvest ripening very late, Amager heads of cabbage are cut among the last, easily tolerate transportation. It is stored in the cellar until the beginning of summer, and the taste at the same time gradually improves, the bitterness characteristic of the first time disappears.

    The taste of Amager 611 cabbage improves during storage

Most of the currently popular varieties have gained fame many years ago and still delight gardeners with a great taste both in fresh and in processed form.

Video: cabbage Aggressor F1 in the field

Varieties of cabbage for salting and storage, grown in various regions

The assortment of late and medium late varieties of white cabbage is extremely wide: even in the State Register of Selection Achievements of the Russian Federation there is a list that significantly exceeds one hundred positions. And how many more did not enter there! For many garden plants, the regions where they should be cultivated are clearly defined.

However, many varieties and hybrids of cabbage are approved for use simultaneously in many parts and regions that differ in climatic conditions. This is due to the fact that white cabbage is a very unpretentious vegetable: it needs only a lot of water and food for normal growth and so that it is not too hot. Therefore, in most regions, except the most southern, you can grow almost any cabbage. True, in the northernmost regions, especially late-ripening varieties do not have time to ripen. The difficulties of the southerners are that the vast majority of varieties of cabbage are not adapted to the hot climate.

The middle strip of Russia

The climate of the middle zone of the country, including the Moscow Region, is extremely favorable for the cultivation of any types of cabbage, including late cabbage; here the choice is so wide that it is limited mainly by the wishes and tastes of the gardener. In addition to the above, certain varieties and hybrids are popular:

  • Albatross F1 - cabbage with medium-sized round heads (about 2.5 kg) with a shelf life of about 140 days from sowing seeds for seedlings. The external color is green, the section color is white and yellow. Cabbage is stored in the cellar until the beginning of summer, is not susceptible to disease, the taste is considered good. The ease of mechanized care is noted;
  • Marathon - from sowing to harvest, it takes from 5 to 6 months, heads of cabbage are small (no more than 3 kg), ripen at the same time, do not crack. Cabbage responds well to lengthy transport, stored almost until the next harvest;
  • Morozko is a variety with a very long growing season; heads of cabbage are cut only in November. They are flattened, dense, small (2-3 kg). The leaf is medium in size, green in color with an implicit wax coating, wavy at the edges. Heads of cabbage lie very long and are well transported, the taste is considered good.

    Morozko cabbage keeps on the bed until frost, and in the cellar - until the new crop

Siberian region

In Siberia, the maximum period from sowing seeds to seedlings to severe frosts that force the cutting of the latest cabbage varieties is limited to 5 months, so many of the excellent varieties are not planted here. The most popular are the later Moscow Late, Belorussian 455, as well as:

  • The gingerbread man F1 is no longer very new (known since 1994), a well-established hybrid that ripens on average in 150 days. Heads of medium size (about 4 kg), round. Outside, a head of green, whitish inside. Kolobok is stored for a very long time, it is used for all types of processing, including pickling, it has an excellent taste. Heads of cabbage ripen in a garden at the same time that allows to use a hybrid for commercial purposes. The gingerbread man is resistant to most known diseases;

    Kolobok variety cabbage is often grown for sale due to the ripening of the crop.

  • Valentine F1 - a hybrid stored in the cellar until the summer, is considered one of the best among the later. Heads of oval shape, weighing about 3.5 kg, the stalk is small. The taste of fruits in all dishes is excellent. The hybrid ripens in 140-180 days, is disease resistant, recommended for the preparation of salads and any other processing throughout the winter and spring.


Summer in the Urals is short, sometimes warm, but the main part is moderately cool, and the latest ripe varieties of white cabbage are often not able to grow. For fermentation, varieties ripening in September are mainly used. The most popular are the well-known Slava, Belorusskaya and Podarok. In addition, in recent years are popular:

  • Megaton F1 is a Dutch hybrid characterized by excellent taste. It ripens in 136-168 days, is considered one of the most productive among autumn cabbage. The head of cabbage is round, half-covered, light green, the integumentary leaves are slightly wrinkled. Heads of cabbage can grow up to 10 kg, but normally do not exceed 4.5 kg. The internal structure is dense, one of the best hybrids for pickling and salting. It has high pain resistance, but is very capricious to growth conditions: it consumes a lot of moisture and nutrients on the formation of the crop;
  • Hope - the variety has been known since 1969, its homeland is Western Siberia. From sowing to harvesting takes a little more than 4 months. Small heads of cabbage, from 2 to 3.5 kg, gray-green on the outside, the wax coating is weak, inside is white. The form is from round to slightly flattened. The variety has a low resistance to disease, but easily tolerates drought. Well kept. The taste is characterized by "excellent";

    Variety cabbage Nadezhda ripens in 4 months

  • Jubilee F1 is a mid-season hybrid characterized by good productivity. The taste is rated as excellent, attractive appearance, is used both in salads and for salting. Heads of cabbage are dense, slightly oval, weigh from 2.5 to 4 kg, sometimes larger. The inner color is white, the outer leaves are light green, the wax coating is weak.

Video: harvesting Megaton cabbage

Far East

The climate in the Far East is unpredictable: it is moderately continental, moderately monsoon, and in such changing climatic conditions only zoned varieties of white cabbage should be grown. They are better able to withstand extreme growth factors: sharp changes in day and night temperatures, fogs, excess humidity and others. Nevertheless, varieties suitable for the middle strip feel quite good here. In addition to them, they are very popular:

  • Iceberg F1 - a late-ripe hybrid of universal purpose. Leaves of medium size, blue-green with a strong waxy coating, bubbly. Heads of good taste, weighing no more than 2.5 kg. Keep on a bed for a long time without cracking, average productivity. Ideal for pickling;

    Iceberg F1 cabbage leaves blue-green with a strong waxy coating

  • Sotka is a universal variety, the growing season is 154-172 days. The leaves are small, green, with a medium waxy coating. Heads of excellent taste, weighing up to 3 kg. The total yield is average, but stable;
  • The miracle of salting F1 is one of the new, so far unfamiliar hybrids of the Dutch selection. Refers to medium-ripening cabbage. Rounded heads of cabbage weighing about 4 kg, very dense. It has a high content of juice and sugar, therefore it is mainly used for making sauerkraut. To cracking and disease racks, does not require hasty cleaning as the crop is ready. It can be grown in various climatic zones.


The climate in different regions of Ukraine is uneven: if in the south many varieties of cabbage are hot in the summer, then in the north almost any variety can be grown. In addition to traditional ones (Kharkov winter, Amager and others), in recent years, late-ripening hybrids such as Aggressor F1 are often planted here, as well as:

  • Centurion F1 - mainly grown for salting, is considered to be medium late (it ripens in 4 months). Outside, the color is blue-green, inside is white. Heads are relatively small, up to 2.5 kg, dense, ripen at the same time. It is famous for its good taste and visual appeal, as well as stable productivity;

    Centurion cabbage is especially good in pickling

  • Jubilee F1 - keeps up with 140-150 days. Heads of cabbage are round, light green, weighing from 2 to 4 kg, do not crack. The hybrid is famous for its long-term storage ability and good crop transportability, as well as its unpretentiousness to growing conditions: it tolerates drought and thickening well. The taste is considered very good, the purpose is universal.

Grade Reviews

In the Moscow Region, growing conditions, I do not think, are worse than in Siberia. I chose cabbage Kolobok. Unpretentious, small, very dense heads of cabbage, perfectly stored, and pickled cabbage is good, and so ...

Nikola 1


I really like the Valentine variety. True, we did not try to ferment it, but it is stored just fine - until March-April at least, while the taste and aroma do not spoil at all, in the spring when you cut the cabbage, it feels like you just cut it off the garden. Recently, I only planted it on my seedlings, the seeds of Langedeaker and Zimovka which have been untouched for a year.



Aggressor cabbage is not small, 3-5 kg, one of the delicious juicy varieties.Centurion didn’t plant, so I can’t compare, in my conditions (a small cellar) it’s very difficult to save cabbage later than May, but sometimes it works ... Valentine is stored without problems, the same aggressor last year remained until the end of April, not without cleaning the upper leaves, of course , but anyway…



Several years planted Kolobok. It seemed harsh when pickling. Then he switched to the Gift. Nice cabbage, but too large heads of cabbage - up to 9 kg. You take a head of cabbage - you don’t use it right away, the rest dries and becomes unusable.

Nick It's me


I also liked the varieties of cabbage Kolobok and Gift, really grow very good. Last year I tried to plant a variety Nadezhda, I didn’t like it at all, I won’t plant it anymore, it grows mugs, it takes up a lot of space, and heads of cabbage are very small.


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The best variety for sauerkraut is the Slava variety. This cabbage is juicy and sweet. There is no need to wait for frosts. Varieties of cabbage, not suitable for pickling, usually with hard thin leaves, not juicy. Unfortunately, now there is a lot of such cabbage. Imported varieties are usually all such, because such cabbage is well stored.



Varieties and hybrids of white cabbage, stored for a long time in the cellar, are usually well suited for pickling - there are few exceptions. Such varieties ripen late or, at least, not earlier than September. Most varieties are suitable for a variety of climatic conditions, but it is better to choose zoned so that cabbage cultivation goes without unnecessary surprises.


Watch the video: One Year Old Cabbage Stored in Crisper Home Grown Long Term Storage & Organic (October 2024).