Cucumber Adam F1 - a universal hybrid for any climate


The number of varieties and hybrids of cucumbers is huge, and choosing the right one is very difficult. Among the best is far from the newest Adam F1 hybrid: it is distinguished by excellent taste and good yield, it can be grown in any conditions, the first greens appear quickly.

Description of cucumber Adam, its characteristics, region of cultivation

Adam F1 is a parthenocarpic hybrid obtained in Holland. It is the fruit of the work of the famous seed company BejoZaden B. V. In this organization, they are engaged in obtaining new varieties of various vegetable crops. The hybrid came to Russia in 1989, but only in 2002 it was listed in the State Register of the Russian Federation and recommended for cultivation in all climatic regions.

Since Adam F1 cucumber can be planted both in open ground, in temporary hotbeds, and in greenhouses, it makes no sense to limit its growing regions. It is known both in the south of Stavropol and in the Leningrad Oblast; it is planted by amateur gardeners and farmers in large agricultural enterprises.

Adam F1 is an early ripe cucumber, the first fruits are picked in 45-52 days after the emergence of seedlings. Differs in high productivity, to 10 kg / m2. Indeterminate, but the height of the bush in a vertical culture is not prohibitive. It is on a trellis that it is customary to grow this variety. For pollination of female flowers, bees and other flying insects are not required, at the same time, the availability of plants for insects does not affect the shape of the fruits and their quality, which explains the possibility of growing the variety in open ground.

The stems are thick, light green, the leaves are small, their color is from green to dark green. It has high resistance to a complex of diseases, in particular:

  • powdery mildew
  • cucumber mosaic
  • olive spotting.

Zelentsy have a rich dark green color, finely tuberous, with white pubescence. Their length is about 10 cm, diameter 3-4 cm, weight about 90 g. The taste of fresh fruit is rated as very good.

It should be borne in mind that the taste qualities of such parthenocarpic varieties of the Dutch selection as Amur 1801, Atik, Yildo, Infiniti are rated slightly higher: they are characterized as excellent.

The fruit of the Adam variety has the usual cucumber flavor, a sweetish flavor. In a cool place, fruits are stored for up to 2 weeks. Regarding the direction of use, the data in the State Register are contradictory: both salad and canning purposes are indicated, which apparently indicates the universality of the use of the crop.


The appearance of Adam cucumbers is different from the varieties, which in the recent past were called the offensive word "greenhouse". Both in form and in color, it meets all the signs of a traditional "crispy" cucumber, and the presence of tubercles and pubescence only emphasizes the elegance of this cucumber.

Cucumber Adam in form - “classic of the genre”: appetizing both outside and inside

Advantages and disadvantages of the hybrid

The popularity of cucumber Adam F1 is due to the advantages noted by experts and amateurs. The positive qualities of the hybrid include:

  • good yield;
  • early but prolonged bearing;
  • excellent presentation of Zelentsy;
  • good taste;
  • ability to transport and crop safety;
  • resistance to underlying diseases;
  • self-pollination.

The noted characteristics allow us to recommend a hybrid to beginner gardeners. But you should take into account the disadvantages, which are few, for example:

  • the inability to use seeds from your crop;
  • thin peel, which makes handling greens with care.

A feature of Adam cucumber is that it feels equally good both in the greenhouse and in the open ground, both yield and quality of the fruits practically do not depend on the location. Are there any other cucumbers? Of course there is. The variety of varieties in the lists of the State Register, and in any store is such that it is very difficult to choose the right one, this can be helped by a description of the characteristics of the variety, its cultivation and use, as well as feedback from experienced gardeners, which you should always pay attention to when choosing a variety.

There are amateurs who annually try to try out all new hybrids that were born, but this is becoming increasingly difficult to do. There are summer residents who prefer traditional old varieties and get good yields from the well-known Nezhinsky, Altai, Competitor, etc. In addition, you can get your seeds from varieties (not hybrids). It is difficult to give recommendations for the selection of varieties, when there are hundreds of them. Probably, it’s still more correct to choose a variety “for yourself” by trial and error.

Video: Adam cucumbers in the greenhouse

Features of planting and growing cucumber Adam

The agricultural technology of cucumbers Adam differs little from that for most early ripening varieties of universal purpose. Both direct sowing of seeds into the soil and cultivation through the seedling stage are possible.. In the south, if there is no need for early production, they do not grow seedlings, and in the northern regions, the seedless method is rarely used.

Growing seedlings

Sowing Adam cucumber seeds in cups is done a month before transplanting seedlings into a garden or greenhouse. Planting seedlings in the garden is carried out at a soil temperature of at least 15 aboutC, as well as the transition of night air temperatures through 10 aboutC. In the middle lane this is the beginning of June, therefore, sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out no earlier than the end of April.

Seeding time for seedlings for a greenhouse is determined by the quality of this greenhouse.

The preparation of Adam F1 cucumber seeds, like any hybrid, is not required. If the bag contains punctured seeds, it is better to throw them away. Seeds are not cheap, so they are planted one at a time. Cup capacity - at least 250 ml, it is better to take peat pots. If there are no components for your soil, you can buy it in a store, or you can make it from peat, sod land, sawdust, humus.

Cucumber seeds Adam are sown to a depth of 1.5 cm, well watered, covered with glass and put in a bright place with a temperature of 25-28 aboutFROM. After emergence after 5-8 days of seedlings, the temperature is reduced to 17-18 aboutC and leave her at this level for 4-5 days. Subsequently, cultivation is continued at 24 aboutHappy and 18 aboutWith the night.

Do not try to grow seedlings in a common box: cucumbers are planted in the garden, trying not to damage the roots even to a minimum

Caring for seedlings is simple: this is watering and, if the bushes stop growing, one feeding with a solution of complex fertilizer. Shortly before landing in the garden, the seedlings are tempered, taking for a short time to the balcony.

Planting Adam cucumbers in open ground and greenhouse

Cucumbers need fertile beds, even fresh manure is suitable for fertilizing, the dose is 2-3 buckets per 1 m2. The best predecessors are cabbage, beans and potatoes. In the open ground, "warm beds" are often prepared by pre-digging a "pillow" of various organic waste into the ground. Planting seedlings of cucumbers Adam without shelter in the middle lane is carried out no earlier than the beginning of summer. Seedlings are extracted with an earthen lump and planted without deepening. Well watered and mulched. Direct sowing of seeds in the garden is carried out a week earlier, to a depth of 2.5-3 cm. Since they try to grow cucumber Adam on a trellis, a dense landing is possible, after 25-30 cm.

Planting seedlings or sowing seeds in a greenhouse is carried out similarly, the timing depends on the quality of the greenhouse: they do this when the required temperature of air and soil is reached. Cucumber Adam is conveniently planted both at the side wall and opposite the entrance to the greenhouse (in the latter case, 2 rows are planted on both sides of the trellis).

Do not let the whips of the cucumber Adam on the ground: with vertical cultivation, care is easier, and the yield is higher

Cucumber Care Adam

In a greenhouse, the yield of this cucumber may be slightly higher, but in the open field, cucumbers are usually tastier. The main concerns are watering, top dressing, lash formation, timely collection of cucumbers. Watering is carried out in the evening, heated in the sun with water. The frequency and flow rate of water depends on the weather, but the soil should not dry out. Loosen it only to a shallow depth, weeds are pulled out manually.

Adam cucumbers are fed up to 4 times during the summer, trying to use organics. First, 2 weeks after transplanting, then with the appearance of the first flowers and during intensive fruiting.

When 4-5 leaves appear, the main stem of the cucumber Adam is tied with a soft ribbon to the support, then - as it grows. When reaching a height of 50 cm, the side shoots are removed. After the central stalk reaches the height of the trellis, pinch it, and pinch the side stems: up to a height of 1 m above the 3rd sheet, up to 1.5 m - above the 4th, up to 2 m - above the 5th. You can adjust the load on the plant by removing certain side shoots. Old lower leaves are torn off as they turn yellow. Gradually, the main fruiting of this hybrid moves up the lashes; this is a normal process.

If squares allow, indeterminate cucumbers can be nibbled at the top, but hang lashes from the upper trellis wire

Harvest must be removed systematically, preferably every other day: this stimulates the appearance of new cucumbers. Do this early in the morning or late in the evening, helping yourself with pruners or scissors.


My most reliable and beloved is Masha. Adam planted for the first time last year, I liked it. Seeds remained, I will definitely plant more.

Nina 72


I liked the ADAM F1 hybrid, this is a professional package, everything is so aligned and does not outgrow. Very salted.



Adam - not even finely spotted, but rough, like a large sandpaper.

Igor V.


This year I tried to grow the “Adam” F1 from Beje. The fruits are dark green, prickly like hedgehogs, the leaves are small. Productivity is good. Near several bushes Zozuli. The leaves are three times more than Adam’s, respectively, where one Zozulya grows, three Adams could fit with a corresponding increase in yield. In general, take Dutch varieties and do not mess with Russian ones.



Choose a variety based on where the cucumbers are needed. If one is for salting or pickling, the other for salads, but there are also universal ones, which I personally prefer. I don’t presume to name many varieties, I can only say that I liked 2 hybrid, early, not bitter and very productive varieties: Adam and Levin.



Cucumber Adam F1 - one of the many beautiful early fruiting cucumbers, universal purpose. Its undoubted advantage is that it grows well regardless of the place of planting, and caring for it is not difficult.
