Fuchsia cultivation and care in the garden, in the open ground


Bright, flower-strewn fuchsia is the best decoration of any garden or country house. It is used for decorative purposes. In order for a plant to please its beauty, it is important to follow some rules of care and cultivation. Following the tips below will provide the flower with a healthy appearance and splendor.

Description of Fuchsia Garden Perennial

Fuchsia owes its name to a doctor from Germany, L. von Fuchs, who is considered the "father of botany."

The branches of fuchsia are distinguished by their flexibility, the tendency of the crown down.

What does a flower look like

The leaves have a bright green color, oval shape. Their length is approximately 5 cm. The ends are pointed, and the edges of the leaves have a serrated border. The stems have a light reddish color. Sometimes foliage also acquires such a shade.

The flowers of the plant are solitary, directed down. They have the shape of a bowl. Flowers are double, simple and semi-double. Their color varies: there are orange, purple, cream, white, pink, blue and purple.

Terry flowers

Flowering continues for a long period of time. Flowers at this time more and more rush down and by the end of flowering wilt.

Fuchsia - an annual or perennial plant

Fuchsia belongs to the genus of exotic perennial plants. But since it is a heat-loving flower, in the northern latitudes it is one of the annuals.

Fuchsia: cultivation and care in the garden at the cottage

Fuchsia on the street requires sufficient attention to the rules of cultivation and care. She needs regular plentiful watering. However, it is important to observe the measure, otherwise the roots of the plant will begin to rot. Watering is done 1-2 times a week in the morning. Between watering should periodically spray the leaves of the plant, since it needs constant hydration. It is important to cut away withered buds on time.

Can fuchsia be planted in open ground

Fuchsia ampelous - a description of the varieties, cultivation and care at home

For lovers of these flowers, the question often arises of whether it is possible to plant fuchsia in the garden in the open ground. The answer to this question is yes. Landing is made in late spring - early summer (May-June), when the air temperature in the street becomes quite high (about 20 ° C). The rules for planting and caring for fuchsia in the open ground are simple. It is important to pay attention that the root neck is lowered no more than 20 cm into the ground.

The plant grows rapidly and begins to bloom. The flowering period takes approximately 2.5 weeks. Before burying a flower in the cold season, it is better to give it the opportunity to survive the first frost. Thus, the plant is tempered.

Important! The plant needs to provide plenty of moisture.

How to plant fuchsia

To plant fuchsia in the garden at the cottage, fertile soil is required, weakly acidic or neutral (pH 6-7).

Fuchsia is a thermophilic plant. However, there are several hybrid varieties that are patient and resistant to cold climates.

It is better to give the plant plots in the garden without wind with adequate lighting. A slight shadow is acceptable.

Propagation of the plant by seed or vegetatively.

Planting a plant with a vegetative method of propagation is as follows. Woody shoots are selected. They are immersed in water or a liquid substrate. After 2 weeks, they have roots. Cuttings should be made approximately once every three years. This will update the plant.

If the first method of reproduction was preferred, then planting is carried out in the first two months of spring. For this, containers are used. Seeds are covered with earth, but not much (3-4 cm). Peat tablets are preferred: they allow transplanting without damage to the root system of the flower. Then watering is carried out, and the container is closed with polyethylene.

Important! The main thing is not to forget to leave a hole for air circulation. The air temperature in the room where the plant is stored should be 16-18 ° C. Once every two days it is necessary to water the ground with a small amount of water. Seeds will begin to grow in 3 weeks.


Planting seedlings is carried out in the soil, where there must be a drainage layer. After about 3 weeks, the plant is already adapting to new weather conditions and soil.

For your information! Some agricultural technicians also practice planting fuchsia in the garden with a pot. In autumn, it is much easier to dig out to cover the plant from frost.

Fuchsia bush

How to plant fuchsia bush? She plants in pots of one plant. Very large containers cannot be used, as the roots begin to rot. The small size of the pot is dangerous because the roots will begin to curl, which will interfere with the normal development of the plant.

Note! Before planting fuchsia in the garden, the soil is moistened, the roots of the plant are straightened and covered with a loose mixture. Then watering is done again. After planting the soil, it is better to cover the soil with a layer of peat. This will make the environment more acidic and retain moisture.

Fuchsia Shtambovaya

A bamboo peg and scissors are needed to plant a fuchsia stambova. The landing procedure is as follows:

  1. When the central shoot of the plant is strong enough, you can begin to form a standard tree. The bottom line is that the central stem begins to grow straight up. At the same time, not only its central focus is important, but also the lack of bending of the trunk. To do this, you need to tie the central apical shoot to the peg and remove all other shoots that appear on the side.
  2. A peg is driven into the ground, as close to the central stem as possible. Together they are tied with any soft material. You can use a satin ribbon. You should not cut off all the side shoots from the central stem at once. It is necessary to leave part of them so that the trunk grows in thickness. Also, you can not cut large leaves. They give the trunk strength during growth. It is necessary to prevent the flowering of fuchsia to give it a stronger.
  3. The following sizes of the stem are considered optimal: 105 cm in height and 75 cm in diameter of the crown. There are also sizes equal to half the standard size (75 cm in height, crown diameter 45 cm) or a quarter (height 45 cm and crown diameter 25 cm).
  4. When the plant reaches the selected height, you need to pinch the top of the shoot.
  5. After that, balanced fertilizer is applied.
  6. Then begins the formation of the stem. Any shape can be chosen (umbrella, spherical, triangular, etc.). A good shtamb will turn out if you cut it horizontally, make a split in the middle and plant.
  7. After this, cuttings are prepared. An oblique cut is made on them, on the reverse side - horizontal.
  8. The handle is inserted into the cleavage of the stem. A transparent tape made of polyethylene is tightly applied to the place of their connection.
  9. Until the end of the season, the crown is formed.

Fuchsia ampelous: cultivation in the garden

Caucasian loquat - outdoor cultivation in the garden

Fuchsia ampelous is also a street plant, performs a decorative function. It is best to plant it in the garden in pots or hanging baskets. Ceramics are not recommended.

Note! Do not plant the plant in pots of black color, because in the summer they attract the rays of the sun, which will cause the plant to overheat.

Wire baskets are best suited. They should be filled with peat moss and add perlite and vermiculite. This will retain moisture, which will reduce the amount of irrigation needed for plant growth. The mixture must be soaked with water before being placed in the basket.

Fuchsia is short-lived: over time, it begins to grow up and undergoes lignification. Therefore, old plants should be periodically replaced with young bushes that are grown from cuttings.

Houses for the winter

In winter, gardeners usually look after fuchsia at home, moving it from the garden. The flower is placed in a room provided with light and heat. However, if there is no such possibility, then a stalk is cut from the main plant, from which roots begin to grow in the future. They should be kept in clay pots pre-filled with vermiculite. After 3 weeks, the development of a new root system will begin, and fuchsia can be transplanted into the soil. Keep the plant on a well-lit windowsill. Before planting in the garden, it is important not to forget to harden the flowers.

How to feed fuchsia in spring

Saxifrage - planting and care in the open ground, in the garden, at home

Fuchsia can be fed in the spring with any fertilizer developed specifically for this plant. You can also use those that are prepared for all flowering species. Complex fertilizers are also suitable.

Important! Fertilizers should not contain nitrogen in large quantities.

Feeding should be done once a week.

Fuchsia Fertilizer

Fuchsia garden perennial favorably responds to regular fertilizer. However, with early feeding, you should be careful. It is better for a flower to absorb nutrients from the soil.

Among organic fertilizers, it suits her:

  • Fertimix. The basis of the drug is biohumus, which contributes to giving the leaves and flowers a healthy and bright color. The formation of tight buds is also provided. You can use the fertilizer once every 2 weeks. For 1 liter of pure water, 20 ml of Fertimix is ​​used.
  • Peat Oxidate. Used every day for foliar feeding and nutrition of leaves. Also favorably affects the formation of shoots.
  • Bone flour. Loosening the soil after fertilizing is not necessary. Used 1 tbsp. spoon on one flower pot.
  • You can also use mullein or horse manure once every 2-3 weeks, wood ash and humus.

How to feed fuchsia for abundant flowering

Abundant flowering of fuchsia will be ensured by using phosphorus and potassium for feeding (preparations of Kemir, plantafol, crystallon). They contribute to the formation of a large number of buds with a bright, rich color and regular shape.

Feeding is best done 2-5 times a week, but in small portions.

Important! Feeding a sick plant is strictly prohibited.

Fuchsia on the balcony: growing and care

Fuchsia does not survive heat and lack of moisture in the air. The flowers become small from this, and sometimes the buds do not open at all.

The plant does not tolerate the scorching sun, although morning rays are good for the flower. From noon to evening, it is recommended to place fuchsia at partial shade. Best plant balconies on the east and north sides.


Fuchsia on the balcony is placed in a cache-pot so that it does not overheat under the scorching sun. To do this, use blinds or curtains. You can try to place the flower so that the sun falls on the foliage and buds and does not affect the roots. To do this, it is suspended from the wall.

With a lack of light and heat, it is necessary to provide the plant with phytolamps or simple fluorescent lamps.

Fuchsia is poorly related to constant movement during flowering. A plant can simply drop all buds.

Important! Fuchsia needs a draft and airing.

When can I take fuchsia to the street?

Fuchsia loves heat, but does not tolerate heat. You can take it outside with the onset of summer heat. The temperature should be approximately 20 ° C. Moderate temperatures, humidity and ambient light - the key to proper cultivation and care on the street for fuchsia.

Fuchsia in the garden is either transplanted into the ground, or remains to stand in a pot. A place is selected that is sufficiently lit, protected from direct sunlight and strong winds.

Important! Before you take fuchsia to the street in the summer, it is important not to forget to temper it. To do this, it is periodically carried out to fresh air for a short time.

Outdoor temperature

There should not be an increase in air temperature above 25 ° C for normal fuchsia growth and bud formation. High temperature is dangerous because the leaves and flowers will begin to fade, and the plant will completely throw them away. The risk of developing diseases is also increased.

The minimum temperature threshold is 5-8 ° C. In the cold season, flower development is suspended until the onset of heat.

Fuchsia is a garden flowering plant, unpretentious, but it will have to pay some attention, saving from the scorching rays of the sun and lack of moisture in the summer. It is important not to forget that fuchsia is one of the exotic plants intended for cultivation in an area with a warm climate. In winter, flowers growing in the garden must be covered so that they do not die. Before returning to fresh air, be sure to temper fuchsia. Flowers respond perfectly to dressing, delighting gardeners with their bright and rich colors and lush forms.


Watch the video: How to Transplant Plants from Pot to Ground (September 2024).