The brilliant splendor of barberry bushes in the garden: a variety of species and varieties


Barberry is the main representative of the family of the same name. This is a spectacular shrub with beautiful leaves and prickly shoots. It is very difficult not to notice the barberry during the flowering and fruiting period, because at this time it is especially beautiful. In nature, there are about one hundred and seventy species of this plant, each of them has its own characteristics and distinctive features.

Species diversity of barberries

Many of us remember the very same barberry sweets, syrups and lemonades that were so popular during the Soviet era. All these products were made from berries of edible species of barberry. Now many gardeners grow this unpretentious plant in their own area. However, not all species take root in our latitudes, but only those that have managed to adapt to a temperate climate.

Bright berries of barberry are hard to miss among garden greens

The genus of barberries includes many species, among which there are both evergreen and deciduous plants. A common feature of these shrubs is the presence of thorns - single, double, triple, and sometimes even five each. They are located at the base of the kidneys, can be very stiff or soft, almost imperceptible.

Bushes of barberry bloom from late May to early July. The flowers are yellow, small. The berries are light or dark red, sometimes black, with a pronounced sour taste, but quite edible.

Barberry plantations look very decorative throughout the season. Deciduous species are a real decoration of the autumn garden due to the bright color of leaves and berries.

Barberry bushes adorn the garden throughout the season.

Next, we will examine in more detail the most popular varieties of barberry.

Edible species

No home garden can do without fruit trees. Even the most lazy gardeners plant their sites with raspberries, apple trees, pears, but few people prefer such an unpretentious plant as barberry. In addition to nutritional value, it is also worth noting its healing and decorative properties.

Barberry ordinary

The most common barberry is common in the Caucasus and southern Europe, but it can also grow in Siberia. Shrubs of this species are resistant to frost, can withstand temperatures up to -35 degrees. The main condition for growing is the placement of plants in sunny and dry areas. Planting in the shade adversely affects the taste and quantity of fruits.

Barberry ordinary - one of the most common members of the family, which is characterized by unpretentiousness and high frost resistance

Barberry ordinary has quite a few varieties, namely:

  • Lutea - a bush up to 2 m high with yellow shoots and light green foliage. The fruits are golden yellow, sour. Planting should only be in open sunny areas of the garden.
  • Aureomarginate - can reach a height of 3 m, has very beautiful leaves, bordered by a golden stripe. Very effective in hedges. Fruits are scarlet, tasty, sweet and sour, ripen in October.

    Barberry of Aureomarginate is excellent for decorative hedges, the leaves of which are bordered by a thin golden stripe

  • Atropurpurea - bush height does not exceed 2 m, purple shoots with dark red leaves and fruits. Very effective plant. Berries are harvested in late September - early October.

    Barberry Atropurpurea with a reddish tinge of leaves is often used in landscaping urban recreation areas.

  • Alba variegata - this variety is appreciated for its high decorativeness. Its foliage is “painted” with white stains, the color of the fruit is creamy white.
  • Dulchiz - has all the species characteristics of common barberry, has a high taste qualities of the fruit. The berries are sweet, fully ripen by mid-October.
  • Asperm is a tall bush with red seedless berries.

Barberry syrup recipe. For cooking, you need to stretch the berries with the addition of water, then squeeze the juice. After this, the liquid must be brought to a boil, passed through a filter and add granulated sugar.

Video: characteristics and useful properties of barberry

Amur barberry

Plants of this species are shrubs reaching a height of up to 3.5 m. Shoots have spines up to 2 cm long. Depending on the time of year, the color of the leaves may change, acquiring a reddish tint in the fall. In the spring, small yellow flowers with a pleasant aroma appear on the bushes. In November, the flowers are replaced by bright red fruits.

Amur barberry is characterized by abundant flowering and fruiting

This species is best known for two varieties:

  • Japonika - characterized by more rounded leaves and a small number of flowers on the hands.
  • Orpheus is a non-flowering variety bred by Russian breeders solely for decorative purposes. Bush height - 1 m.


This type of barberry grows in Central Asia, Mongolia and China. It is its fruits that are part of traditional Asian dishes such as lagman, shurpa and pilaf. The shrub can reach up to two meters in height. Shiny reddish shoots in spring are covered with spectacular leaves of dark green color. Blooming in early June, yellow-orange inflorescences have a pronounced aroma. The fruits are painted black, covered with a bluish coating on top.

Spherical barberry is not too adapted to the climatic conditions of Russia. If you decide to plant this shrub in your garden, take care of the availability of good shelter.

The fruits of the barberry have excellent taste

The ripening of the fruits of barberry depends on its type. Usually the crop is harvested from September to early November.

Evergreen Species of Barberry

Shrubs of different species, which differ from each other, belong to the evergreen barberries:

  • the shape of the bush;
  • frost resistance;
  • cultivation features;
  • resistant to urban environments.

The living fence of the evergreen barberry is replete with thorns, but at the same time it is incredibly beautiful

Barberry Darwin

This species grows rather slowly, the maximum height of an adult bush reaches 2 m. Most often it is grown for decorative purposes. Darwin's barberry has bright orange-yellow flowers, in place of which black fruits with a bluish tint appear in the fall. The leaves of the shrub are quite elegant, shiny, with small spines at the ends.

Barberry Darwin has an average winter hardiness, can withstand temperatures up to minus fifteen degrees. Shrub is recommended for cultivation in the southern regions of our country.

Bright orange-yellow flowers of barberry Darwin delight the eye in any weather

You can trim the shoots of barberry a little after flowering. This will give the bushes a more neat and beautiful appearance.

Barberry Fricarta

This garden hybrid is derived from warty barberry. The flowering period of this type of bush occurs in May. The flowers are pale yellow, the leaves are light green, shiny. Inedible berries, blue-black.

The species is quite resistant to low temperatures (up to -23 degrees), but is recommended for cultivation in warm climates. Prefers sunny or partial shady places.

Barberry Fricarta is represented by two decorative varieties:

  • Amstelveen - grows up to one meter in height and up to two meters in width. Spiky shoots, arch-shaped.
  • Telstar is a slowly growing shrub, reaches 90 cm in circumference. The crown is thick, the leaves have a silver inside.

Amstelveen barberry has a very compact shape

Barberry Ganyepena

Barberry Ganyepena grows slowly, at 10 years of age can reach up to two meters in height and in diameter. The plant forms oblong shoots with spikes having a length of about two centimeters. In May, yellow flowers bloom on the branches, which can be either single or collected in inflorescences. In early autumn, they are replaced by blue-black berries, covered with white coating. Fruits are not suitable for food.

The most popular variety of this species is Klugowski. He was bred in 1960 by Alfons Klugowski in the nursery Flane (Germany). The variety is unpretentious, resistant to both high and low temperatures, as well as to urban conditions. He does not like excessive hydration.

The dark green Klugowski leaves have jagged edges

Barberry Juliana

Slow-growing shrub, which at the age of 10 is capable of reaching up to two meters in length and up to four in width. The leaves of Juliana's barberry reach 10 centimeters, have needles at the ends. The color of the leaves is dark green, at a young age - with a bronze tint. Flowering occurs in mid-May or early June. Flowers are collected in brushes of 8-15 pieces, painted yellow with a red frame. In late September, black and blue fruits ripen on the bushes.

Barberry Juliana is resistant to temperature extremes, as well as to urban conditions. Prefers sunny terrain. Shrubs of this species are highly decorative, they are often used for landscaping.

The edges of the leaves of Juliana's barberry are protected by small, but very prickly needles.

Dwarf Barberries

The most valuable for landscaping are dwarf varieties of barberry Tunberg. They are great for curbs and low hedges. Usually, barberry is combined with conifers, however, and alone, the bushes look amazing.

Decorative and leafy varieties

Thunberg's low-growing barberries can have a different color of leaves - from pale yellow to burgundy. The most popular varieties are:

  • Bagatelle. A beautiful dwarf shrub that does not exceed 40 cm both in height and in diameter. Small leaves, painted in bright purple, reach a length of up to 1 cm. The flowers have a delicate yellow color and grow in bunches. In late September, edible red berries of oblong shape ripen on the bushes. Bagatel is subject to frost in the winter, but quite heat-resistant. The plant is unpretentious, but it needs good lighting.

    Thunberg barberry Bagatel stands out against the background thanks to the crimson color of the leaves

  • Kobold. The size of an adult bush does not exceed 50 cm. Small emerald leaves (no more than 1.5 cm long) become bright yellow in autumn. Kobold's flowering begins in May. Yellow flowers with a red rim do not exceed 1 cm in length. In September they are replaced by pink or red fruits that can be eaten. The shrub is completely not picky about living conditions. Resistant to heat, frost-resistant, tolerates urban conditions. He likes to sit in the sun, but also perfectly tolerates shade and partial shade.

    Small exquisite bushes of barberry Kobold are often used for landscaping city parks.

  • Bonanza Gold. Incredibly beautiful plant with a very dense pillow-shaped crown. This small but exquisite bush reaches a height of 50 cm and a width of no more than 70. The leaves of the shrub are very small, have a bright lemon tint. Flowers, like leaves, are yellow. In September, edible fruits of red color appear on the site of bright flowers. Barberry Bonanza Gold is drought-and heat-resistant, however, in winter it can be subject to freezing, due to which it loses part of the crown. The shrub of this variety is very quickly restored and by the beginning of June takes on its previous form.

    Even in bad weather, barberry Bonanza Gold looks like it is lit by the sun

  • Atropurpurea Nana. It is a stunted bush with a wide-round crown. The leaves have a purple color, which in the autumn changes to fiery red. This variety of barberry blooms from May to June. The flowers are small, painted in a light yellow color. Closer to September, bright red oblong-shaped berries appear on the bushes. Atropurpurea Nana prefers well-lit places, however, in shady areas there are no problems with growth. The variety is quite resistant to heat and cold, does not like stagnation of moisture in the soil.

    The purple color of the leaves of barberry Atropurpurea Nana turns into fiery red with the advent of autumn

Video: popular varieties of barberry

The best variegated varieties

Over the past decades, breeders have developed decorative varieties of Thunberg barberry with brightly colored foliage of several colors: lemon, purple, red. Such shrubs can become a real decoration of any garden.

Among the variegated varieties of barberry, Thunberg is most decorative:

  • Admin. The annual growth of this variety does not exceed 3-4 cm. The maximum height of an adult plant is 50 cm. The leaves reach up to three centimeters in length and are painted in bright red with a yellow frame. In May, yellow-red inflorescences appear on the bush. During the fruiting period, the plant produces bright red berries that are unsuitable for human consumption. Barberry Admiration is resistant to urban conditions. In winter, rhizomes and stems can freeze, so it is advisable to cover the shrub.

    Barberry Admiration has brightly colored foliage and can become a decoration of any garden

  • Special Gold. It is a dwarf shrub that grows very slowly. The maximum height of an adult plant is 20-30 cm. Its leaves are rather small, yellow-green. Blossom barberry Special Gold in May with yellow flowers. Resistant to heat, frost and urban conditions, also not susceptible to pests. Prefers sunny terrain, but can grow in the shade.

    Barberis Thunberg Special Gold stands out with bright golden foliage

Video: variegated forms of barberry Tunberg

Fast growing barberries

The fastest growing barberry varieties also belong to the Tunberg species. They have a number of distinguishing features:

  • An adult plant can reach three meters in height.
  • Branches and trunk of shrubs are covered with thorns up to 1 cm long.
  • The leaves are small, oblong, 1-3 cm long. Foliage turns red in autumn, falls in winter.
  • Flowering lasts from one to two weeks. The flowers have a yellow middle, their outer side is red.
  • Fruits annually and very plentifully. Berries reach 10 mm in length, have an elliptical shape.
  • Ripe bright coral-colored fruits appear on a shrub in mid-autumn and hang on branches for a long time.

Photo Gallery: Thunberg's fastest growing barberry varieties

Varieties of barberry for the suburbs

The main criterion for choosing varieties and types of barberry for the Moscow region is their resistance to frost and urban conditions. The most popular species in this region are:

  • Ottawa barberry;
  • common barberry;
  • Thunberg Barberry.

We will get to know more closely the individual representatives of each species.

Barberry Alba Variegata

Alba Variegata - a variety of barberry ordinary. The leaves of this shrub are distinguished by unusual white spots. Barberry Alba-variegate reaches up to 1.5 m in height. It is unpretentious, frost-resistant, tolerates heat well, does not like stagnation of moisture. It is preferable to place the bush in a sunny place.

Barberry Alba variegata is distinguished by beautiful green leaves with white spots

Barberry Ottawa Superba

Barberry Superba can reach a height of up to 3 meters. The leaves of this shrub have a purple hue. Yellow flowers with a red border around the edges, bloom in May.In June, bright red berries appear on the bushes that can be eaten. The variety is frost-resistant, undemanding to soil and the environment.

Ottawa barberry Superba with a purple tint of leaves retains its vibrant color even in the shade

Barberry of Thunberg Atropurpurea

This barberry variety is quite low (up to 1m), with a flat-round crown. The leaves have a dark purple color, sometimes with a purple tint. Shrub blooms in May. His flowers are small, painted yellow. Closer to autumn, bright red oblong berries appear on the bushes.

Atropurupurea prefers sunny and bright places, but can tolerate shading. Resistant to heat and cold, does not like moisture stagnation.

Barberry Atropurpurea can be used as a bright color accent in garden compositions

Types of barberry for Siberia

Siberia has a rather cold climate and a long frosty period. Under such conditions, only some types of barberry can grow well, such as:

  • Siberian barberry. A shrub that grows no more than 1 m in height. Its branches are covered with prickly spikes, the leaves also have prickly denticles along the edges. The flowering of the Siberian barberry begins in May, by the end of the summer, red fruits of oblong shape appear on the branches. Resistant to low temperatures, unpretentious.

    Siberian barberry is unpretentious and resistant to the harsh climate of Siberia

  • Amur barberry. We already got acquainted with this view at the beginning of the article. In the wild, the bush is found along the banks of mountain rivers and on the forest edges of the Far East. It has been used in landscaping since the end of the 19th century. Good for hedges. The beautiful bushes of the Amur barberry lend themselves well to a haircut, and thin sharp spikes can protect your estate from uninvited guests.

    Amur barberry bushes can be found on the rocky coast of Primorsky Krai

  • Barberry ordinary. For growing under Siberian conditions, the red-leafed form of barberry - Atropurpurea is most often recommended. This variety is most adapted to severe winters.

Video: useful properties and application of Siberian barberry


What can a hedge in a country house be made of - that it grows well and densely, does not hurt, has a decorative look? For this, barberry bushes are very suitable. I have two types of this plant on the plot - ordinary barberry with green leaves, yellow flowers and a funky aroma. The flowers are small, collected in inflorescences. A very prickly plant - pruning should be carried out with gloves and after pruning it is advisable to collect all the branches that have flown off - otherwise you can skip your leg. The bush can be trimmed to give it a beautiful shape. In our country, he "strives" for the shape of the chicken, though we rarely trim it and it is difficult to understand what it is. If the bush is not cut, then it looks like a ball. It grows fast enough, grows more than 2 meters. Not subject to attack by harmful insects. And the second barberry - Thunberg barberry - is very similar in properties to its previous counterpart, but differs only in red foliage. It also blooms with yellow fragrant flowers. Its height is slightly less than that of green barberry - about 1.8 meters. You can also cut it and give it various forms. It looks very beautiful against the background of other plants, in any case, you will not pass by it. In the fall, it blends beautifully with a wood pliers (large yellow liana). So that weeds do not grow under it (nevertheless it is very unpleasant to weed under it - no matter how hard you try, but it will prick you with its thorns), we mulled the space under them with expanded clay on a black spunbond and planted ceramic friends from Hungary there. Barberries have fruits - berries, but they are very small - solid bone and skin, so we leave all the berries on the bushes. And also barberries are medicinal plants, the range of their application is very wide - from roots to leaves, everything goes to folk medicine. The only thing that green fruits are poisonous. In principle, a good plant for hedges - grows quickly, undemanding to soil and care, and crawling through such a plant is a big problem - you’ll certainly hurt not only the skin, but also the clothes.


Walking with a child, I draw attention to interesting plants and shrubs growing on the way we follow. For the most part, you can meet them in the park. As, for example, an ordinary barberry shrub. A couple of years ago, he attracted attention by the fact that in the middle of winter a lot of tiny red oblong berries hung on it. Everyone knows that barberry provides valuable medicinal raw materials (leaves, fruits, bark, roots). Properly prepared from them medicine will help in the fight against many diseases. I will not describe them and advise something, the doctor should do this. The only thing I want to warn: green berries are poisonous! But ripe can be used in cooking, they have a lot of useful substances! Since this is almost a wild plant, then the minimum care - pruning.


Barberry has many types and varieties, each of which is unique in its own way. Due to its unpretentiousness, it is very popular among gardeners. Certain types of barberry are able to withstand temperatures up to -40 degrees. Shrub is widely used in landscaping areas, parks and residential areas.


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