Peony Sarah Bernhardt - how to grow


Peony Sarah Bernhardt - decoration of any garden. Lush, bright inflorescences rest on strong, powerful stems, which practically do not lean under the weight of large flowers. Florists love this variety and grow it for many years in their suburban areas. This is one of the most popular peonies.

Peony Sarah Bernhardt (Paeonia Sarah Bernhardt) - what kind of variety, the history of creation

Peony Sarah Bernhardt was bred at the beginning of the 20th century by gardener Pierre Lemoine from France. He named this variety in honor of the great actress. After some time, scientists from Moscow University adapted the flower to the Russian climate. In its form, this plant has become a reference and has received numerous awards at international exhibitions.

Actress Sarah Bernhardt - a variety was named after her

Short description, characteristic

Botanical flower description:

  • Refers to a group of grassy peonies.
  • The stems are long, strong, about 1 m high, keep their shape well.
  • The leaves are decorative due to the openwork shape. After flowering, the plant looks great and complements any garden composition. With the advent of cold weather, the leaves do not fall and do not turn yellow, but acquire an interesting burgundy shade.
  • The flowers are single, do not form inflorescences.
  • The form is magnificent. Terry or semi-double flowers, the diameter varies from 16 to 20 cm, but individual specimens can reach 25 cm.
  • The color of the petals depends on the light and flowering period: from light pink to raspberry. A rim runs along the edge of each petal.

Important! Flowering is long - lasts up to 6 weeks, but the buds bloom later than the rest of the varieties.

Peony Flower Sarah Bernhardt

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety Sarah Bernhardt:

high decorativenesslate flowering
frost resistanceweak aroma
variety of hybrids
leafy stems look good until the fall

Use in landscape design

The variety is loved not only by flower growers, but also by landscape designers who use it to decorate parks, urban areas, squares, gardens, as well as large suburban areas. Peony looks gorgeous as a solitary plant - it will become a real king, will always play a major role, as an actress, in whose honor he was named. Of the plants with which the flower will look best, there are:

  • barberry;
  • honeysuckle;
  • hellebore;
  • thuja;
  • poppy;
  • irises;
  • sage.

Also, a combination of several peonies, planted in a row, and also as a border plant, is often used.

Paeonia Sarah Bernar in Landscaping

The varieties most popular among gardeners

Peony Lemon Chiffon (Paeonia Lemon Chiffon) - how to grow a flower

Since the peony Sarah Bernhardt has gained immense popularity among flower growers for many years of its existence, breeders did not stand aside. Interesting hybrids appeared, the most popular of which were Red, White, and Unique.

Red Sarah Bernhardt

Peony Red Sarah Bernhardt differs from the others not only in the color of its petals, but also in a persistent, bright, interesting aroma. Variety Description:

  • the colors of the flowers can be very different from pale pink to bright red;
  • terry variety;
  • stem height up to 80 cm;
  • the diameter of the opened buds on average is not more than 15 cm;
  • openwork leaves, saturated green;
  • characterized by high frost resistance and immunity to most diseases.

White Sarah Bernhardt

Peony Whait Sarah Bernhadt is a regular in wedding bouquets and ceremonies. This is due to its excellent appearance: the petals are white, rounded and silver at the edges. Leaves are bright green. In the care of flowers undemanding, they need enough nutrient soil and timely watering.

Sarah Bernhard Unic

The variety has flowers of predominantly delicate, pastel shades: pale pink, lilac, possibly a combination with the white color of the petals.

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

Peony Monsieur Jules Elie (Paeonia Monsieur Jules Elie) - how to grow and care

Despite the absolute unpretentiousness of peonies of this variety, it is worth paying attention to compliance with the rules of planting and care.

Peony Milky-flowered Red Sarah Bernhardt

Planting with root cuttings

A root stalk is a part of a rhizome that has an independent root and 1 or more eyes for growth. To apply this method of planting, you must first select the planting material. Its preparation is carried out as follows:

  1. Gently, without damaging the roots, the rhizome of an adult peony is dug up. It is divided into small pieces, about 6 cm each. All pieces should have at least 1 kidney and a spine.
  2. For a couple of hours, parts of the rhizome are put in a potassium permanganate solution, then rolled in crushed charcoal and dried in fresh air until a small crust forms (it will take 10-12 hours, you can leave it overnight).

After this, the planting material is deepened into the nutrient mixture by about 4 cm. The place where the cuttings will germinate should be well lit. The substrate is regularly moistened.

Note! It is possible to germinate root cuttings both at home and in the open ground. In any case, shoots appear in the spring. They can only be transplanted to a permanent place in a year.

What time is the landing

Planting of grassy peonies is carried out either at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn. The first flowers will appear only after 2 years.

Location selection

The area where the flower will grow should be well lit. Light shading is possible, which will protect from the rays of the scorching sun. Shaded areas are categorically not suitable; peonies will neither bloom nor develop on them.

Sarah Bernhard White (white)

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

The flower loves the soil, which is simultaneously saturated with sand and clay. Preferred places with low acidity. If the site is too loose soil, it is worth adding organic fertilizers to it, you can use humus.

Important! Soil wetness or too high a level of groundwater should not be allowed. This will lead to decay of the root system and death of the bush.

If reproduction occurs by dividing the root, then parts of the rhizome, on which there are 3-4 kidneys, are processed in a solution of manganese or any other disinfectant. Places of slices are sprinkled with crushed charcoal.

Landing procedure step by step

Step-by-step planting of peonies Sarah Bernhardt:

  1. A landing pit of 70x70 cm is being prepared.
  2. Wells are filled with a mixture of sand, gravel, compost, humus. As additional top dressing, you can make potash fertilizers and ash.
  3. The pit is filled with prepared soil mixture and left for about a month so that the earth is well compacted.
  4. After this time, seedlings are set in the pit so that several stem buds go deep.
  5. The soil is compacted and carefully watered.
  6. From above, the soil is mulched with any natural material: peat, straw, sawdust.

On a note! Plants may not bloom in the first season after planting; this is normal.

Seed planting

Seed planting is not recommended because the peony Sarah Bernhardt is a hybrid. This means that the daughter plant will not retain the properties of the mother. Undoubtedly, the new flower will grow, although after a rather long time, but it will be a different variety.

Sarah Bernhard Unic

Plant care

Peony Cora Louise

Caring for this unpretentious plant is quite simple. It comes down to elementary rules, the observance of which even a novice in floriculture can do. Moreover, if the place is chosen successfully, and the plant feels comfortable, it can sprout without transplantation for several decades.

Watering and feeding

Fertilizing is not required the first 2 years after planting, the plant will have enough of those nutrients that were laid in the ground during planting. Starting from the 3rd year, the flowers are fed:

  • immediately after the complete snow melt (approximately in mid-April);
  • during the formation of buds;
  • at the end of flowering.

For feeding use special complex fertilizers. During flowering, potash and phosphorus fertilizers, as well as a weak solution of chicken droppings, are possible. In the spring, you can add a little ash to the soil.

All grassy peonies are quite resistant to drought. This also applies to varieties Sarah Bernhardt. Adult bushes enough to water once a week. In this case, from 20 to 40 liters of water is poured under each bush. This dose depends on the age, size of the plant, as well as weather conditions.

Mulching and cultivation

Each time after watering, the soil is slightly loosened so as not to touch the root system of the flower. You can replace this procedure with mulching.

Preventative treatment

Preventive treatment is most often carried out in early spring, even before the buds are laid. Peony is treated with fungicidal solutions. Bordeaux mixture (3 l per 1 bush) will protect against pests.

Blooming Peony Sarah Bernard

Flowering plants are very bright and expressive. A bright flower with large buds attracts its attention and stands out against the general background.

Blooming Peony Sarah Bernard

Period of activity and rest

Sarah Bernard blooms later than all other varieties of peonies. Flowering begins in June and lasts up to 1.5 months. After this comes a period of rest.

Care during and after flowering

During flowering, you need to follow the watering regime, you can feed the bush with potassium-phosphorus mixtures or special complex compounds. After flowering, all remaining inflorescences must be removed. Watering is reduced to 2 times a month. In the presence of precipitation - even less often. At the end of August, watering resumes, because at this time the buds are laid for next year.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

The young plant blooms next year. If an adult plant does not bloom, you need to revise the rules of care. Understand whether the place is right, make sure the level of acidity of the soil. Perhaps flowering does not occur due to excess nitrogen in the substrate. When identifying the cause, it must be eliminated.

Worth to know! If the flower is planted in the shade - buds can not wait. The plant prefers well-lit places.

Peonies after flowering

After flowering, it is also not difficult to take care of peonies, it is enough to take the necessary care measures.


A transplant is required when the old rhizome has already grown so much that it has little space. Then the plant is determined to a new place with the separation of the rhizome. This will rejuvenate the flower and give it new strength for growth and development.


It is very important to remove all wilted flowers, they can cause the development of many infectious diseases. Cardinal pruning of grassy peonies is carried out before wintering - the ground part is completely removed, only small parts of the stem of 15 cm remain.

Winter preparations

Since this variety can winter at temperatures up to -40 ° C, preparation for winter will be simple. The remaining stems swell to the highest possible height. From above they are covered with cut parts of an adult plant. No other shelter is required. They will perfectly survive the winter frosts under a layer of snow.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Peony Sarah Bernhardt is immune to most infectious diseases. Protection is enhanced by preventive spring flower treatment. Do not plant a peony next to potatoes or strawberries, which attract insect pests. Damaged parts are repaired, and the bush is treated with fungicides. When parasites appear, special insecticides will help.

Note! Fungal diseases occur most often with improper care, especially with shading and waterlogging of the plant.

Peony lactiflora Sarah Bernhardt is an excellent choice for those who are going to start breeding these beautiful flowers for the first time. Experienced gardeners and landscape designers should not lose sight of the variety. This is a magnificent plant that looks great both on its own and in company with other flowers.


Watch the video: How to Plant Peony Tubers in Fall (October 2024).