Rosa Pink Floyd (Pink Floyd) - characteristics of the variety


The decoration of any flower garden can rightfully be considered royal roses. Caring for them may seem like complicated beginner gardeners, however, minor difficulties more than pay off with the lush flowering of the extraordinarily beautiful flowers. The focus of this article is the amazing Pink Floyd variety.

Rose Pink Floyd

In 2004, Dutch breeders created a new variety of Ecuadorian roses and named it after the popular music group Pink Floyd. This name was the best match for the bright fuchsia flowers of the new hybrid tea variety.

The extraordinary beauty of the flower

Rosa Pink Floyd quickly gained fame among flower lovers. After all, it was well suited for both industrial cultivation and amateur breeding. The popularity came thanks to the buds with an ideal glass shape, consisting of 25-40 dense petals with a slight bend outward at the edges, as well as a delicate sweetish aroma that attracts and excites the imagination.

Interesting to know! The unusual smell of flowers persists even during prolonged transportation.

In height, the bushes reach up to one and a half meters, from one to three buds are formed on each shoot, located on a sturdy stem with glossy green leaves. The diameter of a blossoming bud varies from 7 to 10 centimeters.

A tender beauty blooms from June to October, but maybe longer, in the absence of frost.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the main advantages of this variety is its high frost resistance: if the temperature does not fall below -20 ° C, then the plant can not even be covered for the winter.

Other advantages are also impressive:

  • high resistance to many pests;
  • endurance in relation to high humidity;
  • long safety after trimming (up to two weeks);
  • unusual appearance, allowing you to make lush and "expensive" bouquets, even from several flowers.

Pink Floyd flowers will decorate any garden

The disadvantages of Pink Floyd roses are much smaller, to a greater extent they include the need for shelter for the winter in especially cold regions, as well as the whims of adequate lighting.

In landscape design, these flowers are used quite successfully, especially in the neighborhood with other varieties of roses in more pastel shades.

Important!When planting bushes, it is necessary to remember their size and leave enough space for their growth and development.

Outdoor flower cultivation

In the open ground, planting seedlings are planted, which can be purchased in a nursery or prepared independently from seeds or cuttings.

Hydrangea Pink Annabelle

The following algorithm of actions is suitable for growing from seeds: on a tissue substrate moistened with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, seeds are laid out in one layer, covered with a second piece of fabric and sent for a couple of months to the lower shelf of the refrigerator.

This structure must be periodically ventilated and moistened to prevent drying out. After germination, the seeds are planted in small individual pots - the soil is suitable for any flower, but it is better to choose a special one for roses.

Further plant growth should take place at a temperature of 18-20 degrees, with moderate watering.

Important! A temperature of less than 15 degrees of heat will cause the sprout to freeze, and above 25 degrees to dry.

Planting in open ground is carried out in spring, after warming the air temperature to +15 and after freezing, but before the buds begin to bloom on the plant. It is possible to plant more mature bushes in the fall, but taking into account the necessary 2-4 weeks for adaptation, which must pass before the onset of the first cold weather.

Location and soil selection

Pink Floyd rose loves long daylight hours and light shading in the afternoon, as well as good air access to all parts of the plant, but without drafts. It is best to avoid planting along fences and buildings, retreating from them at least 2-3 meters.

The most important soil requirement is its neutral acidity. Loam is the best option, but the right additives to other types of soil will help to grow and develop the plant. So, compost is added to heavy soils, and humus or clay to light soils.

So roses grow on plantations, subject to all conditions for growth

Landing action algorithm

Planting roses is not difficult:

  • a pit is prepared with a diameter of 60 cm and a depth of about 40-45 cm;
  • the distance between the bushes should be at least 50 cm;
  • all shoots and leaves are cut off on the bush;
  • the bush is lowered into the pit so that the base of root growth is deepened by a few centimeters;
  • the pit with the flower falls asleep, watering and fertilizing are carried out.

Important! Transplanting seedlings is carried out using the same technology in spring or autumn.

Plant care

Roses of this variety are distinguished by such quality as resistance to moisture, so they feel very comfortable and grow well in a fairly humid climate.

Hydrangea Pink Diamond - description

In the conditions of central Russia, such bushes need good watering: once a week during the flowering period and every 10 days in spring and autumn. At the same time, in fairly hot weather, watering at the rate of 20-25 liters of water per bush will be optimal. Lack of moisture will affect falling leaves.

After each irrigation, it is good to fertilize the soil with humus; stable fertilizing with mineral fertilizers with magnesium, potassium and phosphorus is also necessary. For the stage of active growth of the bush, optimal double feeding of nitrogen fertilizers is optimal. The best results appear when alternating mineral and organic fertilizing.

Important! Fertilizers are necessary during the entire period of growth and flowering - from spring to autumn.

The description says that pruning the plant is most relevant in the spring: in the first year of the flower’s life, 2-3 buds are removed, and in all subsequent ones, from 5 to 7.

If the bush is cut in the summer, then it will give a large number of shoots, which will negatively affect the appearance of the plant. Pruning before winter in areas with a winter temperature of -20 looks like removing wilted leaves, leaving fruit - pruning can serve as a reason for the growth of new shoots. To save the bush, they simply spud it.

If winter temperatures are expected to be colder with temperatures below -20, then in winter the bush is cut to a shoot height of 20-25 cm, sprinkled with grassroots peat or earth and covered with lapnik, plastic wrap or non-woven material.

The flowers of these bushes are an extraordinary sight.

Flowering roses

Hydrangea Pink Lady (Hydrangea Paniculata Pink Lady) - description

This variety of roses begins to bloom in June, and ends only in October, the rest of the time gaining strength. During flowering, stable top dressing and plentiful watering under the bush are important, after flowering the amount of fertilizer decreases, due to the imminent departure in the winter.

This type of roses can not bloom only for several reasons: with a lack of watering or an improper soil composition, as well as with a lack of lighting. It is not difficult to fix these problems by increasing watering or replanting a bush in a more suitable place.

Flower propagation

The plant propagates by cuttings during the entire flowering period: the main criterion is good mature buds on the shoot. To carry out the cuttings, it is necessary to remove the wilted bud, cutting to the first internode of the shoot. The lower edge is trimmed at a distance of three kidneys from the upper. All leaves, except for paired leaves, are removed from the cuttings, the lower edge is treated with a root growth stimulator.

Then the stem is installed in a moist substrate and covered with a film or glass, without contact with the plant for 2-4 weeks. Keep at a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees. After this time, the stalk should take root.

Diseases, pests and methods of control

The amazing qualities of the Pink Floyd cultivar make the flower virtually invulnerable to many types of pests, but it is impossible without them.

Important! Of the pests, the flower is most often attacked by circus plants, aphids and caterpillars - adults are collected manually, the affected areas are removed, and the plant is sprayed with pest solutions in the evening.

Among the diseases, powdery mildew and black spotting are not uncommon: the affected areas must be removed, and the plant should be treated with preparations containing copper or specialized solutions.

Roses Pink Floyd is a real decoration of any garden, flower garden and even home. Bouquets of these amazing flowers are able to please the eye for a long time and give an unusual aroma.


Watch the video: The Star In You. INGLOT. Creative Video (October 2024).