Oatmeal spreading - home care


A variety of indoor plants today may surprise anyone. The times when pelargoniums grew mostly on the windowsills, yarrows and violets are a thing of the past. Modern housewives are happy to grow exotic cacti, surprisingly delicate orchids and even bog grass of the grass.

General information

To begin with, it is worthwhile to figure out what a chytnik is. This plant belongs to the genus Sitnik and the family Sitnikovye.

The culture has a false side loose inflorescence. This perennial is able to reach heights of up to 150 cm, on average (50 - 120 cm).

The thickness of erect, smooth and stiff stems is 1.5 - 3 mm. They can have a green-yellow or light green color. At the base are brownish-red scaly leaves. Sitnik (lat. Júncus) is a marsh plant, but today it is successfully grown at home.

Chytnik branchy

Common varieties

Today, the spiral junkus variety is very popular as a home plant. Its stems, with bizarre bends, as if they were specially twisted, make an interesting design element from culture - after all, only nature itself could twist the shoots in this way.

There are several varieties for growing in the garden, especially the chythorn looks beautiful next to ponds.

For reference! Flower shops offer to buy this plant under the name "spiral rush."

If we talk about common varieties, then they are as follows:

  • The aureostriata variety is characterized by powerful erect shoots of green and yellow color.
  • The so-called "pencil" grass is called pencil grass. Grassa has thick, long shoots; they look like bunches of grass growing in the steppe. The plant has hollow, green leaves, perfectly takes root in dense soil, and in height can reach 1 meter.
  • Golden lily or golden line with beautiful yellow shoots. The culture has one feature - the presence of almost waxy thin and shiny shoots.

All of the above varieties of junkus spirals are suitable for growing as indoor plants. They can be bred both in the greenhouse and in a simple apartment.

There are several types of this culture:

  • Creeping chintz or jungus repens is used in aquariums for landscaping the habitat of various species of fish. In the aquatic environment, shoots are twisted into rings. Interestingly, the plant does not need any fertilizers, and in itself it is unpretentious to the conditions of detention.
  • The threadbill is called in Latin juncus filiformis. It is also suitable for aquariums. The plant belongs to perennials and propagates independently by the release of processes. This species is able to withstand a low temperature.
  • A flattened calico is a perennial culture. In garden design, it is planted on the shore of a pond. Such a plant is suitable for areas with cold and harsh winters.
  • The toad rush is similar to a weed, but it is not. The culture is interesting by the presence of spiral stems, on which there are no leaves.

Creeping box

Another group of plants includes:

  • segmented chinetra;
  • flattened flat window;
  • Gerard's chintik;
  • Thythorns (Blue Dart variety is especially popular);
  • crowded chinton;
  • mesentery or blue print.

Useful advice!It is recommended to plant creeping chinton before decorative algae with large leaves.

After reading the description of the different varieties, it is worth talking about ways of caring for the crop.

Features of home care

Before acquiring a plant, it is worth taking a closer look at the conditions that a chytinum needs a branchy spiralis, or as it is also called in Latin, Juncus effusus "Spiralis", for a prosperous life.

  • Temperature
Neomarica walking iris: home care and examples of popular varieties

Ideal temperature +24 ° С, critically low mark +18 ° С. A sharp and significant cooling leads to the fact that the culture stops growing and goes into a period of rest and begins to fade.

An important point!Sitnik is a plant that needs a period of rest, and therefore in March the culture is rearranged in a cool place for 14 days with a temperature of +16 ° C, and then returned to its usual habitat.

  • Lighting

The plant is photophilous, and therefore it will be necessary to highlight a well-lit place under it. However, this does not apply to subspecies that prefer partial shade. Lighting should be diffused so that the bright sun does not damage the shoots.

Worth to know!For the summer, on the south side of the apartment, the windows are closed with a reflective film so that the culture does not get burned.

  • Watering

If we talk about the spiral "junk", home care requires mandatory control of the humidity level in the pot. Only in this case, the leaves of the plant will always have a bright and rich color, and the stem parts will show good growth.

Water in the tank should be at the level of 8 cm from the bottom. It is important to remember that the plant will die if the soil begins to dry out.

On a note!Water the culture with settled water at room temperature.

  • Spraying and humidity

Spiral chintel needs a moist environment. With a decrease in humidity to less than 50%, it is necessary to spray up to several times a day. Water should not be sprayed on the leaves, it is sprayed over them so that the droplets are very small.

In the presence of proper watering and evaporation of moisture from the pan, spraying is optional. The presence of an indoor air humidifier will help maintain the desired humidity indicator in the apartment.

Home Sitnik

  • Priming

Acid, light, quickly absorbed by moisture soil is suitable for the bog grass. Such mixtures are sold in a specialized store, well, land for aquatic plants is best suited.

  • Top dressing

Spiral junkus should be fed in the spring, when intensive growth occurs, and in the summer months with an interval of 2 weeks. You can use both complex and universal fertilizers.

Feeding stop at the onset of dormancy.

Helpful information!When using organics (mullein, droppings of poultry), the amount of substance taken is 2 times less than what is expected under standard use.

When and how it blooms

Fittonia - home care and reproduction

The plant is characterized by the appearance of greenish or brown inflorescences. Most often, one peduncle has one flower with two bracts.

The duration of flowering in the culture is not more than one day, and this happens once a year.



Money tree - home care and flowering

They do not carry out the shaping pruning, but if necessary, a number of procedures are still done:

  • Erect stems cut off spiral-shaped plants.
  • If there is a variegated variety in the house, such a crop needs to cut green stems.
  • Mandatory removal of dried branches or having damage is carried out.
  • Gently trimmed dried, yellow tips of the stems.

Having figured out how to care for the chinton, many owners of unusual marsh grass are thinking about how to propagate the plant.

How do weighty chinton breeds propagate?

Propagation in the culture occurs both vegetatively and by seeds. In the first case, the plant must be divided into several parts during transplantation, given that each share has 10 shoots that will diverge to the sides.

When choosing the second methodology, it is recommended to adhere to the following scheme:

  1. Planting of seed material is carried out to a depth of 1 cm, seeds need to be sprinkled with a small amount of earth.
  2. Spray the soil using a spray gun.
  3. To create a greenhouse effect, the pot is covered with glass or plastic wrap.
  4. Until the first leaves of the container with seeds appear, they are placed in a dark room.
  5. As soon as the leaves appear, you need to remove the film and make a pick of young plants.

Chitnik seeds


A spreading chintel is replanted if necessary (the crowding of the old pot), but experienced flower growers advise replanting the culture every 2-3 years to prevent the formation of putrefactive processes due to the large amount of moisture:

  1. An expanded clay layer is placed in a new pot, it will serve as a drainage.
  2. Soil is poured on top and a plant is planted, all the roots need to be carefully straightened so that they do not break.
  3. Mulch under the flower is recommended. Here you can use decorative soil or expanded clay. Such a layer reduces moisture loss.

Worth to know.When transplanting young plants, they are not buried, but planted at the same level as in the old tank.

Chinton transplant


Diseases and Pests

Neither diseases nor pests are terrible for the junkus, since the plant has good immunity. When harmful insects appear, they are sprayed using insecticides.

The branchy russet is a very interesting crop for growing at home. Subject to all the characteristics of cultivation, the plant will always delight its owner. And the culture has a useful meaning - it moisturizes the air in the house.


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