Pelargonium Rococo (Rococo)


Pelargonium Rococo is a beautiful plant that has an original appearance. This hybrid can become an ornament of any home. Its flowers resemble rosebuds. At the same time, the variety is unpretentious in care, so many flower growers around the world choose it. Domestic lovers of indoor plants are new to this variety, and they will certainly be interested in a detailed description.

Pelargonium Rococo (Rococo) - what kind of decorative hybrid variety

This hybrid culture is part of the Geraniev family. It includes more than 800 species, each of which contains many varieties. In the description of the Rococo pelargonium, it is noted that the culture has beautiful inflorescences and rapid development.

The culture has beautiful pink inflorescences.

This hybrid was obtained on the basis of zonal and buccal species of culture. The variety was bred in the USA in 1981. Parent cultures can have different shades of petals - red, white, purple. At the same time, Rococo has large pink flowers. In appearance, they resemble roses.

The plant is distinguished by vertically directed shoots, which is characteristic of the coniferous varieties. But the leaves in shape resemble zonal species.

A distinctive characteristic of the culture is a beautiful and magnificent flowering. It lasts 9-10 months. The variety is considered unpretentious in care, so it is often chosen by flower growers for home breeding. Even a beginner can grow a beautiful plant.

In the description of the variety, it is indicated that for this pelargonium large pink buds are characteristic. They go well with light green leaves that have a rounded shape and wavy edges. The bushes are compact in size and neat in appearance.

It is interesting! Inexperienced housewives sometimes call pelargonium Rococo geranium, not realizing that these are completely different plants from the same family.

Growing Rococo pelargonium at home

Pelargonium Millfield Rose (Milfield Rose)

For pelargonium to fully develop, it requires quality care. The plant needs to provide optimal conditions.

The bushes are characterized by a spectacular appearance

Illumination and temperature

The plant needs good lighting. When grown in a dark place, you will not be able to wait for the flowering of the crop. Therefore, it is recommended to put the flower pot on a well-lit windowsill. Thanks to this, pelargonium will be able to form large peduncles and powerful shoots.

The lack of light negatively affects the decorative properties of the plant. In this case, the leaves become small, the stalks are exposed and extended, and the flowers are completely absent. In order for the plant to maintain an attractive appearance, it must be in the sun for 4-8 hours a day. In winter, such an opportunity is often absent, so artificial light sources should be used.

Important!It is recommended to shade the plant at noon. Otherwise, its leaves are covered with yellow spots.

The plant needs a moderate temperature. The best option would be indicators at the level of + 20 ... +23 degrees during the day and + 12 ... +15 degrees at night. In winter, it is worth constantly maintaining a cool temperature.

In summer, the bush should be moved to fresh air - for example, to the balcony. In the warm season, the culture grows well and blooms on the street.

Watering rules and humidity

In order for the plant to develop normally, it is necessary to systematically moisten the soil. It is important to establish the correct watering regime. With a moisture deficit, the leaves wither and turn yellow, and with an excess, root rot begins.

Experts advise watering the crop as the topsoil dries. In summer, the amount of watering should be increased, and in winter reduced.

Pelargonium does not require spraying. The procedure can even cause damage to the plant, since drops cause spots on the foliage and petals. In a cool room, they are able to provoke decay of foliage and stems.

Top dressing and soil quality

Pelargonium requires a sufficient amount of fertilizer. It is recommended to use special mineral compounds that are intended for this plant.

  • In the spring, you can make funds that contain a lot of nitrogen.
  • At the initial stage of flowering, potassium and phosphorus-based formulations are used.

Important! After transplantation, pelargonium should not be fed for 1.5 months. This is due to a sufficient amount of nutrients in the soil.

Flower Tank Size

For pelargonium to bloom magnificently, it needs a properly selected pot. For this plant, a wide or deep capacity is not suitable.

The flowerpot should be a bit cramped. Otherwise, the active development of the roots begins, while the growth of the ground part stops.

The plant needs a medium pot

Pruning and transplanting

Formative pruning of pelargonium is recommended in the spring. It helps to avoid stretching the stems of the bush and gives it a neat appearance. When 3-4 leaves appear, it is necessary to pinch the side shoots. This stimulates the development of new branches.

Equally important is the removal of peduncles after flowering. Otherwise, this representative of geraniums will begin the formation of fruits and seeds.

The plant is characterized by rapid growth, so it periodically has to be transplanted into a new pot. The procedure should be performed when the roots appear from the drainage holes. A bush transplant should be done during the growing season - it is best to carry it out in the spring.

Important!In winter, culture should not be moved to a new place. She must gain strength for active development and flowering.

Features of flowering plants

Pelargonium PAC Salmon Komtess (PAK Salmon Komtess)

Pelargonium of this variety is characterized by lush flowering. With proper care, it lasts quite a while.

Period of activity and rest

In the spring, the culture begins a period of activity. This occurs during an increase in daylight hours. During this period, the culture requires more frequent watering and feeding.

The first buds appear in mid-spring, and the flowering itself can last up to 9 months. At this time, you need to constantly prune wilted buds and provide the flower with comfortable conditions.

In winter, the plant needs to provide a dormant period. At this time, the bush is resting and stockpiling. At the same time, it is important to provide him with the correct temperature regime - it is best to keep Rococo Pelargonium cool, away from heat sources.

Types and shape of flowers

The plant has monochromatic rounded flowers. In appearance, they resemble rose buds with a simple perianth. The flowers are relatively large and form complex umbrellas.

Pelargonium has large inflorescences

The procedure for propagating a flower by seeds, how and when is it better to do

Pelargonium Odencio Symphonia - Description

The hybrid variety can be propagated by seed method. However, the material for planting should be bought in a store, and not collected independently. Otherwise, it will not be possible to maintain the properties of the plant.

To germinate the seeds, do the following:

  1. Each grain should be wiped with sandpaper to increase germination.
  2. Place in a small container with a moist substrate.
  3. The spacing between the rows should be 3 cm.
  4. Sprinkle with a thin layer of substrate.
  5. Put the container in a room with room temperature and water the plants from time to time.
  6. When sprouts appear, the container should be moved to the windowsill and slightly lower the temperature for root development.
  7. When 3 leaves appear, the sprouts should be dived into new pots. In this case, the root neck should not be deepened much.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

The culture can suffer from attacks of spider mites, aphids, mealybugs. Also, thrips often attack her. Of the diseases, root rot is the most dangerous. This disease is more common in young plants and is associated with a violation of the rules of care.

With the development of diseases, the bushes may turn yellow

How to deal with them

When parasite larvae appear or symptoms of pest attacks occur, it is worth immediately treating the bush with insecticides.

It is impossible to cure root rot. In this situation, you have to get rid of the bush.

Important!To prevent the disease, it is worth moderately watering the bush. However, it should not be kept in cold rooms.

Pelargonium Rococo is a popular indoor culture that has excellent decorative properties. To get results in growing a plant, it is necessary to provide him with quality care.


Watch the video: 로코코 제라늄, rococo 장미보다 이쁜 pelargonium (October 2024).