How to propagate barberry - cuttings, division


A beautiful shrub barberry enlivens a summer cottage. Buying seedlings for landscaping is expensive. The plant is easier to propagate. The procedure can be carried out in different ways: cuttings, shoots, seeds, layering. Each method has its own characteristics. How to propagate barberry cuttings, described in detail below.

When can reproduction be carried out: features

The breeding times for barberry depend on the method chosen. When grafting, the procedure is carried out at the beginning of spring or, conversely, for the winter. Young branches perfectly take root in greenhouse conditions.

Barberry of Thunberg

The division of the bush is done at the beginning of the season. When the kidneys begin to swell, and the leaves bloom. Leaves will not interfere with the separation of the bush. In this way, you can select the desired piece.

Root shoots appear at the beginning of the season. She takes part of the nutrients from the soil, inhibits the development of the mother bush. It is recommended to remove the shoots so that the barberry is more magnificent. But if there is a goal to propagate the plant, then the shoots are left until the end of the season. In the fall, begin the procedure.

Propagation of barberry seeds is a laborious process. Grains are prepared in advance for several months. Saving is easy. It is advisable at the beginning of the season that by autumn a new bush can be transplanted to a new place.

It's important to know! Varietal accessory is fully transmitted if the barberry is propagated by cuttings or shoots.

Propagation by cuttings

Common barberry is easier to cut in summer than in autumn. Thunberg barberry is considered a special variety. It has beautiful flowers and large fruit ovaries. For propagation, the bush must be no more than 10 years old. After this age, the cuttings take root heavily and it becomes more difficult to breed barberry. How to cut the barberry properly?

How to propagate thuja - cuttings and transplantation

Growing cuttings of a decorative shrub is simple. The transplant process takes place according to the algorithm:

  1. At the beginning of the season, inspect the bush, choose young shoots 15-20 cm long. Lignified branches, which have 3-4 internodes, are also suitable.
  2. Billets are made at any time of the year. Landing is carried out mainly at the beginning of summer.
  3. The lower end of the branches is made oblique. So it absorbs water faster and gives roots.
  4. If there are leaves, they are cut in half.
  5. On the first day, leave the cuttings in water with the addition of a root stimulant.
  6. Next, the cuttings are transferred to the ground or left in the water until the first roots.
  7. If the branches are planted in the ground, they are covered with a glass jar or a plastic bottle on top. Inside create a greenhouse effect.
  8. You can immediately plant cuttings in a greenhouse.

Additional Information! Without a root stimulator, barberry produces roots very slowly.

Cuttings of barberry in the summer provide better survival. Winter branches take root worse.

Bush division

Barberry Cobalt - grade description and care

How to multiply barberry by dividing the bush? The issue is easily resolved. New bushes quickly take root when:

  1. Dig up the mother bush.
  2. Carry him into the shade.
  3. Using scissors, you need to divide the plant into 2 equal halves. At least 3 shoots should leave from each daughter barberry.
  4. 2 holes are dug in the garden. The soil is mixed with fertilizers and moisturized well.
  5. Bushes are planted in a new habitat.
  6. After 2 weeks, the plants will fully recover.

Barberry in the fall

With this method, it is better to plant young bushes. Digging up a large adult shrub is difficult. During operation, you can scratch, break healthy branches and harm the plant.

Air lay

Barberry Ottawa Superba - description and care

How is barberry layering propagated and what is it? Everything is really very simple. An adult shrub grows in the garden. He has twigs hanging right down to the ground. A couple of them remain in the ground. At the same time, it can not be cut off from the mother plant. In this form, they contain layering until the end of the season.

Plots of twigs will receive nutrition from the soil and from the plant at the same time. Therefore, the survival rate is high. Follow-up procedures and care for layering:

  1. By the end of the summer, they check how well the layering took root. Roots should be palpated.
  2. The tops are cut from the main bush, so that at least 3-4 internodes remain in the new plant.
  3. You need to plant new barberries in their own holes.
  4. While the shoots take root, they periodically spud. The more land at the base, the better the process.
  5. Plantings are watered every week with 500 ml of water. You can not overfill them so as not to erode the ground near the trunk.
  6. Top dressing is carried out on the same level with all barberries.

Barberry fruits

You should know! After rooting the cuttings, the top is cut off. Leave a new bush next to the mother so that it is easier to adapt to a new type of food.


How exactly does barberry propagate with red seeds? Similar to other varieties. At the end of the season, several branches with fruits are left until fully ripened. By mid-September, seed bolls form. Collect them and dry them well. Seed germination lasts 2 years.

Note! Seed propagation is full of surprises. There is no guarantee that the new plant will inherit all the traits of the mother bush.

Planting seeds is carried out for winter or early summer. Seed germination is higher if you plant fresh seeds for the winter. The process is carried out step by step:

  1. A bed of 20 cm high is prepared in advance from nutrient and dry soil.
  2. Dig holes. Make a distance of 15-20 cm between them, and 30 cm between rows.
  3. A day before planting, grains are soaked in water with potassium permanganate.
  4. The next day, one seed is placed in each well.
  5. Close up the holes with the overripe humus.
  6. Shelter for winter with agrofibre or spandbond.

The first sprouts will appear in the spring. Not all seeds will germinate quickly, some will appear above the ground only at the beginning of summer. When there are 3-4 leaves on the stem, new bushes are planted in a permanent place. Pre-plants are well watered in order to provide turgor of the roots.

When planting seeds in summer, grains are pre-stratified. In March, they are laid out in a wet rag, covered with cellophane and sent to the top shelf of the refrigerator. Germinated at home on a wet rag. In early May, sowing is carried out. By the end of the season sprouts appear. Germination of winter crops above summer by 20%. New bushes can stand for some time, and then die if strong sprouts grow next to them.

Decorative variety of barberry

Root shoots

It is customary to remove basal shoots since it interferes with the normal nutrition of maternal barberry. But if you want to propagate the plant, then the shoots are perfect. They inherit all the characteristics of the main bush.

Throughout the season, children are looked after the same way as adult plants. Closer to September, prepare a place for the transfer. Fertilize the soil with mineral additives. Dig up the baby and put him in a new place.

Interesting! If barberry gives new children, then he is healthy, full of strength, ready for reproduction and active flowering.

The shoots are real bushes. Because their survival is high. In the first year, the plant is actively fertilized, watered and covered for the winter. So it will soon bloom and bear fruit. Adding a growth stimulant helps root barberry.

Common mistakes

Propagating barberry is easy. However, beginners make mistakes. The most common ones are:

  • Incorrectly picked cuttings. The length and number of internodes is strictly limited. Too long a branch will not be able to fully eat, and a short one does not always take root.
  • The greenhouse effect favorably affects survival. But once a day it is worth ventilating the greenhouse. Sprouts need fresh air.
  • Too much fertilizer in the new soil can burn the roots of the process. Add additives strictly according to the instructions.
  • Using fresh manure to feed new plants is not recommended. It contains a large amount of nitrogen, which causes burns.
  • Abundant watering is good. But everything should be in moderation. If a lot of moisture accumulates in the ground, then the roots and the lower part of the handle will rot.
  • When selecting cuttings, they are cut only with a disinfected tool. You can not break off the branches. The slice should be oblique, not straight.
  • Be sure to use a rooting agent, as new roots will not keep you waiting.
  • Cover young bushes for the winter, until the age of three, winter hardiness is not fully manifested.

Yellow barberry


Barberry of Thunberg and its propagation by cuttings almost does not differ from other varieties. Follow the rules and useful tips and new shrubs will surely take root.

Barberry is a beautiful plant that delights gardeners not only with its flowers, but also with berries. They are used for absolutely different purposes: they cook stewed fruit, preserves, bake pies and prepare syrups. Shrubs are great for landscaping. They are planted along the fence (it turns out a beautiful green hedge).


Watch the video: Boxwood Propagation With Stem Cuttings : Grow Guru (September 2024).