Dahlias - planting and care in the open ground


The name of the culture was given in honor of the ethnographer, botanist and geographer from St. Petersburg I. Georgi. There are 13 known plant species, which are divided into 15 thousand varieties. The culture has an attractive form of the bush part and is characterized by abundant flowering during the summer period. To get beautiful flowering dahlias, planting and care in the open field must be made in accordance with certain rules.

Characteristics of dahlias: varieties and varieties

It is conditionally possible to divide the culture into annual dahlias (planted in flowerpots to decorate the verandas) and perennial dahlias (placed in gardens and flower beds). Each group has its own characteristics that relate to the principle of planting, appearance and care.

Flowering dahlias

Important! The main difference is only in the parameters of the aerial parts and buds.

Perennial bushes are very tall and lush. They can grow in one place for more than 2 years. One-year-olds have miniature forms (usually a stunted grassy base), they are sown as a temporary decoration.

Varieties of varieties

Another difference is the shape of the flower, which determines the main groups of varieties:

  • Simple - consist of the 1st row of petals and an open center. Outwardly resemble a colored daisy. Base varieties: Princess Marie Jose, Yellow Hammer, Orangeade.
  • Anemone-shaped - have several rows of marginal and internal petals. Combine such varieties as Lucy, Vera Higgins, Comet.
  • Collar - have one row of marginal petals and internal, twisted shape. Varieties: La Gioconda, Chimborazo, Claire de Luna.
  • Pion-shaped. The name is fully consistent with the appearance. The most popular varieties are: Symphonia and Fascination.
  • Decorative group - represented by varieties David Howard, Thames Valley, Jocondo.
  • Spherical - Crichton Honey, Doreen Hayes and Esmondе.
  • Pompoms - differ in different colors, among which there is not only a blue tint. Varieties: Hallmark, Willo's Violet and Noreen.
  • Cactus - Visit, Danny, Pirouette, Doris Day.
  • Semi-Cactus - Yellow Mood, White Swallow, Nantenan, Autumn Fire.
  • Nymphaea - they are also called lotus-like because of the similarity with the flower of the same name. Main varieties: Geri Hawk, Genetta and Brushstrokes.

Annual varieties

The mixed group has the largest variety of varieties.

Planting a plant

Dahlias, planting and care of which is carried out according to a simple scheme, bloom almost all summer until late autumn. To achieve a riot of colors, it is important to plant flowers correctly.

Seed planting

Dahlias Fun Guys - Planting and Care

The seeds are planted mainly dahlia annual. This herbaceous plant has a neat shape of the aerial parts. The trunk reaches 30-40 cm in height. Such hybrids bloom profusely and for a long time, suitable for growing in flowerpots.

note! There are two options for sowing: in open soil and pots with further planting on a flower bed. The first is more popular, since the seedlings are resistant to adverse weather conditions.

Seed germination

How to plant dahlias with seeds:

  1. The choice of place. The culture is sun-loving, so you need to place it in an open area.
  2. Sowing is carried out in May. The plant loves warmth, so you need to focus on the weather.
  3. Land preparation. It is worth choosing loamy soil. A slightly acidic or neutral soil is suitable. First you need to make compost and mineral fertilizers.
  4. Soaking seeds. They need to be soaked in a fungicide solution to protect against diseases and decay.
  5. On a flat ground, make grooves 2-3 cm deep at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other.
  6. Spread the seeds along the groove at a distance of 30-40 cm. Sprinkle the planting material with soil and pour.
  7. To accelerate germination, the bed needs to be covered with a film or glass. When the first shoots appear in 2-3 weeks, the shelter is removed.

Sprouted seedlings

When sowing seeds in a container, the algorithm of actions is the same. True, the bookmark can begin in March-April, as germination will be carried out in greenhouse conditions or indoors.

Planting seedlings

When planting seedlings, you need to choose exclusively sunny areas, but protected from drafts and wind. The soil must be fertilized in advance and well loosened. The sprouts are planted in late May or early June.

The process of planting seedlings:

  1. Prepare the wells. The depth and width should correspond to the size of the root system of the seedling. The distance between the recesses must be made at least 40 cm.
  2. Lay the sprouts horizontally and drip so that the root neck is sprinkled with earth 3-5 cm.
  3. Abundantly water the seedlings.
  4. Cover with a film until the temperature at night no longer drops below 10 ° C.

Seedlings in the open ground

The flower grows quickly, so you need to constantly monitor the height of the film. Otherwise, the trunks are deformed and will be located horizontally in relation to the ground.

Watering and loosening the soil

Azalea garden - planting and care in the open ground

After planting, care for dahlias involves watering the plant and loosening the earth. How to do it right:

  1. When the aboveground part will have a height of 10-12 cm, it is necessary to carry out the earthing up. Around the trunk to form a hill. This will help to take root by letting out more shoots.
  2. Watering is carried out once a week, because the culture is drought-resistant. The ground should get wet 30 cm deep. From mid-August, artificial irrigation is stopped.
  3. After each watering, you need to update the hill around the trunk and loosen the soil in the hole. This will help protect the root system from decay and ensure a normal flow of oxygen.

Watering a plant

Note! Hilling is done several times a season. The need arises when the position of the bush relative to the ground changes.

To prevent the earth from drying out, you can put mulch in the hole. But do not get carried away - the layer should be minimal. Periodically, you need to remove the mulch to ventilate and loosen the soil.

In addition to watering and maintaining the soil, the formation of supports for bushes remains an important rule. The basis for the leash is driven into the ground when planting seedlings. Do not forget about pruning extra branches and leaves.

Breeding methods

Chubushnik (jasmine) - planting and care in the open ground

Dahlia can breed in five ways. Each option has advantages and disadvantages, and some are rarely used. Cultivation propagation methods:

  • Division of tubers. The easiest option, which will save all the qualities of the mother bush. In autumn, you need to remove the tubers from the ground, wash, remove dead roots and separate the tubers with your hands. Each tuber as a result of division should have two kidneys.
  • Vaccination is not a frequent, but very effective type of reproduction. In the old tuber, make a hole in the conical shape. Point and insert a healthy sprig of dahlias into the tuber. Wrap the connection area with cotton. Plant the vaccine in the ground.
  • Sowing seeds. This option of reproduction allows you to get a completely new plant (maternal characters are not saved). When the flower begins to fade, you need to cut it and dry it in the room. Next is the collection of planting material and packaging until spring.
  • Cuttings. The method makes it possible to obtain strong plants with high resistance to disease. In early March, healthy tubers are planted in a box. The appropriate watering and care. When the tubers grow, a stalk will appear. After the appearance of 2-3 internodes on the handle, it can be cut. Install the sprout in a sand container.
  • Disputes provide an opportunity to get a new variety. Cut a flowering branch and plant in a separate pot. Gradually reduce watering and allow the twig to dry. For winter, place the container in a room with a temperature of 6 ° C. In spring, resume watering in order to plant a bush in open ground already in May.

Breeding methods

Thanks to different breeding methods, you can get not only a large number of young bushes, but also completely new varieties.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

In order for the bush to bloom luxuriantly and not be attacked by pests, during the growing season it is necessary to produce periodic top dressing. Do the procedure at least 2 times a month. In order for the plant to receive all the necessary substances, the use of mineral and organic fertilizers must be alternated.

As organic fertilizers use infusion of mullein, chicken manure, ammonium nitrate. The bush will grow full if, when the first two buds appear, superphosphates or potash fertilizers are added. Also, sprouts need to be planted in well-fertilized soil. It is important not to overdo the fertilizers, so as not to destroy the flower.

Plant transplant

You need to transplant the plant every 3 years or completely replace the soil in the hole. This will help protect the plant from diseases and pests. The ideal time for the procedure is spring. The root system has not yet passed into the stage of active growth, therefore, rooting problems will not arise in the future.

Additional Information. Before you plant dahlias in a new place, you need to prepare a hole. It is advisable to do this since the fall.

For transplantation you need:

  1. Dig up the tuber, treat the roots.
  2. Soak the transfer material in an antiseptic or wash from old soil.
  3. Move to a new hole and drip.
  4. Water the transplanted plants.

Plant transplant


Pruning Dahlia

So that there are huge flowers of bright colors on the bushes, you need to not only constantly take care of feeding, but also be able to form a bush. Cropping is the most efficient option:

  • A maximum of three stems are left in the bush.
  • On flower stalks, extra buds are torn off, leaving only 1-2.
  • Wilted and faded buds are also removed.
  • In tall varieties, side branches are also cut.

The formation of the bush continues throughout the summer, from the moment the peduncles appear until late autumn. Additionally, the bushes need to be tied up and fixed to the support.

Pests and diseases

Proper care, timely watering and top dressing prevent pests, but sometimes they still overtake the plant. Most often, a garden with such flowers is visited by slugs and earwigs.

To protect the bushes on hot days, they are sprayed with insecticidal preparations. This will help to save leaves and flowers from caterpillars, thrips, ticks.

Leaf problems


Most of all, the aphid bothers dahlias, which is populated in leaf sockets, located on the stems and back of the leaf plate. You can save yourself from the pest only by using a soap solution as a sprayer.

The flowering period and care during this period

Dahlia flowers are not only beautiful, but also demanding. During flowering, the plant needs special attention.

How to care for dahlias during the flowering period:

  • Double the amount of watering.
  • Remove wilted buds and dry leaves.
  • Pick off extra buds on a flowering brush.
  • Fertilize with organic fertilizers.

Flowering culture


Other needs may arise due to the nature of the variety.

Winter preparations

In September, the stems begin to fade, and after the first frosts change color. This is the perfect time to clean.

To prepare a flower for wintering, you need:

  1. Cut stems. Dig out the root.
  2. Remove excess soil from the tubers, rinse them and lower them into a potassium permanganate solution for 30 minutes.
  3. Find wilted processes and cut them. Sprinkle slices with activated carbon powder.
  4. Dry the tubers and put them in wooden boxes. Put the crop in a room where the temperature does not exceed 10 ° C.
  5. If the winter is harsh, then the roots are left in the same room. If the frosts are not severe, then you can take out the boxes in the cellar or shed.

Tuber storage


If sprouts appear on the roots, you need to know how to save the sprouted dahlia before planting. To do this, fill the sawdust in a box and cover the container with a cloth.

Use in landscape design

Dahlia - a flower is very beautiful and bright, so it is actively used in landscape design. Flowers are planted on flower beds, form flower beds from them, and used to create a hedge.

Landscape use


The culture is wonderful combined with almost any high-growing flowers and shrubs. Annual varieties can be planted in flowerpots to decorate the territory and open spaces. So the cottage is full of different colors, which will change from mid-summer to the end of September.

Beautiful bush of dahlias


Cultivation of dahlias, as well as their reproduction - the procedures are simple. The culture is very unpretentious and perfectly adapts to any conditions. But in order to achieve magnificent flowering, the plant needs to pay more attention: to feed, irrigate and water.


Watch the video: Dahlia growing (October 2024).