Hydrangea diseases - turn yellow or black, leaves dry


Hydrangeas, like other flower crops, get sick. Bright flowers, large green leaves attract many insects, including harmful ones. Hydrangea diseases do not differ from diseases of many garden plants.

Panicle hydrangea diseases

Despite the vitality of panicled hydrangea, sometimes due to improper care or bad weather, the flowers become sick. Insects cause considerable damage to plants.

Hydrangea leaves turn black and dry

In addition to the weather and untimely care, there are many reasons why the flowers begin to hurt, the tips of the leaves are taken to dry and cringe:

  • scorching rays of the sun;
  • stagnation of water at the roots;
  • nutrient deficiency;
  • unsuitable soil.

Typical hydrangea diseases and pests

The causative agents of the disease are:

  • viruses;
  • bacteria
  • fungi.

Fatal microorganisms enter the bushes from contaminated soil or planting material.

In addition to viruses and fungi, insect vectors threaten the culture. They destroy plants with their vital functions.

  • Leaf aphids. It lives on hydrangeas, eating juices. From its vital activity, the plant can dry.
  • Spider mite. The smallest insect eats greens on the bushes.
  • Gall Nematode. Small worms can kill the plant because they are poisoned by poisons, starting from the roots. It is difficult to deal with them, some growers offer to destroy the affected culture immediately.
  • Slug. Appear where bushes are planted too often. They are collected by hand or use the product Molyuskotsid in granules, which are scattered under the stems.

For reference! You need to treat bushes from insect pests: Akarin, Fitoverm, Lightning. Funds are available at any flower shop.

Spotting virus

The source of ring spotting is the virus. A description of the disease is given below:

  • First, small ring-shaped specks in diameter of no more than 2 cm may appear on the foliage.
  • In hydrangea, the edges of the leaves dry, deform, twist. The disease spreads throughout the flower.
  • A diseased plant does not form buds (or few of them), there is no flowering.

Spotting virus is a seedling disease. She is not treatable.

Note! When purchasing planting material (cuttings, seedlings), one must carefully consider the seedlings and take only healthy ones, without signs of illness.

Also, flowers pick up the virus from infected soil. The peculiarity of the disease is that the signs are visible only after a year, when it is no longer possible to cope with it.

A spotted plant cannot be saved. They pull it out and burn it.

White spotting (septoria)

One of the fungal diseases of panicle hydrangea is septoria.

Signs of the disease are similar to circular viral spotting. The difference is in the form of spots. With septoria, red, brown, brick-colored spots are shapeless, located randomly throughout the leaf plate.

Gardeners, especially inexperienced, do not know what to do when the leaves turn yellow in hydrangea. Since the causative agent of the disease is a fungus (Septoria), they are fought with special chemicals.

As soon as the first signs of the disease become visible, you must immediately begin treatment. Yellow leaves are torn off, disposed of. Plants are sprayed with agents that contain a lot of copper:

  • Home;
  • copper sulfate;
  • Ridomil Gold.

Specialized stores offer many different drugs for the control of diseases and the treatment of indoor flowers. How to use the funds - indicated on the packaging from the manufacturer. Violating instructions is not advisable.


Rust strikes when thickening plantings, when the soil is oversaturated with nitrogen.

The disease is treatable - you need to spray with drugs with copper:

  • Home;
  • The Order;
  • Topaz
  • Falcon.

Signs of the disease are visible by brown spots on the leaves.

How to use a specific product is indicated on the package. When working with chemicals, personal protective equipment should be used.

Gray and white rot

Fungus is the cause of both diseases. The plant becomes infected from infected soil.

Signs of white rot:

  • white cotton coating on the foliage of the plant;
  • dark shoots;
  • black specks on plaque (sclerotia).

With gray rot, the stems lose their elasticity, become soft, loose. On the leaves, shoots, a gray coating forms in the form of villi. The disease corrodes the plant to holes.

For reference! One of the reasons for the development of the disease is long rains. If hydrangea has weak immunity, it is more likely to become infected.

At the first sign, urgent action is needed. First, with a sharp knife, all diseased parts of the plant are removed, then sprayed with fungicides:

  • Fundazole;
  • Fitosporin.

Note!The number of treatments is indicated by the manufacturer, the main thing is to follow the instructions.

Iron chlorosis

The most dangerous hydrangea disease, and not only paniculate, also large-leafed and treelike is sick.

The metabolic function in the body of the plant is disturbed. Foliage stops producing chlorophyll, which leaves the leaves discolored. They turn pale, turn yellow-gray, only veins remain green.

Bushes weaken from iron chlorosis, buds do not form

The source of the disease is iron deficiency in the soil. An important factor in the development of the disease is the saturation of the earth with manure, which is why the process of assimilation of iron is disrupted in the plant. In a weakened plant, immunity to other diseases decreases.

Antichlorosis, Ferovit - funds that will help cope with the disease. If the disease is not started, the plant is sprayed, with a more severe lesion, it is watered under the root.

Why do hydrangeas turn yellow and fade leaves

Drying, wilting, yellowing of hydrangea leaves is a frequent phenomenon, especially in a domestic plant.

Diseases of geranium, in geranium leaves turn yellow and dry - what to do?

It is sometimes difficult for gardeners to determine why hydrangea leaves turn yellow. But the green part, it is like an indicator, react to the slightest changes in air temperature, irrigation regime, soil composition. Insect pests are also the cause of death of leaves on the bushes.

Incorrect conditions

Oversights of the gardener in the care of plants, as well as for indoor flowers, lead to the fact that the foliage may first turn yellow, then completely dry.

Changes in the external conditions of cultivation can also cause foliage to wither:

  • sharp jumps in air temperature;
  • humidity in the room (for indoor flowers);
  • lack or excess of nutrients;
  • insufficiently careful flower transplantation;
  • waterlogging of the plant.

Flowers need a lot of sunlight, but not under the scorching sun. Leaves will get burns from it. The light should be uniform, soft. It will solve the problem of changing the place of cultivation. If the hydrangea is at home in a pot, then it is rearranged.

Attention! Hydrangea planted in a shaded place, or, conversely, under the direct influence of sunlight, feels bad - the leaves are darkening, turning yellow, withering.

Excess moisture

Hydrangea often loses its foliage due to too wet soil.

  • Roots first suffer from excessive waterlogging: they decay, then they die.
  • Later - stems and leaves, because there is no nutrition from the roots.
  • When the plant is uncomfortable, buds do not form, the gardener will not wait for lush flowering.

In order to somehow reanimate hydrangea, it is carefully transplanted, since young roots are vulnerable. Part of the old earthen coma is left. Watering is reduced, more often the plant greens are sprayed.

Frequent Drafts

Too much hydration in a room is harmful to home hydrangeas. The room is often aired. In this case, the formation of drafts is not allowed, since hydrangea is thermophilic.

It is necessary to carefully select a place of residence for plants.

Mineral deficiency

Lack of fertilizer in the soil is one of the reasons for leaf decay. During the growth period, starting in June, the bushes are fed at least 3 times (with organic and minerals).

So that hydrangea does not turn yellow, in the beginning of spring it is fed with nitrogen, for example, Kemira flower, and then with potassium, phosphorus, iron.

In late autumn, potash and phosphorus fertilizing will not be superfluous for the growth of young shoots, the formation of new peduncles.

Plentiful flowering

The supply of food in the soil is depleted, it is not enough for the growth and development of the plant. From a lack of nutrition, the leaves harden, turn yellow, and fall off.

Panic hydrangea consumes a lot of nutrients during blooming

Hydrangea is a deciduous bush, falling of leaves by time is a natural phenomenon. But from a lack of nutrition, the leaves fall prematurely.

Note! To avoid untimely leaf fall of hydrangeas will help fertilizing with minerals (phosphorus, potassium) immediately after flowering.

Large hydrangea diseases

Anthurium flower - why leaves and flowers turn black and dry

Unlike tree-like and paniculate, large-leaved hydrangea is less resilient to a temperate climate, more often sick, capricious to growing conditions. But diseases in all types of hydrangeas are common. Just some varieties and varieties pick up ailments faster.

Powdery Mildew Defeat

The causative agent of the disease is a fungus. Powdery mildew "sits" on both home hydrangea and garden.

Infection with false and powdery mildew comes from infected soil. And warm and rainy weather accelerates the spread of the disease.

Yellow-brown spots with a white coating appear on the leaf blades, which darken over time

With real dew, yellow-green specks appear on the foliage, which grow, and then acquire a rusty color. On the inner side of the leaves is an off-white cotton layer. Young shoots bend, perish.

  • From false dew, folk remedies are used, for example, a solution of laundry soap, with which the plant is sprayed.
  • Fungicidal preparations will save from powdery mildew.

Ring spotting

This disease, caused by bacteria, first affects the leaves on which circles are formed that are brown at the edges. Further, the foliage turns yellow, curls, dies.

Causes of ring spot infection:

  • diseased seedlings
  • disease-carrying insects.

Attention! There is no cure for the disease - the plant will definitely die.

The main thing is to recognize the disease in time, establish why hydrangea leaves dry at the edges, and destroy the diseased flower until healthy plants in the neighborhood are infected.

Ascochitic spotting

With ascochitosis, rusty or brown blots appear on the bushes. Preventive measures will help protect large-leaved hydrangea from the disease.

Before the leaves bloom, the bushes are sprayed with a Bordeaux mixture (1%) - 1 packet is diluted in a bucket of water (10 l).

Note! During treatment, the leaves of the plant are sprayed thoroughly, not only from the outside, but also from the bottom.

Most often, hydrangeas get sick from gardeners who do not care enough about their plantings. Hydrangea is a gorgeous plant with lush, bright hats of flowers. With proper care, the bushes will stand until October with bright greenery and huge flowers that are impossible to stop looking at. And if you know all the diseases of hydrangea, then their treatment and elimination of the consequences will not be a problem.


Watch the video: Q&A What is wrong with my hydrangea? (October 2024).